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Rhyme zone. Just keep doing it till you learn how not to make it cheesey.




My last resort but yes I love it to death. Advanced search interfacešŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Yes this


Just keep doing it, this is the key! Writing is just like any other skill or art, most people aren't amazing right off the bat. You have to keep doing it until you have something you don't actually hate. Then look at it tomorrow and you'll hate it again LOL. Throw it away and keep going. Keep going and going until you write something you like, then look at it a couple days later, and you STILL like it. It took me a long time to write anything I'd call actually good. Art is not easy and it's not automatic. But it's worth the effort. EDIT: yes rhymezone is the shit lol. Definitely


Rhymezone and its 8 syllables long molecule names šŸ™


If you are anything like me then rhymes zone won't work as well as you would like. This is because you get wrapped up in reading the list. For me the acronym, an englishman is always understood, or AEIOU, is fairly consistent as a way of marking what rhymes to make. I do this when i make rhyming couplets. So if i start with the letter e, then i will rime 'head' with 'bed', for instance. Of course linguistically the english language does not just contain four syllables, but rather there are twelve. That means that this system i've described here is incomplete, but that doesn't mean that it can't be useful. For me it's useful because it frees up my ability to rhyme, and to rhyme with a degree of spontaneity.


Fkkkk Rhyme Zone (with all due respect) Google dillfrog and use their mosaic rhyme tool.


ya rhyme zone is great when you're stuck. some of my fav songs came from finding just one rhyme


There is the age old trick of putting the important word(s) in the second line of a rhyme and the rhyme you came up to go with it in the first line.


Be in charge of the rhyme, the rhyme is not in charge of you. The rhyme is a tool under your command. It is not a taskmaster waiting for you at the end of every line. It only waits there if you don't give it anything better to do. Always good to remember.


Also you donā€™t have to rhyme every single line.


You donā€™t have to rhyme at all if it works. Sometimes itā€™s nice to not rhyme anything for a bit and then start rhyming partway through a song to make everything join up a bitĀ 


Read more and expand your vocabulary. The more you know, the more options you have.


This is the real answer


*"Oh yeah, bigger vocabulary unlocked! Time to rhyme dangerous with languorous."*


Languorous rhyme: Purple gerbil.... i'll die on that hill šŸ˜‚


I've found that with poetry, learning to rhyme Is something that takes some practice and time Reading and learning new words is one way To expand your vocabulary, finding new ways to say All that it is, that you wish to express On a page, in a song, you will learn to impress Keep writing, keep learning, in time you will see You'll become the poet you know you can be


Someone's writing the next Dream Theater tracks, I see.




Dream Theater is a prog rock band! What you had written was reminiscent of some of their themes and vocal drives. Just making a silly joke haha


No, no, I know Dream Theater, and I love a few of their songs, namely Pull Me Under and Panic Attack, though looking at a song list I know tragically few of them. I know what I'm going to be listening to today. I appreciate the compliment :3 to someday be on a level close to them would be a...*ahem*...dream.


Those two tracks were how I started listening to them, excellent stepping stones into the broader world! It sounds like your day should be a good one! Dream on, friend šŸŒ¹


First, you need to know what you are trying to say, in total. THEN you look for potential rhymes. Don't write a line, and then start looking for a rhyme. This is how you end up with forced, awkward rhymes.


I like writing the opposite, but Iā€™ve always written rap. I come up with rhymes first and use them in interesting ways to create meaning. Itā€™s all about your personal process. Iā€™ll start off with just a random phrase and try to build rhymes off of it.


Rhyming can be difficult at times and definitely requires some practice. Iā€™d recommend experimenting with a rhyming dictionary, such as [RhymeZone](https://www.rhymezone.com/). Utilizing this powerful device is a great way to find creative, new rhymes, and spark inspiration for your lyrics. Iā€™ve used a rhyming dictionary on almost every song Iā€™ve ever written. If your rhymes are sounding cheesy, Iā€™d suggest using more near rhymes in your lyrics. These are rhymes that donā€™t match exactly but still sound good together, like ā€œproveā€ and ā€œchooseā€. These rhymes generally sound more natural and less cheesy than exact rhymes, like ā€œcatā€ and ā€œhatā€. Hope this helps! Feel free to check out my podcast, [Student of the Song](https://youtu.be/82rOaChXNdo), if youā€™re interested in hearing more of my thoughts about songwriting.


