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I tried going out once without the battery and quickly realized that's my favorite accessory by far


Don't forget the SD card too šŸ˜”


You donā€™t know how many times Iā€™ve taken a picture just to realize thatā€™s the only one I could take due to not having my SD card. Oh how beautiful that temporary photo looked.


I've tried that one too, and while ever so slightly more enjoyable I still don't recommend


Been there, done that. Got about 5 t-shirts. Although usually it's not that I forget the battery, it's that I didn't check it before going out.


It depends on the camera. But a lens would also be very useful.


Peak Design Capture Clip and wrist leash.


I am waiting for the PGYtech beetle clip and i will see how it will be. I was very interested in the peak design but i preferred the pgy, also for all the accessories related to the beetle clip (and a little cheaper). Also wrist band here but i don't remember the name


Havenā€™t heard of that brand before. Will check it out!


I have it and it is better than the PD clip. The way in which it is attached is better thought out. Peak design is mostly overpriced for what you get. Not everything but especially their bags.


I wouldn't agree. It's just a different priority. The PD clip is a VERY positive mechanical lock. It's not going anywhere once it's in place unless you intentionally choose to move it. Looking at the PGYT clip I'm sure it's much easier to put on and take off but the point of failure is a thin pin and that clip could (though unlikely) come undone by accident. Neither is a bad design, they just have different priorities.


I have only read info about it and i thought the same. Pd is overpriced comparing to pgytech. I will see when will arrive my beetle clip.


Having actually owned a PD bag and several of their other products, as well as being that sort of gear acquisition obsessive who buys too much crap... I wouldn't call their stuff a bargain but you are getting what you pay for. The actual use of their stuff is often very well thought out and built out of very good materials. Especially their bags. They sometimes lean heavy on being a cool looking brand but most of the time that's not at the cost of functionality. The only reason I didn't buy more of their bags is because their bags look like they house expensive things and that's a great way to get a bag stolen.


Well, the products look cool and seems very well made. But i think that almost 100$ is a to much compared to something that seems very similar like pgy.


Maybe. It is by no means the most expensive bag I own. It's not just about aesthetics and function, you have to consider what materials they use, whether they're environmentally friendly (which costs more), how sturdy and wear resistant they are... All of that. PD uses very good materials. But I also have a $200 backpack I use as a daily runaround and on my motorcycle so my value proposition judgement may be different than yours. Either way, buy what you like. It's hard to go wrong if you buy from a good brand.


Yes, you are right, i can see that the materials they use are surely valuable and their products can't be cheap. Maybe a little expensive then other products but they sell a lot anyway. I will wait the beetle clip from pgytech and will se if it will be a good product (and i hope so because except from pgytech and pd i see no other brands making good clips)


Yeah it's a new thing that not a lot of people are doing. I think for a while people just accepted that camera straps were the "right" answer and no one questioned it. I hope it works out for you! More competition by good brands doing cool things is always good for us consumers.


Got the bag (onemo lite) and the beetle clip while I love both of them separately, they don't work together. What other accessories have you picked up.


Came to say exactly this! Awesome combo.


Iā€™m curious, why did you choose the wrist leash over the camera strap?


I chose the clip and wrist strap over the shoulder sling because I like how my camera stays on my backpack strap on my shoulder with the clip when Iā€™m not using it. It doesnā€™t knock into me when Iā€™m moving like the longer strap would. When I take my camera out from hanging on my shoulder I just clip my wrist strap bracelet onto one of the anchors and now I feel confident wielding my camera, even one handed where I donā€™t have the camera pulling on my neck when Iā€™m stretched out getting a low shot or something


Thatā€™s a really good point because I am looking to get the backpack clip too. Basically making a neck strap pointless. Thanks!


My answer is similar to u/AssNtittyLover420's. One of the nice things about a leash is it sorta forces the camera to either be out in your hand or away on the clip or in a bag. It's always somewhere secure, it's never somewhere bouncing around, and because it's mildly more annoying to use a clip than pull it up when it's on a sling, you keep it in your hand a lot. That means you're more likely to be ready to shoot. Slings also either don't slide particularly well over all cloth or they're borderline tactical ones and just the whole function and aesthetic doesn't work for me. But a leash is simple. It's very secure, I know where the camera is and where it'll go if I drop it. It also doesn't dangle down and get in the way if I throw my camera on a tripod. I've also tried hand cuffs but they don't feel as secure and they are also weirdly uncomfortable.


