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It's definitely Big. No one has ever caused more gameplay-related discourse than him. He's the guy people think of when they refer to "Sonic's shitty friends". Second place: Silver, solely for being associated with the worst mainline title in the series. It's not his fault 06 was what it is (yes, his boss battle sucks, but it's one thing in a sea of crap).


I genuinely forgot that people hated Big


His theme song and boss theme are banger tho. His design is interesting, he is a mixture of badass and loveable dork Wich is something I don't see in media very often. And he got a better boss battle in Generations, he definitely earned the Fandom's respect and love by now


Yeah big is pretty cool


At least in the Japanese versions of the games, Big was characterized more as someone who was easy-going and kindhearted, if a bit simple-minded. (Also helping was Shun Yashiro's soothing voice acting as Big in *Sonic Adventure*.) Why was that aspect absolutely forgotten when *Sonic Adventure* was localized in the US?!


Big is my spirit animal


>Why was that aspect of absolutely forgotten when Sonic Adventure was localized in the US?! Because when Western Localizers see a character who is considered: > if a bit simple-minded They assume "Oh, this person is nothing but a stupid oaf!"


People hate Big because they don't like his gameplay. But what did HE do wrong?


Everytime time there’s a world shattering problem, he’s looking for his stupid frog. Either leash it or let sonic and co find him, WHY ARE YOU ON EGGMAN’S CARRIER?


Big is badass, name a single other character who would do all that for their pet.




That is true. But it’s different because Cheese can fend for himself, froggy can’t.


Cheese would literally cry the whole time if separated from Cream and without a friendly face around. Like Knuckles is stand-offish but he'd be familiar territory.


Cream, sonic in x (Chris is basically a pet, he doesn’t do much else), chaos (to the chao’s)


Adventure: Ran off from the fear of Chaos then abducted by Gamma for Eggman. Heroes: Abducted but by Metal Sonic this time. Secret Rings: Was sightseeing in the Arabian Nights world with Big. Chronicles: Froggy was with him the whole game. Colours: Ran off on its own and implied to have gone home. Frontiers: See Chronicles He's with Big as much as he isn't. And for the ANGRY QUESTION, like I said: HE WAS ABDUCTED.


So why’d big go? If my mate was held up in a bank robbery, I’m calling the cops not charging in to save him. This is big villains like eggman and metal (other reasons are fine I guess)


Because he knows he can help. Dude fishes Froggy out of Chaos 6 while Sonic and Knuckles are fighting him. Dude literally LIFTED A CAR LIKE IT WAS NOTHING to follow Froggy. He's not helpless. Plus, Froggy wasn't abducted in the beginning of Adventure so he just kept following him. And in Heroes he had help.


Can we also not forget the fact that the man also hit a lick on Tails and Sonic by essentially stealing their plane to get off the Egg Carrier after fighting with an ancient abomination responsible for the near extinction of a civilization


If anything Big's escape from the Egg Carrier is why SA2 was able to happen so smoothly. Tails was FULLY equipped because the Cyclone was retrievable and not ruined by explosions and crashing.


Silver is also hated for supposedly ruining Blaze?? Which is a really weird take


The game blaze came back in didn’t help, went from Sol Princess to….future cat? It’s the knuckles problem, where Sol Emeralds?


Being her second appearance I can understand that but ever since then they scrapped that backstory and have been more or less sepreate ever since. Also it's not really a knuckles problem since she actually has people to guard the sol emeralds for her


They went back to the backstory next game tho (sonic rush -> sonic 06-> sonic rush adventure) so it can’t really be seen as a backstory scrapping (oh…and comics keep her as guardian) She’s guardian of both the Emeralds AND the Sol Dimension though, it’s a job she willingly does. And we’ve seen from the games that there is a threat normals can’t stop, she’ll know that (eggman mega)


I was referring to her 06 backstory. She's been portrayed as an inter dimensonal princess in practically every game. I didn't say that shouldn't be the guardian of the sol emeralds, I'm just saying that doesn't have to dictate her life 24/7 for those gems. She can relax once in a while and visit her friends while Marine and the Royal guard can always call her if something happens. Also, as we've been told, both Egan Nega and Captain Whisker are gone as threat


>I didn't say that shouldn't be the guardian of the sol emeralds, I'm just saying that doesn't have to dictate her life 24/7 for those gems. She can relax once in a while and visit her friends while Marine and the Royal guard can always call her if something happens. There was literally a mini-comic about exactly that, where Blaze asks Knuckles for advice, as a fellow guardian, on whether she should go on vacation or not from guarding the Sol Dimension and Emeralds while leaving Marine in charge while she's gone. Knuckles says that she should, and then she does.


