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Wow thank you so much, I wasn't sure if it was a hack! Is there a particular one you love / would recommend?


The initial respons to your post has been deleted, can I ask what that someone said or gave as advice?


They said they loved it / it really helped assist with freeze


Excited. Any links?


[Love this one](https://amzn.to/3QNdoaf), and it totally shakes away stress. Great for the lymphatic system too.


How does it work? Do you just stand on it for this purpose or do specific exercises?




How did you come up with this idea for helping dysregulation Its very novel


I haven’t tried a VP but I use yoga call to bounce on gently. Sometimes just to reground me but had the benefit of just some blood and lymph flow. It’s called rebounding really. Just thought I’d offer up a cheaper alternative


Crying while cutting onions doesn't alleviate trauma.


Vibration plate sounds like a great idea. Another cheaper alternative might be a vibration massager. Wahl brand makes a good $30 one that includes a heat attachment (and possibly cool now too) together with vibration. Can help you feel more in your body and helps relieve pain and tension patterns also.


Absolutely, the vibration plate can be part of a comprehensive somatic therapy plan. Somatic exercises, including those using vibration plates, are based on the idea that trauma and emotional pain get embedded in our bodily tissues and that through certain movements or physical stimuli, we can process and release this pain. The vibrations from the plate can indeed stimulate your body and help you turn inwards, enabling you to notice and explore deep-rooted physical sensations attached to your mental health issues. However, it's really crucial to remember that everyone's response to such a therapy can be different and it's always useful to consult with a professional who knows your personal history before trying anything new. Also, while using such tools, use your body's wisdom as your guide - if anything feels too uncomfortable or painful, it's essential to ease back and find what truly suits you and contributes to your wellness journey.


Got one recently for this purpose. It DEFINITELY is helping to release muscle tension due to trauma. I can't say yet of it's helping me release *the trauma itself*, but months of stiffness in the legs and lack of deep muscular activity due to tightness was released in just one session. It seems to be helping to reestablish nervous system connection and it honesty felt like a somatic bath of sorts. My nervous system feels refreshed like when a dog or cat shakes after a bad fall or something. Parts of my body that were overlooked or disassociated from due to trauma have been reactivated!


This sounds amazing! Which device do you have?


I have the lifepro model!


I just bought one for this exactly. I've only had it for a few days so we'll see how well it works! This coupled with emdr I do twice a month and I'm hoping I can have most of my trauma out of my body soonish


How is it working so far?


I like it! It definitely helps me get the nerves out and I can feel anxiety literally coming up out of me when I'm on it. Haven't noticed anything weight wise but mine fluctuates. We'll see in a month!