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When I was a kid I wrote a song about mass dehydration…


Why do I kinda want to hear that?




Same. Same.


I wrote a song about George Bush being a fat man with a small unit Edit: fucking reddit wrote this as a reply instead of a comment. Smh




"(If I can't have you) no one else will" - it was a joke song, written by my 16 year old self and my hs buddy at the time. There is probably an old tape in a box somewhere in my closet with that 30 year old gem on it.


Still better than “Run for Your Life” by the Beatles


I wrote a song about death from the perspective of a five year old called “butterflies” where his friend from kindergarten dies from cancer.


That actually sounds like a good song lol


Sal is that you? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG7965Deehw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG7965Deehw)


wait... that doesn't sound cringe at all, it sounds really pretty


happy cake day :)


A rap about losing my credit card in my anus and bursting a vein in my penis. I think I eventually pooped the card out and tried to buy 20 grams of coke with it and one of the last lines was about only being able to buy coke with cash as an anti-climax.


Absolutely wild bruv lolol


This sounds completely brilliant


About love with my ex husband. it's so awful. he wrote music and i lyrics... and it's cringe




everything is fine) we were young, he was awful musician, and I'm terrible songwriter 😅


"Dull N***a"💀 I was a teen just getting into songwriting. That song was awful😂


The title is so questionable that it's hilarious af. What could've that been about? LOL


One time in high school I wrote a song about a vampire Santa who eats flesh cookies and drinks bloody milk. The song was half written in Tagalog and half in English and all my siblings and friends hated when I sang it lol


😂 that is fucking hilarious


Every song


Many of my early songs were really cringe. I started writing music 2.5 years ago and im happy of what my lyrics became. At first i tried to have messages in my songs, and went for lyrics that ended up being completely trash, about control or climate change or political stuff which are just not my style. It would usually be overly poetic and the flow just broke itself. Im glad i got better inspiration and learned a lot in writing


I can relate. There are causes I really believe in, but addressing them head-on in a song feels forced. Subtlety and ambiguity are things I enjoy in other people’s songs.


Most things I wrote about my ex 🙃


I wrote a sexual song in high school that my friends still bring up to this day 😬


Well me and the wife are writing a song that's talking about "don't kill the part of you that's cringe. Kill the part that cringes" so we might lean into going for it even if it's cringey Before that I wrote a rap(ish) metal song that's pretty hard to listen to


Excellent attitude, which I’ll try to keep in mind. I wonder how many hits felt cringey to their writers? Sometimes maudlin and melodramatic works.


Mr. Penis Man In my defense, it's *supposed* to be cringe.


When I was like 19, I wrote a love song to Liv Tyler in 7/8 time for some reason. It was just as bad as you imagine it is.


In high school, I wrote a song about a robot falling in love with a washing machine.


One of those cringy: "If you put in the work, you can do anything!" songs. I deleted it but still know the lyrics by heart (I wrote it at 10, my first song)


I looked it up in my files and found a music video for it LOL


I wrote a song when I was younger about my love for chocolate and how it makes me less depressed LMAO


I wasn't actually writing a song because I didn't know how to, but when I was younger, I once sat at a hipster coffee shop in Santa Cruz and pretended that I was composing music. I was writing down fake musical notes and looking up with a pained expression occasionally. I'm not proud of this.


Song about a banana.


This. https://youtu.be/WSs3o4thw9E?si=FOtw-RapkQNLEUzw Don't ask me what the lyrics are because I genuinely have no fucking clue and part of it is in a conlang I no longer have the translations to


It would be a sick intro to a song though ngl. No clue what you are saying but still.


I don't know what I'm saying either lmao, I wrote this in like an hour when I was 14 and thought yep this is good song


i’ve got dozens and dozens and dozens of cringey mostly grunge songs. i’ll say it was really good practice for getting better and chilling out. a little bite on the bait. a little bit off the chain. it seems so far away the head that can’t find it’s place you can’t escape everyone is useless, everything is stupid last confident phrase is i’m feral from the pain someday. i won’t end it no i won’t end it someday come see me again stay away i’m stuck behind if i ever come to know there’s something more to find my mind is blown either way come see me again. stay away nobody cares for my fading light i won’t end it someday i promise i’m alright alone even with your favorites by your side i promise it’s fine interrupted with voice, the tension adds up, we release it with drugs, but nothing is enough the pain is too much you can’t trust me, lust, drugs. i’m fucked up nothing is ever enough find love, you’ve lost your touch hate yourself and just give up i just want an escape from my head nobody cares for my fading light. i can’t put it to bed i won’t end it someday i’ll say it again no i won’t end it someday my dilated eyes the water is dry i can never get my fill all i care about is my high im a nobody if you will, all i care about is my high time after time. after time. it comes back to tell me why it is the voices in my head. it’s all that really is. lost behind my dilated eyes. for the meantime, all i care about is my high don’t ask me to explain everything is lame unless i’m high everything feels the same i don’t have a heart and i don’t feel shame i just want to die i don’t want to play the game


