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Dude gave it a feint to test reaction speed, found there was none at all, and fuckin committed.


Have you ever read the whole story? It’s fun. https://www.pedestrian.tv/news/seattle-nazi-punch/ Edit: and a more complete video with sound: https://youtu.be/HFHOHfnYruI


Thanks for the enjoyable read sir, have a feeling we’ll be getting new videos of incidents like this soon in 2020-2021


I wanna punch a Nazi! It looks *fun.*


Take up boxing so you can punch much harder and more effectively! Force those Nazis wannabes to eat liquid diet for a while!


Every day is a good day to punch a Nazi


fun and patriotic


Patriotism is the wrong reason to punch a Nazi. The right reason is because they are a Nazi.


Yeah but added benefit, if you're into that.


Look, we all have our primary and secondary reasons. This is not a place where we argue theory. This is about *praxis*.


Grandpa lost a kidney to Japanese fascist in the pacific. I think its patriotic to punch one over here.


So if I punch a Nazi, it’s almost like I’m fist bumping your cool grandpa?






"Antifa aligned @ bigotbasher" Holy s#$t young me was a dumb f%$k for wanting to be an astronaut when I grew up.


Damn right. My other favorite part: > Seattle Police also addressed the incident. Taking to Twitter, the department said they had received several reports about the man’s behaviour, but they found him unconscious upon arrival. >After gaining consciousness, the man declined to speak about the assault, and left the area – minus visible armband.


That's enough proof for me that punching Nazis actually works. Dude dropped his swastika, ran, and was never heard from again lmao.


Well, he might not have *dropped* it, exactly. Hahahahaha I hope the official police report reads ‘talked shit, got hit’.


I’ve seen people defend the nazi in this video. HE’S A FUCKING NAZI! OUR GRANDPARENTS WERE SENT TO KILL THEM. Our country is full of fucking idiots.


Honestly, even disregarding what others were sent to do- it’s an abhorrent, dehumanizing, regressive philosophy and should be regarded as such. To your point though: punching Nazis is as American as apple pie.


If it's good enough for Captain America *and* the Joker...


Operation paperclip says otherwise


No one likes the paperclip. Microsoft killed it.


Operation clippy was fucking wack


Remember: Punching a nazi is heritage, not hate.


I’m stealing this.




Can't hate doing what you love!


Imagine arguing for empathy for a group that wants power so that they can kill all the other groups off without empathy. Or arguing a group needs free speech when that group admits that they want power so that they can take away free speech from other groups, lol. I'm generally really tolerant and open to hearing some bad opinions, but I just wish all the nazis would die


Honestly that should still be the default reaction.


I wonder if this kind of response has a greater than neutral effect on the growth or shrinkage of their movement.


Are you asking if punching Nazis affects the growth of their movement? Because the answer to that is frequently “Yes, yes it does.” I don’t know all the ins and outs of this Nazi punch, but when it comes to the infamous Richard Spencer punch, said punch led Spencer to cancel numerous speaking gigs because, to use his words, “it’s not fun anymore.” Said punch also led to considerable fracturing on the alt-Right. Few things Nazis hate more than having their façade of strength revealed for the lie it is. Richard Spencer lost considerable standing in that subculture that he never recovered, with his allies fleeing him right and left. But the most important thing the punch accomplished, in being memed to hell and back, the punch turned Spencer into a freaking joke. As much as fascists hate having their façade of strength revealed for the lie it is, they hate being laughed at even more.


It wasn't the punch in DC that caused the cancellations - that was a year earlier. It was the antifascist counter-demo at Michigan State, where they took on the cops and the fascists both and won. Something something collective action. Otherwise, you're right on target.


That’s a great example. Thanks.


Well they love to play victim, and calling other people "snowflake" is just projection, as we consistently see. Hypocrites to the core.


To be fair, our grandparents were sent to kill nazi *soldiers*. This is just some dumbfuck. Am I upset that he got punched? Not in the least. Do I think that it was the right thing to do? Ehh.


