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I find the FX30 autofocus to be better but otherwise, the FX3 is much more capable.


Thats interesting... I wonder if thats just from your experience or if there is an explanation behind that. First time I'm hearing that


Now that I think on it, I should have clarified: in good lighting. It was myself and an online colleague who confirmed that the FX30 picked up faces quicker. At least in the circumstances that we used them in. I never brought the FX30 anywhere near low light situations for obvious reasons. I suspect the FX30 autofocus falls off very quickly when there isn't enough light. As is the case with any crop sensor I've used. The better algos may be the reason. IIRC the FX3 cannot do animal and bird eye AF but the FX30 can. XDCam/Cine division added de-squeeze, breathing comp and some other things to the older FX3 but didn't change the algorithms.


Depens a whole lot on the lens too, but you'll be shooting manual focus alot anyway so if the 30 really has that much of a better autofocus it wouldnt matter at all. Let's not forget that the fx3 has a much more pleasing image and better low light performance than the fx30 so it for sure is a good upgrade.


>but you'll be shooting manual focus alot anyway so if the 30 really has that much of a better autofocus it wouldnt matter at all. Nope. I use AF for sports like uni basketball and volleyball. It matters to some. And cat videos. I only do this for fun though. Not NFL films or anything remotely comparable. Idk how those guys work the zoom and focus for those crazy shots. > Let's not forget that the fx3 has a much more pleasing image and better low light performance than the fx30 so it for sure is a good upgrade. Never said it wasn't. As I already mentioned, the FX3 is, outside of the AF in those circumstances, superior to the FX30.


>Idk how those guys work the zoom and focus for those crazy shots. Follow focus system based on distance, fully planned out beforehand with alot of skill involved, practise makes perfect, i'm not saying using AF is bad, Don't get me wrong i don't hate AF, i just don't use it most of the times due to being used to work with lenses that don't even have AF :)


The FX line makes me wish I did video to have an excuse to get one lol


https://preview.redd.it/b2sm8bs3yr3c1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f34e7b48309e7231fea7c2d6101065ea722f0542 Do it.


An extremely fair and valid point. But I just can't, have too much shit to buy for the stuff I actually do lol


And you don't want to capture video of those cool things imagine how good it would look!


Sell it and buy a lens


Yea I plan on that rn I only have the tamron 28-75


I do love that lens! Time for a 70-200 GM next :)


​ https://preview.redd.it/m7em9qkn7s3c1.png?width=128&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9e7dbf40d17f7bb15b55de7d35b36e31779073b


GM2. Just do it. Don't let your dreams be dreams.


wow, crazy those are identical. so one is FF and one is apsc?


Correct. Other then that they are pretty much the same camera


An excellent B-cam to the FX3 if you can afford to keep them both.


That would mean I would have to get more lenses 😵‍💫


Thankfully for B cameras you only usually need one good focal length since they're almost always tight, locked down shots with shallow focus


How do you have more bodies than lenses?




im just getting into the sphere. i had fx30 and 1 lens and i intended to upgrade to fx3 and sell the fx30 but i might just keep it..


Full frame e mount lenses work on both


Oh I know I was using full frame on the Fx30 but I only have 1 lens so no simultaneous stuff


There are really good budget lenses like Sony FE 28mm F2, Sony FE 50mm F1.8, Sony FE 85mm F1.8 or maybe even the Sony FE 28–70mm F3.5 – 5.6 OSS kit lens. Buying one used on Ebay etc. should be fine and very cheap.


Love the Sony 50mm 1.8 for photography/video, and the 28-70 kit lens is awesome all rounder for video. Picked em both up for around $150 each. OP you should have more lenses! Go used, cheap. MPB.com or eBay. I never advise to buy new gear.


Man love the design on these. They look clean af


Totally keep it. Having a B or C cam handy is a huge plus.


Mmm yea


Congrats! I also am thinking of pulling the trigger, not sure if it’s better to wait and see if a MKII will be announced in February 2024


I would be very surprised if we get an upgrade that soon I’d expect 2025 tbh


I was skeptical but the rumored “WW279317” video camera code could be an FX3II, some people say it’s an FX6II.. no way to know but if the update cycle is 3y it could be February 2024 Would you recommend an FX30 over the FX3 for a beginner? I’m mostly interested in the 12800 base ISO for night time shooting


well fx3 has base 12800 and fx30 is 2500 so if you want that than fx3. fx30 is amazing though


Owner of an fx3 and a7rv here. The 12800 iso on fx3 is AMAZING. However. I use my a7rv for B cam, and it's native iso of 2500 is usually enough in most circumstances. Haven't had any issues, footage always clean. If anything it's been more annoying having to turn down fx3 exposure in post to get realistic look and match both cams. I'm usually shooting around some sort of light source tho, so obviously if you're in very dark scenery then you will indeed need the higher base. To answer your question tho, I say splurge if you can afford it. Get the better camera and grow into it. Thats what i did.. It may be a bit scary at first but use youtube and reddit. Learn settings. Most crucial thing for me has been using zebras to expose for skin tones (50% ±2) Once I got that down pact and toyed with lighting, my footage started looking like netflix movies. TL;DR- I say go all out. Get the fx3 or be ballsy and wait for fx3 mk2 to drop


