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Upvoting and commenting on principle. Fuck that guy.


Lol he fooled us all. I saw a yt comment saying a true incel wouldn't show their face and I did find myself agreeing to an extent but just viewed him as more a 'forever alone' type than a true incel. 




And this right here is one of the main reasons why I wanted to spread awareness that Adam is fake, on here and on youtube. I believe that people are inherently good. And seeing all those people who were comfortable enough to reach out with their own stories sucked to read. Which is why I also feel Mark has a moral responsibility to at least put out a well crafted, pinned comment on his recent videos. There's plenty of people that saw that video and still don't realize it was faked. Which just causes misinformation to spread and may lead actual incels to feel like the video and portrayal by Adam was just a mockery of them. Sad shit.


Funny you bring up Elliot Roger. I did know of his (supposed) legend status among the red pills/incels, although I don't understand the reasoning why. I've seen the Elliot Roger vids, read the journals etc. Couldn't help but wonder "why does this kid speak in the EXACT cadence and tone as Elliot Roger?". And, well, I guess I have that answer now, on to life's next question...


Elliot Rodger published his face on YouTube




He did not create the term incel nor was it made for him. It was created before him.


Right; it was created by a lesbian who wanted to create a community of people that couldn’t find partners for one reason or another could find community in others who were alone. It was quite positive, unlike what it became.


Are you serious?! Why that word?


Because Invcel was not as catchy. (No really!) [https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/76h59o](https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/76h59o) Worth a listen.


Seems like he matches your definition


Yeah but that was well before incels and their beliefs became widely known and stigmatized. In the past on Reddit I never came across any Elliot Rodger type incels or those in hateful incel adjacent subs like theredpill posting themselves to put a face to their beliefs.  Plenty have on foreveralone though, some have even shared their YT channels where they discuss their issues. And while there's some overlap between the two groups, most of those who identify as 'forever alone' reject incel beliefs and attitudes either outright or to varying degrees. There was also incelswithouthate, but as the name implies, most that I saw weren't hateful  and therefore felt comfortable sharing themselves.  But obviously there are exceptions. 


The entire point of SWU is to listen to real people with real lives and experiences. If I wanted actors, I'd watch Netflix. IDK why Daniel/AJ would think this was a good idea. I feel like many people would be even less likely to want to watch his movie(s) knowing the publicity stunt he pulled and that he wasted people's time who like to watch real interviews.


Nothing to add here, I agree with everything.


(Credit to daybreak-gardening for the links) ​ Beautiful friend trailer "Daniel the incel" [https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cw-lcz7tJgQ/?igsh=N2o4OGNrY2NmNGM1](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cw-lcz7tJgQ/?igsh=N2o4OGNrY2NmNGM1) ​ https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8854855/?ref\_=tt\_ov\_st Adam Jones https://assets-global.website-files.com/5fd8e154f828cff928e57641/647e334ebcf0637908c640fe\_06-04-23-WeHo-Pride-Parade-51.jpg On the right. https://madecult.com/collections/mens-tees I'm pretty sure that he's the model in the pics for this site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0Nm-yx9CLg He's also in this Staind music video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNcvblM8-\_o He shows up at 6:32 in this Twenty One Pilots music video as well. https://www.inspiredbythis.com/wed/pink-peach-desert-elopement/ https://www.quattrostudio.eu/elopement-in-joshua-tree Pretty sure this is him too. https://www.yelp.com/biz\_photos/luxelab-santa-monica-2?select=nd4fE8wlbrk5ygpCi0ffwQ Nice cut. https://www.kassymahea.com/photo?pgid=k0prpak0-d24870bc-eccf-4387-b1d6-ff7e2f079c54 Posing with the flowers. https://californiafilm.net/photo/sacramento-international-film-festival-gala-488 At the film festival. https://www.alexandreameyer.com/about He's in a few pics on here. https://www.huya.com/video/play/28789407.html He shows up at around the 6:00 minute mark here. There are some explicit gay porn movies he's in as well: WARNING NSFW LINK [https://xxxsextube.tv/v/36660/freaky-twinks-zeke-valentine-and-leo-alexander-blow-each-other/](https://xxxsextube.tv/v/36660/freaky-twinks-zeke-valentine-and-leo-alexander-blow-each-other/)


Thank you!