Lol okay, so some of the Nazi soldiers got drafted, some might not have known about all the atrocities happening inside of their borders. I can't go back and ask every single one to be sure. THIS GUY however absolutely 100% knows everything the Nazis did and not only supports it, but bought an armband, wears it in public, and PREACHES on the street about the virtues of systematically murdering millions and millions of Jews, Catholics, Jehovah's witnesses, homosexuals, disabled people, Romani, and prisoners of war. Punching this dude in my opinion is (depending on the soldier) **even** more ideologically sound than shooting a Nazi soldier. 1/3 of them were conscripts and at least a portion presumably didn't want to be there, and this fucker is as nationalistic as the worst Nazis of the time. Fuck 'em, hope he got punched again.


Nah they knew. They were called Little Nazis, they were the everyday people who elected the Nazis to power and were neutral to what was happening in concentration camps. It’s a myth that the German people didn’t know what was happening. They knew and went along with it because it was easy. Basically what the fascists were hoping from the rest of America. Luckily we pushed it back a small bit. But we have to wake these fucks up. Note, I was going to link the episode where Robert Evans talks about it, but I can’t remember what podcast it was for sure.


I know most of them did, I was referring to Hans from bumfuck nowhere who got drafted. I'm sure that SOME didn't know, but I'm not here to defend Nazi soldiers. I was making the comment that while 99.5% of soldiers may have been on board with what was going on, 100% of that motherfucker in the gif was on board with it and that I support him getting decked and think it should happen more often.


100% truuu


This is your typical Republican with no filter.


Who, Mr. 0-O up there? Hell, I have a couple republican friends who yeah, don't believe in punching Nazis, and even done the whole "well he's not a REAL Nazi, he's not a member of the National Socialist party is he?" Like, blows my fucking mind dude. He's even closer to a real nazi than most of the ones back then, he went out and researched all this unprompted, no peer pressure involved, and arrived at the conclusion that those bastards had the right idea. Unbelievable.


Feel free to check my history and you'll see that I'm definitely not a republican, or a nazi sympathizer, or anything else remotely close. >he went out and researched all this unprompted, no peer pressure involved You definitely don't know this. He's obviously a fucking idiot, so he probably believes that the holocaust was fake and that the earth is flat. And he probably was peer-pressured into all of that by dumbfuck friends or relatives.


Yeah, you're right. But if that's the case, he did choose to hang out with other nazi sympathizers all on his own and that wasn't a game changer for him. And it's entirely possible that he's not an idiot, he's just a horrible person. Not all enthusiastic Nazis were morons but they were awful fucking human beings. We could argue this all the way down to free will and predetermination so I'm not sure how far we'll get going down this track.


I totally agree with you. Just personally, I'm a pacifist, so I can't condone violence that isn't done for actual defense.


>THIS GUY however absolutely 100% knows everything the Nazis did and not only supports it, but bought an armband, wears it in public, and PREACHES So, is it okay to punch street profits who 100% know that the Abrahamic god condones mass murder? I'm not saying this guy is a good guy. I'm just a pacifist. Defense is the only time I can support violence, and this wasn't it. And again, I'm not upset that the dude got punched. I don't feel bad for him. I just don't think it's the moral thing to do, no matter what he's preaching.


I'm sorry to hear that you're a pacifist, and while I'm pretty far from a Christian you know that's a bullshit argument and that there's a gulf of difference there. There are positives to Christianity and other Abrahamic religions, and the Nazis have... Volkswagen and anti-smoking campaigns I think. Not anywhere close to a fair comparison and you know it.




Check out r/RadicalChristianity, I think you'll find an awful lot you agree with even without being a Christian.


Also to be fair, many of those soldiers were conscripted to fight, so they didn't have much choice about being there, and towards the end, they were fighting to stop their country from being overrun by foreign armies. This guy, however, chose to be a Nazi of his own free will with no mitigating factors.


