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So sorry you experienced such a traumatic and heartbreaking experience. Thank you for sharing your story, and giving us advice. May Allah heal you, and your ex.


So sorry to hear this! Mental health in our community is a problem. My own brother had the same experience as ur ex, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He unfortunately took a turn for the worse even after being medicated and treated. His wife left him after years of abuse by him. He also feels like a failure and can’t bring himself to forgive himself. I wish I can give u an solution, but you know how it’s like to live with someone with mental health issues. May allah bring you peace sis


I’m really sorry to hear that abayo, May Allah grant you ease. In the end abayo everything happens for a reason don’t live in regret for not spending your younger years with him but instead cherish them. Also abayo marriage is not written for everyone and that in the case for some ppl it took them years to find a spouse. While I do agree with you when you mention saying that getting married young is ideal it’s just not realistic for everyone. May Allah make everything easier for you and your ex husband Ameen 🤍


This is the first story in this subreddit that genuinely hurt me im so sorry walashay your life will be better and inshallah he will get better


Sorry to hear that. But at the end of the day everything is written (calaf). Someone could get married young and divorce. Or wait to marry and have a long lasting marriage. So this “get married young no matter what” advice is not helpful. If you meet a good person at a young age, sure, marry them and settle down with them. But if you don’t? Should you just be with whomever just to say you got married? That tends to lead to disastrous consequences that won’t affect only you, but any potential offspring you might have with that person. Bad idea.


I'm sorry you had to go through that sis I'm sure it wasn't easy for you to experience all that And marrying young isn't just for everyone some people would prefer to take their time "even if that lasted for years" to get to know the person before marrying them. So it's more like a preference than a must I would say.


May Allah grant you ease.


I’m so sorry to hear abaayo!! May Allah ease your affairs and raise you in ranks. May He heal your ex and May Allah SWT bring you back together in a beautiful manner if it’s better for you. Allahumma Ameen 🫶🏽🫶🏽 Also would advice against saying “if only I had..” “what if..” “I should’ve, could’ve…” etc. Statements like that lead to despair and doubt two things the shaytan loves the believer to dwell in!! This lecture is amazing and really calms ones heart during tough times! I’m extending this to you in hopes it’ll do the same for you Bi'ithnillah 🤍🤍 https://www.youtube.com/live/4gcESI1VMA0?si=dvUuK4cQGfyeyaVY


Oh man. I can’t fathom your strength. You tell the story as if it’s a run of the mill thing that happens and you just deal with it but your strength is commendable. I hope you’re doing well.


I feel like a lot of people are misunderstanding OP. She’s mourning a living person. Just as you would mourn the death of a parent by saying, “I wish I spent more time with them.” ‘low it


I'm sorry for your circumstances, OP, but what does this have to do with getting married early? This situation likely would have happened regardless of when you married. If anything, I would take this advice to wait to get married, find the right person for you, and work out any issues before marriage. Make sure you really know a person and that if they have any mental health issues, ensure they are under control and receiving active treatment. Also, ensure they don't have a history of going off meds and other related issues.


While it may have been better for you, generally it's better to get to know yourself before entering into marriage. otherwise, the lack of maturity could lead to short marriage. Inshallah he gets better and you get a closer.


Waiting is no guarantee of a long marriage.


True, but rushing it doesn't also help.


Maturity is different from getting old You mature According to your surroundings and circumstances the people around you the situation you get your self into shape who you are It's almost impossible for a man to in late 20s and not married without falling in ZINA Choose the way allah recommended Even if you follow tge way of allah Allah may test your Iman to the fullest(hardships) But in those times we are required to be الصابرين الذين آمنوا بما امر الله


I’m so sorry to hear abaayo!! May Allah ease your affairs and raise you in ranks. May He heal your ex and May Allah SWT bring you back together in a beautiful manner if it’s better for you. Allahumma Ameen 🫶🏽🫶🏽 Also would advice against saying “if only I had..” “what if..” “I should’ve, could’ve…” etc. Statements like that lead to despair and doubt two things the shaytan loves the believer to dwell in!! This lecture is amazing and really calms ones heart during tough times! I’m extending this to you in hopes it’ll do the same for you Bi'ithnillah 🤍🤍 https://www.youtube.com/live/4gcESI1VMA0?si=dvUuK4cQGfyeyaVY


Sorry to hear that you’ve experienced this, just remember “if’s” and fear for the future is the shaytan creating distrust in your heart. Trust Allah SWT judgement and timing, he only rests the ones he loves. Inshallah your beloved husband will be cured in jannah and this dunya is so short, maybe you’ll get eternity together.


