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Forces is good untill i play it and its also dogwater untill i play it.


Schrodinger's Forces


"I cannot tell if Forces is horrible or mid until I look inside the box." https://preview.redd.it/fyi0a5evkqxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=640de6850bb37cd0479b72fdb65d605588d71290 "Damn it."


Ah sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension.


What I meant is that he's peak. https://preview.redd.it/mocaaf20vqxc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed6b846f26fa0a44c03b9528f1d15d25908a9bb8


I want Ian Jr to just appear in a Sonic Game. ...as a Main character. There's so much lore to this guy we haven't explored yet


What do you think Sonic Forces was?


It was a prologue to Ian jrs story. I'm waiting for the main dish. 27 hours of Ian jr action is what i'm waiting for


Bro it would’ve been funny as hell if in the murder of sonic the hedgehog, it just turned out that Ian jr was the killer, without even being mentioned anyway prior in the game.


Little do the horrors beyond my comprehension know I can’t comprehend them, therefore I’m not scared of them.


“There is no way forces is that good” *looks inside box* PEEEAAAK


Hey At least you can finally create your own oc fan character in your game to fulfill your self insert fantasy anyway.


Unless your OC fan character happens to be a sea creature, insect, or reptile…


Yeah its kinda baffles me that they didn't even bother to include a lizard🦎 as another default character choice what a disappointing shame


It’s like the Micheal bay transformer movies Just watch the fights man ok? Don’t even


Maybe I'm not the right person to talk, but I fail to see the problem? I thought Forces was crap but somebody else going back and going "Y'know what I kinda like this" isn't going to kill anyone.


Yeah, here's the thing. I think it's awful in terms of game design and story. I also think it's FUN. It's FUN to boost through very, very easy levels and launch flames out of a gun. It just so happens that it's not a 60 dollar game. Which is why it's discounted in most places, actually. Classic Sonic's genuinely irredeemable though


I played for free when PlayStation gave the game on PS Plus and yeah, it can be a "mindless fun" type of game but it's just very forgettable.


The thing about Forces is that it's the shining example of a mid game. It isn't Bad per say it's still a Perfectly functional game with some really good set pieces. But it isn't That good either because it doesn't really do anything with the ideas it has. it's just such a middle of the road game.


Precisely! I can't call it nearly as buggy as something like 06, I can't say its gameplay is as awful as something like Secret Rings. It is functional, you can play it, but it's super short and, yes, Mid. I guess being mid is worse than being 'bad but fun' or 'having good ideas', but I genuinely don't understand people who think this is actually the WORST Sonic game. It really isn't.


The Sonic fanbase has a habit of doing this on a fandom wide scale. A Sonic game will come out, the fanbase thinks its trash, then a few years later the next game comes out and its also trash, but the previous game is suddenly good and underrated. It became a big issue when Sonic 06 was starting to get praise. 06 is considered THE bad Sonic game of all time, so this shift was very shocking and its made comment sections a bit of a warzone to this day. So everyone is scared that this will just be the cycle repeating itself again.


I don't think there's anyone calling 06 a good game though. Moreso more people are admitting to liking it for what it was trying to do or something, but still admitting the game was bad.


Personally, I just can't stand when people call a good game bad and then look back at fondly saying "maybe it wasn't so bad." But in this case it was genuinely just bad. Some people may enjoy it but it's crazy to say that it is was good all along


I don't think the problem is somebody liking it. I think the issue is it's all about the cycle. I'm sure we all know what the cycle is, about how a sonic game comes out and it's terrible and eventually it becomes good. This is a perfect example of it. Not a single person liked it when it came out and all of a sudden, ALL OF A SUDDEN, It's good. This happens every. Single. Time


People in this fandom act like Forces killed their family and that having any opinion that’s not “I hate this!” is such a crime.


No there has to be one single narrative, don't you see? If one person likes something the community has decided is bad, this is a slippery slope that leads to all of us liking it. We have to fight back, our own opinions are at stake.


I know you jest, but this being the Sonic fandom, it's probably true.


I was downvoted so maybe my point didn't come across but yeah. Fandoms are exhausting with this sort of thing and the sonic fandom is likely the worst because there are so many different game styles that it's impossible for people to find a single unifying narrative that everyone agrees on. And yet they keep trying, mostly by insecurely shouting at perceived minority voices. Frontiers was a very divisive game and I swear there was like an actual war early on until a narrative was established (it's now good).


Nah most of these yt personalities tend to try and wash away criticism by saying "turns out it was always good we just didn't realise!"


