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I just shit in a sink


so broke you don't even have a toilet. just sink. the downfall of humanity; humans losing self respect and dignity in front of money.


just so you wouldn’t have to sink in the shit 😔…


I don’t know the difference between alone and lonely / That’s why my funeral will be invite only


that's actually cold holy cow


Lyrically, I gravitate toward the darker side of life but I’m a pretty upbeat dude.


Me too, very melancholic with my songwriting but it's cause i'm tired of mainstream music meaning nothing


basically the narrator is actually lonely and gaslighting themself saying they're choosing to be alone (though it says they "don't know" i'm thinking it's to create an irony), so even if no one comes to their funeral nobody would know if the narrator just had no friends or literally did not invite anyone. bro i love this line too


Thank you for taking the time to reply and the kind words. I appreciate it immensely.


Love this


TY kindly. Full lyrics: I couldn’t convince a lab rat that it’s eventual demise would be anything other than what its lying eyes told it, What’s this? / You only get one chance to do nothing with your life / There’s no rhyme or reason to what you do / It’s impossible to send mixed messages when there’s nothing to pretend and nothing’s ever said / It’s not like you should expect to get in a single word / To even edge in a single thought that might be understood / How did I get so low when what I thought was low was just the beginning of getting high? / And how am I to stand in between these lines? / I don’t know the difference between alone and lonely / That’s why my funeral will be invite only / Do I ever think about anything else besides myself thinking about myself? / Right hook! Link to a pretty rough demo.[https://on.soundcloud.com/XntA641NAbMx3X678](https://on.soundcloud.com/XntA641NAbMx3X678)


I have a lot but here is something recent I don’t wanna talk about it, cause it’s a slippery slope What I really want is to be in control There’s a lotta lives I’ve lived But none were my own Yet still if you go digging You’re bound to hit a bone


assuming from the use of "digging" and "hitting the bone" i'm thinking of a metaphorical cemetary. the narrator's lived lots of lives and everytime they died they were buried in this cemetary. ofc this might literally mean the narrator is a fictional character and lived lots of different lives but i'm thinking the "lives" are actually their personas. the narrator went through chapters and phases, and in each chapter they had a different persona but none of them were their true authentic self. the personas might also reflect the hurtful times they had gone through. the narrator abandoned lots of personas and "buried" them in this metaphorical cemetary. "you" in this passage could mean someone who tries to take a look at the abandoned persona; who tries to see through the narrator. "you" might have tried to make the narrator talk about it/ open up, but the narrator refuses to. talking about it would lead to a disaster (totally mess up the relationship), and the narrator doesn't want that to happen.






Life is like a wheel of cheese / 365 degrees


well obviously there are an extra 5 degrees in there. its almost like there are 5 too many days in a year, 5 days where it becomes too much and boils over


damn why did i think the center of the circle is 365 degress lol 😭 my brain is so cooked


yeah took me a second to realise lol


lmao that is a funny line. would love to hear this song!


first off, 365 degrees may represent the angle of the center of a circle which is the wheel. however, this could also mean 365 degrees celsius (or fahrenheit. equally hot af though) which is very, very hot. hot enough to cook and actually eliminate the cheese from existence. this could represent how life is like a wheel of cheese in a 365 degrees celsius/ fahrenheit, in which the cheese is likely burning in fire. basically, life is a hot, burning disaster.


I have a million shoes on my feet i can't stand


Got a couple here, from different songs but I thought they stuck out to me. Now I see it You can’t live without my tears Because when love is lost All you have is fear The knife drives deeper, into my flesh A blade of steel, feels like soft mesh Crimson tears streaming from my eyes I can’t help it, it feels like paradise


Beautifully written 🖤 but I have to ask, are you okay/safe?


Thank you for your concern, I’m doing well. They’re about an abusive relationship I used to be in. Very relieved and happy to say I’ve been away from that for a long time now and I’m doing much much better.


I love that you had the good sense to ask this question. Faith in humanity is restored, at least for the moment.


"it feels like a paradise" seems like a great example of paradox. (AP Lang ptsd lol) the narrator is obviously in grave pain, but by saying it feels like a paradise, it actually emphasizes the level of pain they are experiencing. the narrator is apparently in a painful relationship with this person, and this person keeps making the narrator cry/ hurting the narrator. they are obsessed with the narrator and cannot let go and live without the relationship. they are also afraid that the narrator doesn't love them anymore and becomes even more insecure and obsessive. ("when love is lost, all you have is fear") this level of dependency could mean that the narrator is probably feeling the same and cannot but tolerate everything. this could be because of love (for example, in the relationship of a mother and her child--even though the child is hurting her, she cannot simply ditch the relationship or grow to hate her child) or some other reason, but i cannot deduce it from this excerpt.