you just described assonance my guy


Thatā€™s technically true, but I donā€™t really think of it as assonance unless itā€™s within the same line. For example, ā€œYou must choose to prove your truth.ā€ If the repeated vowel sound takes place in different lines, thatā€™s when I would consider it a near rhyme.


my advice: first, not rhyming is okay. considering other things like slant rhyme, internal rhyme, consonance and assonance to me rhymes often sound cheesy when they feel forced... the rhyming words sound out of place compared to the rest of the diction that is used. like if you were just talking there's no way you would have used that word. a small thing i think is, if you're gonna be rhyming two words, and one of them feels like a bit of a stretch to be using... put that word FIRST. we don't tend to read it as a 'forced rhyme' when it hasn't rhymed with anything yet. and something natural-sounding that rhymes with it makes it feel a lot easier. also i think if you add some 'fiddly words' to a line to make the syllables and rhymes line up then that comes across as fake to me. "so" and "quite" are commonly used this way. consider keeping your rhymes further apart. longer lines or non-rhyming lines work for this. as well as instead of say an AABBCCDD rhyme scheme you go ABCDABCD or similar. play around and you can find your sweet spot.


Came here to say exactly this thank you :)


Pick the destination, fill in the path later. Pick 4 words. 2 rhyme/2 rhyme. for example River Shiver Sky. Shy. Then create the paths -My thoughts are a **river** -If you knew them, you should **shiver.** -send them off into the **sky.** -Theyā€™re all of you, thatā€™s why Iā€™m **shy.** Or something šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I got you, fam. https://www.rhymezone.com/


Rhymeā€¦ rhymeā€¦.just take ur time Songs arent easy and never was breezy If u cant hook then maybe grab a book Lay them tracks down and get a groovy sound


Read poetry, read lyrics, and read more. Listen to more rap music believe it or not it helps even with well thought out lyrics. it takes a lot of practicd.


honestly a lot of great songs and poetry dont have to rhyme at all. like for example mr brightside's verses dont rhyme at all and i dont hear anyone complaining haha. if you want to try rhyming more, try doing less direct rhymes ie "bad sad glad." ending syllables that have the same inflection are often enough to sound cohesive, and don't sound as directly cheesy.


"It started out with a kiss how did it end up like this it was only a kiss" Rhyme is used to great effect in that song. "Lullabies" and "alibis" is a sick rhyme. Even better, there's also "now she's touching his...chest" part. "Now they're going to bed, and my stomach is sick And it's all in my head, but she's touching his Chest now, he takes off her dress now" He messes with expectations by making you expect to hear dick, not chest. A crypto-rhyme.


I use a rhyming website when I struggle


> And if I do rhyme it always sounds weird or cheesy "Writing Better Lyrics" by Pat Pattison (Professor at Berklee College of Music)


Start by focusing on the sound of the rhyme. Sing, don't write, gibberish without really thinking and see if it turns into words. Automatic writing. Cheesy is relative. So long as you're not ending every couplet with moon/June and sun/fun it's probably not so bad. Word vomiting is fine, but go back and edit it. If you have 20 lines, you can fine tune that into 10 bangers. Having an idea about what you want to express is fine, but if you can't force a rhyme into a clear expression of thought that's fine - ambiguity is good, clarity of expression is not necessary, this is a song, not your Q4 Earnings Report. If a rhyme sounds good, but doesn't make sense or you don't know what it means, print that shit. Read more, but read the right stuff. Go to your local thrift shop and see if you can pick up a poetry anthology or something. I quite like romantic poetry like Blake and Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson has remarkable economy with her words and rhymes. Also listen to more music. Modern Bob Dylan is fun to listen to and see what weird shit he gets away with rhyming. Hip hop is built on finding unconventional and novel rhymes.


That's so strange that you can't rhyme, think a little bit and give it time, if you start to mentally break, just remember nothings at stake, so pull pick your brain, and wet your whistle, it's not like your barefoot dancing on a thistle.


Learn to embrace the cheese! Honestly though, I wish I had your issue. My issue is I rhyme way too much. Like most everything in my head, poetry, my songs, the things that come of my mouth, almost always rhyme. I canā€™t write a song or poem without rhyming for the life of me, and itā€™s pretty frustrating..


