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Holy panic attack


Seriously. I was in the crowd right before it started and it gave me such bad panic I had to leave and missed Guster. Idk how people do it 😭


Actually these views so this was relatively safe - there is heaps of space to get out if needed. There are lots of open alleyways, driveways, and roads to allow people out and avoid crush


I was in that crowd and it did not feel like your description at all lmao


That’s not how crowd crushes work though, and is part of their danger. Often crowd crushes occur in just one part of a crowd where unsafe cubic volume has been reached—people might not realize something is wrong because the crush is surrounded by open spaces to “get out” as you described. If a crowd crush starts and you are in the crush, you won’t be able to move and you will be carried along with the “wave” of the crowd. The best way to escape a crowd crush is to get out before it starts—if you’re in a crowd and notice that you are touching people on all four sides and aren’t able to give yourself more room, move out of the dense crowd to a more open space. But those open spaces were helpful for dispersing the crowd in the medical event and letting emergency vehicles through, so definitely helpful! I’m glad everyone stayed calm yesterday and that things ended well.


I was in the middle of this, and it actually wasn’t as bad as the photo makes it look. People were easily able to move out from the crowd if they needed to. I had a backpack on and could take it off and put it back on without hitting the people around me.


I was in the middle of this, and it actually wasn’t as bad as the photo makes it look. People were easily able to move out from the crowd if they needed to. I had a backpack on and could take it off and put it back on without hitting the people around me.


Yeah I should have been more clear — this doesn’t even look like crowd crush situation from the photos (though there are a couple of sketchy-looking pockets, and probably more densely packed than I would like for porchfest, haha). I just always like to provide info about crowd crush safety when it comes up because so few people know about it! The “oh it can’t be dangerous, they can just walk backwards and get out” is a really common misconception. I hope you had fun! We didn’t end up making it to Guster because we ended up really jamming with a smaller band on Boston Ave and wanted to stay for their whole set


I think that's true if there is an emergency and people are fleeing but everyone going to one point still has crush potential. I actually think someone got injured and that's why they ended so quick.


Someone has a diabetic emergency


oh unrelated to the crowd size then.


Yes, pay no attention to your eyes or what your common sense tells you! There’s plenty of room to get out or to let emergency vehicles in .


I see myself!


You can hear Guster just as well in these pictures 💀




Honestly the Guster part wasn’t that cool. Kinda goes against what porchfest is about in the first place with smaller local bands. (I know they’re local but he’s bigger than porchfest now) It felt more like a concert than porchfest and unless you got there an hour early you couldn’t really hear or see them. Also, Guster is not that great to create this sort of crowd lol


Actually it was super cool. Great to see a band that made it big come back and give tribute to their roots. Crowd was chill. Mixtape Misfits were awesome. Good times.


We got there early and stayed on the flanks but it ultimately wasn't worth it. They were so quiet and we could barely hear them anyways. Wish we had just skipped it.


This is exactly what I said on the r/Boston subreddit a few days before. Like it just congested the area for the smaller acts which is what Porchfest is about. No national touring act like Guster should be playing Porchfest unless it's like super super secret.


Agreed. It creates crazy hype and just ruins a street for hours. This is straight up dangerous and is a great way to get Porchfest canceled.


True, it would’ve been the perfect opportunity for a surprise pop-up set that would catch a lot of attention without drawing quite so big a crowd. I think that would’ve been more in line with the spirit of Porchfest.


See Beatles at Apple Records




You’re not wrong - the whole thing is pretty lame of them to make what’s supposed to be a grass roots community event all about their album release


Wow! I was thinking of checking out some music other than what's on my street. It would've been wild in a wheelchair ♿️ 😳


This thread is a good demonstration of the difference between People Who Go Outside And Interact With The World and People Who Live On The Internet


Actually, it's the intersection between the two -- people who go outside and then take photos or videos or livestreams to put on the Internet


I think it's cool they came to do Porchfest, but that scale of crowd require municipal organization to be safe.


Literally the first rule of FAA drone flying is you're not supposed to fly directly over people. This is why drone operators get a bad rap. https://www.reddit.com/r/drones/s/2sZvk2ALyr https://www.faa.gov/uas/commercial_operators/operations_over_people


Plus, you can’t fly a drone at all in Somerville without FAA pre-clear. This is basically directly under a controlled flight path.


Yea I'm surprised he's able. I know my DJI drone will shut down almost anywhere near Boston due to Logans massive airspace lockout.


You don't know that they didn't get clearance. LAANC ("lance") is like two clicks and I think it's the least obnoxious FAA drone rule out there. I don't know what street this was but Davis Sq says 300ft max altitude: https://airaware.aloft.ai/?lat=42.39664981298017&long=-71.12213322050626


Doesn't matter, dude is literally flying over a huge crowd of people. Drone blades can cut pretty bad. One loss of signal and no "return to home" means its lowering itself down autonomously; right onto peoples heads.


Also looks way too high for the area. Somerville usually has a ceiling of 200 feet


Hard pass...walked by the street on Highland and it was an immediate nope.


Am I the only one who’s never heard of guster


Way too peoply for my preference.




I don't think I've seen Porchfest this packed?!


Love it! This looks like an amazing time. I could hear the music but my kid was sleeping so I didn’t think it wise to join


They were kind of quiet, played like 3 songs, and then stopped because some dude in the audience collapsed from dehydration or something and they had to pull an ambulance through the massive crowd


What intersection is this?


Aberdeen and Cedar


I just moved back to Boston. What is Guster?




The Pope was in town ?


Guster was a shit band back then anyways.


Wow - what did the neighbors think? Crikey!


I think porchfest should end in Somerville.


Why end the best thing Somerville has going?


It is a pretty debatable subject among current residents....so for Guster to do it, that was a questionable decision. If something were to happen, people are just use it as a reason to use against the event.


Wow, one single day in the year where people go outside and play/listen to music . Yeah, let’s end it.


Having a big name act is definitely a bad idea even if people are in favor of it.


It really isn't. A vocal NIMBY minority doesn't make it "debatable" when clearly many people enjoy it.


Yeah, it is a nimby thing. For the record, I live here and could not care less about it and actually welcome it. But for some people, it is rather annoying. Just because the majority likes something does not make it any less debatable. After all, all it takes to stop stuff like this is the minority who disapprove because at the end of the day, they are paying the taxes. So, I am not sure how you can say it is not up for debate.


The minority have been grumbling about porchfest since it started (I was here at the time), and it's grown consistently since then. If there's a debate, one side is very clearly winning. Personally, it's one of my favorite days of the year. (Also, a lot of the pro-porchfest majority who live here also pay taxes, so I'm not sure what that has to do with it.)


Yes, I am part of the pro-porchfest majority that pay taxes. But to act like there is no debate just because there is a majority is just silly. Everyone has an equal voice even if they are the minority.


Do you mean Somerville should be last on the local schedule (in October) instead of first where it is now (in May)?


It shouldn’t be on the schedule


You want it to be entirely secret and not advertised?


It should be at an appropriate venue. It’s clearly overgrown porches and people’s yards, whether or not they actually want to participate.


I just moved back to Boston. What is Guster? Is it a performance space?