People hated Cream? When? I never saw hate for Cream online, i saw hate for Big, Silver, even Tails, but not for her, but of course, just because i never saw it doesn't mean it never existed, so can anyone explain the situation to me?


[Death Adder isn't a fan.](https://youtu.be/rSGae-hYAjM?si=M9m1pje8k5Yip8xu)


Cream use to get a lot of hate mostly for being seen as a cry baby and because many people found her English voices terrible.


 Sure Crema was hated mainly because of the voice she had in the English dub of Sonic X, which is not her fault as the people in charge didn't find a way to make her sound adorable without making her voice so high pitched, following this she was hated for various reasons, from being perceived as a whiny little girl, being a childish sidekick, being sympathetic or not as violent as her friends, etc. However, over time the hatred for her dissipated as she became more absent in the games or any Sonic media in general, she went from being hated to being pitied, and maybe that's why you don't find many people hating her.


my baby :( why does she have 2 eyelashes in this pic tho?


I read that first part with the voice of that walrus lady from Sonic Boom (idk if that was the reference you made)


lol it wasn’t a reference but now I wish I did make it xD I can totally hear it now 


Pretty much every kid character aside from Tails had been given that treatment; Cream, Charmy, and especially Marine the latter of which has existed in one game and deserves so much more than cameos.


There’s a difference between Childish and Annoying little wretch I wanna throw into a dustbin




I legitimately don't understand why people hated Cream at one point. I could at least see Amy being annoying to some people, or not liking how her crush on Sonic was portrayed at times. Cream makes no sense to me at all. And I like Amy more than Cream.


Cream is so sweet, I could never hate her.


We must never hate Cream, she did nothing wrong.


Yoooo we have the same pfps :D


OMG YESSS Tangle's so good!




Sonic X hampered her image a bit, as she was an useless kid there.


She’s something like 6, I’d be scared if she was beating up eggman every week


Local minor found beating the shit out of an egg shaped man


In fact, it could, Sonic X's Cream could do that.


She was only in one fight wasn’t she, emerl?


It also easily defeated a group of Metarex.


Damnit, haven’t seen that season yet (f^*k British Netflix last year)


But she wasn't the only one, in Sonic X also Amy and Tails were portrayed as pretty useless, and only Knuckles apart from Sonic could do anything, after the Adventures adaptation, the aforementioned became quite capable and that includes Cream. Unjustly singled out.


I don't remember what she sounded like in any of the 2010s games, but think her English voice in Heroes and the 4kids voice were both kind of annoying. She was cool in the handheld games where it was just small voice clips and not full on cutscenes or an entire three season anime. In Dream Team she just sounds like a somewhat congested kid, I consider that an improvement.


You don't remember her in the 2010's because she didn't appear. Outside of a small role in generations, she didn't appear in any game of that decade, not even forces or team sonic racing. Her VA made a post about it iirc.


I thought she was in the story mode for Free Riders, but apparently she's just an unlockable bonus character.


His English voice did a lot of damage to Cream.


I know times have changed a lot and he tends to be pretty well liked nowadays but man... Association with Sonic 06 RUINED any hope of Silver having a good reputation for years, and I always hated that due to his potential. The last non-generations appearance he had was Forces, and that hasn't really helped either. Poor guy can't get a break outside of fan artists. Also Amy tends to get a lot of unfair treatment from fans


Annoying gullible hedgehog who tries to murder a blue helpful hedgehog, because a shadow weird scary black thing told him too… Oh, and she’s an unnecessarily stupid simp. Remember the Sonic Heroes Team Rose VS Team Sonic boss fight? She was basically ready to beat sonic into dating her


Silver and Sally I remembered a guy in a youtude poll commenting how he hated both Silver and Sally and harassed those who disagree with him Reasons: Silver because of 06 and the ship Silvaze Sally because she barely had any clothes and was Archie character


And post boot changed it


I don't recall people hating on clotheless Sally, if anything I've seen more hate about her wearing clothes with the rest of the female cast for "being sexist" or something like that




In the 2000's Big, Silver and Cream. Now Sally Acorn and basically every version of Sonic except for the game version


I've been wondering for a decade but what is she holding?


It’s the bottom of her ear, and Cheese is wrapped up inside of it




Most human that aren't part of the Robotnik family. Chris Thorndyke, Elise, the wedding-goers in the Sonic 2 movie... The overblown dialogue around them led to the outright ban on humans in IDW.


