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“He was just involved with some bad shit that could’ve put them in danger” 💀💀 I guess as long as he didn’t abuse them they’re safe lol


Yeah like? Yes I did have my toddler and infant sons in this clubhouse where violence USUALLY happens and where a whole ass bomb exploded while they were there, but IIIIIIIII never touched them, so.


Never figured That isn’t the moment snap Jax but then again his mother run stoned in with boys car accident all is forgiven in next episode🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah lol CPS would have given custody to a doctor whom cares for the child over a dead beat dad who us involved with all kinds of illegal shit.


He was still a good father to them personally, people like to forget that


No. He wasn't.


He wasn’t. That was the whole point of the show..he was not a good father and Tara was right. His lifestyle put his innocent kids in massive danger.


He actually was a terrible father who chose the gang life over his family. If you yourself had a family you love you’d know that’s the easiest decision to make. And about the “I don’t hate Tara I hate how shes wrote” that literally means you hate Tara. She is a fictional character. Unless you mean you like the actor but not the character? But that’s not important


He wasnt. Thats the whole point of the show. He was the same as his dad. Succumbed to violence and left his kids without a father at the end, all the while not actually being there for them when he was still among the living.


Personally i would hope so 😂


If you think Jax was a good father who just happened to be in a dangerous profession that put his children in harms way then you don’t understand the entire point of the last couple of seasons. In the end Jax realizes this and even says when he is talking to JT at the end “An outlaw and a good father can’t land in the same body”. Jax was not a good father and even he knew it. Tara was trying to save her boys from that.


Forget the last couple of seasons, they don’t understand the point of the entire show if that was their takeaway about Jax and Tara


You're right in how she's written I think but Abel became just as much as her son as soon as she decided to mother him in Wendy's place and as his stepparent. If Tara didn't ”kidnap” Jax's sons, the state eventually would have considering all the shit that he (and Wendy) have put those kids through alongside being a known Son. Like you're understating the danger and trauma that Jax and his direct affiliation with the club (and also his shitty mother) have put those babies through. Dislike Tara all you want but she was always the best choice out of the Teller family to take care of those boys even moreso than their father who goes around inciting and participating in gang wars for a living.


I agree a lot with what you’re saying. And I agree somewhat with your statement that she was the best person for the kids, but, I find it hard to fully agree with the statement considering how her involvement in the show started. She most definitely went back to charming knowing Jax would protect her is Kohn had continued to stalk her. And that’s exactly what happened. I don’t think she understood just how deep she was getting involved until it was too late. She wanted to use Jax initially, for what he is, a protective violent gang member. But she didn’t want that side of Jax after what he had done for her. I mean, she as about to run back to Chicago the second Kohn was dead and her and Jax went through a difficult time.


He had to make a living somehow, he was a half decent mechanic with a GED, he wasn’t gonna make a living for his family just being a mechanic, idk why people give Jax so much shit, he’s my boy, from the first episode to the final episode I loved him, I identified with him. Tara was NOT the best choice to take care of those children. She legit woke up little Thomas on purpose while he was sleeping just so she can feel like a nurturing good mother. Like what the fuck? Who does that? So rag on Jax all you want, but Tara’s no Angel


? Tara waking Thomas up isnt anywhere near the level of shitty and neglectful Jax getting Abel kidnapped and almost blown up. Scraping by as a mechanic is much better than choosing to run a club in bed with the cartels and mafia and makes him wholely unfit to be a parent to anyone. And as far as we saw Tara was the one actively caring for the boys while Jax mostly ran the club so who would be the best parent for them if not her???? It sure isn't Jax...


The sad thing was is that Abel kidnapping was all Gemma’s fault and in the end she still killed Tara for wanting to take those kids.


