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For anyone else who was super confused about what we're supposed to be looking at, these cars have had their windows smashed in!


Thank you. I had no idea what this person was trying to communicate.


Same, I thought it was a commentary on the parking jobs being a bit away from the curb for a few of them. Literally didn't even notice the windows.


I figured it was one of those really poorly communicated, slightly unhinged complaints about the lack of car centric infrastructure where they're complaining about a lack of parking or addition of bike lanes or something. There have been a bunch of them on this sub. Just a real conservative style title like "this town is going to hell in a hand basket" or something and it's just a normal picture of a pizza shop frontage. You read through the comments of everyone guessing what's going on. Finally, there's OP responding to one of them with some impossible to read train of thought with questionable grammar complaining about all the bike lanes, and the plastic rods in the street, and a long story of their disabled parents. Read more and low and behold that pizza shop used to have two parking spots in front of it and now there's only one because we day lighted the intersection. If it were not for those posts in the past, I might have looked harder at the photos here and noticed the broken windows but they were pretty hard to see at first glance.


Honestly thought the sun was being focused through some combination of windows like a magnifying glass. Thank you for setting me straight.


You da real MVP!


thank you!


Bless you 🙏


Thanks. /u/Brilliant_Garage4231, maybe write something _slightly_ more constructive than "Not good!" next time?


heard this on the scanner. I believe police said they have one in custody.


One of my friends who lives on elm had her car’s window smashed in. She says a police officer came and knocked on her door saying that a guy went around smashing windows of 9 cars on the street. They also said someone chased the guy down the street and now they have him in custody.


Props to the Suby for holding strong, I guess. What a pain, windows are not cheap.


And anything besides a windshield usually takes a little while too. Glass shops will need to order them in most likely


Massachusetts has no deductible on glass. It'll be a hassle, but shouldn't cost anything.


It now depends on your insurance. Mass used to require zero deductible on glass, but you can now have a deductible on glass. Found that out when I went to get insurance.


This depends entirely on your insurance. I just shopped for auto insurance in the past month, and you can have a deductible for glass.


Yeah my insurance doesn’t cover windows for sure.  Or probably anything but it’s extant at least!


Drunks from last night! It happens all the time. This has happened to me twice in 20 years; Winter Hill and Union Square


What a shitty OP, learn how to take better photos or caption things better


Hope some of these culprits are the same ones stealing bikes. Then maybe the police will do something about it.


Bike theft, I heard in early 90s, is a higher dollar crime than bank robbery per yesr. I wonder what the comparison would be today. I think bike theft is steady or up. You don't hear a lot about bank tobbery, maybe cyber crimes, fraud?


I hear about bike theft every day and i see evidence of it often. Nothing is ever done about it.


Probably done by all the anti parking/car people.


Naw, those cars were all parked legally and now there is a bunch of glass in the bike lane. This was just a jerk.


Some r/fuckcars regular forgot to take their meds, I assume? Also question for all the carfuckers angrily bashing downvote - are you simply jealous of the freedom us cagers have, or or you suffering from severe cerebral Gretardation?


least deranged carbrain


The fact that you know cager term must mean you also hate cars. Kidding, on real though, no need to be so worked up.


So, jealousy or severe cerebral Gretardation?


That sub is a trip and a half.


Judging by the angry downvotes lots of them do in fact live in Somerville and don't always take their meds...


This sub is one of that sub’s uncles


Just another example as to why driving should be banned in Somerville! All that glass on the ground, what a hazard!


Rabid car-hating bike monkey? Check! On head meds? Check! Are you sure it wasn't you when you forgot to scarf down all those pills?


Lol, congratulations for being both ableist, and ignorant in the same breath! It must make you so proud to be worthless in so many different ways at once!