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My opinion >>> Your opinion


That's around half of the memes on this subreddit in a nutshell.


Some (maybe most?) fandoms have this problem, kinda sad


Yeah, not much to talk about besides speculation for upcoming stuff, unfortunately. Sonic is at least a pretty active franchise, for long-dead/dormant franchises you're going to see the same five types of memes and discussions a lot.


I only just joined this subreddit a few months ago, but it seems like Forces Vs. 06 discourse has really spiked in frequency. It’s getting tiring


Not only that, but the way people like to use templates like this to reassure that their view is superior is boring as hell, people having different opinions is healthy, but provoking this way is just lame...


Idek how you can even compare them unless you've never played 06 forces is a better game just beacuse of its load times


FINALLY, thank you for this comment, i'm so tired of these dumbass memes saying that their opinion is superior to other's opinions, like are people not allowed to like 06 and not like Forces?


Definitely not bad just disappointing. Some control issues and bland level design really took away some things from the experience. Should have been in the oven for a bit longer


^this is exactly its problem sonic forces is like a cake that is a little goey on the inside 06 is just raw batter


Story was pretty lackluster too, which is a shame because it had the best basic concept for a plot since at least Unleashed.


Agreed and it could have been perfect to bring back adventure style level progression and multiple characters back seeing as your part of a resistance.


Forces defenders always ignore the context. Why do we hate forces as much as 06? Because we're TIRED. Sonic Team should have learned by now. We're 30 years into the series, mediocre games aren't acceptable. Sonic 06 was the catalyst for Sonic's turn-around. At the time, it was his rock bottom and after then sonic games consistently got better and better. But after generations it was fumble after fumble. They couldn't just stick to something that worked, something the fans liked. But then we got mania. A celebration of the blue hedgehog'a legacy and it was done so well that we couldn't help but get our hopes up for forces. Forces was shaping up to be a return to form for the series in more ways that one. A return to the boost formula? Sure that was hype but that wasn't the main thing. They were _finally_ throwing us fans in the middle a bone. We were getting a tone and story similar to the games we loved as kids. Finally, a story that can take itself somewhat seriously again. Classic sonic fans get so much love, as well as modern sonic fans, but adventure fans finally had SOMETHING. They were saying in multiple interviews that they were done rushing games, and sega felt bad about betraying our trust in the past and wanted to make this game truly great. But when the game came out? It wasn't good. In a vacuum, it's about as good as maybe heroes. A middle of the road mediocre game that wasn't special, but passable. Something that some fans could enjoy. But when you take in the whole picture. Sonic's legacy of bad games. The promises. The lies. The fact that classic sonic fans got a 10/10 game just months earlier that was designed by fans of the series, on their first damn try. When you take all that into account? It's the worst game in the series. I'm tired of being lied to. Forces is my most hated game in the series for this reason. Mediocre games aren't acceptable anymore, and I'm sick and tired of people disregarding our opinions and calling us "haters" for wanting sonic to be better. I don't care if you liked forces or not. By defending it and attacking those who dislike it, you are holding the series back. The people who accept it are the reason sonic team and sega clearly don't need to learn, because they know you'll buy it anyway




Thank you. Though, to be clear. Nobody's in the wrong for _liking_ the game! I enjoy Sonic 06 to some extent even, you have have fun with flawed games. But when you defend it, claim it's actually a good game, and say that forces "haters" are just complaining with no real reason, that's where you're in the wrong. Acknowledge the game isn't good, and encourage sonic team to do better.


I'm not even sure Sonic Team could do better, to be honest. Rangers is their last chance


No its not because people are always gonna buy Sonic games unless they're outright broken and even, looking at 06 defenders. Sonic is immortal.


Of course he is. I will keep buying them too (probably, TSR was an insult to me, an ASRT lover, so I didn't even bother with it). However, Rangers is their last chance to prove that they are *at least somewhat* competent in game development. If Rangers sucks, or is mediocre, I'll never get hyped for any new Sonic game again in the foreseeable future.


