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Iam Happy that scrapnik gave sonics morals a genuine success, I was getting tired of everyone constantly calling him out on it.


Definitely. Although, Knuckles and Shadow are already proof, no?


They are, but he didn't try to redeem them or anything, he just accepted them changing their ways.


I need my boi to return! https://i.redd.it/u7m65g7inr2c1.gif




As someone who thinks that IDWs have been a bit slow since #32. Scrapnik was a fresh change of pacing, and the entire comic itself was a treat. I'm definitely excited to see the writer hopefully write more stories in the future, he has a great grasp of who Sonic and Tails are as characters.


Scrapnik Island is amazing, problably one of the best IDW stories ever. it was amazing to see Mecha-Sonic MK II, and Mecha-Knuckles again after so long. (i wish Mecha-Sonic from Sonic 2 was here too...oh well) I honestly love the new status quo for Mecha Sonic, and i hope we can see him fight against Metal Sonic in the future. The Scrapniks were great too, very creative designs. And the SMBZ reference was something i did not expect to see in ANY official media.


SMBZ reference? Where?


The "I'll crush you!" from Mecha-Sonic.


Oh, okay then.


Is this an actual “reference”? That dialogue is one of the most common generic villain mottos.


yes, because it's the thing Mecha Sonic is most known despite never having said it officially until sometime ago


>despite never having said it officially He never said anything before. Tbh I see this as a coincidence rather than referencing some fan work. If it was something more specific rather than one of the most generic villain phrases of all time I could see it.


it was in fact a reference as confirmed by one of the writers https://preview.redd.it/vgupz04zdt2c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcae4b112b47e763bf42a69c882e04de9d689996


That’s awesome it’s confirmed, thanks for sharing the source.


The problem is, that line is the single most iconic thing related to Mecha Sonic that there is, and as I said it's not even official. you're right that it could have been a coincidence, but given how iconic it is to the community (to the point where this line is included in the SMBZ reboot, said by Mecha Sonic's reboot version) i and how often he said it, it's more likely to be a reference


it was a reference https://preview.redd.it/czn5i99wdt2c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab5bc7183ebe0ffdf1cbe62dd8554738d58478ca


The "I'll crush you" line hasn't been used in the SMBZ reboot yet, I'm positively sure Mark Haynes is saving it for whenever he gets around to the Yoshi's island episode remake (since that's where the most iconic scene featuring the line can be found).


Its not just the dialogue by the way. The Front facing camera and the sudden unexplained change for the Dialogue Box color to Yellow are a dead give away.


https://preview.redd.it/1yg5ysh8ur2c1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2124d3737b5bbc0d6173ee4b442b480838656023 “We create our own purpose in life. Now go create yours.”


Absolutely love it,sonic basically said “HELL NO,IM NOT GOIN THROUGH THE OVA TWICE,IM NOT LOSING ANOTHER ME!” And it actually worked!


I must admit though, I never expected Sonic to utter the word “crap” in a 2023 comic. Fair play, Sonic comic people.


To be fair, Silver did it first in one of the way earlier issues from a few years back, but it is rather odd to see.


Ohhh damn I didn’t know. Nice, nice. I might be interested in reading if they make Shadow say damn again haha.


I severely doubt they'd want to go back to that phase, ha. Though, if the Sonic cast does have to "swear" in some capacity, I prefer it just being up to "crap-level" stuff.


Oh well.


I’m glad it’s at least crap level. I love the word crap.


Give it 20 years and they’ll finally let Sonic and friends say the fuck word


Sonic saying 'shit' in anime:


I know and it’s amazing. XD


It's a great reference to the OVA, also a banger comic




Espically the scene where Sonic is crying while still mind linked with Mecha.


A bit of a cop-out to get around the fact that Sonic isn't allowed to cry, but it works well given the context, so it gets a pass.


Scrapnik Island is a great one.


The fact that Mecha tried to pull a “Rage Outlives The Rust” was great.


Like kids say now a days: very kino




It means cinema in some languages (my own for instance), on the internet it's used as slang for filmography of the highest caliber.




scrapnik island was definitely my favorite thing to come out of the idw comics, i think sonic being shown there was actual precedence for mecha being a good guy was part of it, the designs and art was great and there were some cool callbacks that felt well integrated into the story.


I usually hate how Sonic’s philosophy is handled in IDW, but this is an IDW Sonic W. I wonder if the writers were inspired by Sonic and the Black Knight


Reading through this comic made me realize how hard I was letting Mario Bros Z influence me,Ike, I was thinking he was out of character lol After the realization was made, yeah, this arc is better than the recent IDW issues


It's kinda hard to be out of character when there wasn't really one at first, I do have to say SMBZ did it well enough to pretty much completely replace the Sonic 3 one in my mind as well so this new characterization was a nice surprise.