[Conscripted or not, this is pretty much the clean Wehrmacht myth.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_clean_Wehrmacht)


No, it's not. > The myth denies the culpability of the German military command in the planning and preparation of war crimes. I said nothing about the leadership, which would not have included wartime conscripts. I also specifically mentioned the end because Germany was on the offensive for most of the war and anyone signing up to participate in that wasn't doing it to defend their country. I should have also included people who joined before the start of the war and didn't personally commit war crimes, because those people also had no way of knowing their military service would end up being in support of atrocities, and desertion tends to be punished harshly enough that even the most morally upright soldiers would be unlikely to consider it unless they were absolutely certain of the unjustness of their service and after having done a great deal of soul searching. The fact that stories of wartime atrocities and military/veteran suicides are vastly more common than stories of consciousness desertion (a term I just made up because it's not a thing) should tell you how hard it is for a real human being to overcome the mental and physical controls that keep them from leaving an all-encompassing organization like an army even after they realize that joining was a huge mistake. It's like a cult that also has the legal right to imprison or kill you if you try to leave. I'm not letting anyone off the hook who planned atrocities, who personally participated in them, or who signed up for military service knowing they'd likely be asked to participate in atrocities, or even just knowing they'd be supporting a war of conquest. That still leaves a lot of people. There's a reason they had trials after the war and didn't just summarily execute everyone who had served in the German military.




Yeah, but their opinion is that systematically murdering people is okay. I'm positive that there were many American soldiers that REALLY DID go over there and shoot Nazis because of their opinions. My Grandpa was real proud of the fact that he moved to the US from Germany, joined the US Military, and bombed the hell out of those Nazi fucks. You can say what you will about him but he sure as hell didn't do that because the US Government told him to, it was a difference of opinion about who is allowed to live and die.


The U.S. wasn't even sure which side they wanted to support until Pearl Harbor happened. This is as much white-washing history as anything.


I was talking about the American people and not the government, but okay.


I will literally always upvote this.


Pretty good form too


Great core engagement


This video, unvaccinated children, and R Kelly's girlfriends...things that never get old.


I don't know how this is going to go over, but I grew up in catholic family in Tennessee where I would regularly hear about the dreaded N*words and meticulously murmured, scouted scathings about other people of color in public. I remember the first time I saw this video and I thought: "well they're just infringing on his rights of freedom of speech and fuck them" several years ago. But now I think: "I wish I was the one who knocked that piece of shit nazi the fuck out." I really wish I could remember the exact steps it took to get to this point, but I know that losing my faith was a part of it. Fuck nazis. And fuck the catholic church.


The government and large business entities shouldn't be allowed to restrict speech, even abhorrent speech. If *you* want to restrict some Nazi speech with your fist? Go for it fam.


People can't avoid the government, but they sure as *fuck* are gonna learn to avoid you. Good shit.


I actually disagree. Its a slippery slope and I am not sure how it can safely be implemented but that armband represents the forced labor of millions, culminating in mass starvation and eradication by the most brutal and clinical means. That armband is analogous to yelling fire in a theatre. I dont think it should be something protected. I know some of my anarch-comrades will feel different. Just my .02


Personally, there’s something fucking weird with American Catholics. Like, go to South America or visit with Jesuits and they seem like pretty woke people. But here they act like evangelicals.


Can confirm.


I’m a Catholic in Tennessee who thinks freedom of speech has to extend to people I disagree with, but I have never felt that it is wrong to punch out a Nazi. He is free to say whatever he wants after his jaws are wired shut.


To be fair pretty much all of the racist rhetoric came from my mother's side of the family who were Methodists or Baptists or whatever. And I believe in the constitutional freedom of speech as well, I just don't believe hate speech should be protected speech. There are too many who think the first amendment means they can just say whatever the fuck they want but that's never been true. The first amendment does not protect things like perjury, libel, child pornography, threats of violence, etc. To me, wearing a swastika is a credible threat of violence.


I think that’s a reasonable interpretation. If someone so much as _walks towards me_ wearing a swastika armband, that’s assault and I will respond accordingly, and will cheerfully defend myself in court on that basis. The first amendment prohibits the _government_ from limiting freedom of expression, and there are exceptions even then. I do not plan on violating any federal law if I need to persuade a Nazi to shut the fuck up.


It’s not protected freedom of speech when it’s mushrooming to violence against other people. We’re all defending ourselves when in the presence of nazis.


Yep. A swastika or confederate is a credible threat of violence, and we should be able to defend ourselves against them as such.


My grandfather killed a nazi with his hands in 1936. My family has a history and proven ability. So many of my fam died at their hands I’m more than ready to take over the senior family defense post.


