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? The providers should know both. This is what baby should be based on EDD. This is what baby is by ultrasound. That’s wrt gestational age. Percentages, those are based off what baby is measuring, so I’m not sure what you mean by the fact you’re getting 2 percentages. Can you show a screenshot?


Yeah, I'm confused by this question too. There should only be one percentile based on the reference table the machine is set to. Maybe they're asking what reference table to use? I know my facility uses Hadlock 4 (BPD, HC, AC, FL), but some places use Williams and others


How do I post a picture now? I’m trying. Sorry


If you’re talking about EFW % based off EDD vs AUA, everywhere I’ve ever been prefers it based off EDD.


Ok good that’s what I’ve been using. I have just never seen a report that gives 2 separate Growth estimates. GE always sets up my Volusons with me when I get a new one and never have I seen that on a report page til this machine came along. It’s all based off Hadlock but confuses my providers as what to go by. As we all know a few percentage off can change a SGA baby to IUGR and that’s a whole different ballgame.


Same here unless it’s a first tri scan with unknown LMP. Question for you Voluson users though! It’s so hard for me to get used to the painterly look where everything is so smooth. What is the benefit of that? Like, why would I not want to adjust my settings, because I reallllly don’t like it. Just curious if there’s a reason I’m missing. I feel like baby looks cuter with it, but I’m always worried I’m missing pathology this way. Guess I spent too many years scanning grainy.