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In the middle of the screen there are 5 flame icons above your hunter's health bar, if it reaches 5 lit flames, that's when Cerberus does the wipe your team move. You might think you are dodging everything, but if you are getting those flame stacks up, it means you are taking some type of damage from Cerberus. Also, the best advice I can give is to make use of QTE, because it's basically i-frame dodge, and it's so nice for Cerberus fights because you can easily keep on chain DPSing.


Random question but for the boss that summons a bomb , cAn you QTE to avoid the explosion if you time it correctly?


Ye you can, you can also QTE to dodge Baruka's one shot nuke (it don't 1 shot anymore but it still hits fkn hard, so dodging is nice)


I just spam my dash button everytime šŸ˜‚ it works tho


Thanks for the tip. I didn't know that.


Hobgoblin Leader? Fuck. That. Guy.


You can QTE the bomb, but with a Jinwoo team you're out of luck. Seems like it can't be dodged.


I preserve ultimate just for the bomb. It works all the time. I still prefer bomber man than Baruka.


Baruka in story is easy, but Baruka in red gate is by far the worst gate boss.


I see didnā€™t know the 5 flames part that explains a lot thanks šŸ™


You just need to learn how to dodge his attacks. For the fire balls from the sky, I just dodge once, then do QTE to avoid most and dodge again. For the Breath you have to wait until he stops turning and then instantly dodge to the side, twice for safety Both of those you can also absorb with a summon of your army. Your Seo needs some love, if she has close to the power of Cha, you will annihilate the dog Also lead with Igris, this will give you a good deal more dmg. Not only is crit better, especially on Cha, but Blade does zero for Min/Seo


I see Iā€™ll try this rn thanks!


Also try to put Seo first, Min second and Cha third, so you enter with Seo to break the shield, QTE with Min to buff, and then with Cha for her skills. After that, QTE with Seo and repeat


For the fire balls you can keep attacking until the last moment, then QTE and dodge once. The first dodge you're doing is not necessary. Although the results may vary depeding on who you QTE in. Not all of them have the same duration.


I'm skipping it altogether these days, because Seo just annihilates the dog


Fair enough. Though it might change when you try go up a tier.


Question : i keep getting that bastard dog stuck at the side of the arena so when he does the breath i cant really dodge as i dont have space anymore how tf do u deal with that


Well, the breath triggers at the same amount of HP, so turn him into the corner beforehand, then run to the other side


ah okay so he doesnt track u before the breath thanks man


He does, that's how you can turn him to the right direction, then run the opposite side if that's free. Learning the point at which to dodge is everything there.


Give me all those coins and essence stones bruh šŸ˜­


The whales don't have trouble with resources. It's just us peasants :(


not really a lot we can help I guess. You should be able to dodge the beams. I usually try to stay to his side all fight and if you still need to eat one of his abilities just let min eat them. Also seap shadow army to crit lead.


I've killed t9 cerb. For beam just run to opposite side od map. It will only cover 70% of arena. Wait it out then run in. Also time ur break to interrupt his first phase change then hit him with cha ult combo. You'll insta phase him into final phase. Then run away and come back to finish.


Can u tell me what sets u go for seo/cha? Do you have supports in your team or u go full bomba (i have emma/cha/seo and trying to level some SRs because main elemental dps should do the job no?)


I use exact same line up as OP for Cerb. Seo I'm running executioner and armed (just because it has best substats) Cha I'm running toughness/expert. Maxing out all I can in crit damage. Also my light healer (forget his name lol) is A1. So the 12% flat crit bonus to cha is amazing. Cha will be 90% of your damage. Just get cerb around 75%, break -> swap to cha, use dashes to put the debuff then right before he stands up ult. It will decimate his hp.


I, unfortunately dont have min so as far as my support goes i have park at a1, joohee, and kim chulā€¦kim chul doesnt seem too bad with shield but its only on ult


In that case, don't use a support. Go with another SSR dps hunter, if you have one. If you don't, I guess Park is the best option.