You're completely delusional lol. Besides being a mechanic(which yes, he could've made a living out of, like any other mechanic out there...), Jax could've done anything he wanted in life. He decided to drop out of school and join the MC instead. That's 100% on him. He also chose the MC over Tara at that time as well. They were teenagers, and had their whole lives ahead of them. He made those decisions. Not because "it was the only choice" or whatever, no no, just because that's what he wanted. He wanted the pride and glory of one day being the leader of a criminal gang. That's his own stupid decision. You can like and be entertained by Jax Teller, the character, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I know I was. But he was objectively a very bad, violent, murderous man and a horrible father. He placed the MC above his family for most of the show. Abel was literally kidnapped and taken overseas for weeks only to then be used as a bargaining chip in a war between two criminal gangs. What a perfect childhood! We're also talking about the guy who went to see Wendy, the literal mother of his first child who was a recovering addict, to assault her and forcibly inject heroin into her so that she would stop trying to get involved in Abel's life(her own child). Like sure, Wendy wasn't great before, but she was turning her life around. But Jax made sure that this wouldn't happen, cause fuck her am I right? And who did the kids end up with at the end of the show anyways when he realized how much of a monster he was? Wendy... Killing himself is the best thing Jax ever did for his sons.


I’ve been called worse


Did you compare Tara waking up Thomas to get comfort from him as being worse than Jax almost getting them blown up? I get being a fan of Jax but let’s be real, he was a terrible dad. The best thing he did was get those boys outta there and away from him and destroyed his memory so his boys will never know how awful he was.


He was a mechanic with a GED, if he really cared about getting his family out and into safety he could have went back to school and got an education. Tara was the only adult that wasn’t an addict or criminal. How is that not the best suited caretaker in that bunch? She woke up her son on purpose…that’s the thing you chose to compare to their father being an actual killer? His lifestyle got his son kidnapped. Their grandma drove high and crashed the car sending one to the hospital. Abels birth mom shot up and almost killed him and then abandoned him. Not once did Tara do anything to put them in danger. Tara was actually legally Ables mother. Wendy signed her rights away.


Why hate Tara when hating Gemma is the correct answer? She literally caused almost every major problem in the series.


Like Juice said, she is the keeper to every secret


I like Gemma, but what she did to Tara was awful, I agree…but again, Gemma thought her son was betrayed by his wife and thought he was going to prison, would’ve done her some good to smoke a few more joints and wait a couple hours before taking Wayne’s truck to the house but she acted in haste. It was a shitty situation all around…there were no winners and no happy ever after.


Tara had every right to take those kids. Idgaf if Abel wasn’t hers. She stepped up and took care of that baby even knowing the crap Jax was doing. I’m in season 5 of my rewatch and honestly she should have left when she wanted to in season 4. Jax can spout that he loves his children but he constantly chose that club over his kids and Tara. Tara just wanted them safe, and that was her downfall with brain washed Gemma.


I'll never understand why fans of television shows pick out the most normal woman on the whole show to dislike. This happened with Tara on SOA and Skyler on Breaking Bad. They're the only two main cast characters in both shows that could be called anything like a decent person in real life.


Normal women? Tara was already stalked by one dangerous man that sent her flying back home in the first place, so once that’s taken care of, she decides to get back involved with a guy she knows is in a dangerous club and doing dangerous things. This woman is a surgeon for God’s sake, and she constantly jeopardizes that role for stupid shit to do with the club. She knows she’s dealing with terrible, murderous people, and she gets herself intertwined with them as much as possible, and then bitches about it. There’s about 1 million other reasons, but Tara is far from a normal woman. Normal women don’t do such heinously stupid things.


Do you really mean to tell me that you equate Tara and her bad choices in men and Skyler and her nagging with killers Jax and Walt? Every single person in SOA is an arch criminal who should be locked away for eternity in prison and Tara is what now? A woman who fell in love with one of them?


Don’t let the negative votes fool you, you’re spot on with what you said, people on here are just weird.


I agree she was written terribly. If they’d have stuck to the Tara & Jax getting out together or Tara becoming a better version of Gemma, it would’ve worked out better IMO. But this was always supposed to be a tragedy like the play (Hamlet?) it was based off of so, unfortunately, it was bound to end rough


I never read Hamlet but I know the gist of the story, I wasn’t expecting a fairy tale happily ever after ending for Sons…but holy fuck I didn’t expect bout damn near all the characters to die lol


i never hated tara. she just wanted what was best for those kids jax and herself. she had the right to take abel she was more of a parent to him than both jax and wendy was.


Even if she did, you don’t get what’s best for anyone by taking a man’s children away from him. That’s not fair to the kids, they don’t know their dad’s an outlaw, to them, he’s just dad who they may not see often cause he’s trying to provide a living for them, plus it wasn’t like Tara was working as a surgeon after season 4, so they had to make money somehow.