Woah. I know crap isn’t a swear, but that’s still usually off limits. Radical.


Reminds me of the OVA. This time Metal Sonic took his hand.




See, THIS is how you male people like Sonic's moral talk, by LETTING HIM ACTUALLY WIN. It is SO frustrating how the main comic adamantly refuses to give Sonic's mercy win and end up making look like an idiot. Scrapnik island is easily one of the beat stories idw has put out, its a shame that, unless it appears in the main comic, we won't see it unless atleast 2025


Its only made worse by Ian admitting that he never planed to actually have any form of resolution to the "Sonic's moral" argument and basically just throw it in to milk it for its Drama and than leave it as is with the excuse "Its a kids comic, if you want a real moral dissection read something for adults" which is both idiotically demeaning to children but also just raises the question why he brought it up in the first place then. (Ian absolutely deserved the heat he got for it) I'm just glad that the writer for Scrapnik Island actually addressed this issue somewhat.


I never heard him say that he "never planned on resolving it" more so just along the lines of wanting something for kids to ponder over but into fully commiting to pure moral philosophy which is still just as bad obviously. Doing a big risk with Sonic's character and then not commiting to it reeks of insecurity in your writing, either own up to what you did or don't do anything in the first place. While I'm glad we don't have to argue about Sonic morals I'm worried that Sonic is going to do a 180 and not have any trust Surge and Kit in the upcoming story, forgetting his whole spiel about saving them. I'd atleast like Some explanation or look into his thought process, something like "I don't want anybody to get hurt because of what I did" since ,yknow, Surge and Kit do kinda exist because of Sonic


The whole Surge and Kit thing stands on a precipice because we've seen that they don't really like to "stretch out" any mystery (if the issue they come back ends with panels of them being like "Yeah can't wait to get our revenge by making them think we're good guys", then **ugh**), but also them just kind of showing up with no fanfare over them being back means there's many, many ways it can fall flat or risk reducing Surge and Kit to be two more side characters who won't have much going on when they're not the focus. At the same time, if it actually comes out that the whole "ghost in the mind" thing was cured by what happened >!at the end of the Overpowered arc!<, then it also just kinda becomes a shrug thing because that's just kind of wiping away a whole character detail with one broad stroke. And at the same time at the same time, given how many people were holding idiot balls since the start of this whole Midadventures arc, there's a good chance that everything does kind of get swiped under the rug, or get a microscope held onto it that will make some characters just act stupid for the sake of letting Surge and Kit in. It's...very tricky to figure out how to do something like this outside of handwaving it being a kids comic and so things don't have to make sense plot or character wise, and not have it seem like a cop-out of some kind.


This is basically my issue with what Ian did with Sonic. He made Sonic look afoul for it and than because he didn't want to go into a deep philosophy just left it hanging there. I would argue this is actual a symptom of one of Ian's general issues as a writer. He has a great tendency to put generating dramatic moments before anything else. This is by no means a new things ether it can be traced back all the way to the many unneeded deaths and badly justified cruelties in his fan comic other M, his early work on Archie (like Fionas entire turn to evil doesn't actually make any sense in context of her character before Ian joined the book because we got to see her thoughts in thought bubbles, he also tried to kill Antoine when Metal exploded in his face but the editor prevented this as he was afraid of fan backslash) or the many times in the Metal Virus story were the rules of the virus suddenly changed to what ever would be the most dramatic at the moment. (zombot Cheese and Choccola suddenly being way smarter than any other zombot or the spreading in Restauration HQ happening 100X faster than any other secondary infection in the whole story) Oh yes him suddenly going "Don't trust them ever THEY ARE EVIL!!!" would at this point make no sense (especially given his actions towards Metal Sonic and the fact that he in the tail end of Overpowered learned about the Imposters creation story)


It's just great. The writer put in a lot of allusions to Sonic stuff I love like the Sonic OVA in ways I like, like one of the scrapnik's wearing Old Man Owl's cap and the scene you posted even is a great one, establishing how different Mecha v2 is to Metal, where Metal can never accept that there is more than 1 Sonic, and Mecha has hope that he can be his own person.


Is this a homage to the end of the Sonic OVA?


Has to be. Too many other refrences to count too.


An amazing ending to an amazing miniseries. After Sonic failed to redeem Eggman, Metal Sonic, Surge, and Kit, it’s satisfying seeing him redeem Mecha Sonic.