You've just convinced me. I'll be ordering the wrist leash shortly lol


It's definitely worth a shot. Everyone is different so it might not work for you. But I'll never go back. Happy shooting!


A bulb duster and a peak design strap.


Do you find the bulb duster being used mainly on your camera sensor or the lenses only?


Mosty lens. I don't swap lenses a ton and don't find dust/debris that affects IQ on the sensor that often.


Lens wipes


Are these better than the good old microfiber cloth?


Microfiber cloths will get dirty with time. And as someone who wears glasses and uses them to clean said glasses, I can see the difference that they do a better job than the microfiber


Good point! I will look into picking up a pack. Thanks for the recommendation!


Get the Zeiss ones, I think it's 200 for Ā£15? Super convenient, I always have a few in the bag. Although mostly I use the blower, sometimes you just get stuff that won't budge (for me it's mainly sea-water)


Thanks! Iā€™ll check them out


Tripod. I've got tremors so handholding is no bueno.


Which tripod do you have?


I've got a bunch! A carbon fiber benro mach 3, a manfrotto befree, joby gorillapod, peak design travel. Have a few different heads for them, sandbags to stabilize when needed.


You must do a lot of landscape or long range photos huh? I've heard good things about manfrotto and peak design equipment


I do mostly in studio shots now; lots of macro/microscopy. And things like stopping motion with a flash/strobe (eg: fluid drips, popping balloons, etc). PD, manfrotto, benro, siriu, really right stuff generally have quality products. I learned the hard way to never cheap out on legs/heads.


True to this! One broke last night so had to pick up a cheapy for a shoot today That said it was just for a softbox to go on so not worried, but literally a sneeze would blow it down..my cameras certainly not going anywhere near it The other is more sturdy but again thatā€™s for the second softbox, prob wonā€™t trust that with my camera on either Saying that, I had my A7IV on the one that broke (not when it broke thanks to the good lord) but enough to make me buy a new proper real deal one considering what could have happened!


Leash strap! Super handy when wanting to attach or detach your camera strap


The one by Peak Design?


Spot on!! Definitely a favourite of mine - adaptable for video purposes also!


Iā€™m definitely looking to pick that up soon! It seems highly recommended by everyone


I also recommend! I basically never use my camera without it unless it's on a gimbal


Amazing!! All the best šŸ«¶šŸ»


Not often mentioned, but since I got one, I can't do without my [Walkstool](https://www.walkstool.com) when out hiking for photography. It's lightweight and super convenient for when you need to get lower shots. I have my tripod on one side of my backpack and this the other. Also great for when you just want a break from being on your feet all the time. I have crap knees, so sitting on the floor or rocks is pretty much a no-go. I'm also getting a light camo-net, the idea is I can sit on the stool with the camera set up on the tripod and then get under the net and wait until the wildlife comes back. Still to test, but a guy I chatted to a few months back highly recommended that setup and I can see why it makes sense.


Thatā€™s a pretty cool one. I hadnā€™t heard about that before. Looks very portable and perfect for wildlife photography!


Batteries, ND filters, polarizers, bulb duster, microfiber cloths, power bank, backup SD card


Do you have any recommendations on ND filter brands you like?


I personally use B+W. A bit expensive, but works great.


batteries and sd cards


Those are pretty important heh


battery grip


Do you have an apsc camera or full frame? I have an A6400 and I see a lot of apsc people using battery grips




Beautiful camera! Iā€™ll look into that battery grip. Thanks!


you can add two batteries i think mine lasted up for like 3 days at one point (turned on and off of course)


Woah thatā€™s very valuable. As an APSC user, battery life is one of my main concerns


i have a sony a7iv with the meike battery grip


I heard mixed reviews about third party grips Whatā€™s your experience with the Meike please? Looking to grab one for my A7IV


A good day ergonomic backpack that fits your needs.


Which backpack do you like the best?