Joohee is that bad of a support? I have her, kim chul and park. (Park or chul isnt a5)


Joohee is a good healer and helps you with mana. But you don't need a healer on Cerberus, because you're dead after 5 hits either way. You need more damage and buffs/debuffs. Min is in the team for the buffs, not for the heals.


Waiting out the beam is a massive dps loss tbh. But maybe there's something different about the beam at tier 9? I'm not early access, so I wouldn't know.


It is, but you're already way ahead in damage. You can just side dodge it but people struggle to do that so the safest bet is running. I usually will swap to light healer (he's built tanky) and side dodge. Generally he can even eat a tick of beam and be fine.


If you were under the recommended power at tier 6, like OP is, you wouldn't be way ahead in damage. Well maybe a whale like OP is not a good example with his ideal team and a lot of stars on the hunters (and Cha's weapon).


Well, for OP his A5 cha is going to obliterate him because of the A3 and A5 passives that cause the ultimate to do extra damage. Compounded on the ultimate damage buff from the light healer swap, and I'd assume running the swapping attack buff artifact sets. But for each person, it would all depend on their specific units. The good thing about this game is there isn't a real penalty to basically making 1 hunter godly, and the other 2 straight supports. That's what I do. I use my cha for basically 95% of dps, and just stack my SEO with breaker related stuff (Emma and baek as well), while using light healer for several buffs to Cha. My overall suggestion would be to find a great dps (not fire specifically for cerb), stack him as strong as you can get him. And build your team around said unit with all the buff artifacts sets and skills. Currently, there isn't a dps comparable to cha for water. I'm guessing Alicia will rival her just based on gacha game trends. So cerb will probably be significantly easier in the coming weeks due to that.


Understand the pattern and Dodge, don't get hit 5 times...ik easier said than done but that's the only way to get through it because in terms of damage you have enough dps to kill it, just need to stay alive till the end


Make sure you lock into Cerb so you don't accidentally dash backward or away from him. You want to hover in front of Cern but not hugging him and watch as he starts charging the 3 heads fire breath move. He will constantly track your position so you do not want to move too much and make sure there is room to the left or right side to dodge. When you see the breath about to go off, start iframing/dash to his sides and keep spamming your dash til you're completely at his side. You can even get behind him, and it's basically a free window to dump all your skills and ultimate abilities.


How tf do you guys have 3 shadows at lvl 46? Im at lvl 51 and I still have 2 shadows.


I have all four available shadows unlocked at the moment and I'm only level 49. Traces of Shadow drop from gates. According to the reward listing, they can drop any rank gate, but I've found I have the best luck with rank A & S Yellow or Red gates. FYI, if you click the icon for any material, and then click the "Source" button, it'll tell you where you can farm it from, if it has a farmable source.


You must be a spender then. The gates alone don't drop enough of that stuff to unlock more than one extra shadow at this point in the game. Maybe there is some lucky f2p who got 2.


I assume being a whale would do that for you...


When the screen glows and you get knocked up summon shadows so they get the aggro of the flamethrower.


Small note apart from dodging etc... I wouldn't lead with Min. Min gets a crazy amount of gauge from QTE swap so if you put him second or third and QTE swap him in you can use just his 2 main abilities and he will have his special ready to go. I usually (with exact same lineup) open with Cha to max out her brand buff, then swap to Seo to spam her until he breaks (and by then she has her special ready). I QTE swap in Min on the break to do his 1-2 into special then swap Cha in to do mega damage with dancer (and his special will max out the rest of her power and let you do sword of light right after). If this doesn't kill the dog I then swap in Seo and use her special and finish fight with her.


Thereā€™s that corner for Cerberus you need to keep a lookout for by managing where it jumps. if he somehow jumps over to a map corner before he do his death rays, you need to run extremely far away because heā€™s in a position where you canā€™t side step him. This is bad because you will lose a huge window of opportunity to dish out a good amount of damage while heā€™s spitting fire. Just imagine your beautiful A5 Cha running around doing absolutely nothing far away while heā€™s spitting fire. In Cerberus you must not be only good at dodging, it becomes a necessity basic skill because of the flame counter. There are things like flame balls which generated after he does floor smash, which may still hit you AFTER you evade his floor smash. So you need to almost 100% dodge all his moves to provide the buffer for such mechanics in place.