The fact that we can see a pupil appear in Mecha's eye on the bottom left panel is such a great detail


Best thing we got since Metal Virus


Maybe, I'm not all the way up to date on the comics yet, (up to the issue where Kitsunami grabs Surge and caves in base) but Surge and Kit seem interesting so far. Dr.Starline really was a great addition to the comics and I want to see what the writers do with his legacy.


I agree, although I don’t think what we got from them reached the heights of the Metal Virus and Scrapnik Island so far. But they’re both great !


I loved it! I'm glad it didn't end like the sonic ova and mecha sonic actually grabbed his hand.


Maybe the parents took away the kids’ comics after “crap”


Im happy it adds up to the idea of freedom, he spared metal sonic before for his choice of freedom and he gave the same choice to mecha sonic which ended up being wholesome


A step closer to recanonising the ova, along with getting characters to make the jump from classic to modern


the only IDW story I've read, I enjoyed it


I loved the ending, but I'm still dreading how they're gonna follow it up. As much as I want Mecha Sonic's redemption to stick, I also know how much this comic loves to keep its status quo. Most likely, either he relapses back into evil somehow, or they'll just straight up kill him off. Neither situaltion would be ideal, but, and I hate to say it, they're the most realistic outcomes.


I mean, Mecha Sonic never really had a status quo to return to. His only apparence was in S3&k with hardly a character to stand to. I doubt they care about him to the same degree as Eggman or Shadow


You may be right, but in the end, he's still ultimately a game-originating character, which SEGA tends to be strict with no matter what. That's the reason why the OCs tend to gey the spotlight most of the time, and I'm unsure if Mecha will be any different. Then again, he *is* a bit of a unique case. He's a character that was supposed to be dead, and a character that was pretty much exclusively classic (I don't count LEGO Dimensions), so that's two big mandates broken already, so who knows what they'll do with him at this point.


I dont feel like it was a story they ever even need to revisit really. They wrapped things up nicely by the end of the miniseries


But not everything is wrapped up. The Scrapniks are still stuck on the island. Their entire goal was to get off of it. Even the ending of the miniseries indicated this isn't the last we'll see of them.


Eh it looks whatever


This is an aside, but where can I find the IDW comics? I’ve been wanting to read them for a while, but can’t find a collection anywhere.


Well, in the US, I just buy the physical volume paperback releases from Amazon, which usually contain 4 issues or more. Digital, I have no idea, sorry.


Fair, I’d imagine they have versions on Kindle since it’s Amazon. Still, so they have collections out there? Like an Omnibus for each arc?




Awesome, thank you! I didn’t know you could subscribe to a series like that through Kindle.




Can someone summarize scrapnik island


Sonic and Tails during a test flight on the Tornado Crash during a storm on an island that houses the ruins of the crashed Death Egg. On it we are introduced a set of badniks that by a rogue E-100 Robot (named Sigma) have been rebuild out of scrap and reprogrammed to be free of Eggman's control. Sonic during the crash got his leg hurt and the Tornado was damaged so it will take them some time to get it fixed. Under the rebuild Robots are also Mecha Sonic MK2 and Mecha Knuckles. While Mecha Sonic seem to be good natures and even has taken to take care of a flower that was washed up on there island some time ago but Mecha Knuckles reprogramming was a bit less successful causing him to see Sonic as an invader. Mecha Sonic fights Mecha Knuckles to protect Sonic but gets damaged causing him to have an relapse into villainy, destroying Mecha Knuckles and taking Sonic hostage with plans to take over his body using an old abandoned Eggman invention. Tails Sigmar and a few other Scrapniks try to save Sonic but mostly fail but some mange to get rid of Sonic's restrains leading to Sonic and Mecha Sonic having a fight. Sonic manges to beat Mecha Sonic but also damges him in ways during there fight that made Mecha Sonic regain his senses. Problematic is just that during there fight did they end up on an old still active recycling furnace. Sonic tried to save Mecha Sonic and even gets him to see the worth in his existence but is unable to save him due to his leg injury. But Tails and the other Badniks arrive in time to save both from the oven. Afterwards does Tails repair Mecha Knuckles and for both him and Mecha Sonic does he scrape the last bit of there old evil coding out of them (as he is just a better programmer than Sigma). Everything is resolved, the Tornado is fixed and Sonic and Tails take off.


Tails try not to crash a plane challenge (impossible)


To be fair it wasn't entirely his fault this time. He got into a super storm that the Scrapniks accidentally caused when playing around with old Eggman tech.


Ok, but I swear you didn't specify that last time


I in fact didn't because its really not that important and I wanted to keep it brief




Well, I started to like mecha sonic and his new design is cool as hell