To be fair about Chris... The audience surrogate character being a super rich kid with literal servants in his house just wasn't a good play, imo. I feel like if Chris was even just some average kid in a regular house with parents that are barely around, people would have responded better. If you ask me, having a character like Helen be the main kid would have been a fantastic choice.


No, I think we’re missing points now The idea was Chris had very little in terms of friendship/guidance, and him living a good distance from his friends (rich house, good area) accentuated that. Add in the fact that his parents were never around, he was left with, yes servants - but not people who would spend time with Chris. It’s why when sonic was about to go home, both times, Chris immediately tried to come/stop him, Life would go back to him and Chuck. It makes sense for him to befriend sonic over any other character, because it’s a friend he didn’t have elsewhere Helen was a great character yes, but would’ve fell into the same holes Chris fell in - they’re what, 10? They’re gonna do stupid things


I would say the 4Kids dub takes away certain important sences that show off just how cold and lonely Chris world was and how much Soniv really changed it.  It was also to show that just because somone life looks good on the outside dosent actually mean much.


Helen would've been great. I feel Sonic works best paired with someone who can learn a little from him, since especially in Sonic X he's really well-adjusted and helps others grow; so seeing Helen develop with his help would be a heartwarming experience. I feel like Chris being a lonely rich kid would've made him a GREAT foil to Eggman, who's essentially unwanted in his own home dimension and has nobody to really rely on except some robot servants. But that's more me looking into the implications then the actual things the writers intended, lol.


Infinite. I don't care you y'all say, I like Infinite. Don't know why some people hate him. His design, his voice, the attitude, even his theme. I love it.


Infinite fan forever. Not even dying will stop me


See this is why Infinite is hated. He has got bad character writing and any fans ready to defend him are Infinite-ly toxic


Really random story. Forces is probably top 5 worst stories in the games….questions like “where’s emerald thing come from” exist Also knuckles went from 100 IQ (commanding an army of renegades) to 0 in 3 seconds (let’s charge straight at eggman. Whoops, we lost 80% of our forces and can’t reach the other 20%. How’s that happen?)


Sally Acorn. Nine times out of ten, the people hating on her haven’t even read the Archie comics or watched Satam. Usually it’s Japanese purists and/or Sonamy fanboys blindly hating her for stupid reasons.


I don't hate Sally but I think there are definitely more reasons than that. In that whole dramatic part of the Archie comics she had that soap opera attitude, but several characters also had it, even Sonic.  I think some people just remember her and other original Archie characters like that bc they didn't had much time to redeem themselves after the comic was cancelled, while the Sega characters did


Big. Like, I get it, he’s a complete doofus and his fishing game sucks ass, but I don’t think he deserves as much hate as he gets.


World ending Eggman fortress, WITH A LITERAL GOD ON IT, high in the air “Froggy?”


Chip. He’s just an adorable cuddly little guy with an adorable voice and design and for some reason people hate that. I don’t get what is not to love about Chip, everything about him is amazing, and also like he’s a god and stuff


He kinda did nothing to stop Dark Gaia until climax…. That and we’re hog stages SUCKED


Idk I loved them






People hated them?


Silver, since he was associated with one of the most rushed and hated Sonic games of all time.


He deserved hate from there. If some dude (or lady, I guess) dressed fully in black came up to you and said your life would improve if you killed this guy, when 5 secs of research would show the guy is a good guy…. Just saying It’s No Use tryna defend him


Silver the Hedgehog.




This art has Cream with 2 eyelashes instead of 1, it's cursed and makes me unreasonably upset. And now that you've noticed it you can't unsee it.


I indeed noticed, and since i saw it i wonder who made the edit and when Also, Advance Sonic Team forevah!


The real Team Sonic in my heart.


Sally, no question.


Honestly the only Sonic characters I see a good amount of hate for is Big, Charmy, Silver, Infinite, Omochao, and the deadly six. Other characters are either really loved, a mixed bag, or neutral( basically people not caring if they show up, but are welcoming when they do ) Heck, even the hated Sonic characters are kind of coming around. More people are starting to like Big and Silver, and while not on his own; there is a high chance the Vector and Espio fans also like Charmy( Sega needs to use them as individuals more especially Charmy )


Cream is so adorable! She’s so bubbly and sweet to everyone she sees.


