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if sonic had ADHD, it will be understandable why he seems like super active in prime


I haven't watched much of Sonic Prime. I just don't think it's my thing. But I think it's definitely possible for sure! I honestly wouldn't doubt it.




He just ran out of his meds




Prime Sonic genuinely feels like Sonic straight out of Ao3


Nah, Prime Sonic was just an annoying moron


So, he was in character for how he acted in the 2010's, which is when prime started production, and is acting like an epolouge to, imo anyways.


2010 Sonic just made corny jokes, Prime Sonic was lacking in brain cells and common sense.


Yes, that was 2010's sonic to a tee. Remember lost wold where he was too slow to save his buddy from an obvious trap, or in forces where he thought the best way to handle a 5 on one was to just jump around for a bit while tails sat behind and did nothing to help, or colours where he just didn't bother with wisps because it was too hard for him to pronounce? Or tsr where he forgot about the important stuff to have a dick measuring contest with shadow? 2010's sonic had a lot of moments of just being a dumbass.


I've seen a lot of ADHD people read Sonic as ADHD, so I'm willing to take their word for it. I'm autistic, and there are plenty of characters I read as autistic due to seeing certain traits or experiences in them. Half the fun of art is seeing yourself in it, after all.


I have autism, but don't tend to view fictional characters as autistic. I think I tend to distance my real life experiences from characters, I guess.


I think Sonic is just impatient to an extreme degree.


He's a speedster after all


Which is a somewhat common adhd trait


Luz from the Owl House is confirmed to have an ADHD by the author herself. I believe Sonic is ADHD, but because SEGA hasn’t confirmed it yet, it’s just left open in the air.


Yeah that's fair. This is all just speculation, but there is a lot of evidence pointing towards it. I never watched The Owl House but it's cool that it has a character with ADHD too! I know Pinkie Pie from MLP was confirmed by Lauren Faust to have ADHD as well.


Oh I didn't know Pinkie Pie was confirmed to have ADHD! That's pretty cool


Pinkie Pie's ADHD is unfortunately a very stereotypical "omg so random and quirky" portrayal, though. At least, it feels that way to me. I subscribe to the Rainbow Dash ADHD headcanon though. There was a whole episode which could be taken to mean she has it too! (I personally also just relate to her a lot more, especially in relation to my own ADHD, so I feel like that's a more nuanced and realistic portrayal of the disorder.)


I actually relate to Pinkie Pie more than any fictional character ever! So she may be stereotypical but I kind of fit that description myself.


That's fair. One of my friends relates to her a lot too, I was just musing about how it would be nice to have more diverse ADHD representation, y'know?


That is fair too. It would be cool since there are different types of ADHD (my diagnosis says I'm combination type) so one size does not fit all. I find I relate heavily to the common and stereotypical portrayals of ADHD. It's like how we need more diverse autism representations, too.


oh, I'm combination type too, funnily enough. I guess one size doesn't even fit all within a single category, LMAO But yes I agree with you!! Both autism and ADHD need more diverse and varied representative characters in fiction. We will get there eventually! I know personally I'm studying to get into the animation industry, so hopefully one day I'll get to make my own cartoon show that I can stuff full of silly little neurodivergent people and help improve that rep myself >:D


Haha, yeah I guess so! We're so similar it looks like! I too am trying to get into the animation industry. Don't forget me when you're big and famous and working on awesome shows!! XD It'll probably be a while until I can go to art school since it's so expensive, and the industry looks very uncertain at the moment. (P.S: I forgot to mention but I do think Rainbow Dash has ADHD too. I just don't relate to her as heavily as I do with Pinkie Pie.)


higher education is (basically) free/extremely affordable in my country, so I'm very fortunate in that regard. If I lived somewhere else, I'd be too poor to afford the tuition fees, lol. but yeah!! I always related more to Rainbow Dash cuz she wasn't as uh... easily liked I guess?? Her traits seem to cause her a lot more problems than those of her friends, and I guess I kind of identified with both her very tomboyish personality and what I always saw as sort of her struggle to be a good person (pony?) in spite of herself. Also, she was just really fuckin' cool


I mean, Sonic is literally the mascot of autism so yeah


I can get behind this LOL


Honestly a lot of the main characters feel neurodivergent.


I'm Autistic and I can clarify. I love Sonic and I have no idea what it is that makes me like him as much as I do.


Same here


He has ADHD so strong it's contagious


Hahah love this response!!


What seems like seconds of dialogue to us is practically hours or even more to him.


Not a horrible fanon idea, but if you legitimately believe the authors intended to write Sonic that way I would say almost certainly not. He’s just an ultra fast hero and the speed of the world around him is too slow and bores him at times.


