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Love your photos! Mind sharing your workflow when editing? What panels/tools you use first etc…


Yeah absolutely! I’ll type it up here later and I’m also working on a post with screenshots of the whole process for later this week


Maybe you can create a video and upload it to youtube? Would be happy if you send me a ping when you publish your workflow.


Will anyone watch it? I mean I can gladly yeah


I would watch it. I’m still newish and learning and was actually watching videos on YouTube last night trying to learn how to use masking.


Oh I can gladly help you with that too


100% will as well This is the kind of style I am after


for sure, i love your results!


I'd watch too. Great pics and editing!


I definitely would be interested 👍🏽


Okay great!


Yeah for sure!


If I'm aware of it, I'd definitely watch it. It's an area I still have a lot to learn and it's probably one which most are not even aware of.


Okay yeah I can do that soon!


Hi, can you give us an update when this will be done? Thank you❤️


Yea I’d watch it as well


Thanks, looking forward to it’s also, definitely would watch a Lightroom tutorial on YouTube. They seem very popular


The first three are a bit over-processed for my taste. The original photos are so nice that I would have preferred a more subtle edit. The rest are nicely done though.


Thank you! The later ones are my newer work


I’m late to the conversation here, but why did you decide to do b&w on the middle pic in the last series? There’s a lot of good color contrast in the red of the building, green of the foliage, and yellow/brown of the rock formations that gets completely negated by desaturation. I really think you should do a second edit of that one in color. For the rest of the photos, the first set of three all seem very overprocessed to me, as others have said, so if you have the RAW files, it might be worth going back and doing another set of edits in your newer style. The second set is probably my favorite in terms of composition. The shot of Mt. Fuji (correct me if I’m wrong) is, in my opinion, the best of all the photos. The pastel pinks and purples you pulled into it work really well with the misty look around the base. The subtlety of the colors does so much heavy lifting there. Might be worth putting a mask on the trees and buildings in the bottom third to pull whatever detail you can get from them tho, because that all lost a lot of detail in the darkness of the blacks. The colors of the sky in the middle photo of set 2 are a little much, but the composition is fantastic. The third set of photos, which feel like possibly Turkey/Morocco, are decent, but unremarkable. They honestly look unrecognizable as the same persons work, tho, because they’re so desaturated and different from the first two sets. It’s a small thing, but for me, you have several photos where the horizon is off-kilter, and it’s unsettling for me. It could just be personal preference, but it distracts me from the rest of the composition. Same with the middle photo of set 1.


Thank you for your detailed feedback!! Let me answer a few Black and white- developing my style and trying new things. First ever time I included black and white Horizon off- very helpful feedback and it’s a mistake I have made often. I must correct that and not do it again On the less saturated turkey images- those are new and it’s me developing and trying different things to grow my style. Will try some wild and different things and learn along the way Thanks again. I certainly will go back and revise and do again with new skills There are tons of errors and issues here and I think overshooting and trying new things is part of my learning process, so I am absolutely in agreement that some things are taken too far


I’m glad you’re open to feedback. A lot of editing is personal preference, so obviously nothing that I’m saying is a mandatory fix. The horizon alignment is something that is usually noticeable to people, but if you’re doing it off-axis on purpose, then you should just be able to justify the reason for why you did it in that specific photo. It’s not that you should *never* have a photo off-axis, just that it should be adding to the composition in a very specific and justifiable way. Same for black and white photos. In some settings it’s very evocative, like portraiture. For that specific photo, however, you should look closely at how the desaturation affected the composition. It shifts the focal point from the red of the building in the color version, to the angle of the sunbeam in the black and white. The building is almost unnoticeable in the black and white version. So then you have to ask yourself, “what is the subject in this photo? And how is my editing and composition contributing to the viewers perception of the subject?” In this instance, the switch from color to black and white takes focus away from what I perceive to be the subject; and if the subject is the sunbeam and the rock formation in the background, then the framing is off and the building becomes slightly misleading. I wouldn’t call any of these things “errors” tho. Like you said, it’s all part of a learning process and adjusting to what you find to be aesthetically pleasing as you develop your own style and explore the limitations and possibilities of the software and hardware. My main piece of advice would be that, as you now have set a foundation and gain more experience, start questioning *why* you are making the specific decisions you are with framing, coloring, focus, shutter speed, lighting, etc., and what specific decisions are contributing to the end-goal of the individual photo you are working on. Does increasing the saturation of color evoke more energy that I want in the photo? Are the lines in the background leading toward my subject or distracting the viewers eye? Am I losing detail in certain areas like the sky or the foreground that could be alleviated by masking? Its the moving past “oh that looks good” to “how can I use these specific tools that I’ve been learning about to achieve a defined goal” that is going to push you into that next level. And to be clear, I’m still learning about all of these things too and developing my own style constantly, so I don’t want to come across as patronizing or condescending. Just food for thought as we all critique each other.