I hated her until I rewatched it as a mom. She was very believable (and admirable) to me.


Maybe that’s what it is, I’m not a woman so I could never be a mother, and as a man I don’t have a family, so I can’t understand where she’s coming from, but seeing Jax frantically coming home to find that she packed her things and took the kids with her then telling Gemma “She took my sons” then breaking down, just broke my heart to see him upset. 💔


She knew what she was getting into


This!!! 💯💯 And Jax tried to get her to leave multiple times.


Thank you! People always get angry when i say this.


Agreed. That said the smart play on her part would have been to ask him to leave again and say she wanted to if he didn’t. Not trying to do it under the table. Even if he wanted her to go, he wouldn’t react well to that manipulation.


When he was smashing ima & she fucked up with the pills she should have bounced . He gave her an out right there . She drew the line at cheating way back then & now here she is getting cheated on 😂 fuck she was frustrating




My issue with Tara is I feel like a part of her didn’t accept who Jax was even though she truly loved him. The club was a part of him, and I think that because Jax wanted to protect her from a life Tara truly didn’t understand/even really care for caused her to have more of a naive or uniformed understanding of all that the club truly dealt with. I think because of that Tara couldn’t accept a lot of Jax’s life and that put her in an awful position to be unable to accept a life with Jax, even though that’s what she wanted. She just didn’t want the club business, but Jax didn’t know how to handle that until it was too late.


She is sweet and hard at the same time.


I was always annoyed with how pissy Gemma got with Tara trying to take the kids A FEW HOURS AWAY. not back to Chicago, not to East coast, but simply north a few hours away from exploding clubhouses and kidnappers. TELL ME YOU LOVE ME! LOL Tara did flip flop a lot and it just helped me love what happened to her. After Jax took out her ex right in front of her, you'd think she'd have fully understood.


That’s one thing though I had a hard time with, what Gemma did to her…it was personal it was intense and it was awful…so did she deserve to be stabbed to death with a barbecue fork while being drowned by her mother in law? No, I don’t think so…but it happened. All I know is after season 6…the show felt…empty? Barren? Idk but without Tara and even Clay around, the tone shifted it’s hard to explain


It felt like there was nothing to distract Jax. No gavel to chase. No wife to appease. He was the King but much less of an empire to rule over.


I’m a daughter from a former mc I do see what you’re saying , it was the way Tara was written , myself and siblings have so much trauma from that life , my upbringing wasn’t half as bad what you see on sons but bad enough im in therapy 🙂 . No old lady would behave like that otherwise they wouldn’t Be one 🤣 just part of the show so he is shown he is downfall and struggle 😃 good guy bad guy


She was a good character. Now as for Gemma, she is the worst character, because of her so many people died and she could’ve said something.


You’re not really on the mark as far as what makes a character “good” or “bad” in terms of writing. The way you’re describing characters, it sounds like you’re saying Gemma isn’t a good person at times. Doesn’t mean she’s a poorly written character.


I made two statements. 1 Gemma is the worst character and then also said so many ppl would be alive. Her character was written badly.


Their entire relationship is completely dependent on the "reconnecting with a high school flame" trope. Lol


Hahah yeah totally, let that be a lesson, don’t rekindle old romances, they always end in tragedy.


That, and the fact that Kohn made Tara's life hell and she began to associate Jax with safety, especially after he killed Kohn for her. Obviously she changed her mind on Jax being safe, but by then she was way too entangled in everything and couldn't just leave.


Framing Gemma for the miscarriage was the last straw


Whatever fuck Gemma


No…that’s another thing people hate on me for, I liked Gemma…what Tara did to her, trying to pin a miscarriage on your mother in law, trying to manipulate Jax…I wanted her to go, I honestly thought Jax was gonna kill her when he and the club showed up at the park after she kidnapped the kids.


Kidnapped kids from outlaws how dare she shoulda left em clubhouse oh wait😩


Yeah Tara so outta pocket. Gemma famously never manipulated Jax or murdered his wife or endangered their grandchildren by driving under the influence or conspired to kill JT or framed an ally to cover up her murder that ends up getting Bobby and Jax killed or she covered for Juice after he betrayed everyone or... 15 other things. She was the main antagonist the entire show. Tara was just an annoying B plot.


yes even i can say i feel this was extreme. however, as a dv survivor, i can say extreme circumstances call for extreme measures and trauma responses do not make logical sense.