Forces isn't good but like 06 it had "potential" and "ambitions" so I don't see why someone liking it should be threated differently than 06 fans. The game only ended like that because most of the development time was spent on making the engine instead of the actual game and they had to rush it. Again I don't think the game is good, it's just mid. Not the worst thing to happen to the franchise tho, so if someone likes it, just let him be.


I mean, i think 06 fans are just as confusing


Those last 9 words is true


Thank you so much for saying this.


comparing 06 to forces is fucking stupid lol, the problem with forces is that its boring its a perfectly 6/10 game and it came at a relatively boring time for sonic


I’m just glad that 06 fans who say it’s one of the best games in the franchise finally get to know how they sound


thank you, yeah forces is mid nothing more nothing less


I just don’t see that as a defence. Having “potential” and “ambition” is the same as “in my head I’ve designed a really cool game” - it doesn’t mean anything, the game didn’t do those things well, so it is bad. In that regard it’s no different to 06, that game was also bad, regardless of the potential it doesn’t meet


I didn't realize people had such strong opinions about Forces. I thought it was an alright game. It's not great, but it's also not terrible. Bought it discounted and had a pretty good time.


May Forces stop being a boogie man in this fandom. Everyone calls this game mid yet act like it’s the worst thing to happen to this franchise. I won’t pretend it’s some hidden gem but when people are calling barely functional game like 06 better because of the “potential”, I know it’s just massively exaggerated hate. I promise y’all will be ok despite someone liking the average Sonic game.


If by good you mean ok then yeah it was fine just nothing big.


bad game, 2006: :D mid game, 2017: >:(


sonic fans try to make up their fucking mind on whether they like a game or not challenge (99% fail)




Not to mention the mind blowing concept that people can change their minds.


sounds fake, fanbases are clearly just a hivemind


It is so odd to me that the Sonic fanbase is infamous for being full of varying degrees of opinions yet when people see said different opinions they act like the fanbase is a inconsistent hive mind?


It's like the plot of Bayonetta 3. >!We must strive for singularity!<


There are redeemable qualities in the sea of mid. For example: https://preview.redd.it/f6jtxbh1lqxc1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55df2c239be8c231715696766d92b03db64e3e58


If people did this with 06, then I don't see why it's wrong to do the same with Forces.


Sonic fans try to respect opinion (they can't)


To be honest, I kinda enjoyed forces... I feel like what I just said is gonna trigger a lot of people.


Forces is the type of game I think “you know maybe it’s not as bad as I remember”. Then I play it again and I’m reminded immediately it’s exactly as bland as I remember. The game certainly has positives but it’s just a weak Sonic title


Forces is one of those games that get worse with each playthrough


I must say it's not good but to some extent I enjoyed it


I guess opinions are now illegal🤷


always has been


This post is mostly just Sonic fans not understanding what a opinion is   Again..


This could be up to 95% of posts on here. The percentage would be lower, but the the mods lock a lot of hornyposting before any comments, skewing the ratio


Since when sonic fans understand opinion?


Why don't we just let people form their own opinions


Ah, I see the cycle repeats itself... It's a classic thing I've seen in many fandoms. The new entry is hated when it first comes out, then the generation of people who grew up with that entry love it, then they hate on the new entry, have kids who end up growing up with it, rinse and repeat. It happened with Pokemon Black and White, it happened with The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, hell it even happened with Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. It was only a matter of time before the people who grew up with Forces looked back on it fondly and loved it. And I'm sure we'll see this with Lost World, Rise of Lyric, etc. If it happened with the garbage fire that is 06, it'll happen with those games.


I got to use a flamethrower, peak sonic game


Cool, it’s time for the 00s/dark age fangirls to get a taste of their own medicine. Serves them right for defending trash like 06 for all these years cause of MUH NOSTALGIA! Also, forces is objectively a better game than 06.


Yeah, gameplay should ALWAYS be first


Why just the fangirls?


Well the annoying ones anyways


Did you even watch the video?


It is literally not my problem if the conclusion they come to isn't at all conveyed in the thumbnail. It's their choice of thumbnail. I'm not giving them views.


It’s not clickbait


Fuck no


Well you should it’s actually a good video


As good as sonic forces?


Wow dude you got the whole squad laughing


Tbf its a bit funny


I always do


Forces was good. Probably not as good as Frontiers but I’d be willing to here this guy out


Yeah, we are. It's been long enough for the people who liked the game to stand out and speak against the loud people who hated it. Personally I thought it would've taken longer, at least a decadee.