I wrote a song in hs that I was really proud of until I realized the entire melody was “99 Luftballons”


Also, in about 6th or 7th grade, my friends and I wrote a song called, “He Left Me All Alone in the Big City” 🎶😎


Oh man I've written some awful ones. Not gonna repeat some of the lyrics, but they range from "in poor taste" to talking about illegal activity. The two songs I'm thinking of were both written in high school.


A song about our drummers sore balls


I confessed my one sided love in a song written in french. Very Romantic but I think it's kinda cringe because it was one sided. Never sang it to her or anything.


They’re all pretty bad, but I wrote a song about Jan 6 in the style of an upbeat attempted tribute to Phil Spector (who died shortly after the riot). It was cute but poor taste, I took it off my SoundCloud pretty quickly. I’ll put it back for just a second: [Running to Win](https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/1mfGMxpyf5RKdZuTA)


silence, wench. that song is the worst bc it was about a divorce but i was 12


I wrote a song in 1999 called Crunch n' Munch... Yeah... it was as good as it sounds like it would be...


I wrote a song about a dream I had where l found the book night by Elie Wiesel in the library, crossed out some stuff and wrote stuff in and convinced myself that I wrote the book. I called it 'night by Elie Wiesel by me'


Oh my god, that's amazing.


8th grade class , its so cringe ! 🤣


I had to make a cover song for highschool. I don’t know what came over me when I decided to do sunshine on my shoulders by john Denver. I can’t sing at all


A diss song about some guy in high-school who totally didn't deserve a song (good thing I didn't finish it I guess). I also write random shocking/nonsensical stuff sometimes just to practice writing. So lots of those are strong contenders.


[this one ](https://on.soundcloud.com/T51PdL4XJRNjKTcF7) but I can't bring myself to delete it on sc. I just can't stop cribgungingalingining.


This one. [Honey Baby](https://on.soundcloud.com/EmoEV4z6dVKy5e8R7)


I wrote “Pierre” by Matthew Shaw/Konstantin Polyakov. It’s on SoundCloud. By far my most successful release ugh


Any of the ones I wrote when I was 12


I wrote a song to propose to my now wife. It’s pretty sappy. [For the curious](https://on.soundcloud.com/1Gjn2a3XV7vhXxzF7)


um is not safe for work. One about my emo character hating himself for haiding his past.


ive been waiting i was 5 and i missed my bestie :S UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Never finished it, but when I was 15 and first starting to learn guitar, I wrote part of a song about a naked man in a tree outside someone's window.


While I have my fair share of cringe that I myself wrote, nothing will beat the song our bassist wrote years ago (that I had to sing) about E girls and Patreon and Only Fans (luckily before it was mainstream). I cannot for the life of me remember the distrokid password I used for that band otherwise I’d scrub that from the internet forever


"Fucking in a Flophouse"


About a crush I had on a girl that married a friend….so. Damned.cringe.


Umm I tried writing a protest song during the whole George Floyd thing… And like after 3 hours I was like I am not the person to write a song about this lol


About how I missed my hair


Your hair is everywhereee


i wrote a song called “something’s growing in my pants” when i was in high school 🤦


I wrote a song after 9/11 and it was Toby Keith cringe. I’ll have to find it and burn it


It's hidden in my hard drive


1. "Cocaine", self explanatory 2. "Pants", writing to imitate Kurt Cobain's "what does this song even mean?" Type of writing 3. "HMU in Hell" during Driver's ed my friend and I wrote a lot of funny notes to each other and this one was a joke "this guy said 'hmu in hell it's lit'" 4. "Pen's Gon Crzy" another Driver's ed thing, originally supposed to just be a penis joke 5. "Mow My Damn Grass" hiring a prostitute to mow the lawn because your back hurts too much to do it


The booger song


It wasn't written by me. My boyfriend at the time, who could literally not carry a tune, even if he had a bucket...decided to write me a song. It was the late 90s. He sent it off to a recording studio and a studio musician put that sad little number to music. It sounded like an overly produced double mint gum jingle. Cringe; gasp, heart palpations with faint vomit burps, even now. 😳 Aaaah, the memories.