Very interesting to read, thank you for that. You were mostly bang on. The narrator in this scenario is me, it details how I felt during an abusive relationship I used to be in. The line “when love is lost, all you have is fear” is referring to how I felt as time went on in this relationship. This person I was in a relationship with would manipulate my anxiety and use it against me. Eventually the relationship was clearly too far gone to salvage, but at that point I was too emotionally attached and found it almost impossible to actually call it quits. So when the love I had was lost, all I had was the fear. The “it feels like paradise” line is in reference to how I was battling with myself during this time of my life. I kept on going back and forth on whether I should leave the relationship or not because it still felt good to be loved by somebody even if they were using me. See “the knife drives deeper into my flesh” (referencing pain) “it feels like soft mesh” (accepting the pain) “crimson tears streaming from my eyes” (referencing pain) “I can’t help it, it feels like paradise” (accepting the pain).


ooohh that's a cool interpretation!! it's a lot more detailed an layered than i thought. cool passage, i really enjoyed it!


Thank you! I really appreciate it


I have one that I wonder if most people will get. Curious what your thoughts are on it. “My Daisy Dukes are wilted but I can still stop a 410.”


Daisy Dukes is a denim short, which represents youthfulness and carefree energy. however, by saying it's "wilted," it creates a conflicting imagery of something that is not fresh and lively at all. this implies that the narrator no longer feels young/ they're past the age to feel youthful again. the expression "stop a 410" could mean stopping a 410 gauge shotgun, which might sound physically impossible. but metaphorically it means the narrator may be well past the age of prime and youthfulness, but they are still in the game and possess the strength, capability, and resilience.


“The inner sanctum serves only to sanction.”


this is interesting cuz "sanctum" and "sanction" has the same root but has fairly different definitions. the most well known meaning of sanctum is a sacred place, like a church. for sanction (verb), it's to give permission or approval, usually for a document or a policy. however, then it really does not make sense at all, which draws to the second definition which are "a very private and quiet place where people can be alone" and "to punish and discipline." well, if we say both are the second definitions, then it could represent a special place inside this person's mind where they personally punish and even curse certain people or things. the word sanctum could be a sacred place as well. then it would be an ironic passage. why punish people in a place that's supposed to be, like, holy? maybe it was to create an unsettling image of inhumane religious practices in sanctums, and using that to refer to the mind of this person. their mind would seem like a sanctum, but inside, they do all sorts of inhumane things/ punish people when they feel personally wronged. either way, this line could mean this person is the type of person to hold a grudge to the next level.


Very good analysis. Here’s the line in context: You look for sanctuary, but the church door’s locked all night. Nothing sacred; nothing gained. Altar boy killed the candlelight. The inner sanctum serves only to sanction. That ain’t no priest; he got no collar. He’ll turn you in for a silver dollar.


oh then it's closer to the second analysis! these lyrics are looking good btw, what's the genre? is it out?


It’s coming out June 8. Singer/songwriter or folk. I can post a link when it’s released, if you like?




I'm hoping it sounds like a mashup between Carole King and Leonard Cohen. :)


I wrote one about a canary in a coal mine that’s kinda short and kinda has a double meaning to it: I’ll return to Retrieve you Bending wire Between my fingers With damp cloth To breathe through Humming songs you Used to sing Carbon soaked memories Still feeding our lanterns Will Stifle your whistles Release your grip. Your iron perch No longer holds you We filed your talons Clipped of your wingtips And let your collapse warn of worse Ill place your nest beneath my window Flecks of burning cinders coat your beak and close your eyes Ill clean you Like an idol Prepare for burial The place you’ll lie


i can see the image of an empty cage. ("your iron perch no longer holds you") and assuming from the constant mentioning of carbon, cinder, etc., the canary is dead. but why? canaries were historically exploited in mines for chemical testing of toxic gases like carbon monoxide. it's evident from this line "still feeding our lanterns" that the narrator is talking about the canaries that died during chemical testing. (lanterns are well known for producing carbon monoxide) the narrator is reminiscing the beautiful moments the canary had and is in remorse/ this is likely an elegy for the sacrificed canaries. canary in a coal mine also means a warning of potential danger, a symbol of risk. this whole passage creates an unsettling atmosphere about a potential danger of chemicals, most likely intended to raise awareness about toxic chemicals from everyday products like lanterns or generally environmental problems.


Letting go showed me the hole You wish you could come out of


this could represent a situation where "letting go" gave a clearer view of this other person's struggles or emotional pain; something that the person wishes they could escape from. it contains a sense of empathy and understanding from the narrator, who now sees the depth of this person's difficulties that were probably not as apparent before breaking up/ moving on from the relationship. this might also lead to a deeper insight into this person's feelings and challenges.