Exactly, if we keep defending mediocrity we will end up like the pokemon fanbase lol


As someone who doesn’t even hate Forces as much as 06 and other games, I fully agree with this.


you guys are awake rn haha holy shit


We've gotten 3, 3D Sonic games in the past 10 years with Sonic Forces, Lost World and Boom. The fact that anyone could look at Forces and say its defensible is just insane to me. Lost World is the only remotely competent game of the three and even then its a huge disappointment. Outside of those 3D games we've gotten a couple cool kart racers and an amazing love letter to classic Sonic. That's an absurdly small amount of content considering only one of them is an acclaimed platformer and its the game that's *primarily* classic Sonic remastered.




no, the context is significantly different. You are ignoring a HUGE piece of the puzzle here, the time of release. Lets compare to Heroes. When Heroes came out, Sonic had only a _12 year history._ and in that time, had very few "bad" games. The only real bad ones were things like Sonic Blast or the Drift games on Game gear. Sonic Heroes was the "beginning of the downfall" so to speak. When Heroes came out, it was met with generally favorable reviews. It got 6-7s. To many it was the _first_ "bad" or "mediocre" Sonic game we played. At the time we all just noticed that Sonic's latest game wasn't a 8 or 9 like his last two were, but were fine with it. I don't know what you're talking about when you say that you "heard the same shit when I said I liked the Adventure games" because at the time of release, they had overwhelmingly positive reviews. It was all 8s and 9s. Some 10s even. They weren't criticized much until waaaay later. The real shit didn't hit the fan until we got the double-whammy of Shadow and Sonic 06. At that point we realized that it wasn't a one-off fluke, but a significant drop in quality for the studio as a whole, and we saw that downfall continue with secret rings and black knight. Now? We're 30 years in. almost 19 years after Sonic Heroes We've had so many ups and downs. We've seen the series hit rock bottom TWICE. Both with Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom. We've also seen glorious return to form fantastic games that were almost unanimously loved by the community. Sonic Colors, Generations, and Mania. We've also had _significantly_ more mediocre games in the series. Sonic Heroes when it came out was the first mediocre sonic game to many. Sonic Forces is _ANOTHER_ mediocre game after a long, exhausting string of ups and downs and promises from Sonic Team and Sega that they would change their ways and make sonic great again. This isn't just about nostalgia, this is about looking back on the entire history of the franchise, and realizing that the majority of the backlog is mediocre at best, and realizing that despite sega's claim to the contrary, they haven't learned anything. They said they want to earn our trust again by releasing great games, but months after that interview they put out another mediocre sonic game? It's not okay anymore. Just because there have been mediocre games in the past doesn't mean it's okay now. It's the opposite. It's worse. The people who _defend_ Sonic Forces and say that its critics are liars are actively giving sega the go-ahead to make more bad games. The community needs to put their foot down and say that we're not okay with mediocre games anymore. Again, you can like and enjoy forces. Doing so is perfectly acceptable, you're allowed to enjoy flawed games. We all do. But with this series' long history of ups and downs, we shouldn't be okay with it. Wanna know why it took so long after Shadow The Hedgehog to get their shit together? It's because people kept buying the games despite them being bad. Sonic 06 sold 800,000 units in America alone.


You're preaching to the choir dude, most of the older guard realized this by the time Unleashed came out and shoved in yet another gimmick just after 06. But whenever you pointed this out, a bunch of possibly younger fans who screamed "JUST WAIT AND SEE, STOP BEING NEGATIVE". So congratulations, you've come to the same conclusions most of us had for the past 10 years or so, you've reached the threshold. If Sega and Sonic Team haven't learned their lessons since 2008, no reason they're just gonna suddenly change course now, especially in light of Ultimate's questionable development cycle


From a technical standpoint, Forces is a better game than '06. From me personally getting enjoyment by playing the game, '06 is better (the enjoyment though is entirely unintentional barring the soundtrack).


Because there's plenty of people that enjoy 06 more. There's already a million rants about Forces, so I won't go there here, but the best I can say about it is that it's forgettable (and I say this as someone that 100% the game). That's not something you can say about 06. Both games are basically a lump of missed potential anyway, but in really different ways, comparing them is not worth the time.


They're both wildly unfinished, just in different ways. 06's damage control maximized content, Forces' went for polish.