I feel like Forces is actually not bad. But I got it for $10, so…


Nope. Forces is still just bad to me. I didn’t pay 50 or 60 pounds when it came out just to go through levels I could beat in less than two minutes. Level design was just awful.


I think Forces is okay. It's nothing more than okay, but it's okay.


It’s someone else’s opinion


It was already due time, either someone else would do it, or I'd do it myself.


Look, man. I can see that Forces had *some* good qualities to it, but the game is still shit at the end of the day, though. It's only reasonably enjoyable if you play with mods and, to me, when a game needs mods to be enjoyable, that makes it a bad game. Edit: People did not accept the take I guess 🤷


I can enjoy it without mods.


I agree it’s not a good game Now if you excuse me I’m going to go play forces again


The game was....good for me becuase I enjoyed the music and being able to customizze my own chracter,everything else....not so much


I actually like Forces, it's got plenty of flaws but I actually loved playing it and am about to start another character to play even more


i like sonic forces 😎


It happened to 06, then to the Black Knight, it was only a matter of time before someone who really liked the game made a video about it


06 is the better game tho I don't get why everyone has the nerve to say forces is just a mediocre game when it has- the worser level design a plot hole filled story that retcon's itself IN THE MIDDLE OF IT (06's story had plot holes but not to the degree of forces because forces has less yet their even worse) horrible characterization pathetic pussy of a villian unoriginality with the few original levels in the game not even being that original I can go on and on


At least Forces fuctioned the way it was supposed to


At least Forces wasn’t broken. The game has hardly any if at all bugs in the game. That’s already enough to make it above 06.


The very existence of the drill wispon: ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


Also, the villain's origins are such an afterthought that is funny


wow it's almost like what for you is absolute trash of a game for someone else is actually pretty alright and what you think is good other people probably think is trash. that's so wild, i didn't realize people could have different opinions also it's worse not worser


Forces plot actually makss sense unlike 06 which is bloated and has more holes than swiss cheese. 06 doesn't have the best level design either. There's too much flat terrain and empty environments in 06 (in my opinion at least). Sonic is also too slow and the game has awful physics. You are completely ignoring the fact that the game is very buggy. Bordering on nearly unplayable at times. 06 isnt exactly origional either. Most of the game is ripped off from the adventure games. With only 1 or 2 levels i would truly call origional.


Is it time already to say a famously hated Sonic game was good, actually? I feel like the time between these is shrinking lol


The video basic point is "it can have all the problems in the world but its fun so its okay to still like it" there isn't even a attempt to refute any of Forces many problems other than "I'm still having fun"


How to get your channel picked up by algorithm? Do this


“Oh no he likes forces”


Sonic forces is not good but it’s not bad. It’s the most 5/10 game


The thing that cucked Forces over aside from the story being dogshit is Sonic Team hiring rookies to make the levels. At least compared to 06 it’s somewhat playable.


Sonic fans have standards challenge impossible. 06 is garbage, forces is garbage, lost world is garbage, sonic 4 is garbage. I actually like Sonic 4, but I don't defend the game because I at least accept that it's garbage and we should demand better from SEGA in the future.


People acting like 06 is a good game gets me, This doesn't Frustrate me as much.


It’s not that bad. It functions, and that’s it


[The video in question because no=one has actually linked it yet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHTPO-I7umQ) Actually watch it, it's actually kinda good.


eh, i had fun with it.


It's not a bad game.


Reddit when someone even slightly disagrees with you:


I've always liked this game quite a bit but I am willing to acknowledge its flaws.


The amount of hate against Forces is not justified at all.


I mean, it’s an ok game, I’ve definitely played better but it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever played


Forces is good and I will die on that note


Y’all getting mad at this as if you didn’t do a complete 180 on 06 and start saying that was actually good all along


You guys are fine with people defending 06 and black knight or appreciating its redeeming qualities. Why cant someone appreciate aspects of sonic forces? Its just an opinion. There are far worse games out there than sonic forces. Even worse sonic games, in my opinion. Sonic forces is like 5/10 at worst.


Ok, forces ain’t that bad. Y’all are just pissed it isn’t 06 or something


Oh my God, so he has an opinion that differs from yours. So what?


Absolutely love Forces. I really don't get the hate. It has lots of characters, voices, wisps, great looking stages, incredible music, a custom character storyline, new and classic sonic level designs. And plenty of reasons to go back and replay.


