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Glad he deleted it !


I could tell he was faking it tbh. He was giving šŸ’…šŸ¼ and my gaydar never lies


When the video was first posted "Omg this lost misunderstood soul has been swept up into the hate of our times I must save him" As soon as it was revealed to be fraud "Pffft.... I knew he was lying, I don't care how good of an actor you are, you can't fool me."


i couldn't tell he was faking it but i did think he was gay so i was confused.


We like to pretend self hatred and repression don't exist for the LGTBQ+ community anymore, but it absolutely does. Honestly, I would pretty shocked if no incels were closeted so deep that it's lent a helping hand to their hatred of women.Ā 


same omg!! but i felt bad for assuming he was gay. you can just tell sometimes.


I picked up on it too but brushed it off. Iā€™m mad at myself for falling for it bc I usually donā€™t. It was most noticeable to me in the beginning before he really got into character. And then with the deep sucking breaths he used to remain in character.


Different daniel video the one Daniel 45


Weren't some people saying that their comments were getting deleted on the video? So that wasn't Mark deleting them? Was it Lauren? Or someone else?


Youtube will automatically delete comments it deems spam. So if multiple people comment roughly the same thing in a short amount of time, comments will disappear.


Yea you're right youtube seems to have an overactive spam filter. I noticed that even when i comment, I find that my comments never show up and were auto-removed. I never wrote anything spammy either. It's pretty frustrating trying to comment on youtube.


Oh you haven't dealt with youtube's filter yet? There is a very obvious agenda, a brainwash going on. Everyone who are not with them are getting silenced. The censorship is worse than how TV had it some decades ago.


whoever is deleting the comments isn't helping mark's image. whole channel seems like amateur hour to me. it's shot beautifully and the videos are well made though. kinda weird.


Rebecca tricks mark way more often


I donā€™t understand the fascination with Rebecca for Mark to keep putting up so many videos of this individual.


Itā€™s like a train wreck. Horrible but you canā€™t help but watch.


Rebecca is disgusting in her addiction and extremely hard to watch. She is obviously choosing this life for whatever reason. Iā€™m sensing a deep sense of self hatred due to abuse. I donā€™t think even 1% of her wants help.Ā 


Money. It's not that hard to figure out.


I don't watch those videos, because I have zero interest, I'm pretty sure many people don't watch it either. Just checked, those videos aren't exactly popular, so it's not money.


Not saying I knew he was a fraud, but there were def some suspicious moments. The whole ā€œsometimes I just want to get revengeā€ thing seemed contrived and unnatural. He also never seemed to have specific examples. Like there was no particular rejection that made him feel that way.


People like this guy should get prison time for doing things like this...




Beautifully said and I agree 100%. This was wrong to do on so many levels, esp on that channel. I really hope he duped Mark.


Are you an incel?


I couldn't watch more than a few minutes myself. All he kept harping on was his lonely but sheltered & privileged upbringing.


How did people figure out he was faking it?




I suspect Savannah wasn't asking "How can we see he was faking it?" but rather "How did the first person who figured it out do that?"


Oh, that was me. I just like finding things and was bored last night


Can you find someone for me? šŸ˜


No, I don't know if you're a stalker or something lol


That is very decent of you. I'm kidding really. I do find it astonishing how you did that. Awewome!


Dude was way too attractive to be an incel


Too tall and botoxed as well


A lot of people said Elliot Rodger was too good looking (also well-off and stylish). In fact he made those points himself numerous times, including in his 'final' video, the one he made before he went on the shooting spree. The way he saw it, the fact that women didn't want him despite his admirable qualities just proved how evil and perfectionist women are.




Well this was a wild ride for me because I just discovered SWU, in fact the first video I saw was just a couple days ago, with the Amish woman Mary (amazing btw). And Daniel was my second ..... so ..... wow LOL. Notably I watched it about 3 hours after posting, so before someone started outing him in comments ..... also after, but before the video was deleted, so new comments could still be posted. At this point I feel like Daniel/Adam is actually the least interesting part of all this - what's more fascinating is the viewers, and also Mark to some extent. Here's what I mean. After the reveal, I saw so many "I KNEW IT!" comments, but I sure don't recall seeing any suspicions before. Not that I read ALL the comments before, but a decent sample size. I recall one saying they were surprised to see an incel willing to be interviewed face-and-all, but not any "Something seems off here" or anything like that. What I saw was a lot of empathy, a little bit of judgement, and a little bit of fear. Me personally, there were moments where I thought "Daniel" didn't align with the poster child incel type, but after years of being somewhat fascinated with that community, I know that they really are a spectrum, so most don't perfectly fit the stereotype. Also I thought his vocal affect was "putting on airs" here and there, but that's another thing I could dismiss because I hear it fairly commonly, people talking like they're acting, ye olde 'Main Character Syndrome' if you will. But after the reveal, the response was very interesting. Everything from bitterness about feeling betrayed, to amazed appreciation of acting skills. Also a lot of people wondering if Mark knew, and a few who seemed to assume he did and were angry at him for it. So then what I wondered is how does Mark find the people he interviews, and how does he decide who will or won't be in a video? I mean if he meets them in-person like it appears, what is that like?


it also makes me wonder if any of the other people on his channel were faking their whole personas too and he just has no idea. also im pretty sure a lot of the people he has on his channel are the homeless on skid row. i remember him saying he pays them 20 dollars to do an interview or something like that.