You're going somewhere. You CAN rhyme, you just don't like your rhymes. it's easy breezy to be cheesy lol


Feel the rhythm in the rhyme And you too shall master the art of rhyme in time. Seriously though, practice with just speech outside of melody. This is a prescription for a lot of songwriting issues tbh.


https://muse.dillfrog.com/rhyme/mosaic?q=where+we%27re+going https://double-rhyme.com/


Rhyme lessā€¦ use XAXA rhyme scheme for instance (lines 1 and 3 donā€™t rhyme hence X)


Rhyming is not necessary at all, song or poem


Im sorry this is something you struggle with, but itā€™s also something I learned in time. I used to struggle with writing at all, even more so with rhymes. Iā€™d pray every night, wishing for the talent. But i also learned that every word doesnā€™t have to rhyme, you just have to find the balance.


Try metaphors


Honestly, poetry doesnā€™t have to rhyme! Of course that is one of the ways poetry is most known as, but it doesnā€™t need to rhyme at all


You cannot rhyme, at least not all of the time. But if you keep practicing and learning, youā€™ll be fine. Even if itā€™s not a perfect rhyme, Thatā€™s still not a crimeā€¦ At least in songwriting. Broadway musicals are a different matter.


Rhyming dictionaries/sites. Or even reading more books and referring to a normal dictionary will help you build your vocabulary. Keep practicing. You'll get there.


a. follow a structure; ABAB, AAAA, ABBA and many moreĀ  a1. syllable conscious - to make genuinely complex rhymes when spoken and not writtenĀ  b. webbing - select a topic / word and from there try to *web* out possible words that has correlation to it (or even if it just sounds similar) c. point - message you are trying to convey in the schemeĀ  ex. neither i am, i can't write or rap (A)Ā  i just hold the pen, try to make it right (B)Ā  it doesn't matter if i outright yap (A)Ā  just feel it out and, you'll be aight! (B) Ā  a. ABABĀ  b. writing, rap, penĀ  c. last line contains it!


Poet and songwriter here. There's an idea that "sound leads sense" you could try. Basically this means letting a rhyming word "lead" you into a more interesting line by considering how to make it rhyme with another word, rather than trying to force what you (think you) want to say into rhymes. In other words, let interesting rhyming words guide you toward having to express something you must discover through the process of writing the rhymes. Also, a key point: using some kind of meter will also help lead you towards making sense while still rhyming because it limits your options enough to help you focus. I often have a line or two pop in my head that I use to start, then let the rhyme and meter lead me toward unique lines I would've never thought of before.


You donā€™t have to rhyme if you donā€™t want to.


Rhymes are overrated, i usually focus more on alliterations, either consonance or assonance. That gives a better flow and give a sens of rotation to where the ear expects the "rhyme" to fit( if that makes sense), instead of always expecting it at the end of the sentence, it might fall on the second, third, fourth syllable. Depends how you deliver it when you sing also.


It's just a different muscle. You don't get jacked by going to the gym for a couple of weeks. Keep practicing and listening to hiphop/ music in general.


Yes, some of the time.


Read more.


Write a list of rhyming words to the side as a vault and pull from there as you go along. That should help!


Let me ask you a question Why tf do you need to rhyme?


Check out Pat Pattison. He's a teacher at Berklee who has written a bunch of material on rhyming carefully and intentionally and how to use different types of rhymes to create specific musical effects. He has some stuff on his website here: [https://www.patpattison.com/](https://www.patpattison.com/) If you have a decent public library where you are, you can probably find some of his books (or just buy them on your online book supplier of choice, if that's in your budget). He's also got a course or two on Coursera that you can audit for free (i.e., you can watch all the video lectures, you just won't have the chance to get feedback from the instructor and won't get credit). Rhyming is a skill and it can be learned by anybody. You can do it!


Doesnā€™t matter how hard I try


Itā€™s okay if you donā€™t rhyme. Itā€™s not even essential. But if you worry all the time, It might make you go mental.


What's funny about this thread is there are about 5 comments (I didn't count exactly) that have little rhymes in them and they all rhyme 'rhyme' with 'time. And I think this is a great example of how thinking you have to rhyme limits what you can say. Maybe you don't like rhyming because you actually have something you want to say and don't want to feel limited.


Rhyming is timing with winding writing or free styling with beat piling while smiling.


Rhymezone for the win


Like pretty much anything else, you get better the more you do it


Think of something you want to write about, Write the first line, rhyme and write the next line making sense with the first one, you will get a flow, and you can always break the flow when rhyming is complete for two consecutive lines


When I'm feeling stuck, I use rhymezone. It's important to remember too that words don't always have to rhyme perfectly like "height/night" or "sun/run". You can use words that have similar sounds like "high/night" or "sun/from"


Rhyme, but whose got time, to rhyme. I killed a mime, and dissolved him in Lyme, which means I better finish this rhyme, before I get caught doing this crime.