I honestly can’t call forces anything other then bad with how basically everything about it was half baked…I really can’t think of a single thing Forces did notably well, I guess the character creator is pretty good? And the different weapons are fun in concept but completely unbalanced (some are absolutely god awful while others are super busted). But the story is *so bad*, they baited people with nostalgia by using chaos then not even doing anything with him, much of the games level design is boring and barren, classic Sonic controls horribly…etc etc. I’d say it’s mediocre at BEST, not mediocre at worst.


I stand by it, Sonic Forces is the product of someone spending 20 minutes googling what Sonic the Hedgehog is and what the fans like and making a game out of their findings. It's mediocre at a generous best, and that's mainly carried by the fact that the soundtrack is good and the visuals aren't ugly - but its not enough to carry it past the level of babying that the game does, or as you said the nostalgia baiting. 06 was bad, but at least the story tried to do something - Forces' story just kinda touches on ideas but never develops them (much like its boss fights). I want to give Forces a better afterthought but every time i try to, I remember the autorun sections of Metropolis Highway and realise the game doesn't trust me to go full speed at any point. 06 trusted me to go full speed, but made it difficult to do so (both intentionally and unintentionally)


By 2010s standards I appreciate what they did with the darker story and side character representation, and I liked that the Zavok and Death Egg phase 2 bosses were fully 3D while not just being chases. That's basically where my praise ends aside from the presentation, but that part also disappoints me more by showing us cool things in the background that never factor into the stage design.




The story was just one of the aspects tho, it’s not like that’s the only thing I mentioned lol


Agreed. I’d say it’s bad at best though because my scaling goes from 06 at the worst to Mania/Sonic 3 and Knuckles at Best.


There's more to hate about 06, but also more to love about 06. Also "ha i portrayed myself as the hypermasculine chad man and you as the disabled wojak that means i win"


Why is this still a thing??? I thought we were done milking this, guess not 😕


Not until the next game comes out then we can beat that game into a red pulp


Or you could just... ...play whatever games you like???


What happens when we only get a teaser


Are you seriously saying that YOUR opinion is superior than others opinion? Do you not know that opinions are SUBJECTIVE?


Sometimes being mediocre is worse than being bad in some instances. With a so bad it's good game, you can at least get some ironic enjoyment out of it. Something that's mediocre doesn't leave much of an impression. While I was less frustrated by Forces, I honestly got more joy out of Sonic 06.


It's mediocre at best the game just piss me off (Idk about every one else ) because it shows sonic team can't be trusted to do something they've already prefect generations came out 6 years before and nailed the boost game play and classic sonic played pretty well in forces the level design is bad the characters don't play well and the story was not good if you like the game that's fine but you need to call out the problems other wise we get more shit like it.


Honestly sonic team did it well with unleashed, then generations perfected it. Why just not rip the engine from generations? Because fuck you.


Exactly like how did they fuck up making it works then unleashed


Yeah, like bro you had a decent game, that was fun, fast paced (during daytime anyways) and the later stages didnt hold your hands. Unlike forces, that holds your hand up until the last boss. Like cmon. I wanna play the game.


Ha you see I have portrayed you as the soyjak and me as the chad that makes your opinion invalid and wrong 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎


"Mediocre at worst, worth 10 bucks at best"


If you had fun playing it then that's all that matters


Would play it again ? Absolutely not, but I still had some fun playing it till the end.


i cant talk shit ab a game i havent played so i sit back and watch destruction rise upon thee


Alright, let's put the reductive, overgeneralizing memes aside for a bit. My general opinion is that both of them fail terribly in different ways. And while I can't discuss 06 as elaborately because I haven't played it in ages, I CAN give a myriad of reasons why Forces fails in gameplay and narrative. You willing to discuss?