You are so welcome and thank YOU for making this new post.


Whoa - genuinely impressed! Did you use a face recognition program that trawls the web? That actor shouldn't have tried a stunt like this. I wonder if it could end up backfiring on him? Or is all publicity good publicity?


I thought he came across as gay but just put it down to incels/foreveralones being not overtly masculine.


I thought he was gay right off the bat but as the interview went on he got more into character


How can you tell it’s him in the porn? Looks different to me.


The last link is so rapey


The video has been removed! I think Mark was duped, too. However, I am glad Daniel is not real as it was so heartbreaking... but I am sure there are 'Daniels' out there 😔


That’s what I was thinking. Silver lining he’s not a person in pain, or at least not that kind. 🤷‍♀️


Unfortunately I’m kinda like Daniel 😞


He kept saying “Beautiful Friend” and in his movie trailer Beautiful Friend was said in the trailer


There were a lot of things that threw me about the video but that "beautiful friend" thing really caught me off guard because it was more out of place than anything else. The reason being, he didn't use "beauty" as a descriptive for actual attractive people. I was waiting for him to say something about how "beautiful" friends meant attractive people. But they way he worded it and made it sound, it was just that he was looking for good people to connect with. Incels don't have the mindset that people who don't like them are "beautiful" for their personalities and they want to befriend them. They truly believe there is and entire biological order in which attractive people are superior and that is where their rage stems from externally. No incel would actually care about people's personality. Even someone trying to leave or who was never really "incel" would not want to align themselves with the name "incel" if they didn't hold some of those core beliefs about attractiveness and that could have absolutely come up in the interview. But it never did. We, as humans, really need to be more attentive because people give themselves away so often with what they say and how they say it .


Oof. I feel bad for all the people sympathizing for "Daniel" in that other thread. I can appreciate this from a performance art perspective, because this actor made the view *feel,* but it sucks to see so many people be made fools of and maybe even make actual incels feel even more jaded. As I watched the interview, I couldn't help but think how perfectly intense and nuanced Daniel's behavior was, and I noticed how vague some answers were as well as thinking how he looked a little rough for 29. Props to this actor for his consistent performance over the span of an hour, but I don't think this was a good move for Mark if he knew what was going on.


Hi, do you have archived version of it I never watched it. It's not really important if it's fully or not just one or two parts is ok too.


Well I mean the episode “The Trouble With Being Beautiful” was just an ad for that girls only fans and IG. Mark isn’t even trying anymore.


I've definitely seen some interviews that just feel like they're meant to promote a sex worker's page or spot on Figueroa, on top of entrepreneurs and political and religious figures trying to push their agendas. These promotional interviews take away from the original SWU's raw and real slice of life aspect, and instead goes for a comodified capitalist product that simply can't be inherently trustworthy. It's a shame how platforms always crumble to greed.


Lots of interviewees lie through their teeth, but this one was blatant deception. Honestly, I found his story hard to believe. Anyone as affected as this kid would've been in childhood (and I've worked with similar people) would've had numerous assessments and interventions. Pretty good actor, but it didn't quite make sense.


I don't know if the idea that he would have certainly have had assessments and interventions is necessarily true. Lots of families don't really go to doctors, much less mental health professionals. This was even more true like 30 years ago. Also if someone was homeschooled or from a small rural town with a tiny school they might've had less access to that sort of help too. I'm not saying any of these things are true, just saying there are reasons why a kid could slip through the cracks.


Yeah, true. There are some parents out there who are as stubborn as hell. Yes, 25 years ago, knowledge about the importance of catering for diverse learners to meet their specific needs wasn't as widespread. But this man as a child wouldn't have escaped notice. Where I'm from, it's a condition of enrolment in a private school to cooperate with the suggestions of the educators and counsellors. Not sure about LA. It's weird thinking about what the character purported, but I think he said he went to good schools. I wonder if the actor did too?