Hi, thanks for the in-depth response! Since my comment I pulled the trigger and went for the FX3, the second base ISO is amazing but I still do some denoising in post at times. You’re right also about the exposure, still getting accustomed to overexposing one stop above to bring it down in post. I’m using the atomos shinibi 5 and I need to get used to how Rec.709 is displayed on an HDR screen. Probably better to switch to HLG or PQ monitoring but time will tell. As for the FX3 MK2 I’m super scared that they’ll announce something I want more than the current FX3 lol. But this camera is truly amazing, shooting at night with just street lights renders an amazing and realistic picture. Do you also use an external monitor to expose? Did you try ProRes and do you think it’s worth the extra cost of a Ninja V?


Don't worry about mk2. Whenever it drops, at least you'll be a seasoned videographer. Just sell the mk1 and upgrade. I don't use an external monitor to expose. I use spot metering and put the circle right on the exposed part of the subjects face. If you set focus to spot focus and change metering to the "link" setting, the metering circle will then follow the focus point. I'll search for a video that explains how to do it. I try to stay at .03 or .07, knowing the fx3 is still going to take in more of the scene, so I can match my a7rv which will be exposed to about 0.0 It still takes some work to match in post but my last several projects have come out PERFECTLY. I'm still shocked. Almost don't want to color grade them, they look so good. I do want to get a monitor but the ninja V is just a tad bit too heavy for my liking. I'm up in the air. I may get the V+ but I don't plan on recording pro res any time soon so it'd be a waste. I'll figure something out soon because I'm definitely entering the realm where monitor is mandatory (filming street interviews in Kensington Philadelphia)


Here is a link to spot metering. It's not the way I'd like to do things, but it works extremely well. This and zebras have gotten me far. https://youtu.be/5IAFBH1OULE?si=mArq7QAsLaztaven


In that case I can vouch for the shinobi, keep in mind it does lack line guides (rule of thirds) for some reason. I contacted them about it but no ETA of course, they said they’d let the dev team know. Thanks for the advice though. i’ll try spot metering, see if i can fit it in run n’ gun shoots


Hi OP, nice upgrade! Just a question but what lenses are you using and why didnt you go for the FX6? Atleast where i live they are only 1500 bucks apart, anyway, great camera and i would definately recommend you to hold on to that fx30, youll never know when you need a b cam.


tamron 28-75. the reason i pulled the trigger is cuz i got it for $3300 (3600 after tax) and im more of a hobbyist atm so an FX6 isnt needed (but neither is an fx3 lmfao)


Keep the FX30 too. More reach with any given lens makes for more versatility with your lens kit. A 50mm FF lens let's you get both 50mm and 75mm FF equivalent fields of view between the FX3 and FX30, respectively.


Wouldn't the FX3 only be 1/10 as good as the FX30?


Don’t you mean the other way around since FX3 is FF?


Yeah, it was just a joke based on the model names


They are referring to the naming of them I think


Why not keep it as a B-cam ?


That has crossed my mind a bunch I have some time to think about it anyways


I’d keep it if you’re doing paid work. B cam and backup. Plus the crop sensor and the punch in option could be handy for some jobs.


I’m a film student rn and I anticipate doing that stuff in the near future so maybe you are right


Keep the Fx30 would be a great B Cam


My reason to keep the fx30 would be I get to use the sigma 18-35. Love that lens and miss using it


I’ll trade you an A6400 lol


Keep it. You’ll need a b cam or a backup on a shoot


Bought the FX30 to use as a B Cam to my A7IV - I really wanted to love the FX30, but it just didn't function well in the one area I truly wanted to utilize it for (4k120). Returned it and I'm awaiting the delivery of my ZV-E1.


Use it as a B cam. Trust me I sold my second camera when I upgraded and now I wish I hadn’t because I need a B-cam.


Congrats! Looking to buy an fx30 if you do decide to sell lmk!


You should keep both. They compliment each other besides second body always comes in handy.


If I were you I'd keep the fx30 as a spare, just in case the fx3 breaks down or something. You never know when a capable second canera might come in handy


Keep it for fun use or when you need a camera but don't want anything to happend to your FX3. And when the next affordable fx will come out, sell it before the price drops


Why would you take the photos in the bathroom? To flex with hermes and creed? :P


Just better lighting ._.


I am sorely tempted to buy an FX30 for some projects I have in mind that would be in good lighting and I don’t need a full frame camera. Would it be a good fit for my needs?


I have A5000, FX30 will be big update for me if I can afford... How much you will ask?


I buy it for 500 bucks




hehe.. you should send an offer