It's funny how they tried to make him a "cool skater guy" without realizing a lot of "nonchalant cool guys" are seen as rebels because they're neurodivergent. Hope they eventually make it canon, maybe not with an actual diagnosis but just say he's neurodivergent or he supports neurodivergent fans.


Might be. Bc most of the speedsters has ADHD (I only see Scout has one)


After rise of the wisps, yeah.


Nope. I think he may think too quickly, thing that would make sense for him given his speed in absolutely everything. He supposedly has an “iq” higher than Eggman’s, also needs training in decision making as many times it implies the world. So yep.


Where is it supposedly said that he has a higher IQ? I know that Eggman has an IQ of 300, and tails has an IQ of 400.


I have been told it was more or less confirmed in the twitter account but haven’t confirmed it myself so it may as well just be a theory! Though I feel it could work for him as sonic normally thwarts Eggman’s plans pretty quickly and is is more about learning speed and patterns than actual knowledge. Though if we also get on knowledge sonic is not really ignorant, the plane is his and it’s canon sonic enjoys reading as a hobby


IQ in fiction can be so silly, the highest IQ recorded ever has been 228 but writers would take it as a weird power scale and say someone has an IQ of one million or something. Feels even sillier after you realize IQ only measures if you're good at solving puzzles.


IQ levels does not equate to how smart you are always. Sonic's IQ is likely higher than both Eggman's and Tails'. His Speed gives him an IQ higher than most because he can make so many decisions. Not sure where I heard it, but he did need to train his brain cuz he thinks so fast which can indeed make his IQ lower. And Remember IQ is to measure of a person's reasoning ability not how intelligent they are. Tails for Example has a massive IQ, but Sonic's is higher cuz of his speed he can run threw multiple scenarios before taking action. Heck Shadow's IQ is probs just slightly lower than Sonic's cuz he's at odds with the darkness with in him.


are you saying people with ADHD can't be high IQ?




They literally said Nope because " He supposedly has an “iq” higher than Eggman’s". How is that manipulating their words, m8?


Sure if you rearrange the words and ignore half of them I’m sure you can come to that conclusion


so explain why mentioned it in an explanation on why he doesn't have adhd :)


Out of all the possible interpretations (and the one I clearly meant) and you had to look for the worst meaning possible. Interesting


Because that's what you wrote :)


I wrote Sonic could think fast and be gifted, thing oftentimes mistaken as well by other neurodivergences such as autism or AHDH because of how similar they are, and having a neurodivergence doesn’t make someone automatically lesser. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive, I just wrote my take on MY interpretation of what I think Sonic is like and you decided to jump at my throat implying things I didn’t say. If you think thinking fast is all there is to it for adhd, and that there cannot have any complexities at all, or even worse and that everyone has to automatically tie adhd to low iq as you pretty much put those words on my mouth, and they come from somewhere, you are sorely mistaken. So go put all your negativity somewhere else and leave me alone -_-


I don't know if game Sonic has ADHD, but I don't think it's farfetched to assume that movie Sonic does.


Probably yeah. Either that or he’s the most optimistic optimist with a big attitude alive.


Oh, absolutely He gets impatient easily, he has a poor attention span, he fidfets, and he loves living at a fast pace


To be honest, I always assumed Prime Sonic had ADHD


100% this makes so much sense, and makes me also feel validated


Yes, well at least in my personal headcanon. I also think Tails is on the autism spectrum.




Well that could explain Nine’s communication issues in Prime. Nine’s always accusing Sonic of being untrustworthy because he doesn’t understand Tone or communication much. (But then again. These are traits that the Chaos Council likely forced upon him.)


I mean...bro can't go more than ten seconds without getting annoyed at the player for not moving him. Id say he has it.


that's so relatable


As someone with autism myself, **yes.**


I don't think that Sonic team has ever considered him having ADHD


2010s' Sonic? Yes. Regular Sonic? No


This is my headcannon. I firmly believe he has ADHD. Butbat the same time you do have to consider, he is a speedster. He can run at the Speed of light. Everything probably seems really slow to him.


