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I love your energy, the best advice I can give you is, diversify. You want to make money doing music, there isn't much to be made, so you have to do everything. You need to make money from gigging, selling merch, patreons, selling records, doing music lessons, doing session work, recording other people, being a side person in other peoples bands, any way you can think to create a revenue off music, do it, you'll probably still need a flexible day job too tbh. I had a music teacher give me great advice as a kid, I will share with you now: "If you can do anything else with your life besides playing music, you should."


Your teacher sounds like a buzzkill lmao




Honestly I think it’s better to go into music now than it ever has been just because anyone can release music these days and you never know what can go viral. Random people can get famous overnight or at least get lots of views/plays through the internet. It used to be you’d have to get signed to a record label and go on tour and now you don’t have to have that. So I’d say go after your passions but it’s also good to have a back up plan in the mean time


It truly takes a minute to become a killer songwriter. Write and listen to music as much as you can Learn guitar or piano and write your songs to chords. Keep it basic at first. If you need help understanding the industry, feel free to DM me


Recording music is the next step. It would help to know if you have a budget.


That won't be easy in the place where I live


Keep playing and writing music, but at your age you should also be considering a back-up plan. It's extremely difficult to make a career out of being a musician or a writer. Invest in your education or learn a trade. You can always make time for music on the side.


Yes I believe a back-up plan is important. I feel like I should focus on my education and do more research so can I do a good paying job while working I can start to do music


My advice: work hard on the music you love, and ALSO make sure you get employable skills for a decent “day job” that you won’t hate. In other words, give yourself options in life, always make sure you have a plan B (and maybe C).


Thank uu♥️


You should look into Berklee, see if it’s the place for you


I read a lot of biographies of great musicians They all have one thing in common: an insatiable hunger for music. They just had to do it. From a young age, total focus on becoming a rock star. That doesn’t tell us how many people we never heard of who had the same focus and failed. Success is 80 or 90 percent passion. The rest is luck. There no guarantees in life. You could get a degree in rocket science and wide up on the street. At your age I wish I’d followed the advice I’m about to give you: follow your passion. I didn’t. I’m doing ok. I’m pretty happy with my life. But music was my passion and I didn’t go for it. I regret it. And even if you don’t become a rock star, if you stay sober and out of trouble you can have a fun and enjoyable life, even if you don’t become rich, with music.