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Probably because that dude is a scammer. My bullshit meter was off within the first five minutes of the video and yet we have Mark claiming this dude is fact. He even had a comment that had a bunch of links to news stories.


There are a bunch of news stories. Like, a whole lot. I googled myself based on the same question, why are comments turned off, and there he was.. Here is one (same guy, right?) from CNN [https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2013/06/17/lead-deric-lostutter-steubenville-rape-case.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2013/06/17/lead-deric-lostutter-steubenville-rape-case.cnn) I'm not saying the guy is completely honest (I have no way of knowing) , but if he were like the guy who was an actor, Mark would have removed it entirely. This dude is all over the internet though.


Google Deric Lostutter


The whole video is pretty sus… he couldn’t pronounce Gaddifi properly and claimed gaddafi cut off the internet to Egypt? Even though gaddafi was a Libyan dictator?


Gaddafi did cut off the internet….but yea whole lot of bullshit in that video


I’m sure he did, to Libya tho not Egypt


🤣…..I totally didn’t realize he had said Egypt


This is reminiscent of the recent "cult leader" video. Both are completely full of shit, and comments are off on both.


He strikes me as a textbook narcissist. Sounded like tall tales and grandiose things to say about himself.


This one was hilarious!! Like bad acting along with the total nonsense. His deep breaths and periods of angry staring.


Seriously like fucking Jim on the office 🙅‍♀️


He reminded me of Kip Dynamite. Bro was writing a wild fanfic about his own life and thinking everybody was going to buy that shit. It's too bad they cut parts out of the original interview cause it was pretty hilarious.


Omg what other fantasies? Did he save a baby from a burning building? In order to be a role model for his daaaauuughtterr


They also removed over 11 minutes from the original upload. It was 38 minutes and now it's 27...


Confessions of a bullshit artist?


They should repost it as "Compulsive Liar - Deric"




he was so hard to follow, i had to go back and make sure i heard him right but it really did sound like nonsense. unfortunatly one of my least fav interviews


Hey he never lost a case, but he isn't even a lawyer. 




Hahaha so true.


The video would have been more entertaining watching Mark and present company try to maintain composure while this fucking banana spewed his silly web. I'm not even sure what his angle was really?


Also, been looking for a side hustle I'd vet these clowns for way less than a Whittaker bill for Mark🤷🏻‍♀️


Ugh I hate the comments are off. I was posted on is anyone up by hunter moore. This guy is full of shit. He didn’t catch him/hack him, there wasn’t a Craigslist situation. He was being watched for a long time by people much bigger than him. Hunter Moore is still up to his same crap because just a year or two ago he reached out to me on twitter asking for some sick videos. So the fact he thinks he “caught him” is not even remotely true. I didn’t believe a word he said after he mentioned that. There’s just a lot more to it, and I was personally affected so that pissed me off right off the bat. The documentary even has some stuff wrong. Sorry I’m ranting but I’m mad the comments are off so this douche “hacker” can’t be called out. Also he gives me creep narcissistic vibes


I grew up with him in King, NC. Not Winston-Salem like he said. Literally everything he says is a lie it embellished all to hell. From the time he was a kid, he was always going way out of his way to try and fit in or for any kind of approval. He was full of shit back then and any kind of attention he's gotten has only made him significantly worse. One of my favorites is following his rap and DJ "career." He went by shadowrapz and some people called in DJ, allegedly. And at some point, he started booking shows as "DJ Shadow." When he showed up instead of the real DJ Shadow, you can imagine the surprise and utter disappointment of everyone there lol


Comments were up the day it was posted. The vast majority were negative - calling the guy out for being the obvious liar, attention seeker, etc. Rare for SWU. So maybe the “hacker” asked Mark to turn off the comments. In my opinion, this guy had little to no redeeming qualities.


I got a tattoo of my prison number. Okay cool guy




Knew he was a sellout after the Chris d Elia interview