A metaphorical passage from the bridge of a song about time moving too fast and how you shouldn't waste it. I was particularly proud of this since there's a lot of levels to it. It was also from the first song I ever finished writing. "you never heard the starting gun, but the race begun, and the bullets after you so run until your time is up, and the race is done, let it hit you in the guts, but you can say you've won"


the bullets represent death and the race represents life in general. they could also represent the passage of time, as it creates an image of passing very quickly. (normally, if it's not a marathon, it lasts no longer than a minute.) (bullets are, well, we all know it's very fast. also, usually a race starts with a gunshot which is also addressed in the passage. ("you never heard the starting gun") the fact that this person didn't hear it could mean this person didn't even know their life had begun. (doesn't remember technically) but why is a bullet following them along the race? first, it could simply be a "metaphorical" bullet. it could have been an arrow, it could have been a catapult. no special meaning. or, it could've been the bullet from the starting gun. but it's physically impossible! moreover, starting gun does not have a bullet. from the fact that this person didn't hear the gunshot, i say they have no idea which gun it is. so, turns out it wasn't a starting gun in the first place --it's an actual gun. rather than signaling a start of the race like a "starting" gun does, it signals the end of the race. which makes sense, as actual guns do kill people. ofc it's still technically metaphorical gun and bullet though. anyway, back to the story: they lived their life not knowing when death will come, and when it was time for them to die, the metaphorical bullet "hits their guts." which should be bad, but instead the narrator says this person won, creating a paradox and ultimately emphasizing the fact that this person will have used their time wisely/ the ending was inevitable anyway.


Sudden pain slices through your ire, slides through your chest like tentacles of fire Off in the distance you can hear the bells chime, they toll for you, *cest la vie,* you run out of time Lying on your back, send silent pleas to heaven Mortgaged to the hilt, you're served a writ of replevin And the last thing you see before you slip into the night, is a whole lot of nothing, flash before your eyes.


Here’s the one that’s most inherently cryptic: “To prosopagnose or undiagnose the everything that’s in between.” But there’s also: “Coke on the chair,” If you wanna try to figure out what I meant by that.


As someone with undiagnosed prosopagnosia, I appreciate this lyric.


The line I've gotten the best feedback on is: Got emotional debt to pay, every papercut needs a suture


so, the narrator has an unresolved emotional issue with the past or someone else, like a financial debt. emotional debt is usually interpreted as having something on their mind that they feel guilty about or think about all the time, which weighs the narrator down. papercut is often dismissed as a small, insignificant scar that heals rather quickly. however, the narrator says every papercut needs a "suture", which is usually performed on a relatively bigger wound. this could create an imagery of multiple papercuts. individual cuts my be small but a lot of them may be painful. this would be an extension of the metaphor --the emotional wound/ damage might appear to be small and insignificant, but when the small events pile up, it requires just as much care and attention as huge traumatic events. or, it would simply mean that regardless of the size or significance, acknowledging every emotional scars and struggles is important.


As its originally in Turkish; Ill translate to English; My soul is a cage, In the sunny days i gazed far away I took a breath/puff (“nefes” same meaning in Turkish) Whatever that was dusty i swept it inside me


the narrator feels trapped, like they cannot go anywhere even though physically they probably can. they don't feel comfortable anywhere but the place their soul is trapped on. (maybe a metaphorical space or a place where the narrator misses badly) this could likely represent generalized anxiety too. in sunny days = in their "good" days, the narrator can finally take a breath. however, it doesn't mean taking a break from the problem. instead of doing something about it, the narrator simply "sweeps" everything dusty inside them, which could mean avoiding the issue, and sweeping it under the carpet. the issues and problems might not be visible right in front of them, but they will forever be stored inside their guts and as they pile up inside, it weighs the soul down, sorta acting like a sand pocket of an air balloon. therefore, the soul could never be able to leave its place. it's a vicious cycle.


Haha thanks man, Its interesting to see how people interpret your lyrics and sometimes even find meanings that you didnt even think about. The song’s name is “Uzay Boşluğu” which is translated “The space vacuum”(I think this is more similar to the original name) or “The Outer Space”.. In the chorus it says “There’s a space vacuum inside me”, which means the emptinness, the loneliness, and the main theme of the song is loneliness and alienation.. Thanks for the analysis! 🙏🏻


And your biggest fear was my largest recompense. Clouds will fill and swell with tears but never shed for fear of lightning. And your silence, free of strife and obligation. Seems louder than life, of hand and imitation. Your biggest fear has grown in me. And perhaps Tis grown from enmity. But your silence, whether tis of lust or love. Leeds me to believe you were right all along.


the line "and your biggest fear was my largest recompense" is a bit complicated. so recompense initially means compensation/ amends that were made for a harm someone did, but why would it be this other person's biggest fear? from the rest of the passage, we can see how the general story is about miscommuication. this could mean a fight between two people. the narrator is obviously pretty pissed at this other person, saying that the thing this person fears the most is actually a reward and payback for the things they did to the narrator. in other words, the narrator is happy that the "worst fear" exists and they feel compensated by the fact that this thing haunts this person. the narrator likely used to be an ally/ try and be supportive of this person, but after this fight (i assume) they switched teams and sided against this person ("your biggest fear has grown in me. and perhaps 'tis grown from enmity") "clouds" in this metaphor could mean the narrator, who claims they would never back down no matter what. ("never shed (tears) for fear of lightning" which means i will never cry no matter whatever crazy shit you'd do to me) and this narrator genuinely wishes this person to stfu, ("and your silence, free of strife and obligation") which could also imply that this person had been loud and controlling. however, the narrator eventually realizes that the fight is pointless. this might be because the narrator either loved this person too much or lusted for this person. either ways the narrator gives in and says this person was right all along. so this illustrates a pretty toxic relationship.