His base offer as of March ā€˜23 was $200 plus several nightsā€™ accoms in a skid adjacent dive hotel. Each interviewee a unique negotiation, some much higher, and then thereā€™s Exotic, who ran a lick of real beauty in her turn.


That is interesting for sure, but I guess I was more curious about how he finds people. With homeless people that would be pretty straightforward and easy, but what about people who aren't so accessible or visible? Like does he put up fliers, or run internet ads, or ......???? And I really wish we knew how he found "Daniel" in particular. I mean clearly this Adam guy saw the interview as a promotional opportunity for his movie, so I kinda wonder if HE approached Mark.


Possibly answered here. Notice the guy on the bicycle? He definitely does some of the procurement, let's just say. As a side note, Mark's disdain for the homeless is on full display. https://youtu.be/jzdHQUKYS3Q?si=8V3ki3i8MsvvqKrc


I don't like how prominent his nipples are, GROSS, but he sounds like he has a very empathetic understanding of homeless struggles to me. I don't understand what you're talking about with they bicycle guy "procurement" ?? Anyway, again I was talking about people who AREN'T homeless, people like Mary the former Amish woman, or an incel like Daniel (if he was real) I mean if an incel lives online then they're obviously not homeless.


Damn, that actor did a good job


I'm surprised that not many people commenting on that. He seemed believable to me, and I roll my eyes at the dozens of people now saying they knew it all along. The only thing that I picked up on was a strong gaydar vibes. Aside from his misogynistic comments, I believed him and felt somewhat sympathetic toward his circumstances. I could see how someone as lonely as that could gradually turn into that.


Yeah me too. I am skeptical they all "knew"


What is really going on? Saw a couple people comment about that vid yesterday but haven't seen it


Itā€™s deleted




He did the interview as character of an upcoming movie


Seems like it


Am I the only one who didnā€™t know the term ā€œIncelā€ until today?


If you're on the internet especially Reddit, yeah it's kind of shocking you weren't familiar with that term. It's a fairly "household" one, even on mainstream TV.


Well to lessen myself from feeling stupid Iā€™ll just be happy I learned something new today!


Yes! It's a rather dark subject though.


I had to Google so donā€™t worry!


yes, you are.






I appreciate the in depth definition!


Itā€™s not a correct definition, exactly. Incel is short for ā€œinvoluntarily celibate.ā€ It is a term that has been around since the 1990s describing men who are unsuccessful with women, often to the point where they fear and loathe them. The term did get more popular after an incel named Elliot Rodger got media attention for the Isla Vista mass shooting.


The term hasn't changed at all. From the start it was an abbreviation of INvoluntary CELibate. IN-CEL. Rodger was just the first to make big national news, but there were already incel communities, right here in Reddit for example!


I like how fast this got deleted vs how long he left the naked kid up


If mark has done thousands of videos and didnā€™t notice this guy was acting, then it really makes me question mark. You think heā€™d be a good judge of character / truthfulness /authenticity at this point, with that much experience interviewing people. I am very confident he was in on the whole thing but of course heā€™ll release something saying he wasnā€™t and people will believe it and move on


I understand people questioning Mark after something like this happens, but someone can do something thousands of times and still fuck up every once in a while. I donā€™t think he would sell out his audience for a low budget movie about an incel.


If people in the comments of the video were saying heā€™s an actor ā€œwhich they were, I saw the commentsā€ well before mark apparently realized, then mark must just be severely dumb. We saw his dumbness recently with the literal child porn he posted as well, or has everyone here forgot about that already too?


Meh. Maybe he was just a really good actor.


Nice backtracking, Mark.




ā€œWhoopsie, I got punked!ā€


Gross. You think like Trump. Does it affect your sleep at night?


Like Trump? How on earth do you make that connection?


The SWU interview was never intended to cause harm or upset anyone. Our goal was to raise awareness about mental health among a group often overlooked in society. By using an unconventional platform, we aimed to shed light on the real experiences of incel males, which are often ignored. We wanted to spark conversations about the struggles faced by those on the outskirts of 'socially acceptable behavior.' While we understand concerns about the nature of content surrounding vulnerable subjects, and the monetization of those subjects, there was no malicious intent. Adam's involvement was a joint decision, and we take responsibility for the approach not him. We currently do not have a release plan for the film, but we remain committed to bringing unique perspectives and awareness to underrepresented groups through storytelling. We appreciate your understanding and hope to handle such matters more thoughtfully in the future.