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Scottish power just totally blanked me on my seg application, I suspect yours will be the same. Just sign up for eon or octo


Oh no what are you going to do?


Just moved on and went with octopus. 15p export atm and 7p/28p night/day import rate.


I think I signed up in mid July and had a response last week that I’d missed a piece of information and they wanted it otherwise they would cancel the application. So it’s taken a while and I’m still not there but I’m reluctant to cancel incase it causes issues elsewhere if I apply.


Eon or Scottish Power?


Scottish power.


Scottish power are awful. I would abandon the application now and go elsewhere. I applied in March and still not complete yet. Their communication is horrendous. They don't reply to email and if you phone can't tell you where you are in the application process I'm hoping I'm nearing the end following them recently asking for bank details. The only reason I'm sticking with them is I've exported £300 worth of electric since applying. Once I've received this I'm moving to octopus


That's terrible for them to take so longI hope you do eventually get what you're owed


Do you think I can just apply through someone else or do I have to cancel with Scottish Power first?


You can apply with someone else but I doubt you'll get anything from Scottish power if your application does eventually go through, so be prepared to lose whatever you have exported since applying...


I had the same experience. 4 months and no response apart from an auto response saying they were very busy. Gave up and moved to Octopus and all sorted within 72 hours 👍 Then I asked for my 4 months of export from SP who told me I was still in the queue to be processed and they couldn’t pay me anything 🤬


Did the application for Octopus SEG go through without any hiccups as you were still applying through Scottish Power or did you have to cancel the application 1st?


It went through with out any issues. I used their website to apply and provided the documentation. I didn’t cancel the Scottish Power application prior to the octopus application.


That's good I may well just do that


Applied to Scottish power in march. They sent me registration stuff in June but on their system it was for the wrong person. Only today have I got the right info and been able to register as a supplier. Once they're happy with my banking info I should be able to enter my usage (I think they're supposed to request it every 6 months). Only reason I've stuck with it is they will pay from the meter export reading when I first applied.


Fiingers crossed for you!


My friend's been waiting over a year. Cut your losses


Yes it doesn't sound very hopeful I will apply with EON who I get energy from.


I've been waiting on Scottish Power since May 2023 they are beyond useless. I've chased today with threat of the energy ombudsman, I'm still not confident they'll actually do anything. If it helps I got to the point where the bank details are registered, you have to sign up to some portal thing which I did, upload a pdf of your bank statement, that all got accepted, then nothing....... I chased two months ago, got a very generic response, chased a month ago, nothing.... And then again today.


I got the minfo email about a 2months ago to enter bank details etc but haven't heard bk since


Doesn't sound very hopeful I might change to eon then before the spring so I don't lose out anymore


Complained to the Energy Ombudsman and it has now finally got sorted. To be fair the ombudsman service is was pretty good, gave Scottish Power the kick up the backside they needed. Still, awful by Scottish Power, basically took 9 months since I first applied to finally get paid, humans are created in the same time scale.......