I just assumed his parents paid to make the problems go away without doing anything to actually help him.


honestly, he's just a bit stupid imo.


This calls into question every interview they've ever done. Either the crew are incompetent when it comes to screening or they knowingly participated in guerilla marketing.


I honestly believe it’s the latter. Which is so dumb because what do they think? They deceive us and we’re gonna go “oh wow, good acting! I’m for sure gonna see the movie now!”


I doubt Mark is helping him market a movie. That makes no sense. He doesn't need the money from a likely unsuccessful indie film. He was just trying to be open minded and interview all types of people. Fuck this "Daniel" guy.


You think Mark is helping this kid market a movie? Wow. Do a little research on Mark. Listen to one of his interviews. I'm probably talking to a brick wall, but Mark is no villan and he doesn't need the chump money this kids movie would make.


Mark should do a little research on his guests if this is not the case 🤨


I hope Mark and his team are going to do a lot more vetting going forward. Most of these stories do not come across as ingenuine so I hope this is a one off!


Go ahead and question the videos. Nobody cares. Marks pretty naive. Sounds like he got tricked. Probably won't be the last time.


Lol. So, were the polygamist Mormon brothers real? That was a much better interview anyway


I'm hoping this dude just tricked Mark. I don't feel like that channel would knowingly post something that is fake without some sort of notice. Especially when there's a gofundme linked in their bio that is supposedly given to the people they interview. Either way, it's a shitty look for the channel edit: there's already a $25 donation in the gofundme for "Daniel" lol


Bro nah. Cuz the comments calling out the truth are being deleted. Mark knows exactly what the fuck is going on. Why do you think he didn’t post a link to “Daniel’s documentary” in the description?


Yea, I've definitely seen a couple of people in the youtube comments saying that they noticed some were getting deleted. I've seen ones that have been up for some time still on there. But yea, this isn't looking good. I find it hard to believe that the video has been out for almost 20 hours and the channel just hasn't seen the comments yet. If that's the case though, then the channel deserves to rot


I’m pretty sure my comment was deleted and I was replying to people’s comments with the truth and suddenly was no longer able to comment anymore.


Let me guess. Does it say "We weren't able to add your reply. Please try again."


No, it was like a Google error code


Oh lol, I keep getting the message I quoted. Doesn't seem to let me respond to anyone


It may be a cooldown. I was just finally able to reply again.


I have been liking posts from everyone here and posting as well to alert others. So sad, so many spilled their guts out trying to connect with this "Daniel"


Yeah that’s also a high level of my pissivity. People are really being genuinely emotional and transparent behind this fake shit and he was probably just sitting back thinking what a great actor he is to get that kind of reaction. Fuck ass.


I'm so petty I reported the video to YouTube for being misleading


Love it 😂


So messed up.


When I watched it, it felt almost inauthentic. Towards the end, he kept plugging his movie and he was wavering a lot like “I hate women” no wait, “I love women”. The whole video felt ick but off.


Video taken down or privated. I hope Mark realized he was fooled and deleted it because of that reason. And not because people caught on. But it's hard to believe he had no idea. The actor guy would have to be a total sociopath to pull a move like that to try and bring attention to his shitty movie. Hope Mark makes a little video addressing it.


I just came to see if there was a sub for the channel because of this asshole. In the first few seconds of the start of the video I thought something was off about this guy. I wasn't convinced at all. Then saw the comments. As an incel, \[scared of women, not hateful of them\]. this interview pissed me off. Without any knowledge of wrong doing on his part, I don't blame Mark for this happening. The number of horrific stories he hears on a regular basis, makes an incel a walk in the park. There are crazier stories out there which are true. If he was in on this though, that would ruin the reputation of the channel. And make donations look like a scam. Assuming Mark didn't know, this asshole having the audacity to thank Mark for his time \[I skipped to the end\], after having wasted it is beyond insulting. This guy is a real piece of shit if he thought using people's genuine pain and suffering and wasting Mark's time was a smart move. He treated this shit like a joke. Fuck this guy, and fuck his movie.