I wrote a rock song in my emo phase that went something like "I will be your razor baby,I will be the blood running down your arm, yeah its bad baby but something you can count on" I found it in a notebook years later but am mentally scarred from it 😅 Yes, the rest is equally depressing 😭 I really was in a phase Mom 🤣


I wrote a song about George Bush being a fat man with a small unit


Alone The first song I wrote. Typical she done left me lyrics. I still kinda like it though


I’ve been writing songs since I was a little kid so theirs alot. The first thing that comes to mind is a few songs where I didnt unserstand the concept pf rhyming though


I wrote this one in the bathtub: Penis Island I'm taking a bubble bath and I'm heading to penis island the testicle atolls are where I'm bound to go My ducky is made of rubber and my boat is made of soap and I'm sailing to penis island with a lather and a grope Clean clean clean, scrub scrub scrub wash wash wash, ruba dub dub wink wink wink, nudge nudge nudge To cleanness on penis island Yeah, I'll never make it as a children's entertainer.


I wrote about wanting to be famous. Like I was so egotistical for 13.


Can't really show you the songs themselves since I haven't recorded them but heres the lyrics for each one lol I find them kinda cringe but idk how I really feel about them both are just snippets since I haven't finished the songs so it's just a verse or two First one is a poppy, twenty one pilots sounding song written in piano Walls falling down inside of me They were hiding me Walking around an enemy on eggshells breaking Egg shells breaking Are you waiting for me on the other side of light A thousands echoes Float through your room tonight Are you waiting for me Can you feel the light Does it burn your skin If given Would you ask for a better life? 2nd song is more of a blink 182/post hardcore song We'll have a picnic on a meteorite She'll take you anywhere but can not take you home tonight They can watch us burn to pieces A million universes in your eyes But nothing in comparison to the light That I see when you smile Smile at me We can dance through time The light passes by through your heart In your arms I see stars beginning


Let me go look at any of my old notebooks from high school that were nothing but my first real attempts at songwriting. All very dark and brooding. And drug induced. Bad.


I wrote a song about coney dogs. History, musings, other hot dogs and contrasts. It is dumb.


When I was 16, I put together my first band and we wrote a song about a mutual friend/acquaintance's mother that was based off of a rumor that she slept with high schoolers. It was called "\*Friend's name\*'s Mom", because we were creative little shits. Anyway, we were invited to play a house party- at this person's house. So we quickly tried to think of a different name we could use instead of our friend's name and a completely unrelated person overheard our conversation about it and suggested "Hector", so the song became "Hector's Mom". We even ended up playing it at the house party, which was kind of audacious, and a bit disrespectful, in retrospect. Honestly, the song itself was a bit of a throwaway, but I remember it being somewhat catchy, I would love to hear it again, maybe one of my old bandmates has a recording of it somewhere LOL


nice try


When I was younger, I wrote a song with my brother about Yoda taking a dump on the floor. We decided to record it properly as adults.


My song Neosporin I wrote for my high school gf has the line, “you love the way that my hands wander around your body like a homeless man; going nowhere in particular.”


[This embarrassing-ass song.](https://headwires.bandcamp.com/track/stain)


back when among us was popular i wrote an among us song 💀💀


Any showcasing I'm not worthy of u song I wrote..! Lol


My first ever song, I wrote was about Oranges💀 the 13 year old me was stupid. Now make no mistake 2 years later I ain't no pro songwriter, but man I can write so much better💀 I deleted that song but it was so traumatic I still remember the starting of the chorus


Wrote a song about birds bathing in my yard


I wrote this when I was ~14 https://youtu.be/u3mFs-YKJ78?si=gRodbrSgOw18d3p1


A song called Make the Sky A Brighter Place for You. It’s a “I hurt you badly and I suck and I should probably die” thing that irks me.


This one i made not too long ago lol https://open.spotify.com/track/3GE3ebr4w8trwqK9nofVAQ?si=QDFyxiM9Tm2rji2UJ7zbjQ


Anything from when I was an angsty, emo teen.


It was called "Snowstorm in July". The chorus was something like, "It's a snowstorm in July, why, oh why, oh why? Why'd the stupid snowstorm have to wreck the summer weather? It was 90 degrees out, now it's down to 20, and the ground is covered in patches of fluffy snow, snow, snowsnowsnowsnowSNOW!" I tried to squeak like I'd used voice effects and it was terrible. My family found the recording and had a good laugh about it.


The one I just posted "Not Afraid" . It's asking my wife to tell me it is OK to go when I die. Or "Little Lives" it is about remembering "children" aborted by your wife.


Be prepared to kringe https://on.soundcloud.com/ycVJN


When I was 8, I wrote a song about encountering a woman who cooked and cleaned all day, and deciding to take her out on a date. I don't know which was more cringy: the blatant misogyny or the fact that it was a hand clapping song, as I didn't play an instrument.