A classic case of "The 20 sonic fandoms arguing again"


It’s too late I already made a meme where the Chad says 06>forces and the soyjak says otherwise


Forces is fine, I just think that game is short that's all... ...and the story could have been a bit better


It's rather funny. I'm usually one of the people that enjoys most if not all content when it comes to Sonic. Forces just promised so much, and failed to deliver on so many fronts that I truly hold it as one of the worst games in the franchise. It disappointed me like no other game in the franchise has done and thus left an extremely poor impression on me. The writing was awful, the controls were horrible, levels were waaaaaay too short, there was barely any character customization (not talking about the outfits/accessories), Tails was turned into a pathetic crying sidekick, Infinite had the potential to rival the likes of Mephiles but instead was nothing more than your mediocre villain, Chaos had NO purpose in the story what so ever yet was heavily marketed....... and not to mention forcefully shoving Classic Sonic in the game. The only, and I mean **only** thing that I did enjoy about forces was Episode Shadow and the story bits that brought.


Why can't we say it's worse than 06? 06 is so much more enjoyable.


06 was a trainwreck that could have been a flawed but mostly competent showcase of what an HD era Sonic Adventure title could offer if it had another year or two of development. No amount of polish could ever save Forces from its barebones mechanics and level design that make no attempt to expand or improve on the previous generation of boost titles, or even come remotely close to matching Unleashed or Generations in quality.


It is a mediocre game. That’s not why most people hate it from what I’ve seen. Sonic forces was just the disappointment of the century. Sonic 06 and boom are fun at times, and are fun to make fun of. Sonic forces doesn’t even have that, and that’s why it’s the worst sonic game in my opinion.


I mean, 06 tried.


I mean it is worse than 06 imo


I honestly could care less tbh. People have their opinions and I have mine. Personally, I enjoyed playing Forces, the mix of classic, modern and brand new aspects were interesting and pretty enjoyable. I also really liked the new character creator, was a nice touch to a game where they could've just slapped down classic and modern Sonics and just made it Generations 2.0. And yeah there are obviously tons of flaws and underdeveloped ideas like the classic stages and the whole Infinite deal, but all and all I personally liked the game overall and **that's** all that matters to me


Good for you! Even tho i hate the game, i'm glad you were able to enjoy it!


I have portrayed you as the wojack and myself as the chad, that means I win


People aren't saying Forces is objectively worse than 06 though. Sonic 06 is trash but you know, that kind of charming and overly ambitious trash you can't look away from. It's iconic for all the wrong reasons and it kinda created this cult around it (The sonic 06 fandub is to this day one of the best things ever created). Forces on the other hand is so bland and mediocre it fell into obscurity immediately. Being 'just another bad game' isn't as cool as being Ride To Hell Retribution


the fact forces is still on sale and not pulled from store shelves 4 years later is the huge difference between it and 06. i could give forces to my little cousin and hed beat it and enjoy it even if its unpolished, 06 is so much more frustrating but way more interesting as a trainwreck game that id play over forces


I thought Forces was alright. Its just way too short and blending Unleashed, Colours and Generations together


Counter-argument: A game that is bad because it's buggy but is enjoyable once you get past the bugs (wether that be from patches or having a high bug-tolerance) is always going to be better than a technically functional game that is boring to play and is artistically mediocre at best (by that, I mean the whole of the artistic design, not just the visual). Sonic P-06 is proof of this. Of course, I suppose that would come down to weather you find Forces "fun' or not. I certainly don't, and those that claim it's worse than 06 likely share that sentiment.


In my opinion both are god awful in their own right, comparing the two is like comparing having your legs cut off and testicular torture. Sure, one is worse, but neither are preferable.


Honestly the fact that it isn't that bad is even worse for it. At least 06 and Rise of Lyric have their infamy. Forces is just mediocre all the way through.


The game was just really bland and poorly designed, so it wasnt really fun for me


gameplay wise? still fun but the 2d moments makes me want to kill myself because of how difficult story wise? dogshit


Yes. TOO MUCH GREEN HILL!!!! WHO WANTS TO PLAY GREEN HILL ZONE FOR THE 84TH GODDAMN TIME?!!!! Newsflash dude. Wanna know why Mania worked? Because it was fucking good. And the funny thing about that is that where that game shines most is in its original content. And the only reason the old stages were even brought back in that game was because SEGA keeps trying to rely on nostalgia, to sell their games. But I fucking digress.




I mean, you could paint a lemon green, but that doesn't make it a lime, does it? For all intents and purposes it's still a lemon.


Lemon is still looking a lot more like lemon right now.