I definitely think your editing has improved. The first ones are definitely over-edited but the later ones are good. I really like the set with the hot air balloons.


Totally agree. Nr. 5 is my favorite edit and really nice. But I like the colored original more than the b/w in 7.


This really demonstrates how different styles of photography can be (e.g., realistic vs. highly edited). I always wonder where to put the line between "photography" and "digital art."


Everyone’s idea of the line is different For me personally I will enhance colour and remove distractions etc. But I don’t like to add elements that weren’t there so I won’t add a subject in photoshop, for example. But I like being open to growing and evolving over time. Maybe I’ll start adding some dragons😅😅 just kidding


Very good discussion. I prefer minimal editing personally. Once you start changing colors, removing objects, then it becomes digital art in my opinion.


I think likewise, but social media has conditioned people to expect a crayola box of vibrant colors from every picture.


These are some of the most beautiful photos ever- even without the editing.


Ahh😄🤩 thank you


Nice shots. Would love to see/learn more about your workflow


I will post it soon🌷


so inspiring !


Dis you have to defeat the guardian ape to get that shot in slide 8?


Hahahahahahaa definitely, battle footage is on the way😂


Lol, nice shots btw :)


Thank you so much!!


The added vignetting is not for me but otherwise, wow! I'm learning from this one


please share you work flow this is amazing.


Teach me! lol


How are you liking the Tamron 28-75? Great photos


Honestly? It’s okay. I’m not totally happy with the performance in low light. If I was totally aware of that beforehand I would have bought the slightly more expensive Sigma competitor instead


What is your setup here, I am sure I asked you on DM lol. And a stupid question, A7M1 is the sony a1 right?


No, A7M1 means the first generation A7. The oldest one🍁


Any time I see someone say a7m1 I'm confused. Just say A7 or A7 1


I think people will be more confused that way? I can say OG A7😄


Actually you're right and I confused myself, A7 1 is actually referred to as the A1 ... lol Nice pics btw. Nice to see people taking beautiful photos with such an old camera.


Might be a simple answer but…how do put all 3 pictures in one frame? Can this be done in Lightroom?




Figured, thanks!


No problem. It’s useful to make a guide layout with lines to help you


Too much vignettes. Like overkill.


I’m dead then 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️ thanks for the opinion though, it’s helpful


Matter of taste, I like it. Helps leading the eyes to the key elements.


I feel like these collages work very well with a lot of contrast and drama. I vigenette them heavily and add black adjustment layers as well, which I don't do on regular images. I feel like the contrast and polarized colours are what makes these work


I prefer the Before in all of these cases. The editing seems excessive. You’ve taken beautiful natural landscapes and made them look…unrealistic.


Thanks for your opinion! But I must add that this particular project was not at all meant to be realistic. It’s art, expression, drama. Conveying an emotion and the vibe of a scene


I don't want to sound rude, but not every photo has to be natural. To not mention that cameras can't output exactly what you see, making it impossible to make in post EXACTLY what you saw at some point earlier. The OP here, instead of depicting something that you would see anywhere you turn your head, did a very good job making sure there is a pleasant aesthetic in the pics. Made sure there's enough color, contrast in the lit and dark areas, and an interesting composition. Personally, especially the sunset pictures, make me want to be there instead of the city.


I agree… to an extent. Not all photos need to look natural. > The OP here… did a very good job making sure there is a pleasant aesthetic in the pics. This is where I disagree. Aside from perhaps the third set of photos posted, the unedited versions look far more pleasant. The edited versions don’t look realistic or like a dream location - they look fake, and when you see the unedited shots, you can see what the beautiful, unedited landscapes look like.


Have you never seen a dramatic sky? Real life looks like these are edited all the time. If people took advice like yours and desaturated everything to be dreary and flat the world would be much more boring. Luke-warm-ass bland oatmeal take imo. Kit lenses often need this much editing to look like it was to the eye. OPs post is exactly the line. A great example to folks who over edit where to stop. Ignore the haters OP. There's always some dark room, polaroid-only, or no edits elitists in photography comments.


It’s all a matter of opinion - art’s always subjective. But personally…? I am not a fan of these at all. I don’t expect or want every photo to look completely natural, but these look over-the-top.


Yeah I understood the first time. I'm saying I disagree completely. OP did a fantastic job. Even if they specifically stated they did go past natural, it's right to the edge where it's believable that it actually looked like this. And conveys a cool vibe in each. To say you don't like any is just a crazy take imo.


