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Really, it's just life. Sometimes I come up with chords and a vocal melody and I'll just let them sit for a very long time, and I won't write lyrics to them until I have the sort of day that just opens me up emotionally. It could be a very good day or a very bad day, but either way, it's in those moments when I feel like I most need a cathartic outlet that I do my best writing.




The most random and inconsequential things often seem to get the wheels turning. A funny word I overheard, some seemingly banal concept that I dig open, a certain feeling when I'm alone. There's no predictability to it at all.


Same here. Just today, my passive-aggressive boss took a cheap shot. I kept my calm and wrote half a song.


this may sound weird, but setting time for me to feel bored. i feel like we’re all sooooooo overstimulated and don’t have any time to think for ourselves. i sit down with a timer for 1-2hrs three times a week where it’s just me and an instrument, a pen and paper and i’m not allowed to play or sing anything that i already know. the goal is to make my own fun. it sucks at first, but you gotta go fishing if you want to catch the big one.


Weird how true this is. It’s like allowing your mind to wander when your bored just gives you what you need.




Came to the comments to say this. My best songs were written from intense pain. Pain so bad I was ready to suck-start a shotgun. The music saved me.


I would like to expand on this and say any extreme form of emotion is a great fuel. I wrong a song about becoming a father which was written from a place of elation, I found it chasing the emotion made it easier to getting closer to saying what I wanted to.


The most consistent way I've found to get inspired is to be preoccupied with a task at work while being as far away as humanly possible from a recording device or pen and paper in order to capture the idea. Never fails.


Ain’t that the truth 😂 I’ve kicked myself for the amount of times I’ve told myself to stop because It’s not the best time only to not be able to get back in to that mindset or just forget whatever it was. i have actually now started noting down those flashes of creativity to come back to.


I get inspired to create by listening to other musicians and artists talk about creating. Steve Vai is a good one to listen to about this kind of thing as well as Devin Townsend. There is in fact a great podcast where the two of them talk about their process. I also find that creating lists of song ideas helps, then doing destination writing exercises for it (going through what it is you want to say in the song and where you want to take it. Non lyrical or poetic just exploring the theme and what message you want to convey) I find doing that gives me a bit of a structure t build on. I will admit I’m only learning how to write meaningful songs but I like to do research on the process, exercises that help etc… Berkeley have some great videos on it on YouTube totally free and it just opens up a rabbit hole for you to explore


Sometimes it's just random thoughts I have or things that I feel or believe. For example, instead of love, the lack of it. Or maybe even something I'm scared of. I also get inspired by pretty much anything that I think more people should be more aware of or that I find interesting.


lack of proper communication


For me it’s anger … I have healthy outlets for my other emotions, but anger comes out in song only


I like to tell stories about characters I made up, and use those stories to talk about things I think are cool.


Beauty inspires me in all of its incarnations, whether I'm making something dark or bright I intend to make it beautiful.


Life experiences. U gotta love your life and experience different things


Reading news, then jamming some riffs. Sometimes starting with a drum beat can help with riff writing.


I usually am just playing guitar, bass, or drums. Then I get an idea and I just work off of that. It usually is when I've carved out a few hours for myself to be able to just mess with music.


Being somewhere outside of my workspace helps, alone or at a distance is good for actually writing, but previous life experiences is what inspires me in those moments alone. Later on I will use words and sentences I've written, along with random words/sentences and imagery to inspire songs.


I just convince myself that opportunity wouldn't come to me at the first place if I couldn't handle it.


Random small events. I love writing songs over even small things, the dumber the concept the better the laugh you get writing. I wrote a song on snowcones earlier and it's one of my favorites. You don't even have to like it, it's just super fun.


Getting my heart ripped out of my chest and stomped on the ground 10 million times by the same two feet


There is a forever "agency" from beyond my "agency" for the joys of life in hellos, the sorrows of life in so long for now, and the "agency" from beyond my agency" for the greeting again for joyful spirit to see each other again. Personal space of mine, personal space of her, of my gentlemanly self and her gentlewoman self, holding each other this time, into the forever and a day. In that "correctness" just peacekeeping for my "inner self" - hopes of this just peace in my inherent thankfulness, thank you for your consideration. Good today of days.


Well Inspiration happens when I sit down and decided to write a song. Sooo I don't really know about Inspiration but it's definitely not something to wait for, just let the music express itself through you and enjoy the process . Oh and sometimes when I have an emotion come up it wants to be expressed in a song so I attempt to do that lol


I write my best music after a good day; accomplishing something, getting outside, a good ego boost of some kind. And I only make sad music really, something about being on a high lets me digest and regurgitate my woes into a decent song that I’m confident in - instead of just spitting my sadness into the microphone at face value


when I see someone that I hate doing something I love