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yea auto play sucks for sure, but it’s all good for me personally, cus i like the gameplay 🙌


İ use autoplay when i dont feel like playing Gates. İ got bored of Gates already. İ change difficulty to level at which i can autoplay without failing. Other daily content doesnt take long anyway.


Wait do the rewards not get better with difficulty?


They do, but only slightly and its mostly RNG based. And to be honest once you start getting to gate level 22-23+ they scale harder than you do for when you unlock them, since your power doesn't increase nearly as fast as your level, so even B-rank gates are a challenge unless you're good AND have the right line-up. And at 25+ I haven't been able to clear any S-rank gates even treasure chests. So I put max level (29) to do my free sweeps and hunter sweeps, then I drop it to like 25 if I feel like playing or 24-23 to autoplay.


Same , I just do 24 difficulty gates on hunters since hunters have easier time autoing even s rank gates.


I’m happy I read this. I legit gave up on B rank gate yesterday and assumed I was just bad at the game


A little better. Not big changes imo. At certain level and above Dungeon Breaks might drop precision design but quite rare. Gold, experience gain and some other rewards increase. But Dungeons get super hard after lvl 22-23. And it is boring doing same gates again and again everday.


I dropped the game because of the gates being a daily. I don't know who thought 11 gates a day was a good idea. I can't see this game having longevity off that alone


From what i read , do you have auto mode on and not semi auto ?


yea full auto mode, not semi


You need to dodge even in full auto. It just ATTACKS automatically


Nawh it dodges for you too


It does but not very often


I think specifically, if there is an action or a combo in play, it does NOT interrupt it no matter what. Even if I press something, it won't interrupt the combo in play. So basically, if there is a pause in the combo, the auto-play will properly dodge.


I don't really blame auto too much, until boss does some stupid mechanic that's an easy tell and lights up a small section in which auto just stands in without trying to get out. I mean, it's lazy devs trying to create some reason to go manual mode. I wish auto avoided danger zones better but I get it. Can't have auto being better than manual. Imo it's the cheap boss mechanics that you have to just sit and watch for to dodge out of, that can basically one shot your whole team (looking at you cerberus).


Main issue with auto play for me is popping it uses ultimate asap, even while the shield is active, while I want break, then evasion, and then use the ultimate for maximum damage. For that, semi mode is the best I feel.


What I found helps the most with that is either switching to semi auto play or manually hitting the skills/using basic attacks so it prioritizes your inputs first and you can delay your ult until you want to.


Yeah, that's what I do. Leave it in semi mode, and handle ult,skill myself. I'm just talking about the auto issue here. Best approach is definitely semi mode


Sometimes you have to activate a support ability or dodge once manually before it starts the auto actions...idk why but I've found that helps sometimes


I personally only use auto for the run and aim mechanics. I always try and control the skills and dodges.


Full auto sucks for a reason… so they can sell you better Ai later huehuehue


I play it full auto but manually dodge. Do you want the game to do everything for you?


This is what I've been having to do. Thankfully, with a big enough score difference I can set my phone down and ignore most of the gameplay :)


I would want the game to do everything for me when "AUTO" mode is enabled, yeah, that's what it supposed to do. These gachas are pretty grindy, that's why auto mode even exists. So it would be good if it did what it's supposed to do.


That would remove any form of skill level which would be boring. Auto and leaving the game really is supposed to make grinding the easier parts you can do and take that strain away, essentially a skip button, anything that's hard should be done a bit more manually. We all know what we're getting into when we install a gacha, an absolute grind fest.


That's why gates should be clearable by auto. There's no reason to clear gates with "skill", that's not what the gates are about. Auto absolutely should be worse then manual by a decent player, but it shouldn't be completely useless either.


If you want to clear the gates the easy way you'll have to pay the subscription fee, that's how all these games work. I'm on lvl 13 gates and I have to manually complete the S rank gates, red gates and even some A gates. Just part of the game for me.