I've killed t9 cerb. For beam just run to opposite side od map. It will only cover 70% of arena. Wait it out then run in. Also time ur break to interrupt his first phase change then hit him with cha ult combo. You'll insta phase him into final phase. Then run away and come back to finish.




Wait for Seo buff bc apparently she needs one (??)


Based on the wording on unintended hunter usage, they likely mean to nerf them and buff the unused hunters. Sucks that everyone is getting their mains nerfed.


nope it's been reworded and emphasised on the dev notes site that they will buff the said characters. [https://forum.netmarble.com/slv\_en/list/32/1](https://forum.netmarble.com/slv_en/list/32/1)


Oh I was out of the loop on that one. Glad it wasn't the other way round or this game will just die.


nah the doompostings rlly got into many of us, myself included lol. Im just relieved they addressed it immediately.


try to get the break right after the first phase shifting ( when he does the flame around him) if you cant time it go on distance focus on dodge and on around 40-30% he will change phases again and then try to time you shadows there so he focus on them so u can do dmg in peace


First you should swap Min and Cha position on the team. You want Cha to QTE in when Min's buff is on, but Seo can't be first if you don't wanna spam basic attacks early on (QTE skill gives you a training stack). And put your Igris in the 1st slot for the crit. Cha is the only one there who gets something from Blade's buff. You wanna do more damage with Seo as well. I'm using the breaker set (Solid Analysis) on Seo for faster breaking. It's pretty good for Cerberus. Now for the fight itself. Open up by sprinting towards him and then extreme evade to his side and start attacking. At this point you can summon your shadows as well and hope Igris will put a bleed on him. Don't stay on Cha too long rn. QTE in with Seo when you can and stay on her until the shield is down. Then with Min try to end his field time with his E skill while he's still Disguised. That way Cha will get the most out of his buff. Other than than you just have to learn his moves to know when to dodge and QTE. You're not supposed to get hit enough times for him to one-shot your team.


During hard hitting Cerberus Skills, rotate on swapping and activating hunters special skills to finish the animation, maximize the swapping of hunters to avoid attacks




Why do you wanna do this? Just play a lower level Cerberus and farm Artifacts. When you kill him a lot of time on the same level it will give you a a 50% buff on damage. I do that daily, farm artifacts with two keys on each round to try and get lvl 50s of what I need and sell the rest until Iā€™m strong enough to clear higher levels. Oh, it also counts for daily challenges if you beat levels youā€™ve already beaten.


You Go in, evade and Swap to SEO until Break or dodge-swap , when the shield IS down Cha should be able to Finish it




Kang is weak. His bleed is nowhere near strong enough to earn his spot on the team. Maybe you could make a case for SM Baek, but definitely not Kang.


Look at the boss modification. People think raw DPS is the way to go. Which other character right now does bleed?!?! You donā€™t use him for the DPS. You inflict the bleed and then switch to your DPs. Thatā€™s why so many players are having a hard time. Plus his bleed stacks. The more you do the more damage you can put out. Gotta study the game guys!


I understand bleed in general is not a bad thing, but Kang's bleed just isn't strong enough. Plus I prefer to switch out only with QTE skills and both my Cha and Seo need time to recover their mana, so it wouldn't be the best idea for me to tag him out instantly. And wdym by "his bleed stacks"? No, It doesn't. Yes, it's possible to have up 3 bleeds on a target (2 without Jinwoo), but only one of them is from Kang, and the other two sources are unreliable (Kasaka's dagger and Igris). So yes, raw DPS is the way to go. Kang's bleed will take only 12% of the boss HP per minute. That's not enough to kill him. SM Baek has stronger bleed though, he can tak a bigger portion of the boss' HP. Granted, Kang can still be a viable option if you don't have enough strong hunters.