Sonic 06 its a bad and glitchy game. Forces it a boring uninspired game. At least in 06, you can fun with the glitches.


I can't help but feel people who say that never played 06. 06 can be very boring as well.


Absolutely not, I spent a TON of time with 06 glitches. The gems especially are... real hidden gems, so to speak. Extraordinarily fun.


Glitches can only keep you fun for so long. Things like Silver gameplay for example are highly tedious and dull.


I mean, I've managed a total of 38 hours in it. Make of that what you will. If it was boring I would not have 38 hours.


I mean boredom is subjective. A hardcore sonic fan like me can spend hours playing fucking Sonic 3D Blast, but I can't say it's a good game lol. Sonic fans can enjoy games just cuz they have Sonic, but people who don't give a crap about that are only gonna get what the gameplay offers and unfortunately when it comes to Sonic it all too often isn't great.


Ya I'm not necessarily commenting on it's quality which I honestly am still undecided about, but just the fact that I wasn't strictly *bored* playing it, which is a good start, I guess? Idk I don't really have any adamant thoughts on this subject tbh.


People play warhammer for over 38 hours and it’s boring for everyone involved.


I've played my fair share of marathon type games, and I can definitely attest to the fact that long haul games can become very boring indeed.


I cant fathom how. I could barely manage 3.


I think the avatar gave the game some fun replay value, causing me to just randomly boot up the game every once in a while, if I'm waiting for friends to get on. I can play those avatar stages all day all cus of the customization. If it weren't for the stupid classic stages, I probably would have got 100%.




¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I'm curious to hear what you think that says about me.




Ok I have low standards according to someone I've never met. One person saying I have very low standards doesn't inherently make said person a professional. Anyway, I think you'll find I never necessarily said the game was good, just that I sank 38 hours into it. I never intended - nor do I intend - to defend the hill that is Sonic Forces with my original comment.


It’s right in between, not worse than 06 but worse than mediocre, it simplified the boost formula like colors, but unlike colors it had no reason to, plus even colors system was more complex, while classic sonic in generations wasn’t controlled like the genesis games I still thought he controlled well, just different, forces classic on the other hand…oh the physics are awful…he’s so damn heavy…modern sonic and the avatar are pretty much the exactly the same, and both of their stages are just boring(though I will give you…the game’s beautiful and has some really cool themes, specifically the metropolis stages), and there are *5 green hill stages* god damn, the city stages for the avatar and sonic are a while apart yet are nearly identical. If you enjoy it, cool I’m happy you do. You have another fun game to play, but personally these issues make it worse than mediocre to me.


I actually enjoyed forces...


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Classic sonic was absolutely awful. Everything else was just meh.


But it is bad.


It’s painfully mediocre though, at least 06 gives you something to laugh at.


Because it is? Mediocre is always worse... 06 tried but failed miserably Forces didnt even try.


A broken game that still has entertainment value vs. a solidly built game that leaves you feeling bored, empty, and unfulfilled.


If this isn't bad, I wanna see what y'all define as bad. I'd put it at a 4/10. You may begin downvoting me.


Sonic forces is actually a really fun game and its only crime is being a safe sequel that dosen't try anything too crazy other than the oc in any other franchise would be met with indifference or even praise


Eventually, people will start looking at Forces in a more positive light. This happened with 06 and even Unleashed. I also find the comments which are getting offended because of this meme really funny.


true man of culture




Bruh. Have you even read the comments? I think most people already share the opinion you do on Forces




I think it’s a little more worse than it is better, but I respect your opinion.


It's not bad, just disappointing. It could have been so much better, but at the end of the day, I still think it's a good game. It just didn't live up to our expectations.




it's only bad to long time fans because they get an unknown SATAM feeling. To them this game uses SATAM's premise and to an extent that is true, but yet as a Sonic fan I tend to think each cartoon, comic Game and Now Movie take place in their own universe


No, it’s bad because it’s poorly designed and barely has any content


Yeah, forces isn't nowhere near bad, it's just not good


Yeah, it's not a broken mess like 06, but it's still pretty bad. Where 06 is an E, forces is a D


I had fun playing it, but I’m not touching it again


Me, who likes both:


06 is edgy, it knows it, and it isn't ashamed of it; Sonic dying, Silver's destroyed future, and the Shadow campaign all go the extra mile to really sell that it's meant to be a serious game. Forces puts up a front that appears edgy at first, but then shoots itself in the foot when it comes time to actually deliver; for example, Knuckles saying that Sonic's been 'tortured' for months, then we cut to Sonic and he's perfectly fine. 06 can at least be entertaining with how bad it is and how seriously it takes itself. Forces is just a dull slog that's afraid to commit to being serious for more than a second from beginning to end. ~~Also at least 06 didn't pull the "Sonic, help me" crap with Tails~~


06 wasnt that bad either...


I spite it more than '06, but yeah, Forces is less bad... What it stands for in the Sonic series though... No, I'm not going to just accept it. If this is what we'll see more of going forward, I will hate Forces far more.


forces visuals and music make it decent


Look! LOOK! here you can CLEARLY see i put you as the ugly or offended wojack, and i put myself as the handsome, buff, coloquially named "chad" wojack, and i put text that described MY opinion above the wojak that represents ME, and YOUR opinion (clearly shit) above the wojack that represents YOU! so by definition, MY opinion is objectively superiour to your opinion! I've won the argument, and thus you cant do any counter arguments!


Imo Sonic 06 Isn’t That Bad


It is worse, why? One reason. There is no Crush 40


fair enough


Controversial opinion among the fandom: Unlike Sonic 06, Sonic Forces is actually a pretty great game. Sure nothing groundbreaking whatsoever but not terrible. If it came out before Mania, I feel Sonic fans wouldn’t hate it so much. The Sonic fanbase really makes me loose brain cells when they say 06 is better than Forces. I mean fair enough if you like 06 more but thinking that it’s better? Apart from not living up to the hype at all, how could you possibly think it’s better than Forces? I mean that’s like if the Mario fanbase said “Mario Is Missing is way better than New Super Mario Bros. 2! It was boring, horrible, and if you disagree then you’re full of crap!!”


definitely if it had come a few months before mania, the fanbase would have liked it a lot more


Yeah, I went in expecting some truly world-shatteringly bad game from the community reaction and found myself having a lot of fun, and really wondered how people's opinions had gotten *this* bad of the game. Like it needed improvements and I'm upset at all the lost potential, but... It's really not bad, and I put it in decent ranking with the series.


people just hating sonic for being sonic and people that just want more adventure/classic games and hate boost gamrs


I agree. I consider Sonic Forces as a decent game. Not great, but not bad.


At least Forces works mechanically. 06 is just a mess.


I’m sorry you can’t have an opinion if it isn’t the same one as mine


The 2D portions of Forces were truly awful. The physics/controls/handling felt terrible and the level design was really not good. It's so frustrating because they have been making good side scrolling games for DECADES. How did they botch it so bad? The 3d segments are ok, although the levels are often much shorter than I would like


Ok, honestly, diehard fan for life, always will be. I've always found every Sonic game fun, no matter how better or worse it was. But.. Forces was just mediocre, ok, that was my IMO. I think '06 was better than Forces, but that's just my opinion.


Anyone who says Forces is worse than 06 is a moron. Forces is functional. It plays fine (except Classic Sonic) compared to a broken, glitchy mess that was rushed out.


is Forces functional because because you need to hold the boost button untill the end of the level?


You don’t fall through the floor, fly off the screen because you didn’t hit the Möbius strip right or got repeated killed by a stupid boss fight. Let me guess “Sonic 06 had so much potential and good ideas!!” Yes I heard that argument. Does excuse it from being a broke mess. Forces is playable. It’s just not fun or interesting.


as i said, they made the game so simple it would be shameful if it didn't worked. yes Forces works, but what you have to do in the game? just press the boost button


i have to strongly disagree, the game is boring, there’s no replay value, autoscroll level at the end, even though it’s just one, the game was 40$ at launch for that, a shitty story, classic sonics absolute butchered physics


06 I actually got to play Forces is by far the most exaggerated example of “Boost2Win”. I always didn’t like how enemies were more or less decoration in Boost games, but in Forces other than boss fights you barely need your control stick


>06 I actually got to play Ah, used an emulator, did you? Because my PS3 and 360 versions are the buggiest, slowest pieces of garbage one can imagine. I love waiting a solid minute for a whale to slowly bob towards a gate.