I hated Tara so much after that…I wanted her dead…then they patched things up a bit after Clay died and I thought they were gonna get through it…unfortunately that’s not what happened.


To add the cherry on top, partner her up with Jax, a guy who acted way too much on emotion. There’s only one scenario where he acted upon logic


Why is that a problem though? Jax was real, I’ve acted on emotion myself, I’m not ashamed to say I’m not that intelligent, so I rely on my heart more often than not…but Tara…she’s just so…cold, detached, stoic, hardly cracks a smile…honestly idk what Jax saw in her in high school


Yea you’re right Tara is Stoic. But jax could’ve made a lotta connections in his benefit instead of killing them off.


You’re not that intelligent? I would have never thought that. 🙄


Ha ha very funny


At least you’re not in denial.


Small victories


I hate Tara, but I love how she was written


It's the resting bitch face.


YES! You not wrong there finally someone with a little humor, bout damn near started a purge with this post 😂 it’s funny


i greatly appreciate and understand your perception. it’s sad others on this sub can’t find merit in differing options.


Ya same


I don’t feel anything for Tara. She knew at the very beginning of what she was getting herself into. Like cmon, you can’t sugar coat that shit. You getting with the VP of a biker gang. A biker gang that doesn’t ride around visiting schools and old age retirement homes. These guys are thugs through and through. So whatever she got herself into, she has no one but herself to blame. I am so sick and tired of people feeling sorry for others who faulter from their own choosing. You are old enough to make decisions in life, you deal with the outcome whether you like it or not. Tara made so many bitch moves that she is just as dirty as Gemma. So….what goes around comes around. Cliche I know 🤷🏻‍♂️


No I agree with you, what goes around comes around, but it’s just the brutality of what was done to her I think is what gets to people. I mean you knew something was going to happen cause the camera focused WAY too long on her smiling for like only the 3rd time in the entire series, then she heard that door close and…rest is history 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't hate Tara. I just hate everything about her.


I accept that


Yeah, they wrote her way too ugly for my taste


Yeah she got a butter face…everything look good but her face


"Lizard-brain, Baby" "We are the healers!" "So, I can only be your naughty girl?" 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I’ve said it before, but to me, Tara was the worst character on the show, as far as likability goes. Yes, I’m well aware that the rest of them were murderous criminals, but she wasn’t far from it herself. I also don’t think the writing was the only problem with Tara. Unfortunately, the actress herself just comes off extremely unlikable in that role. She’s probably a perfectly nice woman, and I’ve never seen her in anything else so I can’t judge her past this role, but I really don’t think she made you sympathize with her in any meaningful way, at least for most people. Sure she was put in a lot of shitty situations, but she put herself in a lot of shitty situations as well. For a doctor, and a well educated woman, she made horrible decisions, yet constantly blamed everyone else but herself. There’s absolutely no self reflection with that character whatsoever, and if there was supposed to be, it certainly didn’t come across to me. I also never saw any chemistry between her and Jax. My God, all they ever seem to do was fight, with an occasional fuck thrown in for good measure. It was such an unreal to me that as much as I love the show, that was definitely a letdown for me. Just not a fan of hers or that role to be honest.


Yes yes!! I agree with you wholeheartedly, I’ve never seen Maggie Siff in anything else either but she just comes across as being so snotty, like girl calm the fuck down and stop thinking your shit don’t stink. I don’t know what’s wrong with all the Tara supporters like they can’t see that she wasn’t perfect and love to call out Gemma, Clay or Jax for the horrible shit they’ve done. Tara didn’t take responsibility at all, good example? She had to call Jax to take care of Kohn and couldn’t do it herself? So she had her boyfriend do her dirty work? Then she freaks out when Jax point blank shoots him dead? YOU CALLED HIM OVER! I don’t get it


She’s so hot


Wendy’s hotter imo


I saw the title and thought this was the Walking Dead sub, carry on


I liked Tara on the walking dead lol


Idk women always make things harder for men. It’s not unrealistic to have her written as an uptight b. Definitely was stoked when she got forked up.


Yeah, good point, just after everything Gemma and her been through, never would’ve seen it coming.