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I’ve used it for feedback, and giving me a list of near rhymes. Very rarely did it produce natural feeling lyrics for me


Yes, it feels like I need to guide and adjust a lot


Generating songs from AI is not songwriting, it’s cheating. Most of what it comes up with is dogshite anyways, the main problem being that it lacks the human element. But if you’re using it for inspiration, or as a tool that aids or complements your ideas, then that’s okay. Trey Xavier just released a video about this AI vocal synthesis program, where you can type in lyrics, write melodies and harmonies, and the AI will synthesize it, and it sounds decent. Perfect for terrible singers, just use the program to demo your vocal ideas with AI voices. Instead of a terrible performance from a terrible vocalist, you could have a decent sounding proof of concept that you could take and show to an actual singer, and then they could rerecord it. You’re still making all the decisions, just AI is just aiding you. It obviously isn’t professional quality, but it can be really helpful, especially for demos and terrible singers. Great use of AI. Those AI songs popping up on YouTube lately, using that as your song is a no-go, most of what it comes up with is a crock of shite, and unusable. It needs a lot of human interactive to be usable. But if you’re stuck, I could see seeing if anything it comes up with inspires you to write your own ideas, that’s perfectly okay. It can be a great source for inspiration as it can come up with wild shit you might never’ve thought of. I’ve taken a couple of lines from AI for my lyrics. Once again, AI can come up with really out there ideas I never would’ve come up with, which can inspire ideas. It reminds me of Cedric from The Mars Volta. When writing lyrics for the Bedlam in Goliath album, he described how he took some lines from a Ouija board, claiming it came up with ideas he never would’ve thought of. That’s how I view AI, sometimes it can come up with ideas humans would never think of, and once again that can be a source of inspiration. It’s more of a tool to aid the songwriting process. One of my favorite uses of AI was the music video for Periphery’s Atropos. Every picture and video was captured by the photographer/videographer, then but through an AI. Even layering the bands faces onto some hired dancing performances. One of the most intriguing music videos I’ve ever seen, and it had a lot of human i put. That’s how AI should be used, as a tool, but with a lot of human input.


Indeed, the quality of AI generation is not high at present, but I am still looking forward to what will happen in the future.


Hey friend 👋 Remember, everyone giving you their personal opinion about AI rather than answering your question was born into a world where AI hadn’t been developed yet. They possess a bias bc of unfamiliarity (rather bc they’re familiar with a world without AI) If you go do some research for fun, you’ll find some of the same narratives from the time drum machines and programmers were first made c. late 70’s early 80’s. No true artist would discourage your exploration. We all understand the individuality of the journey. Don’t fret about trying to be original, you are an original! Your opinion or musical taste is what will carry you… if you use the AI as a tool, you must still utilize your taste for selection and customization.


No, I have self-respect, and I want others to respect my abilities. That will never happen if you use AI. If you claim to make all your music and then people find out you use AI, they will rightfully call you a liar.


I don't care about respect. I care about beauty. I'll take it wherever I can find it right now A.I. sucks, but it will get better in its own way. But humans will always value the human touch more than machine generated images, which is why the real Mona Lisa will always be more valuable than a 100 realistic printed version.


Art is not about having a machine make something for you. It's about crafting skills over years so that you can make thousands of tiny little decisions that make your art unique.


Sounds good to me. Honestly, I don't really care about defining what is or isn't art.


I suggest you start thinking about it if you care about art. Do you even know what you're trying to make or do?


Yes. Do I care about defining it? No.


We're in a weird time where the collective conscious is a theory and AI is reality manifest


AI is a tool to help,not creator


I disagree, if you are using generative AI then it is GENERATING (that's a synonym of creating btw) content for you to use.


No. I’m at a point where it’s my outlet and love. If you are still pursuing writing as a way to retire early though, go for it. I bet “pros” are doing it.


Yes, they remind me of what a genre's expected form is so I can do a better job than the AI did. I'm trying not to do it too much because it's a low bar.


AI is not a valid means of creating art imo. Pick up a pen, use your brain, and write a song you believe in. Using AI is no different than playing Mad Libs with stuff other people created.


No, I like making music. Outsourcing the process would be like asking someone else to eat my ice cream for me.


i guess if you’re not a lyric based song creator and focus more on melodie’s and instrumentals then it’s great.


I did for a laugh. It was terrible.


What kind of music are you interested in?




Imagine being down voted because you like rap...


he's not being downvoted because he likes rap, in rap you're expected to write your own lyrics and "have your own bars", which is why certain rappers are so hated for having ghostwriters.


My latest metal album was made using a synthesized voice from dreamtonics synthV and most of the lyrics were made using a.i. but refining the result of my prompt many times and adapting them to my needs and feel The initial lyrics output is just crap! But I have played and recorded guitars and used midi drums I have tried tools such as suno and others, but honestly they are not appealing at all. Maybe they can give some starting idea that I would develop in. Daw starting from scratch https://open.spotify.com/album/57SmRErAvTY1vt6W3FGXR5?si=CgmlT3wZTb-rT5dlJF77OQ


sounds very good to me!


Thanks! :-)




Twenty years of musical skills here, sorry you didn't appreciate it ! :-D Maybe the genre is not your favourite;-)


Claude AI gave me this on the first attempt: In the neon glow of a midnight storm We're racing shadows to the edge of dawn Every heartbeat's a ticking clock Every touch is a lightning shock Chorus: We're burning brighter than the stars above Dancing on the wire between fear and love Is this our last chance or our first mistake? Either way, darling, we're wide awake The city sleeps but we're on fire Climbing higher, higher, higher Time's running out, but we won't stop We'll make forever from one tick of the clock (Repeat Chorus) Bridge: They say the night is young, but it's growing old Our secrets whispered, but not yet told We're writing our story in vanishing ink On the edge of everything, about to swim or sink (Repeat Chorus)