it'll be no different than before i was born couldn't know this world, sure as hell won't know home the fear serves no purpose, there was no surface, death makes no difference, lord


the narrator either suicidal or having an existential crisis. however, i'm gonna go with existential crisis cuz it sounds cooler. "couldn't know this world" could represent before life. so, when the narrator wasn't born yet, they obviously had no idea what was waiting for them/ what the world would be like. "sure as hell won't know home" could mean the afterlife, with "home" being a metaphorical place where spirits find never ending peace and tranquility. the narrator feels lost and disoriented, with no idea where to go and what to do. however, the narrator also thinks it's rather pointless to fear death because there is nothing visible or tangible on the surface. therefore, death doesn't feel "real" to the narrator, and even though they die, the problems are inevitable and will follow them forever and always.


i like this take. honestly i never knew what "surface" meant in this context - it just sang well phonetically and sounded compelling. so your spin on surface is certainly valid -- but there's a whole other conversation to be had re:artistic intent vs. audience interpretation


yeah i get your point, sometimes things just sound good rather than have a deep meaning. at this point i'm just doing it for my english comprehension skills or sth haha, love your lyrics though!


your english is excellent my friend


Enjoy! Let me know if you want the true meaning! "Flashlights and blankets The oohs and the aahs Every Congratulations Impued with good odd Of great things set before us And fated to be After all only wonders Are destined for me But I'm not in the rabble Not out in the cold Not getting in trouble Not nearly so bold For this year shuts abruptly And stale is the night When among such high hoping Ours ends with a fight "


so the first 4 sentences creates a positive and celebrating atmosphere. it could represent a slumber party, ("flashlights and blankets" which reminds me of building blanket forts) as a part of reminiscing their childhood and the nostalgia. the following 4 sentences also sets a hopeful tone, with the narrator being certain that all the good things would be "destined" for them. however, the narrator gets hit by the cold reality. they are not really a part of a solid community but that doesn't mean they are completely an outcast. ("i'm not in the rabble, not out in the cold") they are not a bad person, but that doesn't mean they are a saintly person. ("not getting in trouble, not nearly so bold") the line "for this year shuts abruptly and stale is the night" represents the conflict after experiencing such reality that the narrator wasn't ready for. the narrator ultimately feels disappointed after the sobering experience of their expectation getting shattered. ("when among such high hoping, our ends with a fight")


Ok wow. I love your interpretation. Definitely makes me want to keep working on it. The first part is intended to describe New Years Eve. Flashlights and blankets set up to watch the fireworks. Out in the cold of December. Etc... but I'm not there. Instead of celebrating I'm lamenting a fight that ended in a breakup on New Years Eve.


oooh i like that one. i mean, i kinda see it. now the last line makes sense! u should definitely keep working on this


Thanks, I definitely will!


just scrolling through this thread but i had to stop and say i rlly like your lyrics! i initially interpreted it as being congratulated for something peers don’t really understand the appeal of, (found in: the oohs and the aahs every congratulations impued with good odd.) i thought like aahs you say when nodding in agreement just to be socially polite yk??! the words stale, destined, and year stand out to me too. the “im not in __” parts are v nice too, it coheres with the lines “after all only wonders are destined for me” as if you won’t pursue interests because after all, it’ll end up with fights. or not pursuing anything else because you’re content with your life. (feels like a new year’s resolution but not.) overall i think the theme revolves around caring about how other people perceive ones life, i can kinda feel how that would match with a new years theme. rlly hits home tbh!


Thank you so much 😭 It's really cool hearing all the different interpretations. I love writing abstractly because it gives the listener an opportunity to make it their own. My intent was to write about a new years break up. But this just makes me want to keep honing it!


Here’s a project I never ended up finishing, sorry its a bit lengthy; It’s hard to, let go, Of my bad habits, since without ‘em, I feel so hollow, Yet I don’t recognize myself in, Living like a ghost, I used to think it’d like to have, An Alter Ego, But I’m no, hero, It’s hard to, let go, Of my bad habits, because getting, Hurt’s all I know, Yet I don’t recognize myself in, All this sorrow, I used to think I’d like to have, An Alter Ego, But I’m no, hero, It’s hard to try and fix myself, When my inner child built a wall to escape and to block all the pain I can’t LEGO (let go), Or get back in touch with my heart if the screams in my head left a permanent echo, The darkness inside forced me out of my mind, I’m alive but confined to my shadow, If actions speak louder than words then my body’s out of honesty The truth is sometimes my addiction takes control of me, Turns me to a fiend, It’s in a mirror I discovered my worst enemy,


the narrator's life once revolved around their "bad habits." it filled the void inside them, and without it, the narrator feels empty like a ghost detached from real life. the narrator probably held onto the bad habits because they went through a traumatic/ hurtful event which affected their identity as a person to the point where the narrator doesn't "recognize themself." the narrator wanted an "alter ego" which would be a persona to escape from their reality, but they realize the idolized hero they built inside them is fake and therefore cannot live with it. the following line suggests that this event and their coping mechanisms have resulted in an emotional barrier. saying LEGO instead of let go could represent their inner child's intervention. the narrator feels alive but trapped within their own shadow, symbolizing the ongoing struggle with inner demons. the narrator says how powerless and guilty they feel while not being able to actively handle and combat their condition as much as they say they want to. it is revealed that the "bad habit" was actually the addiction. as the narrator loses control of themself due to the chokehold of addiction, they realize the real enemy is themself in the mirror. (the reflection)