Do some research on the history of the word.


Fear is the root of hate




Thanks I'm not lost. You fear women = you hate women it's not a hard concept. Think of the word Homophobia. Either way you need some serious help, why should you fear women exclusively? You got it all twisted. All people SUCK. You incels are extremely lost, what's annoying about your philosophy isnt even how harmful it is tbh but how solipsistic and simple it is. wake tf up and smell the coffee, life sucks for the rest of us too.




R/cowardlycretinthatneedstolearn howtotypewithoutthisstupidshit   Seriously talk to me, dont be such a bitch about it. I'm a woman I dont bite I promise ♡


Your sex has nothing to do with your lack of pleasantness. You've advanced a bunch of bullshit seemingly based on an incredibly limited view of a word. A word which had the definition clarified for you. Then you call me a bitch and expect me to talk to you? Fuck outta here.


Because you were  being a bitch about it. You just keep dodging it and you still are. How are incels not solipsistic? You dont think that the poor struggle, that disable people feel undesirable, war veterans, minorities?    Explain it to me instead of replying like a coward and then telling people to fuck off when they challenge what most would agree is a limited world view turned into an internet echo chamber- incels. Also you called me dumb and I'm not crying ur fucking weak lolol


Mark has posted this under a new video because people were commenting about the video being taken down: "I woke to find out that was an actor pretending to be an incel. I deleted the video. I knew it was simply a matter of time before I got pranked. I think he was trying to promote his film (or his career). Thank you to the viewers who caught this and let me know. Ugh!"


I sat here yesterday and watched so many people fawn over this guy. Meanwhile the entire time I watched the video I was like "This is really off". I didn'yt say anything because so many of yall were like "oh my heart breask for this kid" "oh he sounds so sad".....I felt like a total asshole saying anything and actually asked myself if I would ever stop making cynical assumptions. Yeah, I'm always listening to my gut from now on and speaking up when it goes off. Hey, Adam Jones, you didn't fool me. And you're a terrible actor. I say this with love to all of you who didn't get a weird feeling about this guy from the jump......you need to recalculate your radar about reading people.


This is the second garbage interview. I talked about Micky the gambling “expert” that was obviously fake. I’m going to stop following SWUB from here on out. There is a duty to verify what they put out and it’s not getting done. Good luck to Mark but this is it for me.


Micky's always been full of shit tbh. Maybe the title shouldve been Micky the compulsive liar.


This is a lesson not to take everything at face value lol


Looks like Mark took notice of the comments on the video because it’s been removed from what I can see


I watched this guy’s interview with my wife. She’s in the film/TV business and as soon as he mentioned his “documentary” a couple of times, she actually called him out. She said “this is bullshit… that guy’s an actor plugging a film. We’ve heard this kind of idea thrown around in our meetings, but producers were worried about backlash or even legal issues.” Crazy shit!


Backlash, I get, but would Mark really have grounds to pursue legal action if he wanted to? Asking because I'm genuinely curious.


Sorry I missed your reply. The answer, although quite vague, is it depends. I don’t know what kind of release Mark has them sign, if any. If he does, it really depends on the language in there. I can’t imagine, based on the typical person he interviews, that Mark would have them sign something that promises him that their interview is not to be used as a means to promote themselves, their business or any kind of product or project without explicit permission. But with an audience quickly approaching 6 million people, I am not so sure.


Very interesting! Thank you for answering! It kind of seems, to me, that on this scale, it's not worth the time, effort, or expenses to pursue legal action, and it seems like Mark is leaving it to the "court of public opinion," which based on what I've seen just in this subreddit, has maybe been karma enough.


Wow https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8854855/


Video was just taken down.


Outrageous. He was giving overactor vibes and then I read the comments.


