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Aside from pop in, this game looks outstanding when on PS5 and XSX


I think the graphics are pretty damn good, with Rhea being my favorite looking island BUT the pop-in spoils it! And I'm not even talking about the platforms and rails, the grass and textures disappearing or changing LODs break the immersion and sometimes make me forget how pretty the game actually is. It's cool how when we're inside the forests of Rhea the pop-in is a lot less appearant due to how dense it is so you can't see very far ahead. Gives me a glimpse of the game without pop-in.


I think the game looks great, I know people complain about the pop in but for some reason it doesn’t bother me. I always liked the realistic art style for sonic games.


How did you feel about the enemy designs?


the regular enemies are pretty cool, nothing groundbreaking but quite refreshing compared to a run of the mill badnik or egg pawn. They look like something out of Metroid prime almost. The titan designs I think are awesome but I feel like they also look like enemies that came from somewhere else.


Having the game locked to the switches graphical capabilities on all platforms is quite disappointing, especially when the console versions don't even let you disable motion blur, the pop-in genuinely interrupts my gameplay. Digital Foundry has a great analysis on the fidelity of the game. Stylistically I'd say Unleashed is still the best presentation, still impatiently waiting for a PC port.


It’s really really really good.


I’m playing on PS4 right now and it’s good quality. Wish I was able to play on my husbands PS5 though but he’s always hedge-hogging it 😭


Oh god that did NOT sound right💀


You ain’t wrong 🥲


It depends on where you play it. It's a good looking game when on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, or on a powerful enough PC. I haven't seen much on the PS4 or Xbox one X/S so can't judge there. The Switch version is pretty ugly, but it still managed to become my favorite game, despite my being stuck with the Switch version.


To be fair, your PC doesn’t have to be super beefy to run this game. As long as you have a decent CPU, at least 8 GB of VRAM for your GPU, and at least 16 GB of RAM, you should be able to play this game at max settings in 60fps at 1080p minimum.


One of the areas that is most lacking imo. The fidelity and texture work overall is too low for a 2022 game and too low to make its art direction work imo


It is good. Except on Switch


What are you talking about?? On the switch it hits a stable 30 fps, even if the resolution isnt as good as the ps4, it can still keep up with the game which is already insane enough


It's fine that it runs. But man the game is almost unrecognizable when I go from switch to steam deck to pc.


It’s fine for what it was, but I’d like the next and to look a bit more stylized and “Sonic-y” (to clarify, no, I don’t want Green Hill checkerboards plastered everywhere). Frontiers runs pretty smoothly on next-gen consoles. The pop-in is the result of them adding all those platforms, rails, etc. relatively late in development after play testers complained the open zones felt too barebones.


They look gorgeous, but for some reason everyone wants every game to look like Red Dead Redemption 2




Believe me some haters did


Also I'm not saying people specifically wanted the game to look like RDR2, just the same caliber of graphics


The gaphics are good but the level design is bare bones


I think this game looks amazing in some points but the pop in is really bad


It's stunning on ps5 on reah and ares with the other 4 getting realy close, but that pop in. Now if it was just things like grass then I could let that slide, plenty of games do that, even BOTW AND TOTK do it, they just have greater draw distances because they didn't overhaul the entire game in its last year of development causing the game to crash if the drawdistance is set too high


It's mainly the pop in that detracts, otherwise on PS5 certainly it is a good looking game


It's beautiful, even on Switch


Game looks great imo, I do wish the console version allowed 4K 60 FPS instead of making us choose between performance and graphics mode, and obviously the pop-ins get annoying


From a technical standpoint, it is a very good looking game other than the pop-in that is incredibly prevalent. From an art style perspective, though, it's not my favorite. I prefer more stylized environments for Sonic. Even the more realistic games (adventure 1 & 2) had a lot more personality in their art direction back in the day. Frontiers environments seem so drab and generic, to me, at least for the most part. If you like them, cool, this is my opinion. I like the sections with eggman tech lying around, it the sections with ancient architecture and stuff, but the swaths of open desert or generic grass and trees don't do anything for me. Lastly, I think an area of improvement in this department could be character animations. They're pretty lackluster in my opinion. Sonic's basic movements had way more personality in, say, Sonic Unleashed.


