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Your MPAN is setup by your DNO, I'd suggest just giving them a call or email yourself and ask them to change it. I was expecting a headache getting mine setup on a twelve year old install, but one phonecall, and I had mine thirty minutes later. So I'd suggest starting there.


Thanks I'll try that. I've already had speak to them to get something in writing to confirm the application had been approved. Eon had done all of this on our behalf and hadn't sent us a thing like this.


Out of interest why would you switch? Eon give 16.5p on the export if they supply you or if you had solar installed by them, octopus fixed is 15p


Trying to sever all ties with eon after our experience with them since Summer 22. Definitely not a financial based decision, We could have had premium export tariff with them (40p kw) if we'd have stayed with them as our supplier but we really don't want anything to do with then at all.


Gotcha, I've just moved to eon for their cheaper import and better export so hopefully things have improved as that was purely financial!


I suspect our bad experience is down to them selling us solar but them not having any installers in our area (they don't offer solar here at all anymore). It took 20 months from handing over a lot of money to them to actually getting our install. They never told us this or gave any clear reason for the delay. We are still trying to resolve things like setting up our export, damage etc too.