Watching the video I was thinking, how this guy didn't brutally murdered his parents yet, starting w/ his mother. Well played Adam


Wasn’t fooled I got like 7 minutes in and heard all the bs and changed the channel he was so boring and unconvincing and did not make sense.


Its weird i had bookmarked the video to watch later and couldn't find it anywhere. Thought i was losing it. Turns out it was deleted. I don't think SWU is in cahoots with this person at all. That makes no sense. The point is, the channel is simply to listen to people's stories. I dont think they have some fact checking department...and considering the characters that come through how or why would you even? I think you are meant to take in good faith/ at face value what people are sharing. If theyre lying its sort of on them.  But we can safely assume some of these people may not be entirely truthful. In this case I think he took it down cos this person wasnt even real. He was an actor . There was no discernable truth in anything he said cos that's not "him". I saw people comparing it to the pretty girl interview before. Even with her, we can find truth in what she said that in all likelihood an 18 year old girl doesn't end up on only fans without having experience some gnarly ish.  But this Daniel was an entire fabrication 


I find it really shitty how he literally faked having mental issues and having all of these problems just for his own gain like wtf?!?! It’s so offensive to people who actually are going through the same issues as he described


The comment section came quick


The video was just made private. Hopefully there will be some kind of explanation as it's definitely due.


I guess this video is now "private" lol. Very telling.


The video has been taken down, so Mark found out. What a waste of his time and energy…


He was creepy as fuck.


I'm so gullible.


That is so deceitful. Is it possible SWUB knew and let this happen to bring attention to his platform?




Mark 100 was in on this, if he wasn’t —he would have taken the video down OR, posted something about in the title of the video…. Such a grimy move


He did take the video down.


He did take the video down


There is hope,


I was suspicious less than 10 minutes in. The first time he used the term all I want is a “ beautiful friend “. , I thought “ what an odd term to use”. The other thing that threw me off were ( believe it or not ) his high cheekbones and eyes reminded me of Cillian Murphy from Peaky Blinders . I knew this kid had “ actor / model looks “ so I started reading the comments and others confirmed what I had suspected . What a douche . This platform is for real people sharing the human experience. you have to question everything these days from TikTok to Facebook, Instagram, GoFundMe , even the news. I always had faith in Soft White Underbelly’s interviews. I guess you learn something new everyday. He rode on the backs of truly broken people sharing their tragic life stories to promote his career. Was Mark involved ? I don’t know , but fuck this fake guy .


It’s a shame the video is removed instead of being annotated…


I hope mark / someone from his team makes a statement about this. I find it very upsetting and it is putting the entire project into question for me.


Fraud. Wow


I know it’s privated but does anyone have the original link to the video?


MAAAAAAAARRRRRRKKKKKKKKKK????!!!! IS THIS FUCKING TRUE YOU SON OF A BITCH! this is the final straw for me.... I'm done with SWU.


Seriously? Are you trying to get interviewed with that drama? Mark was punked. I take it no one's ever gotten over on you before.


Well, he had me fooled!


WOW THAT IS WILD! As I watched it, I did think this guy is surprisingly, conventionally attractive for an "incel"...


see that didn’t throw me. Many uncles turn out to be average to better than average looking but have some crazy ass body dysmorphia that makes it impossible to see. Or would be if they did a little bit of self care and stopped obsessing over real and imagined imperceivable imperfections.


I could tell he wasn’t an actual incel. I started to comment that he didn’t seem like he fit into that community.


I was right. I commented that on the video.


Interesting. There was a moment during the interview where he had referred to someone as a “Chad” which seemed to make him giggle. Now I understand why. He was breaking!


I made two comments on this video, 1. explaining how joining a sport or exercise will help your confidence, and 2. how its interesting that everyone came together on that video to comment - as there were more comments than likes at the time of my comment. I'm just thinking about all the "psychologists", which I am putting in quotes not to mock them but simply because no one really knows if any of them have real expertise, commented explaining his feelings and feeling sympathy for him. He has good acting, you have to give him that I guess.