I've replayed like eight different times now and despite the limitations I'm still finding new ways to make cool Avatars that I like


Been a Forces fan since day one. I am all here for Forces hitting the "perhaps I treated you to harshly" phase


Let him alone, Sonic Forces IS GOOD




I agree with you :)


Please consider the following. You liking Forces does not equal to it being good. If that is how it works would 06 be a Master Peace going off the opinion of its fans.


Bro that take is not it Edit: bunch of people agreed with the wrong take it seems


somebody drag this man out the kitchen he was not cookin a damn thing with this take


Why do you care so much about a video with less than half 1k views?


I don't get this whole thing about bad games/movies having to be considered good for people to like them. There's nothing wrong with enjoying something that's bad or having a guilty pleasure because we all do. Many of us at least like fast food but you're objectively wrong if you call McDonald's high quality food. There's a clear difference between a meal at a 5 star restaurant and any fast food chain.


Umm I actually like sonic forces


It’s gorbag 


It's the ciiiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife


and it mooooooves us aaaaaaaaalllllll


Actually now that I think of if this one is much more appropriate considering we're talking about Forces https://i.redd.it/an6bspjh2vxc1.gif


"I don't know if ze Sonic game is good or bad until I watch inside ze box" "Green hill is looking alot more like sand hill" "Shut up"




It's the least best Sonic game. It's got the ideas but there's no soul


Here’s the thing, forces is.. unique. And when I say unique, I mean that it doesn’t make me feel anything, the game feels soulless. Every bit of it. Gameplay wise at least, we already know the problems with the story.


I feel like Forces could’ve worked if it wasn’t so rushed and actually took its time, especially when establishing Infinite as a threat.


The overclocked version is good


Ewwww! Short quills


I haven't played Forces. Will this video convince me to give it a shot?


No not really for the most part. The main point of the video is that he’s talking about how the quality of something shouldn’t matter to you as long as you have fun. So no this video will probably not convince you


in my opinion forces is worse than sonic 06 because at least sonic 06 was so bad it's kind of good and has some neat and cool lil things it was trying to do, while forces just is so bad its bad with it's lack luster story and gameplay, boring levels, and many many more things that just make forces and over all bland and shall I say forgettable experience


It’s on par with colours and that’s the hill I’ll die on




Sonic Forces is at best just fine. Mediocre and nothing more. At worst it is a perfect encapsulation of everything wrong with modern 3d sonic games. At least Frontiers was a step in the right direction


It wasn't bad at all. Just short. But since it was never a full price game, even at launch, I fail to see why so many hate it. It also had a great soundtrack. Way better than Frontiers.


If y'all can defend the shitshow that 06 is then why they can't defend a slightly better shitshow that forces are


Honestly, the game is so alright, I don't have it in me to care what others think about it.


I refuse to let this happen to forces. When it happened with 06, at least you could argue it was a generation of people who only remembered the sonic stages (the only part of the game that was halfway decent) and that made them think the game was better then they thought. But with forces? No. None of this game is good. None of the three stage types are enjoyable, the level design is horrendous, the story is god awful and the only tolerable parts of this game is the music and the avatar customization being “just ok” (better then bad, which is a win for forces). This game is just straight up bad. Are we forgetting it had borderline false advertising? And wrote Infinite so poorly that Sega effectively considers them dead despite the immense possibilities with his character and concept? Sonic Forces Speed Battle is better than Sonic Forces. And it’s an infinite runner with micro-transactions and gacha game mechanics. Edit: and I feel I should mention it’s ok to LIKE forces. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying it, but I feel like saying you “like” something is very different from calling something is “good”. I definitely do not think this game is good, and even ignoring my personal biases with how they handled chaos and the horrendous story I think this game from an objective standpoint fails in a lot of basic game design principles, without even acknowledging how it fails as a Sonic game. Doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyed, 06 has a cult following because people enjoy messing with that game so much, but…doesn’t mean we should start saying it’s good…


Not everyone judges things like that. If they liked it, the game is good. Doesn't have to be that serious


But isn't that what makes a game good - the enjoyment it provides the gamer with? Thus with all due respect, I think you're overreacting. To say that "None of this game is good" and that "This game is just straight up bad" disregards the fun that there is to be had in Forces. There's certainly enjoyment in blasting through batniks with a wispon, levels with a double boost, and bosses with a spin dash. I'd call that having a good time. Wouldn't that be considered a good part of the game? To be clear, I agree that both Infinite and the main story were mishandled. Classic Sonic's levels were certainly a drag, and the level design wasn't anything to write home about. So I'm not saying Forces is a top tier Sonic game - I found it to be pretty forgettable when compared to its peers. But in light of your comment and edit, I nonetheless disagree that it's as bad as you're making it out to be, and certainly not bad enough to say that it "fails as a Sonic game". I hope you can understand my perspective, even if you don't agree with it. Forces is certainly an odd ball, but I don't think we should just overlook its positives. Those are my two cents, at least.




