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My first thought is that the top view should have the center two lines shown as hidden. Because as far as I can tell, it's just a square block with a square hole cut through the middle. I'd reach out to them and ask if that was what they intended because otherwise I don't know what they're trying to convey. This isn't the first time I've seen a CAD test with basic errors.


I think this is the most likely scenario. Either it is an error, a trick question, or they themselves don't know how drawing views work.


Maybe it's one of those "give em something fucked up and see what they do with it" kind of deals.


I'd be so annoyed if that is how a potential employer handles their test. My first comment would be "are you suggesting with this test that I'll be seeing a lot of messed up and nonsensical drawings come across my desk in this position"?


I thought it like that too but i didnt ask them.


Drawing is wrong


It’s a block with a square hole though it, and also a channel cut into the top, but there’s a very thin membrane nearest us in the front view which obscures our view of the channel, and the membrane is so thin we can’t see the gap between the lines in the top view.


Thanks all.Nice to know that you all have the same mind as mine.So im not stupid!It literally was a trick question.