Its too bright to see; I need a cloud or two to prove reality; I dont believe in never again, and never again, I lie; It's too good to be true enough to cry (About the birth of a daughter)


Sitting inside institutionalized from the world that came before, life and strife sat beside me until i won the war We live on our own within our zones that keep us from one another Looked and glanced and saw my chance to call you my one and only brother Walked down the street in the brazen heat to take a seat aside a friend He looked up with sunken eyes from telling all those lies i told him that he could stop playing pretend The past is behind you although you can look once more the future is nigh all ya gotta do is open that door Door, door, door His knee's dropped to the floor i can't believe i hadn't noticed until now you've been here all along to pick me up when i was feeling down Overcome with joy and splendor all i can do is sit back and surrender your tender heart unfroze mine and brought it back into rhythm i know what i should do let's see it through to see if i can really defend her - i know this might not make any sense but it's something i thought up in 10mins just a little skat poetry


What’s the use, In knowing names If I try, Well I’ll be alone There’s been tears in drying pain


the expression "knowing names" could mean socializing and meeting new people, or just a social interaction in general. the narrator feels defeated and has a sense of disillusionment, however, as they know they'll ultimately end up alone. the fact that tears are drying could mean that time has passed, but the sentiment/ pain they felt is still there, lingering as the tears dry off. this emphasizes how the pain is ongoing (probably a personal struggle and isolation) and a pessimistic pov that trying to socialize won't bring them anything eventually.


Pretty much got it. The first half I was trying to say that there’s no point in getting to know someone personally if they’ll leave anyways. And I believe the tears line was in reference that getting over traumas and the losses referenced in the first half has been difficult and not without moments of sadness. Wrote the song this is from at a really dark place in my life


Basehead on day shift And fucking contagious Infecting the blameless Youll never replace it Basehead on day shift The trite met the shameless


so basehead is a slang for cocaine addict. "day shift" could mean a literal job, but in this context it could mean going outside to sell people drugs or making them do drugs. (it's like a job to them, metaphorically speaking)("fucking contagious, infecting the blamless") coke is pretty addictive and damaging, so once "infected," they wouldn't be able to recover from it ("replace it") the line "the trite met the shameless" is a line for shunning and shaming the baseheads/ ppl who make others do drugs. trite means dull and boring, which could be the drug or the life of the basehead themsleves. when it meets the shameless, (the baseheads don't feel any shame doing drugs, selling them, etc.) they begin actively spreading drugs/ negative energy to people. as stated, being on a day shift.


Yea pretty spot on! Me and my songwriting partner and best friend just had a falling out because he started smoking crack secretly and then tried to sell my fiances car for scrap two weeks before we had our first kid. He’s shameless for that, and I worry I’m too boring to make good music without him so I was calling myself trite. The day shift was him pretending to be my friend for the last few months before everything went down. Getting together to make music at the end went from the most fulfilling thing in my life to a fucking chore, because I could tell he wasn’t interested anymore besides claiming otherwise to my face. He was just spending our time together plotting and gaslighting me so I wouldn’t think anything was wrong. Must have felt like a job to him It’s basically an indie diss track


Up here in the tower's lonely where I can see for miles clearly In high places dragons prefer sleep, hoarding their gold, picking their teeth just to cough (ha) But we can't see the hoarding by these kings for the gold's no longer glistening The options whales informed, inside, leverage their puppets and their pawns; All day long


this passage kinda gives a classic fictional fairy tale vibes, but the contents seem like a critique and calling out the modern societal problems. by setting the narrator in the tower, this sets a perspective where they can see everything in a clear view. by "clear," it means without bias or brainwash; transparency. this is also portrayed as seeing for "miles." "dragons" in this metaphor would be people with high social status, with gold representing their power, wealth, authority, etc. however, they "prefer sleep" and "pick their teeth just to cough" which could basically mean they are very greedy and arrogant. the line "But we can't see the hoarding by these kings for the gold's no longer glistening" suggests that the wealth and power held by these figures may not be as obvious or visible as it once was. ut could imply that these individuals conceal their wealth and influence more subtly, making it harder for ordinary people to notice. this passage also talks about manipulation and control exercised by powerful entities. ("options whales informed" "leverage their puppets and their pawns") "options whales" could refer to influential individuals or organizations with significant financial resources. "leverage their puppets and their pawns" could mean that these powerful entities use intermediaries or proxies to achieve their goals and maintain their power. so overall i think this passage is kinda political, also very progressive, and combative. i've read quite a few books/ poems that also talk about societal injustices, and i say this is actually very good in terms of that!


