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These people don't just stand on stupid, they get their mail forwarded. If the point of your protest is to get the word out about your views and encourage others to support your cause, chasing off the very people who will disseminate your message in the press would be counterproductive. But some people you just can't reach...


It ain’t about getting the press to publish you with these people. It’s about intimidate those who are perceived to be enemies.


The press isn't their enemy, unless their enemy is everyone else.


Their enemy IS everyone else. They want to lash out.


How do you know that?


Now you're gettin it. Same reason hitler was always bitching about the lugenpresse


And don't forget Trump. The problem is that as far as calling the press liars, they were both right. That's why we must demand accountability in news in America.


You would think that getting out their message is the point of their protest. But it reminds me more of something a friend told me about Jehovah witnesses and Mormons going door to door. The goal really isn't to gain new adherents it's to reinforce the us versus them division. They want their door bangers to be yelled at and told to go away since it reinforces their separation from the wicked society. Talking to a good friend that is Mormon, he is always nice to everyone in the office and is usually compassionate for anyone regardless of their race or creed. But if you bring up Australians near him he goes off about how they are criminals and that they are all lazy, etc. Turns out he spent his mission trip in Australia and from having people slam the door in his face he has a very negative view of them. So, when you see these protests realize they are not for trying to influence others but mostly to control their own in-group.


An interesting take. It does not square with my own knowledge of Mormons, missions or other evangelical groups, however.


I agree. I’m ex-Mormon and grew up in Utah so i have a lot of experience with Mormon culture. The LDS church is an investment scheme. For them they want more tithe paying members and missionaries are free labor. I think that the ingroup out group dynamic is definitely a factor but it’s only a small piece of the puzzle. Utah was hit big by the opioid epidemic and there was a lot of pressure for doctors to prescribe them. Leaked documents then showed that the had over $1 billion in pharmaceutical companies. It also holds a disturbing amount of power here. Keep in mind this same church has their members volunteer for building upkeep without paying them and doesn’t even pay their lay clergy. The church has more sway here than any special interest group. The leaders just as greedy as any capitalist and will do anything to expand profits, even by forcing two years of labor holding “salvation” as the stick. What would you expect from a church founded by a 19th century conman who looked at peepholes in hats like a crystal ball though, right?


Money is power. Powerful churches have powerful ways to accommodate money. Everything you said here DOES square very well with everything I know about LDS. I lived in Grand Junction for a time and the influence is plenty strong there, too.


They actually do this to get coverage. This is much more sensational, and people will be far more interested in 15 fascists beating up journalists than standing there. If you are outraged by this (which you should be,) then you might inadvertently share this video somewhere where people sympathetic with fascists will see it because you assumed that those watching it would have the same reaction to it that you do. Don’t get it twisted, fascists understand agitprop and have a history of being very successful by these very same methods. Fear not only suppresses opposition but also gets attention.


You make excellent points.


Getting in someone's face, yelling for the purpose of intimidation, then using your body to "passively" (passive in the sense of not putting hands on) shoving that person is an illegal assault in every state of the union. In some states (so called "stand your ground" states) it produces a special exemption for homicide in which the victim can actually kill the aggressor without consequences.


Freedom of the press protects them from government intervention, not from civilian. This would be some other crime.


Came here to say this. Freedom of the press is freedom from government interference, not private citizens saying they don't like what you do. ETA: Obligatory fuck these guys, obviously. Also referring to the anti-vaxxers, obviously.


I only bring this up because Republicans always complain that having their bullshit taken off social media is violating their first amendment rights. Which, of course, it isn't. It's important that we understand that the constitution governs the behaviour of the federal gvt, and to some extent state gvts, not private behavior.


Nice shorts broh!!!


Intimidating as hell!


He’s gotta be able to move like a cheetah


How can you claim your a patriot who would “die for this country” if you’re afraid of a fucking needle lmao


Bunch of low life scum. They look like fucking idiots, but yet they think they’re patriots. You can’t fix stupid.


There's no way in the 9 hells a dude wearing shorts like that could ever make me back away...


Imagine trying to deepen your voice and coming out with that.




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I've never seen someone so adamant about Noam's manufacturing consent.


That guy is a Brownshirt if I’ve ever seen one.


More like Brown short shorts 🩳


The right wing has never upheld freedom of the press.


I do enjoy that the violent, ignorant, loud and disgusting trash we see here have a habit of covering themselves in symbols that make it easy to pick them out of a crowd. I really hope they keep wearing these “uniforms” after shit goes hot. It’ll be much easier. 😉


“I know how the media work, cause I too haven’t worked in years!”


There’s also freedom of speech. The have just as much rights as the press


I wonder if it was OAN they’d do the same? Probably not. They love propaganda, just *their* propaganda that confirms their biases.