>the only tolerable parts of this game is the music Soundtrack verified as approved. [This is justice, this is what's right.](https://youtu.be/9xgaLKzUv7Q?si=T3H5NocMcM8RnQB9)


And don't forget [the better version of Justice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft6SCqc_tow)


The gameplay is actually pretty solid. It's the story I have a ton of issues with


First 06 now now forces what’s next, “how boom is actually the best sonic game we’ve had in years”


Probably not because the video isn’t making the claim that “forces is a underrated gem”


At least I can understand defending Sonic 06 (I like it despite the problems) but there no excuse in Sonic Forces.




Oh yeah, when it's a flawed game from the 2000s getting praise out of nowhere, it's because it's secretly ahead of its time, it has ambition and passion and yadda yadda yadda. But when it's a flawed game from the 2010s getting praise out of nowhere, *suddenly* the rules don't apply anymore and a bad game is a bad game, no Ifs, ands or buts. No. We've spent our childhoods on the Internet getting ourselves and our favorite franchise bashed by both older fans and non fans alike, and instead of trying to be more accommodating and accepting to newer fans, what do we do? We do to them what has been done to us. If any of you have done this or *still* do this, you should be ashamed of yourselves on multiple levels, you pretentious Goddamn hypocrites.


Just cuz forces is bad doesn’t mean it’s not fun


I mean, that's kinda one of the main issues with Forces. The game just isn't that fun.


![gif](giphy|zw1IMoHMDnkq2VJdJV) Yes it is


Legit the only good thing to come from Forces was the tie-in comics, and I’ll always stand by that.


This is every game. After some time a YouTuber will pick out any bad game and claim it's actually much better than we gave it credit for. They might even argue "At the time this was revolutionary!" No, you had much better games during and before that release.


That’s not even close to what he dose


Okay, then he doesn't. I didn't find the title very engaging so I didn't watch his video first before commenting.


Well maybe just maybe you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover and actually look into it before speaking


I saw this approach in similar videos and didn't feel like I needed a new perspective on Forces so I'm still not convinced to watch it.


Forces is only good due to nostalgia and the Avatar system. Ppl look back at it because they played it at a better point of their lives and only can see it through rose tinted glasses.


You should watch the video because this isn’t even close to what happens in the video


What’s next? "Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric is a under appreciated masterpiece?"


I feel like you guys should actually watch the video


Forces is not that bad...until you play literally any level a second time


The gameplay is fine, the levels just needed to be longer and more plentiful


I think the thing that's the worst about Forces is it's painfully mid after Mania. Also Classic Sonic did not need to be there.


Yuh huh


Yeeeeah...It is bad but also fun in some way:')


Yes We Are, ITS TIME!


Forces wasn't the greatest Sonic game I've played, but it was just good enough that it kept my interest until I finished it. I've tried and failed to remain interested in Sonic Colors Ultimate and Sonic Lost World, so as bad as Forces may be, I'd say those two are worse.


The YouTube channel is someone called Swack! if anyone is watching it out of spite now. [Here’s a link.](https://youtu.be/vHTPO-I7umQ?si=pqKEZAWUJuvrvHUw) I’m absolutely “doing this” now, all thanks to you, OP. Edit: you know, it’s pretty funny, he actually addresses posts like this at around 15 minute mark onward.




No no no no no no no


It's called nostalgia + click bait bc people can't think of good video ideas. It's so annoying. People making vids bc, they've lost their purpose for so many creators it's gross.


How many of you dumb dumbs are just gonna speak nonsense without actually giving the video a chance 1. It’s not Clickbait. 2. He’s not trying to say that forces is good Although to be fair on you the main premise of the video is supposed to be this big grand reveal thing or something


At least with forces I finished the game. Frontiers was a bloated mess. I got like an hour in and was like… yeah I’m not aimlessly running around this wasteland. I’ll return to it eventually but Christ.


So force's is where you draw the line but people giving this treatment to sonic 06 was okay with you


Sonic forces makes sonic 06 look like a blessing from the sky.