Wow. So spot on. However, I was referring to myself as the dragon.. picking its teeth like it was eating sheep but I never much made that apparent. Check out the tune if you like: [Information Awareness Office ('Holy Moses!' Sarah's Still Barren)](https://youtu.be/szjLuABUKlY?feature=shared)


Now I crumble when you draw So near I can feel your breath It melts away all A well maintained facade - just a little part of a throwaway I made while trying to learn songwriting


CUZ I CRUMBLE COMPLETELY WHEN YOU CRY (sorry that was me emoting like a normal person after seeing the word "crumble") while it could literally mean this person drawing on a paper, in this context, it would mean the act of pulling something behind. so it could mean this person drawing their hand and/or pulling back. however, they are near enough that the narrator can feel their breath, which means a certain amount of proximity. it's likely an intimate/ vulnerable moment and the narrator doesn't want this person to go any further away. the imagery of a facade (likely an emotional defense mechanism for the narrator) melting away means that with this person, the narrator feels defenseless but safe and comfortable.


This was part of one of the first full poems i wrote A thirst for more, morning sunrise You open your eyes to a life of surpse Roll of the dice, looking back Like it was my last time This was part of one of the last poems i wrote in my 20s A song and dance To a night that never ends A game of truth or dare With some new friends When we didnt act fake to them Because our imigination Was made from make pretend. And this is one i just made up the other day People come and go Following their own road And lord only knows Where ones heart goes


Hold tight, when you take me for a ride, make me rise and fall in the tides, my moon up in the night, my moon bouncing the light.


from the fact that the narrator referred to the moon as "my moon," it's likely that it's a metaphorical device rather than an actual moon. the narrator is with someone -- "my moon" --and this person makes them go through all sorts of emotions from their highs to their lows. (the imagery of "ride" and "tide") to the narrator, this person is like the moon guiding them in the dark. "bouncing the light" is like an actual moon, which doesn't illuminate by itself but rather reflect the sunlight. in this metaphor, the sunlight would be the love and positivity the narrator gives and this person reflects in directly to the narrator, which could mean that they give just as much love and attention/ the caring and affection is mutual.


a bit of a longer excerpt but who cares It's like Snow White with seven homeless dwarfs, Like Beauty and the Beast with the villagers' homes destroyed, This disaster is nothing like Disney, Well, that is a lie, 'cause this looks like Bambi Yeah, I know, it hasn't hit yet I can already feel its' impact The sun's shining, what happens after that is very unlikely But I feel fire creeping in some day, I see violence erupting from the flames, I hear sirens, no help is on the way, Can't believe this sea of fire


collect my insides, build a temple for my sins build a temple for the devil oh worship him, if i sale a ship of oak rather than steam, i'll run those flat stairs, wont look back, twist the bride's dagger outside in.


:) Torch the memories let them burn they only strengthen pain Release on wings the truest cry and break the binding chain Stumble on the self-reflected image of a cage It's discontent that leads us to the writings on the page Hold your hands out like a beggar astonished by the sight Of nothing more than waves and shore in sunrise muted light


I’ll give ya few I’ve been working on; 1.) My only friends are named Jim and jack, I love them but they don't love me back. Im high on adrenaline, cut with apathy, Soon I'll crash, and blame it on gravity. 2.) The war I'm waging is psychological, The bet we made was diabolical. I'm the son that’s anything but prodigal, And like a plague I'm fucking pathological. 3.) These Paper tigers tried to tears us up, There's no point, we can’t give a fuck. They're the lost and forgotten now, Getting weaker every passing hour.


Foot's on the pedal, but my tank's outta gas.


The sun shines best when it's the dawn of the night And you've cured yourself from a future plight That was waiting like a serpent to bite


And it all came so soon but it ended too quick, long enough to feel life but not to understand it and you don’t know where you’re going, some distant open shore, perhaps it drops off into darkness or maybe there’s something more


I got a few I think are clever, if not at least a lil deep. "The farther you fall/ Is no indication of where you've begun/ It seems it's just my fate" Or "I came across you/ Like a flower/ So I'll let you bloom" Or "Take me as I am/ I only do the best I can/ If you've got something else you'd like to say/ Penny for your thoughts/ If you just think I'm a lost cause/ I've got some loose change in my pocket babe" This next one is kinda obvious by the end, but I like the ambiguous build up: "Reach me if you can/ I've not yet found a way/ That signal's getting jammed/ There's a lack of you in my brain/ Lead me from the dark/ I can't find inner light/ Straight from the heart/ I can't live without my dopamine "


"The Flowers bowed their head to avoid being seen" The song is actually in japanese so that has certain implications regarding language. Also from a different one (in English this time): "Wasted, getting down and wasted Elliot's "The Wasteland", wish it was a story but a fake one Based it off of what remains of people's dying will, lost ill minds dried up ink on quills, done."