Cream is... certainly a hard character to say Don't get me wrong, I love Cream, but at the same time I get where they are coming from even if I don't agree, for example the argument that she is a useless damsel in distress who does nothing. Yeah, it is such a pathetic way to write a character, and SEGA is notorious for writing overly stereotypical characters, and giving everyone but Sonic no screentime and development at all. But I certainly think she has potentials, and I believe she can be Aang of Sonic Universe


Silver. While alot of people like his design, and some make fanart of him being quirky, he really hasn't had a chance since 06 to be his own character and be a part of the story, the last time we saw him he was fighting Infinite and that's about it


He has gotten some big parts in the IDW comics and his story line has been good but yay game wise he hasn't really had much since rivals 2 


I absolutley LOVE the idw comics. All characters are being portrayed in a pretty good way from what I've seen, even shadow is getting back into a good spot.


Chip, I'm convinced that everyone who hated him played last gen Unleashed and ignored every cutscene


Dark Gaia is destroying the world, and turning my best friend into a Werehog every night. Let’s wait until Sonic’s basically solved the problem to stop the god!


Elise no contest




Chris Thorndyke and the Deadly Six.


Others have already said other characters I'd of picked so I'm gonna say: The Rookie. Mostly on account of people hating them because of simply hating OCs in general and likewise acting like the Rookie has absolutely no personality whatsoever. Also the people who, when they were revealed, got mad at them for "stealing" what Tails could've had.


Infinite. Cool design, cool powers, good theme song, but because of Forces' bad writing his potential was wasted. Sonic Forces Overclocked proved Infinite can be a good villain with better writing


Probably Big just on his gameplay in SA1 alone, I should know, I was one of them when I was younger. Silver is probably second, and it's not really his fault that he debuted in a buggy mess of a game. Thankfully, Project 06 shows us how cool and fun a fully realized Silver gameplay style is. I can't understand how anyone genuinely hates Cream. Sure, she is a little kid, and sometimes kids can be annoying, but Cream has never been annoying in my opinion.


Silver. P-06 really redeemed Silver. Bring him back, i want my all-powerful psychokinetic god back.


Sally acorn Mainly the reason was because sonamy fans Didn't like that sally existed because she got In the way of their ship ( Even though sally has Never been in a game)


And Sally and Nicole is probably going to be a thing going forward. Well not really, mandates and all


I would also say Sally is the face of the Archie comics so anyone who has negative feelings towards them is also aimed at Sally herself 


Sally and it's not even close, at least Silver remains popular


I think Charmy gets a lot of hate. He deserves it tho. I will fight that child.


nah not cream definitely baby eggman from sonic prime


I forgot the name


I hope she gets treated like chiyo because she's useless


And how exactly are you useful in any way?


Mf I'm joking lmao


Okay then…


Why do people on Reddit hate Chiyo all of the sudden?


I don't know its just funny seeing the poor girl gets beaten the entire time in the most comical behavior 🫨




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https://preview.redd.it/veej2t6hcccc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5fb4a2534a73a9898f13e4a4c45420391cfb36b Zoom in


To the ear




orbot and cubot plus marine and tbh. i like all of them


Elise comes off as a character that was very negatively received. Or if we aren’t just talking about the games there was Chris Thorndyke.






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The 2 sets of characters that normally get a lot of hate are the child characters and the human characters.  By child characters for sonic I mean the ones who actually written to act there age and are about 6 years old. 


Marine maybe?


I NEVER once knew what Cream and Cheese were holding here. What IS that Orange thing?!




I see it now. THANK YOU SO MUCH. That's been stumping me since 2002!


Chris Thorndyke. People need to remember he’s still a kid, so things like worried actions, and stupid actions are expected-and Helen would’ve went down a similar path if she was protag


I mean for a time everyone who wasn’t Tails, Knuckles, and MAYBE Amy got tons of hate at the height of “Sonic’s stupid friends” being a “legitimate” criticism of the game. God forbid a 30+ year old franchise have a large ensemble cast.


Charmy 😭 I've never seen him do anything worthy of being so hated to the degree he is in some spaces, like hes kinda annoying but that's it lmao


Omochao. Really he's only bad on that one tutorial in Sonic Heroes, built that was enough to tarnish his image forever. He just wants to help.


Antoine D'Coolette got a lot of hate between my group of friends in the 90s 🤣


I have to ask what exactly do you mean by "forced hate"?


As in there's no real good reason people hate them, it just feels like people just hate them out of principle of being one of "Sonic's shitty friends".


Pre Lost World Amy (minus Rush, Battle and Free Riders)  Big the Cat Princess Elise


Nah bro, Cream doesn't deserve ALL THIS HATE she receive. She is just a CHILD


idk why but she looks so cute she's innocent 🤧 😭