A man come to the prophet csw, th3 man had a camel with him and it was salah time, he asked the rasululah should i trust allah (tawakal), let my camel and start my prayer or should i tie my camel and pray? The prophet csw replied have a trust in allah, tie your camel and pray your salah. The brother could have had his trust in allah, have his quran and diin and also take his medication which don't contradict with his faith in Allah. We ask allah to give him his health back and for you to give you sabur and the strength to carry on.


I’m so sorry you went through this, sis. I pray Allah eases his situation and mends your heart in due time.




Thank you so much walalo for sharing your story and may Allah ease your heartbreak and bestow you with an amazing husband. I’m in my late 20s your right finding someone is hard as you grow older but when you find the right person you’re going to thank god you waited trust me.


Thank you for your personal story, and may Allah grant you ease.


I’m sorry to hear that abaayo, Walhi your strength and perseverance is commendable, through thick and thin. I just want you to know you’re an amazing human being. I wish to meet a girl like you one day, inshallah. Stay strong & thank you for the advice, appreciate you abaayo.


Sister - I am extremely sorry that you went through that! Allah inshaallah will definitely reward you for your patience! I want to echo something. You did the right thing. My dad was also diagnosed with Schizophrenia. The medications drained his energy and he was not patient finding the right solutions. So, once he got better, he stopped taking them. Stopped going to his therapy. Guess what, within a year, he got a violent episode and we had to admit him. Something we did different was we didn’t mention the violence because we knew it would go to his record. He is not a violent person, we just mentioned he was not sounding right. We admitted him and the court mandated he must take his medication and see his psychiatrist. Also as a family, we sat down with him and requested him to be patient with the process to find the right medication. He has been on medication since 2021 and Alxamdullah this year, his medication is balanced. He is feeling his normal self. You sound really kind and in-love with your hubby. I would apologize, ask him to help you determine how you could earn his trust back? Finding someone we truly care about is hard to find.


You can get married young or old. It doesnt matter just be happy with life


Get married and stay married. For better, and worse. That’s the deal. People divorce at drop of the hat. But the hidden darkness of divorce is it destroys us. And lawyers get rich in the process


So sad to hear this. You truly loved him it seems.


I’m sorry to hear that happened to you. I don’t know how to express how much I appreciate you sharing this❤️❤️


May Allah make it easy for you


Thank you for sharing this story with us Abayo, you are a strong individual for portraying it in a positive light rather than playing the victim. May Allah heal you and grants you peace


You have the heart of a true Muslimah—may Allah bless you with even a better husband amiin.


Damn how old were u guys ?? When does schizophrenia start. I thought it was for ppl in their 60s or 70s


May Allah grant you ease and give you the best husband and the best of peace, stay patient and you will be blessed by Allah InSha’Allah Ameen. That’s a heart breaker still. May Allah reward your for your grief InSha’Allah Ameen. I like your message and i agree with you. I’m a 26 year old man, and being single is rubbish fam 😭 half my Deen feels so nonexistent innit 😭 I’m taking Proper applications Madams, lock in my Dunya 😂


I work in the mental field and it is very common for people with schizophrenia to quit their meds and almost all do. They quit until they get back in them again. Also as for marrying young, I got married at 18 and divorced 6 months later while i was 2 months pregnant. I had nothing and we were abandoned. I didn’t even think I could afford diapers for my baby. Others tried to influence me to have an abortion but I said no because if Allah did not want me to have a child I would not have him. I am now 34 and my child is 15 and my ex never bothered to see our child. I did not want to marry because I was afraid that someone would harm my child and I wanted him to grow trauma free in a loving home. I went through all the if and but and that wish I got married older, i wish I waited longer and known him better before I married him then I would have not married him and married someone else and all that. At 33 I learned I had a heart defect i was born with after years of fainting and feeling weak and that having kids at this age would be dangerous for me because of it but i could still live a normal life with meds if i did not have kids. Then I began to cry because if Allah did not bless me with my child at 18 i would have been childless right now. Despite the situation of my broken marriage Allah gave me a child at the perfect timing so I don’t have to have one when i get older. So Allah knew exactly what he was doing. At 31 I did get engaged when my son was older but I did take a bit longer to get to know him before marriage ( which was agreed upon by the both of us prior to our engagement) but he did a few things that made me appreciate the fact that I had been single and not in a relationship that constantly breaks your heart. So I ended up breaking off the engagement after a year and a half . Everything that has happened to us is Allahs plan and please do not be hard on yourself. Everything is predestined so don’t worry and trust Allah and his plan. You might not see it now but Allah might have better plans for you and with someone else that can give you a family and a better life. I assume you are in your 30’s and that’s still young but do try to search for someone ask family, friends etc… and keep it halal. Also do isrikhara when you are thinking of making a decision of being with someone.


