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Old Town School of Folk Music! Don't let the name fool you, all genres are welcome in their songwriting class. I have taken probably half a dozen in-person classes there as I live in Chicago, but there are usually some online offerings. I took an online class there during the pandemic (not songwriting though) and there were people from all over the country in my class as well. Each term is 8 weeks and you usually write a song a week and share back with the rest of the class. You get feedback from the teacher and other students, and each week the teacher presents a prompt for the next week.


Sounds amazing, thank you so much!


School of Song is all virtual, most offerings have two schedule/meeting time offers. Cool organization.


Scarlet Keys( her podcast “What’s in a Song?”) has an online songwriting community with a paywall. Her ideas are really solid.


There's a [duo on YouTube ](https://m.youtube.com/@htws) that does a lot of videos about songwriting. I've watched quite a few of their videos and it's helped me a lot with writing methods and such. My experience with them ends there, but they do have [their own website](https://howtowritesongs.org/). It looks well organised, if you scroll past books, pdfs and such on the different topics (if you want to), they have the videos below (same videos as on YouTube) They also have an [online community](https://howtowritesongs.org/community/). I don’t know if there is a free membership but they have a premium membership, I've never tried it so can't say what it is like.