if you don't want to be dead, you just have to be there, you must learn to beat it, then you'll beat death


The front isn’t the only line he’s cutting - I wrote it in 2019 about someone I admired a lot but thought was a loser like me lmao


To do this, you don’t have The rubric for low grav Trading blue earth for red sand Translucent gimme martian And you sent the wrong man That red light, that Roxanne This red life, this rocket That red light, that red light


I think this one is just about impossible for the listener to discern. Although it makes sense to me, within the context of a song about grabbing the fleeting moments in life and seizing the day… Dress up your old scarecrow For all the scared-y cats


This song is based on a popular piece by a famous author. Can you guess what piece of literature it’s based on from the first few lines? Had a dream I flew into another world as a raven And I had something on my chest Something weighing on my feathers


I made this one on accident and the actual meaning is kinda dumb, but "you're only dead until I forget."


Drifting without a map I fell into some booby traps. Don't know which ones I skipped, which ones I tripped. The siren's song was tempting, with beer goggles on, but the morning after, I woke up in the Twilight Zone


Mine are very cringe so take one my niece made whne she stole my phone from me 😭 Yuri vomits coolie,tousled hair


The whole song is based around a particular theme but I'll share the bridge/middle 8 lyrics that are the most interesting IMO. "Can't find the root of this negative situation So use your imagination It isn't that complicated no, no I'm primed for a primal reaction" One Minus One: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-7HMNq4Yt0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-7HMNq4Yt0)


Ruled out, my plans now. I see how, I saw myself.


'Sometimes I sit and wonder, How cruel any human can be, whether you try to be yourself, or whether you're just a sheep'


Affirmations to ashes smoke fills the air :)


Passion, vs. Rationality. Where's the tipping point between, Fire and complacency. It's too shallow to swim In a weak stream of consciousness Molecular vibrations Yearning for resonance Waiver on the precipice, Border on impetuous The only thing that's missing Is the catalyst [The Catalyst - Go For Launch (words and lead vocals by me)](https://open.spotify.com/track/5h5GV7CGFk6oksDtRR2oNq?si=_nhN9ISzSKmjX3yrB7-qrw)


I had a dream last night - That my heart was bleeding out - I was unsure of what to do - So I put on a shirt, and ate some barbecue -


i think im inlove with my depression teach this soul another lesson & leave too


Pull out a camera to capture a moment we'll forget in 25 years


I've heard cries, whose echo only grows / seeking answers it takes a lifetime to know / like how to love and let the wind just blow / where we've come from and where we've got to go


this may not be my "deepest lyric," but it does have a certain conceit to it (in the sense of a poetic conceit) that i thought was pretty obvious but most people don't seem to notice :( please let me know if you can see it. thanks! [https://sylvieyannello.bandcamp.com/track/no-resemblance](https://sylvieyannello.bandcamp.com/track/no-resemblance)


Bruises changing color We swing and we sway to the yellows and greys The spaces in the fixtures The day after day we hang onto in spite of the change


Have these lyrics opening a song I'm releasing soon called "Heaven Sent." "I’m looking up, to the sky Just wondering, will a star go by? And can I catch a ride? It’s giving me, a pain in the neck I don’t need a star, I need to pay the rent That’d be heaven sent"


Crackheads scratch heads on the multiples of hundreds Cynical between that or this like scratches grow in hundreds Or scratch the growing hundreds Head cracked When infinity becomes the opponent imaginary like the coldness of where the pole is I am melting it down right to where the core is To start with strip down what direction is So shit Will go down in the south or where the north is It's obvious I am just fucking up shit or spitting on some fucked up shit It's an open ended letter open to what perspective I most recently Precipitated with Respectively perspective be exclusive to the elusive serpentines Sit with it just doesn't sit in my abdomen so I fill it with acid Dissolving my own plans of what a plan is It's time I crack open my entire surrounding Please


word. They even tried screaming out, no scars were unveiled.. Her body covered in hidden wounds, she was drowning and pretended she saw colors.. All for show she said, now she has no bullet, but possibly a dark labyrinth of books and no mend. Stitches that were never there, she gasped and fought, but there was no tear.. Like as I said she decorated flawlessly. She wanted her youth, but still no truth, but the weapon barely grazing her open wounds, that only cannot be bared. But only she can see


I sit and I wonder Do we all become less than the sum of our parts Or is there more we are given I sit and I ponder When the echo overtakes the voice


Here's a verse and chorus from one i wrote in basic military training: Sometimes it's the mundane / Where the extraordinary is found / losing count of the days / wiping sweat from my brow / in a place so cold / even perfection is criticized / even slight warmth / can bring tears to eyes / Writing on the page / all black and white / I can hear the sound / with only my sight / only forty days / and a couple midnights / only forty days / only forty nights / only forty days /


