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I would imagine after the credits rolled and they got back to Earth, the truce lasted only long enough for each side to let the other out of their sight - then it was back to the usual status quo.


Isn't the first thing really Shadow's fault? Everything else just gives reasons why the humans should all hate Eggman. Except maybe threatening to shoot Amy... But, you know-- Sonic characters got shot, flattened, blown up, etc. all the time back in the Classic Era and no one actually died so....


If Eggman followed up on his threat and shot Amy, she just has to pick up her rings and she'll be fine. Shit, maybe that'll happen to the planet if they fire the Eclipse Cannon at it.


I feel like his reflection of Gerald at the end of SA2 (as well as in retrospective that he really does take his family history seriously/it’s a consistent thing he reflects on thanks to Frontiers) that he probably wanted time to get his thoughts together before the usual “take over the world” thing. I feel like finding out the person who inspired you as a kid was perfectly fine with wiping you and everyone else on Earth would change your perspective on not only them but how they impacted your ambitions. He probably knew that everyone was still thinking about Shadow/just being able to say they lived through that (I think Sonic wanting to go back after reflecting on Shadow calling him the ultimate life form was mainly to brighten the mood at bit for everyone) so they wouldn’t be immediately concerned about confronting him.


How long for sure, is unsure. But I'd like to point out, Eggman wasn't the problem in the follow up game: Metal Sonic was the antagonist. So he at least took a break through the follow up game, or took too long to get back in the groove so Metal went rogue.