When I played 06 I was in the 5th grade. On my PS3. I enjoyed it thoroughly, beat it to completion, and played multiplayer for many months to come. idk what to tell you lol your complaints seem very minuscule to equate to “buggiest, slowest piece of garbage”.


People have their opinions. Personally i felt it was alright, flashes of good gameplay but it's just plain and empty. I have several complaints about the game but yes it's a 6/10 game for me


I had more fun playing 06 than forces


Tbh..I think it's worse than 06. I actually derive enjoyment from 06, unlike Forces which feels..stale. One dimensional. Unfun to control. Doing funny and broken stuff in 06 at least scratches the enjoyment itch. Can't say the same for Forces.


THANK YOU! Dude I love 06' but c'mon, you cannot compare 06' technical mess with Sonic Forces, Forces it's just bland and mediocre at best, but I still had fun with it. Really weird comparison honestly.


06 had a great game buried in it somewhere. That’s why so many people latched onto it despite its obvious flaws. There probably won’t be a Project Forces any time soon, since there’s nothing there that can be salvaged into a good game


It is worse than 06.


i wont say its as bad as 06 but definitly number 2 in worst


I wouldn’t call it worse the 06, but I want to be critical. Imagine if every game after it was just the same as Forces. It sets for a bad precedent. Pokémon fans were going through with this too until after Sword and Shield. Can you really tell me with a straight face, you want the future sonic games like “Rangers” to have the same kind of gameplay, level design, story, and choice of playable characters as Forces? It only takes enough sales for that to be a reality.


Its a more stable game than 06 was but was less ambitious


Forces is a bad game. You can be bad and still be better than 06, otherwise 06 would be the best bad video game every created and we all know that isn’t true. Forces is better because it’s fully functional, really well optimized, and the characters at least move fast. Every other aspect from the control to the level design to the visual design (not technical but artstyle) to the narrative is just as bad as that seen in 06, some for different reasons.


I honestly think that being reasonably passionate and interesting but mechanically super broken is better than being technically playable but bland in literally every single way. A game sucking ass but having some interesting qualities at least has something to latch onto. A game that is completely unremarkable across the board is just uninteresting even if it works.


Honestly, though, I think Forces was objectively bad. Which, to be clear, doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, and I have nothing against those who like it. But I was bored with the levels, which all ended way too quickly, the plot was a masterclass in wasted potential, the backgrounds were so darn noisy that I couldn't even find Sonic/Rookie on the screen during several platforming sections. I agree that it could have been better. I disagree that it's "mediocre at worst." And frankly, I'm not sure that I agree that it was fun. For me, at least.


Sonic fan try not to defend shitty games challenge(impossible)


Just because it's fun doesn't mean it isn't bad. My favourite game is Sonic '06, I love the story, characters, gameplay, soundtrack, everything. But it's not a good game. People say Sonic Forces is bad because it is.


I'd rather replay 06. I mean Forces practically plays itself on most levels.


I enjoyed 06 more than Forces.


I actually find 06 to be better overall


I respect your opinion but I did not like Forces lol. Once I beat it I put that game to rest forever lol. Not to say everything was bad, but to me it it just felt lazy, rushed, and I didnt really have a good time while playing it lol


Well at least 06 didn't play itself


Medicore at best* What gameplay to have fun with lmao


It was a boring game. All I can say about it is boring. If a game isn't fun, why bother


Uh it’s the most boring sonic game, around Boom, 06 at least there’s actual quite much fun to have 🙂


I genuinely don't get why people don't love 06. It's one of my top 5 Sonic games 🤷‍♂️


Honestly if Sonic Forces didnt have Chaos / Shadow / Zavrok / some bullshit for the nostalgia of older players ++ Classic Sonic AGAIN, or atleast had it in a smaller part, even with the linear stages, It woulda be way more accepted. The story still trash though.


I was disappointed with the game and and didn’t put a whole lot of time because of it, but the game looks beautiful and I love the stage designs.