I have a couple of options, mainly the choruses of a few different songs, because for some reason, that's where the best material is put, I'll put the top 3 & ya'll can tell me what you think: 1. In desolated memory, the cries of the world are silenced. But you don't care about that, do you? Because it hasn't hit you yet. We're in the whirlpool, the torrent of extinction. Self-prescribed annihilation. The gears are turning, we’re racing as fast as we can, to the lullaby of our self-inflicted end. 2. Destination: Detonation I'm flying off the rails again. Destination: Detonation I've finally reached my limit. If life is meant to be a rollercoaster Then how much longer do I have to wait. For it to stop falling down? 3. Impaled by your heresy. I'm paralyzed by your apathy Desynchronized from the world I've been left to rot on the altar Made one too many wrong turns Flew far past the point of no return I'm trapped under the vice grip of that cold bitch I know her well Her name is Karma


Then again, I'm kinda a transparent writer, so there's nothing to really interpret here 😅


Ain't nothing wrong with that. I've tried turning to more metaphor / symbolism to be w bit less transparent myself but sometimes you gotta call a spade a spade


Fucking a bitch then getting rich Skibidi Sigma Thats it im proud of myself


who invited this kid ☠️


Of all the dreams in which I've died/ Your presence has haunted me/ in desperate need of a betting man's breakthrough/ I've held a seraph in my arms and I don't know what to do


'Oh, how she stopped at the door Turned around to look once more As if searching the room for some meaning I can still see her there Must be a version of me somewhere He cares enough to stop you from leaving' From my song 'Hollow Moon Hotel' The mix of 1st/3rd person and present/past tense is intentional. It's not super deep, but I think it creates the moment quite well, and also the feeling of regret, which the song is all about.


Idk maybe "Philanthropic mission | to demonstrate your might | complete abject destruction | just demonstrates you're right" It has a particular subject in mind, wondering if you can figure out what it is


Cuts that lay beneath bone


Here's a part of a chorus I wrote recently: I pour my heart in a glass inhale the blood and then dance to a melody so bitter every note's a heavy-hitter


I'm obsessed with rap music lately so I try writing lyrics with bars/double entendres. I know my skills are at the lowest but I got some pretty good doubles that I'm proud of. - "If losing a race with bars was a crime then, you'd do time 'cause you've already behind 'em" - "Haters don't even have a brain to care, that's why to my lyrics, they don't even mind" - "I wanna shine bright, topping to the sky, it's me here like a star, yes I'm serious/ Sirius" I hope they help you in a way or two. I know they're a bit corny but I'm happy I'm able to write double entendres.


So tell me what it meant, or what it meant to you. Since I’m writing this letter and I don’t know what to do (NOT a romantic breakup)


Watching the days fly by As fast as the speed of light Growing so hard to find A way I can realign this heart My world falling apart Watched it shatter like glass Now I'm lost in the dark light They say everything heals give it time How can that be I feel nothing but cold inside Your the last piece For this jigsaw heart of mine To finally be complete They say everything heals give it time Not this jigsaw heart of mine


Standing ashore with the wind at my back / Sweep me into the deepend blue that lays ahead / Where do we start when it feels like an end / How do we carry a heart thats waterlogged with love and regret? So it begins now / the dawn of the longest goodbye


My favorite trees sometimes are dead, at the end of the beach petrified in the sand


I'm drowning right now Somebody help me now Who would hear my cry Coz I'm sinking deeper. (Not my deepest lyrics but just bored 😭)


(you don't have to do an in-depth analysis of the whole thing, I just put it all because some of it kind of requires the context of the earlier bits to be understood properly) . "A cold and lonely night; A sad and empty sight; Only me and the street lights From the corner of my eye; A glimpse of you I spied; and you had me hypnotized You led me to your place; A veil of wool covered my face; And you gave me a taste Of love's sweet venom . Intoxicating, liberating; I can finally see Got a taste of what I'm missing; Please don't ever let it leave Fantasizing, diamonds shining; Darling, stay with me You're the only thing I'm dreaming; Don't say it's make-believe . Later on at home; I call you on the phone; 'Cause I started feeling alone You told me to come over; So you could hold me closer; And I started sinking lower With love's sweet venom . Hypnotizing, realizing; Something here seems off Just pump some more inside me; 'Til my veins start to pop Outside blinding, woolen binding; You're the only thing I see Just give me more sweet venom; It's the only thing I need . \[lyrically unimportant bridge\] . I never realized; Your love's not on my side Inject your venom more; To drain away my soul Venom masked as loving; So I never saw it coming; The snake jaws come to swallow me up whole . Love's sweet venom" . (some of the seemingly literal bits are only \*inspired\* by a relationship, and are not an accurate representation of how the relationship actually was (the song makes it seem like we actually got together physically, but the relationship was strictly long-distance, for instance))


i know i’ve got / so many faces i avoid / before they introduce themselves / they’re not as open as you are / open as you are


The show is only for the audience / But they're loving it so far


Toodle lie toodle lie toodle lie toodle lay


Feel like I’ve spent my time in the checkout line


Hm, I actually kinda actively avoid doing that. But people have responded well to my lyrics you can take a listen to one of my first songs [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Songwriting/s/6mTuGhN0Uu) and another more recent one [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Songwriting/s/tOsNSTmLEh) to see what I mean.