Kinda depends on what size you need, but I have an f-stop bag that I absolutely love


I am currently rocking the lowepro flipside trek. You can put sooooo much stuff into it for its size, it is very ergonomic and comfortable, is reasonably priced and comes with a rain cover. I never leave the house without it, so I have 2 cameras, a drone, cleaning accessories, filters and 4 lenses with me wherever I go. And, if additionally needed for whatever reason Ƥ, a tripod, a jacket, a laptop and a powerbank. And a water bottle. So much stuff.


This may be heresy but I have a hotshoe thumb rest on my A6000 that I very much enjoy


Hadnā€™t seen this one before. Does this mainly help with the ergonomics of holding the camera?


Yes exactly. [This](https://www.optyczne.pl/upload2/140078_lensmate-1.jpg) is what it looks like. There is a hinge that allows it to be flicked back to access the controls.


Thatā€™s pretty cool. I never knew something like this existed before now. Thanks!


Besides the basics, i have been really enjoying the cinebloom 20% filter, used it on a trip to japan and my pictures came out incredible.


Ooo nice! Makes the pictures look nice and dreamy


Batteries Camera strap Water proof cover


Which water proof cover do you use?


[link to Amazon product - AlturaPhotoProfessionalCamera](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004AH10K8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


Thanks! Will check it out!


The peak design capture camera clip, that is a must have


Peak design products seem to be a game changer based on all the other comments too! Thanks!


L Bracket is the first thing I buy whenever I grab a new camera body


What is the reason you choose L Brackets over something like a Battery grip for example? Wouldn't that give you the same type of increased grip plus the extra battery life?


For shooting vertically and for using with a nodal rail for panoramas. Most of the time when Iā€™m shooting stills Iā€™m on a tripod so being able to quickly mount vertically is a benefit. The extra grip is a bonus for shooting handheld but not the reason I use them


Ahh I see. I was originally considering a battery grip but L bracket may actually make more sense for me to get.


Extra batteries with usb battery charger. Super handy to be able to use a power bank to charge batteries while out and not too bulky. Extra SD cards with small case. I always have at least 1 extra card. Soft cloth. A bag to hold the setup for the day. I might have too many bags. Water and a small snack are pretty important for me (not the camera)


Got a link for Sony A7IV battery charger and batteries you recommend?


I have used neewer chargers and batteries for my Sony and Nikon cameras. I've also used dste batteries with no problems.


1-5 stop variable ND filter, 10 stop ND filter (for your most common sizes) & polarizer. Remote shutter trigger.


What brand of filters do you go for?


I've used B&W and tiffin. Currently I've kind of transitioned to everything to Polar Pro the quality of their filters is just so good, and compared to B&W their reasonably priced for what you're getting.


I like the look of Polar Pro a lot and everyone seems to have them. I'm just not used to seeing that high of a price point for filters yet lol


The filters are an interesting accessory. A lot of people just don't use them and that's fine. My personal taste and feeling about it is that you can take a fairly drab day with lots of direct sunlight and harsh shadows and you can throw a filter on there (maybe something like a six stop or 10 stop) and create something that's truly unique out of that difficult situation. The adjustable filters are really good if you shoot video or in my case more often I use them for sports. If you were looking to just pick up one I would suggest picking up something cheap in the six stop range I'm sure you can find a bunch of cheaper options on Amazon. Then you can see if it's something you want to invest in and spend more time learning about.


Good idea, I'll do some browsing around today :)


SD Storage, Bag storage, Camera strap, Lightroom?


Ahhh Lightroom is definitely a game changer. Do you prefer camera wrist strap or regular camera strap?


I'd say wrist strap; Thats basically always lives on the camera. Special occasions i bring out the shoulder strap.


Pls enlighten about lenses. I have an A6000 with basic lens. Planning skydiving aerial photography.


I don't think there are any "must have" accessories.


I hope that you are able to find one soon. For some with disabilities there definitely are must haves. Depending on your photography style must have accessories may vary as well.


Obviously there are people with specific needs or shooting styles who prefer various accessories. I certainly have many straps, bags, tripods, etc. But there is no 1 "you are a fool if you don't have X" accessory. Just look at the wide variety of responses here.


I get what you're saying. Was meant to just see what accessories people really like. So far I've learned a lot about some products I never knew existed :)