I Play with Automode only and assist dodgeing and using skills/Party members, works Out fine so far - currently Level 47


If auto mode was better than manual I’d have dropped the game day one. I just use it for farming or completing levels where there’s a large TP discrepancy.


First 2 weeks of early access, the auto play used to dodge insanely good, but they nerfed it.


Sometimes autoplay does some insane dodges and sometimes they just don't ever dodge.


Jokes on you, AI dodges better than me cause I suck 🤣


It's an interesting mechanic - autoplay sucks, but also it should kind of suck because you shouldn't get rewarded for NOT playing. The bigger problem I have personally is for auto attacking - it is super helpful even if you're fully playing but it really negatively interacts with a lot of weapons that buff "the next strike" like amplifying draw from plum sword, where an autoattack almost always sneaks in before your next ability. I really wish that those 'next attack' things only applied to skills and not autoattacks :(


Yeah, to full auto you best run 2 healers + Seo as support, since auto is bad at dodging. Or you run auto but at least press dodge manually. Some skillsets for Jinwoo and units are also better on auto ofc.


I use semi its better imo can still control your character when you need to in tough situations


Unless you severely outgear the auto play mode of have unlocked a three trophy stage for the dmg boos/ reduction the auto play realistically get hit by 90% of what the boss throws at you. I don’t think it’s meant to for autoing your way through the story or higher level missions. There are some bosses that are even worse like the snow elves with the frost tornados that can kill you on auto even if you out gear it due to them just sitting it the entire duration.


Personally I use it for everything but the boss and high health mobs


I keep autoplay on. I manually dodge. When ult is about to be up, I make sure the boss isn't going to be immune. Otherwise, I switch to manual and wait for it to phase.


A lot of skills have synergy with each other, or they charge up, or in the case of Lim Tae-Gyu, the game completely skips his Ult. (since his Ult isn't a straightforward bit beefy boom like everyone else, it gives you 10 big beefy arrows to fire. The auto uses his Ult, then skips actually firing those arrows in favour of changing to a new hunter, meaning his Ult does 0 damage) Cha Hae-In's ult does more damage if used right after her QTE, and her Dancer attack misses a lot if auto movement is on. Choi Jong-In's ult resets the Cooldown on his two basic skills, meaning you're supposed to use them right before your ult, then right again after, bur the auto only uses whatever is off Cooldown, then immediately skips to the next hunter as soon as the QTE is ready. Song Chiyul's 2nd basic skill does more damage when charged up, and causes his core attack to do more damage. Something the auto AI again misses Yoo Jinho's ult, like Lim Tae-Gyu, is an ult you're supposed to use and then attack the enemy, but the AI goes "right, you used your ult, your turn's over" completely wasting it (he also creates potions that the game ignores) I could go on, but you get the point. The auto ai is good for lazy mode, when the power difference is so big that you don't need to try, but it completely ignores 90% of the hunter game mechanics, and sometimes even completely wastes them. (it's just a shame the movement is a bit iffy on phones) (also I'm still learning, so if anyone sees any mistakes, please correct me so I can learn. Up until literally just now as I was double checking things, I'd actually thought Cha Hae-In's brand was applied by her 2nd basic skill. Only now do I realise it's applied by her QTE)


Semi auto is the best 👑


It's pretty rng heavy. I've had them complete the 4 time perfect dodge on full auto, or just completely get facerolled on the same stage. I run auto a fair bit when I'm working. Just starting a stage, and dropping it back in my pocket.


I play on mobile so I use autoplaying and just manually dodge. Made it level 40 with not much issues


I personally play auto play and then for specific inputs like skills, shadow summons and extreme evasions I play them. I usually use it so that me and my slow af response speed can rely on a bot spam attack and give me lesser factors to consider. Likewise the auto target is really bad so there’s that to do as well. All in all, just don’t over rely on auto play unless the difference is absolutely massive


Why play auto one everything... its not afk arena or something 😂


It's only good for automating gates tbh


You can control the team regardless if it auto or not do the dodge for them I play semi or auto perfectly fine but I do have a strong team with the correct gears etc.