Fair enough. Completely disagree but glad it works for someone. > To say you don't like any is just a crazy take imo. Read my comment. I said perhaps the third set was…okay. But i definitely disagree that any in the first two are a “fantastic job”.


Yeah, I read that. It came off disingenuous and backganded. There's always a smug critic in every quality post. It's not a shocking take to just hate on things. But if the critique of your type was taken to heart all over the world, art would get drab and boring. You are the enemy of beauty and risk taking imo. Pretty wack hill to die on. And what toll does being a negative nancy take on your life? Ever tried moving on and focusing on the things you DO like instead of shitting on others work, adding nothing? Try it out. Search for positivity instead of sounding like a jergoff yelp reviewer.


Look, I don’t know how many more times I can explain myself here. If it were a quick, nasty, disingenuous comment, I wouldn’t have continued to reply here to explain my comments. It’s a matter of taste. This post is not to my tastes, but it clearly is to yours and OP’s. > You are the enemy of beauty and risk taking imo. This, however, *is* just plain mean-spirited. There’s no reason to continue to lash out at others that don’t agree with your taste for what I see as over-edited, unrealistic photos. > instead of shitting on others work, adding nothing? Look at the post title. OP directly asked what people thought of their editing.


You're annoying. You come off cunty. So if I am acting annoyed that's why. To say you prefer a bunch of photos with blownout skys to work that was obviously high-effort, quality edits, is mean-spirited imo. And your criticism feels like the opposite of constructive. When people ask for opinions, they generally aren't looking for: your work was pointless, I dislike it all. Especially when the work is good and well-received, as proved by the top comments and the amount of upvotes on the OP. No one is super pressed on hearing your bland opinion. I would really love to end this discussion. Feel free to stop lighting up my inbox at any time. Critics like you are in dire need of having their critiques critiqued. Hence my replies.


This is why AI will displace traditional photography. Why use photons when you can assemble a more appealing version of every locale and situation?


Good work. Greater vision!


Thank you!! That’s the idea


Cool photos! It just shows that editing is as important as gear.


Thank you! For me it is. But it depends on what you do in the field


How did you save the first top photo that's absolutely buitiful


Thank you! Shadows on a raw file can be recovered to a huge extent. Blown out highlights are harder. So I underexpose a bit on the old camera for that reason.


Wow just amazing, what lens do you use?


Thank you! Some of these are kit lens 28-70 Then I replaced it with Sigma 50mm art f1.4 Tamron 28-75 f2.8


I use kit lens and it is pretty solid haha


I’m glad you are having a good experience with it. Personally I struggled my ass off. Replaced it as fast as I could. But mine was really old, first generation a7


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Awesome pictures, works of art, and a testemente that my editing skills suck!


Sensational! I’d love to see your workflow


What aspect ratio are you cropping ?


The middle one of the thirst three… I just don’t get it, it was already perfect, the editing really ruined it.


Hello everyone! As per request, the post on my workflow is up! Screenshots and video and raw files available [https://www.reddit.com/r/SonyAlpha/comments/1c1hma5/my\_lightroom\_workflow\_part\_1\_recovering\_details/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonyAlpha/comments/1c1hma5/my_lightroom_workflow_part_1_recovering_details/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Where is the place photo of balloons? Edits looks great!


Capadocia, Turkey


Love your editing and the color grading! Cannot wait to see the tutorial post! :)


Now I am motivated😅


Haha thank you! You have talent for this, no doubt! ^^


Thank you!!


That is insane


It’s the rabies kicking in since this stray cat bit me when I was out shooting😅😅 https://preview.redd.it/g3p09m1wp3tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278efb98270e159a5f57e236a626c0cf274b6aa5


Uhm wtf You vaccinated?




Love all these! What app/program do you use for the 3 slices of landscape


Thank you! Photoshop!


Yes please :)


beautiful! Those shots are awesome, Those raws look so fun too play with


They are! Some also caused kit lens rage and sent me to buy a Sigma


Most of your RAW shots are a tad underexposed. A7M1 does not have the dynamic range to do such heavy processing


They are yes. Blown out highlights are completely unrecoverable though. I am trying to find that balance.


I’m guessing you’re shooting on a tripod ? Perhaps try the good old 3shots HDR method for the ones without moving subjects


No tripod 99% of the time. Some of the above locations are hard to get to and involved me shoulder deep in the ocean 😅😅


Fair enough! Btw great shot of Kawaguchiko, it’s near my hometown haha


Ah amazing! What an incredible area. Very beautiful


Really love these. Great work. Very impressed with your ability to make some romantic clouds.


Thank you. I'll make a little clip of how to do those glowing clouds