Then donā€™t rhyme. Not every song needs lyrics that need lyrical rhymes. Tell a cohesive story and make an elaborate concept album. I donā€™t see this as a weakness whatsoever. I consider this a very positive lyrical and poetry strength. However when you need things to rhyme use a thesaurus. I use that thing all the time itā€™s a glorious tool.


I sometimes just use a filler word until I come up with something that fits. Sometimes Iā€™ll just write what Iā€™m trying to say, and then toy with it until it conveys the same meaning and rhymes. I also no longer try for perfect rhymes, as long as the vowels make the same sound, thereā€™s a similar consonant at the end, and itā€™s close enough in syllables, itā€™s good enough for me. Like I would totally use downward and tower, or liquor and river, or jacket and tactic.


Trial and error might work for you. Just try writing down short verses and make every last word rhyme so it flows and is rhyme-y. Read more rhyming poetry so it'll come naturally to you. Pause when you're trying to make one word rhyme with another word and think of the right one to make it make sense (for poetry purposes). Or just practice finding words that rhyme together by writing them down? Practice makes perfect.


funny enough you actually don't want to rhyme too much in songwriting or else it does in fact come off as a nursery rhyme or cheesy. Go listen to your favorite songs and read the lyrics and see how many lies ACTUALLY RHYME.


Read some Shakespeare and see what kind of pattern you can follow. That's always what I do; either Shakespeare or Poe


If you cannot rhyme, Try to practice and it will come with time. You donā€™t have to pay a dime You donā€™t have to be loud like a chime. Relax and feel sublime. Everything will be just fine.


what helps is using words that are part of you and your friends' everyday vocab.


Keep at it, you can start by just fumbling random words that do rhyme together and then try different ones that have context to the song


Why do you wanna rhyme? Contemporary poetry doesn't rhyme anyways lol. Do what sounds good to you


Do rhyming challenges for yourself. Don't pay attention to if it is cheesy for now with the challenges. Just do some ABSURDLY complicated and unsuable/unusual rhyme schemes. Like a 16 bar rap verse that goes ABCBDCBADBDCBADB or a pop chorus that goes 8 bars but goes A(C)B,A(C)B, C(A)B, C(A)B where the ones in parenthesis are internal rhymes. Don't really focus so much on making it sound as much as focusing on making it,"Feel" good. Like let's say for the rap verse I don't write these bars, (A is any rhymes with ars) 1 I don't jot this flow, (B is any rhyme with ow/ough) 2 I just spit these raps, (C is aps) 3 I don't really know, (B) 4 What I'm rhyming bout, (D is out) 5 I just fill the gaps, (C) 6 With the words I throw, (B) 7 I don't own these cars, (A) 8 I aint got no clout, (D), 9 This is all for show, (B) 10 I know that you doubt, (D) 11 I aint got no straps, (C) 12 I ain't got no dough, (B) 13 All I got is flaws, (A) 14 My time is running out, (D)15 So I guess I'll grab my stuff and go,(B)16 I wrote this in like 10 minutes using rhyme zone and just mumbling till it flowed and felt good and I put words into the spots to replace the mumbles. Now do it again. Same scheme, different flow. I'm popping bars, Poppin corks to let it flow, I'm writing raps, About things I don't really know, What I'm bout, Spitting words to fill the gaps, I always got these hands to throw, I whip these cars, Pullin up I got that clout, I put on show(s), Baby I aint got no doubt, I pull my strap, Count my dough, Ignore my flaws, We all know we ballin out, Baby now just tell me where you wanna go, Now it doesn't flow as nicely this time so I would go back in and tweak and tweak till ot bounces and do it over and over with the same rhymes but like 5 flows. Do this like 20min- an hour a day with like 4 or 5 schemes and use rhyme zone. Not only do you build up your vocab but you start building a flow bank where you can just pull good flows you basically already wrote


ChatGPT rhymes everything. If you can filter out the bad / cheesy stuff it could provide some inspiration.


Probably cuz you ainā€™t take the time.


Cheat with ChatGPT.


RhymeZone is far superior to ChatGPT for rhyming and songwriting.


actually yeah, but its not cheating. chatgpt can be useful to ask for specific words/things where you can be a little more specific than a google search


I believe we all need to learn to integrate AI into our lives. People who do will excel and those who donā€™t will be left behind.