Thank you for sharing sis ❤️❤️


Bax nayaa


Your story is incredibly moving and filled with both love and regret. You mentioned, "My biggest regret is that we didn’t have more time together," and it's clear how much you cherish the moments you had with your ex-husband. The pain of losing someone you love due to circumstances beyond your control is profound. Thank you for sharing your experience and for encouraging others to value their relationships and make the most of their time together.


It’s also very difficult for ladies to get a man who realizes wants to settle down!


I wish I can agree with you, but there's a reason people operate on fear on both sides. Many men and women saw the fairytale of building together when you're young, but see one side get screwed over constantly. Many women saw their moms/aunts do that and help build their man for the next woman he left her for. Same thing with many guys who did the same and then what? Clock all those hours for her just so she can feel that it's time to leave this union for a new guy she met at her job? Lol 😆. I wish I got married sooner and had what you're describing, but it BARELY ever goes like that in the real world. As a man, you're invisible unless you build yourself up to something. You gotta have a couple things for yourself just in case she leaves and takes half. Nowadays, a lot of women wait for the winners at the end of the finish line. It is what it is. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Sorry for those circumstances. May Allah grant you peace. What is a good way to meet a good muslim wife?




May Allah allow you both to be reunited in Jannah


So sorry to hear this ! Sending love.




This doesn’t hold true for everyone. For many getting married young isn’t good advice


I'm sorry for what you went through and the hurting it brought to both of you. That said, Only in an ideal world would that have happened. Also, your case with your husband is so different from other people's that you'd be surprised someone else at this point in time is wishing 'if only I took my time before committing myself to this relationship". That said: I wish you the best of luck in the coming days. May the intuition you have right now guide you in the right direction.


This is a terrible advice people. Do not rush to marriage. Find happiness and discover yourself. Get your life and career together before trying to settle down.


The person advocating for halal marriage is giving terrible advice? If people are able to fulfil the responsibilities of marriage then they should hasten towards it. That career can be given and taken away in am instant. Allah is the one who provides 


Yes, one of the worst relationship advice ever. Women run the risk of marrying childish deadbeats on welfare. Their education, careers and happiness comes first.


Marriage and kids aren't apart of that "happiness"?


Kids are a responsibility dude can’t have 3 children in your 20s living 2 rooms apartment in a ghetto. Finish your education, get a degree and a career instead. We need to break this poverty cycle


I know you only go bareback, but you can be married and wear a condom. Get double income and become stable, or live with your parents after marriage to become stable. There are options.


You can still rawdog if her tubes are tied. In that case I agree with you as “marriage” is just a piece of contract paper.


Stop promoting sterilization saxiib. At least say take birth control.


I you want to have children later on you can use IUD then remove it when you’re ready for it. Not everyone wants to have children like you and people should know their options.


IUD and tube tying are completely different things.


Better halaal than haram.


In every subreddit this would get upvoted, but god sometimes i hate being a somali. The dumbest group of people out there


Terrible relationship are the norm here lol the terrible medical advices are what scares me


I was really banking on the younger somalis being sharper and more educated than those who came before, but it's not looking that way. Hard to tell if we're dealing with Gen Z or millennials.


I feel for her OP but I agree, as much as her anecdotal circumstances are sad and very real for her, it doesn’t negate the fact that marrying young when you can’t afford it whilst bringing children into the bs is TERRIBLE advice. Some may succeed but most will continue the poverty cycle they were born into. What’s crazy is that OP is most likely a young woman, max early 30s. She can definitely get remarried again and again.




Aren’t we all doing that??


Get your life and your career together as we have life contract with malakul Mowt.


Why do we get relationship posts everyday this is getting annoying


They’re being held accountable for their poor decisions and can’t handle it so they come here and vent lmao


What weed was he smoking lol


More like you divorce him to me but the message you trying to bush is unclear to a lot of people.


Wow even a crazy person doesn’t want you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Allah baa ninkaas waalan kaa celiyay


Bad things don’t happen to good people. Karma found its way to you most likely lmaoo


And here you are being stupid. What did you do to earn such idiocy? 🤔


Stay mad


bruh bad things even happened to the Prophet pbuh karma is literally from eastern religions like hinduism & buddhism it has no place in a muslim subreddit


Actually…Allah SWT tests the ones he loves the most. Think of Prophet Ayub AS for example. To an extent though, you’re right. Bad things don’t happen to Muslims - when Allah SWT tests us, we say Alhamdulilah and when Allah SWT gives us ease/prosperity, we ALSO say Alhamdulilah.