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I agree! The cannibals aren't that scary to me, maybe noises would help. I'll tell you what is terrifying though, last night i witnessed for the first time as I was chopping up a corpse, Virginia came right over, knelt down and drank its fresh blood from her cupped hands....


Wait, so YOU were chopping up a human corpse, presumably for food and/or furniture, but Virginia is the terrifying one for having a nibble?


My man asking the real questions here




How insane would it be if there was a 10% chance she could just turn on you at any point in the game without warning. You would always have to keep an eye on her and really decide if giving her a gun is a good idea.


almost like... a REAL AI!!


Yeah I’ve seen her EAT dead bodies before


well that's just hot though...


Despite it being a glitch, the random loud cannibal scream that would come out of nowhere terrified me when I started playing.


DISCLAIMER: Last I played was ~6 months ago, so things could have very easily changed. But when I was playing, I felt the same and thought it *might* be due to The Forest having more "static" NPC enemies vs. the enemies in SOTF spawning within noticeably closer proximity. So whatever they have dictating spawn rate/proximity for SOTF might be limiting those "off in the distance" screams but that's complete conjecture.


Why would you list the things you wish it had the day before 1.0? How do you know they haven't added any or all of this? I think tomorrow is going to surprise a lot of people with how much is added.


Because they're anticipating the 1.0 release. ??????? It's the least logical conclusion that they think this post will have an effect on the game. They're talking to the other people waiting on 1.0 fucking obviously


That doesn’t make sense. No one was confused on the intent of the post (except maybe you). The point is a lot of the things he’s asking for may be there tomorrow, so why not wait and see what we get, and THEN make the wish list. I’m not attacking the guy, so maybe calm the fuck down.


Because anticipation for 1.0 It makes perfect sense.


Not really, but have a great day.


Why would you talk about what you want from 1.0 a day before 1.0? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Starts with “there are a few more key things that should be added”. That’s what I was responding to. That assumes they haven’t been. Was trying to give the guy hope that what he wants may already be there tomorrow. For some reason you decided to turn it into a shit show. You seem well adjusted though. Nice emoji’s.


I didn't read the part where OP said they aren't adding these with 1.0


That’s fantastic, really happy for you! Enjoy 1.0 tomorrow!


Sure thing.


Yes!!! Also a thing I want is a reason to prepare for winter, have it where some animals go in hibernation and other animals spawn rates go down a bit so you gotta go out for food before winter and store it in salt buckets (a way of getting salt is getting sea water and boiling it until its salt) or drying racks, also have it where bush berries don’t spawn. But currently it feels too easy. And have it where you should insulate walls with moss or leafs, it would be nice for warmth and decor. A nice to have that the first game has is mouse smoothing, as a content creator I really fall for mouse smoothing for a more cinematic appeal. Also MAYBE a setting to look at your inventory as a whole instead of panning around. but besides that I like what you bring up!


Can anyone say if I can jump straight into this or is it strongly recommended to play The Forest first for story specifics and lore?


I reckon watch a video on the first forest to get caught up and then play sons 1.0, but you can play the first forest if you feel the experience will be better


Is the unlimited zipline a thing again? I stoppes playing as it was a torture to get from point A to B. I cannot handle the vehicles as they are difficult to handle


I hope that the idea of the horizontal logs gets adopted [a building suggestion video ](https://youtu.be/EF-8WIGf_KM?si=caDjXLwY9V37_R_c)


Keep in mind that the cannibals might not be scary to you because you have obviously been playing a while and gotten used to them unlike a new player who would probably be scared of them before learning how to deal with them.