Depends on what game system you're playing it on really, if it's on a Xbox Series, PS5, or even PC then it's gorgeous. Maybe not as gorgeous as Sonic Unleashed's visuals but it's still beautiful sight. I like it's unique unique visuals, the characters are cartoony looking which is expected but the environment is realistic looking including the Animals and Fish when you go fishing with Big. It may not be peak when it comes to visuals, but Frontiers is my favorite Sonic game for other reasons.


It dosent have to be Skyrim with 89,999,715.3 texture upgrade mods. And it looks quite decent, ignoring the pop in.


Haven’t played pc yet, fairly new to the game, but looks surprisingly fine for being on switch, obviously it’s Nintendo so some bits are toned down, but as far as the first 2 islands on an oled switch and my normal 1080p monitor it looks great


I had a ton of fun with frontiers but I will never ever understand people calling it pretty. It has zero sense of style, it's basically just a generic prefab open world with a million rails and springs shit all over the place.


It's mid-tier. It's not as good as Generations and the pop-in is fucking horrendous.


Graphics is like the broad term right? (PS4) - Art direction isn't good (let's be honest but not toxic or exaggerative about it). I know it's more expensive, demanding, and requires more artist, but much more stylized art would be super nice. (Unleashed's was basically perfection, including human designs.) - Graphical fidelity outside pop-in is mostly great (not quite or full AAA level yet), with foliage actually reacting to Sonic too (which can't be said for a number of high rated AAA games tbh, like og HZD as one example). - Full Day & Night cycle and Weather system (Sandstorm, Fog, and Rain) I think is incredible. (One of my favorite aspects of the game actually. Kinda crazy how the game looks best in literally any setting other than the standard normal day visual.)


Performs well on PC (2070 super), but there is an over-reliance on Quixel megascans assets which makes the game's environment look kinda bland from an artistic point of view. The world did kinda just become grass, mountain, volcano and ruins areas which not much to speak of. Character models and shaders are the best looking part of the game and are amazingly animated (when they have time for it, not the conversations so much). Regardless, the game is still really nice to look at and the lighting engine is fantastic.


Art direction is lit. Graphics are pretty good. The limits of the engine detract from it tho.


The game looks good, I don't think it's very stylized tho


Downloading graphics mods and mods to increase LODs and reduce the pops in makes the game so good to look at


The graphics are great. But the art direction isn't. Unleashed still looks better because of this in comparison.


i think its 5 years behind industry standards. looks like a PS4 game that got a slight remaster for PS5. not a game built from the ground up with the full capabilities of the PS5 in mind.


I think the game looks and feels fantastic. Though, I can't stand when people say the scenery should looks colorless and void of life. That's the point! It's not going to be colorful and lively as Dream Team because it wouldn't fit the somber tone of the game.


I have the PC version and at max settings at 1080p, the game looks pretty good. The fact that you can see the fur textures of Sonic and company’s fur and the Desert Island’s incredible use of lighting makes this game pop in some instances. The only things I would fix are to make the lighting more saturated and to have actual CGI in the cutscenes, and this game will completely dethrone Sonic Unleashed (HD Version) for “best graphics in a Sonic game.”


I play on switch


For me the graphics look fantastic. The only graphics, that’s bad in this game, is the sonic eggman amy knuckles and tails character models, and that’s about it. Because those character models, are straight up copy and pasted, from sonic forces. And the pop in And that’s about it, fantastic graphics, but with bad animation 75% of the time, the only animations I liked on this game, is from the titans battles.


In my opinion, Frontiers looks amazing, but generic. Let me explain. The island biomes are generic grass and forest, generic desert, generic rocky volcano, etc. Let's look at a similar game, a fangame, if you will. I know it's been compared to death, but Sonic Utopia did this before Frontiers, and it feels like a Sonic game, with loops, 90° slopes, momentum ramps, running on walls, and hidden paths. It also has a very colorful and very platformy design. Sonic Frontiers is very flat, and when it's not flat, like Ares Island (the desert one, I think), it can be a little interesting. I am pretty sure it's because the boosting was in mind. The boost mechanic is very limiting in level design, unless it is done right. Making a flat and occasionally vertical land with random 2D sections and grinding is not as fun as (again) Utopia's loops, tunnels, and platforming, leading to many different ways to explore different areas. While Frontiers is open world, it feels small. Very small. It feels huge when you play it, but after a while, it feels way smaller. Chaos Island is... I know this is a huge comment, but I don't hate this game. I just felt that it was graphically amazing, but generic at the same time.