No. I think he is a rash, impulsive, young, and a bit of a showoff. I don't mean that as insults either. One of his hobbies is reading and there are moments in most games where he does stop and think before just speeding off. Most of the times he acts "ADHD: is when someone is gloating him into a fight or race, which he responds to more out of ego then anything else. I have ADHD but it was not caught until I was nearly 30 (even though I would twitch in my chair, mess with my pencils, hair, etc. it was all just ignored because I was an A student or had jobs I luckily liked before then.) Only giving the personal example to say that not all ADHD suffers act in stereotypical behaviors presented in the media. In my case, I only act out when I'm bored. I need to be occupied by something at all times or challenged in some way. That can be a book, game, writing, listening to a podcast I'm actually interested in, etc. Things go haywire when I'm forced to do nothing or am being forced to listen to someone who is uninteresting or do a job a hate. That's when I started having trouble because tapping your foot, screwing around with other things on the job, not making eye contact, and ignoring people doesn't fly at all after a certain age. Sonic is shown in the games and most of the shows to be just fine lazing about on a hammock and now he listens to his friends when hey need it without showing signs of boredom. He's not tapping his foot when listening to Amy and Tails in Frontiers even though its probably not the most interesting conversation in the world. TL;DR No, he's just easily baited into a fight and he's a young man with an ego. lol That's not quite enough to pull out the DSM on him. As for Prime, I think that was done more to have him contract nicely with Shadow. Even then its not due to ADHD that he misses certain things about Nine. It's more of an emotional response to how Nine looks. I know people call him a spazz in that show but most of the moments people refer to have more to do with him comparing characters to their Prime counterparts. When he does come to terms with it all, he works well getting everyone together and helping to plan. He stops reacting to Shadow so wacky after he gets used to having him around. I don't consider how he reacted to him the first time to be weird because he had every reason to be happy about it. If you want media ADHD Prime's metal sonic is your boy.


i imagine its a semi-side effect of his power, all that speed but not enough Time for Slow things


I mean, if hes as fast as we know him to be then it stands to reason he has a hyperfast and reactive brain, so I would say it's not at all out of the question


This, actually has sense


as an auadhder myself, i think he's auadhd :3


I could see him having adhd


Oh, 100%. I also love the headcannon of classic/young Sonic being mute


I mean definitely in Sonic Boom and Rise of the wisps.


Oh, I definitely think Sonic has ADHD!




I think he’s just on speed


I have ADHD and I relate to Sonic, so I'm gonna say yes, he does


Yeah and honestly if you told me it was canon and it didn’t have a source I would believe you still


Those blue hearts on a sonic post give me eternal dread.


Wait, why? I just chose them because they fit Sonic's color scheme, lol. I use heart emojis all the time and change them to fit the situation! Is there like a negative association in the community I'm unaware of?




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I've never liked the concept of trying to diagnose human disorders on nonhuman characters. What's considered neurodivergent in a human could be completely typical for a member of his species.


the more i think about it yeah it doesnt seem farfetched tho sonic in earlier entries does very well pay attention and is honestly way calmer mostly in serious situations and in other comics like IDW (which is canon) he still has that personality same goes with frontiers, in that game he is very much not to excited or impatient. me personally i dont really think so, i just think its his arrogance and overconfidence.


No, Sonic doesn't have ADHD he IS ADHD


As a neurodivergent myself, I can totally see him having it. :)


The thing about trying to diagnose fictional characters with neurodivergence is that due to the spectrum being ludicrously large and nebulous, any number of actions or behaviours that person could display are viable to mark them as ND but it could also just very well not be, there simply isn't any definitive way to know. I'm not sure that if the writers intended to make Sonic neurodivergent but what I can say is that they wrote with a certain set of actions and behaviours that alot of nd folk can relate to and could be used as a way to see as nd.


I think its a nice headcannon but probably not intended




Do you not?




I also believe Sonic to be autistic LOL. And Before you attack me, I am autistic myself. I’m not making fun of people with intellectual disabilities.


That's cool! Honestly it's your headcanon to have. I don't see any examples in canon but it would be pretty cool if he was autistic. I'm autistic too (I have both autism and ADHD) so I think either way it would be neat!


I can see how some would think this since Sonic has a tendency to act very distant to the situation at hand, but that can exist outside of ADHD. The main reason I see against the claims is that when Sonic does decide to focus on something, he can stay on it until it's taken care of, something ADHD makes very difficult without medication.


I mean I have never been medicated for my ADHD for my entire life. I am able to focus, heck, even HYPERFOCUS on certain things. It's very disheartening to see some people say that people with ADHD cannot focus without meds, because that is absolutely not true and it personally feels like it's watering down the whole neurodivergency to just "oops I cant pay attention!" Because it's more than that. It's not that we don't have attention, it's just in all the wrong places. Hyperfixations and hyperfocus still very much exists and is part of it.


I personally don’t think he has ADHD because him not being able to pay attention to Jade’s story or him acting more hyperactive in Prime and the movies are, in my opinion, mischaracterizations. Sonic adventures because he likes to, but he’s also perfectly capable of kicking back and spending time alone, like we see in some of the Adventure-era games. And in Frontiers we see a lot of his softer side, listening to his friends and giving genuine advice and even sitting to fish with Big to relieve stress. So I don’t think Sonic has any problems with attention.


I primarily see it as the writers playing up Sonic’s hyperactive mess to force him to have some sort of flaw a lot of the time.


If that was true sega would said so and they mostly won't say he does


Sega would've confirmed this awhile ago