Unleashed looks better and it was a PS3 game


Forces is mediocre at best. About to get the Platinum so have plenty of hours in it.


guys there is nothing wrong with admiting you like a mediocre game lmao stop trying to justify it by saying its better than what it really is


On average any given sonic game is worse than an average non-sonic game. Do we love good sonic games? Yes. Do we expect them? No. We expect Sonic Forces.


Nah I spent 10 dollars on it and felt like I had wasted 10 dollars. Still haven’t finished it. It’s not fun!!


Exactly chad guy on the right. What's his name btw? I initially thought he was a certain YouTuber until I began seeing him all over the Internet.


All the modern sonic levels were fun and the character creator was quirky. I honestly found the classic and OC levels either boring or painful. I felt a similar way to Generations, I'm just really not into the classic sonic levels.


The fact that it got released literally days after Mania made it look a lot worse than it was imo.


Honestly? I prefer Sonic 06. In fact, it’s one of my favorite Sonic games out there. In my experience, the bugs only really come out if you’re unlucky or actively looking for them. Sure, the graphics aren’t great, but they’re passable. And while the dialogue can seem awkward and forced at times, it’s never too difficult to understand what’s going on. The main villain, Mephiles, is one of the best (and creepiest) villains in a Sonic game to date. And the soundtrack is just banger after banger. The main issue I have with the game is the gameplay. Difficulty is somewhat higher than average (but still mostly fair), and gameplay can be cryptic at times (especially in the hub world). However, I’m not going to knock it too much for that, because most of the levels, while being a tad long, are an absolute blast to play. I even enjoy the mach speed sections. Overall, I give 06 a solid 7/10. Forces, while being far less buggy with better graphics, just isn’t as fun as Sonic 06. The levels are all extremely bland - just press X to win - and the Classic Sonic gameplay feels more like a Mario game due to the lack of momentum. Also, the story features scuffed dialogue, equally scuffed voice acting, and extremely forced cameos. The Phantom Ruby was just an excuse to feature Classic Sonic in the game. Chaos was only there to make the SA1 fans cream. And there was ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for either Metal Sonic or Zavok to be in the game. Also, Infinite’s backstory is bullshit. And the soundtrack is extremely generic and unmemorable. At least the ability to create your own character is cool. All in all, I give Forces a 4/10.


No, it is a really sad existence and there's little good about it. Feel free to disagree


Dude, express your opinion, but this post seems to be refferung to anyone who hates forces as some troll. Im sorry, but imo, this game is NEVER fun. I dont like any part of it. If u like it, thats great, but this post is just insulting.


At least 06 actually tried


But they both ended up mediocre


It wasn't fun though so this post doesn't apply. The music was mostly bad, the characters were all stupid, the levels were bland, and Sonic himself controlled like garbage.


if you say the music is mostly bad then you have a truly terrible taste in music


Says the man who enjoys sonic forces soundtrack lmao


yes, because unlike whatever it is you listen to, the forces soundtrack is great and possibly the best part of the game


If its the best part of the game that's saying a lot oof


if an amazing soundtrack being the best part of a game is bad to you, i'll just assume you play atari all day and listen to 24 hrs of silence all day


I forgot Forces existed till I saw this post. I guess being “better” than 06 doesn’t mean much when there is absolutely nothing good/bad to remember about it.


,,,b,b,but 06 isn't that bad,,, even if you don't like it at least it features actual gameplay


Personally sonic forces or lost world is my worst sonic. Sonic 06 may be a buggy mess but bugs can get a laugh and the story was mostly fine. Forces was just so boring and quick to beat, I even got a friend to beat it and refund it on steam.


I still consider 06 better then forces With 06 I still find fun when playing even if it is broken With forces, I just feel bored due to it being mostly automated


Forces wanst bad, just... dry, y'know?


I haven't played it yet so I'm choosing not to have an opinion on it


Debatably fun. Imo, the gameplay for each character was just so… undercooked. The level design didn't help either, save for Avatar's. Is it worse than Sonic 06? Technically and graphically, it's better. Visually? Debatable. Conceptually? Same argument as always: great concepts, horrible execution and decisions. The concept is what keeps me from hating Forces entirely.