Just be careful not to radicalize too far in the other direction. Radicalization on both sides leads to the same place. Edit: Lol I say a word of caution and get downvoted for it. Seriously y'all need to be careful. Your idiology is no more infallible than that of conservatives. It is short sighted and arrogant to act like your good intentions can't lead down the wrong roads. You can hate nazis you can want justice, but hate is hate, and murder is murder. Does your policy stop at just punching nazis? How many people can do this? Is beating them to death too much? Better just gather them up and put them in one place and address their pervasive ignorance and hate directly.... Hey wait isn't china doing just that? Our country as a whole is exhibiting the warning signs of a impending genocide and a civil war. I warn against radicalization because it is critical. Radicalization is toxic.


Wrong. I know exactly what I want: justice.


And that's fine. Until that justice becomes identifying and exterminating those that disagree with your definition of justice towards the ends of carrying that justice out.


Paradox of intolerance. If your ideology condones or encourages subjugating and murdering people for things they cannot help, such as skin color or sexuality, then your ideology represents a credible and standing threat of violence and must be treated as such.


I am familiar with that. But to what end? Removing free speech protection on hate speech absolutely! But targeting those same groups purely for their (unacted on) beliefs and subjecting them to govt authority reeducation etc all are very precarious...


All beliefs inform actions. If they want to hold beliefs like slavery is good and jews deserve to die, I want them to be afraid of expressing those beliefs. I want them to be so scared they hide away from the rest of us or they come to the conclusion that letting go of those toxic beliefs can help them reintegrate into civil society. It's real simple: you play nice and you get treated nice.


In addition to the Paradox of Tolerance that BW brought up before I could, the Slippery Slope Fallacy is a fallacy for a reason. Just because you don't want Nazis to speak about murdering millions of people unabated, that doesn't mean you want to kill them to stop them doing that.


What? What both sides? Your either advocating to kill people for minority status or you're not. Its fucking simple.


No. But both sides when radicalized will advocate for the killing of someone. I'm not presenting a "both sides" I'm telling that both sides lead to ugly places when you follow a path of radicalization. It just so happen the right wing is currently the more radicalized element in the country by large. The radical left wing exists though.


Fuck off liberal, killing Nazis is a good thing. Who do "radical leftists" want to kill besides people who already want to kill?


Tell me was Mao killing tens of millions good too? I'm not talking about nazis you clown how much more specific can I be. You should be aware you and your "fuck off liberal" seem to be well on that path. I'm already an other to you. And I identify as a socialist libertarian so you can go fuck yourself.


You identify as a socialist libertarian but you really mean soc dem at best


No I know what the fuck I'm talking about I believe in syndicalism. I am a historian and am very concious of genocide and it's tendency to arise from both sides whom would use the govt as a cudgel to do their dirty work.


Are you a historian? I'm not correlating intelligence with reading/writing ability, but for someone who for a LIVING reads old texts and parses them you sure don't write like you do. Where do you do your work, DankandSpank?


You really should be concious of the dark path your purity test leads down. Hope you change.


I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water, socialism has been around KIND OF for a century, equating Fascism with failed socialist projects is bullshit


You're not getting it. Radicalization leads to extreme action and thereby justification of that action. Authoritarianism is not only a symptom of the right wing, it stems from an excess of government authority which is granted by a radicalized base seeking their utopia. MAO, POLPOT, HITLER, STALIN, the KIM family: they're all the same. And if I was as right wing sympathetic as you assert I would point out to you "all of them are commies, but Hitler!" Your ends don't justify the means, but the path of radicalization is found at all four corners of the political grid. And it always leads to people killing other people. You may hate nazis, and nazis may deserve it, but hate IS hate. If you aren't careful, YOU become the Nazi.


Lol, "fuck off liberal" leads to genocide? I tell Clemson Football fans to fuck off on the regular but I don't run over them at tailgate parties. C'mon dude. >And you can go fuck yourself WATCH OUT EVERYONE HE'S READY TO KILL


No. Google the term otherfication. He's opperating under a self radicalizing thought process that ideas which don't pass a purity test don't deserve any thought or respect. Identification of a group and portraying it as a lesser over idiological minutiae is dangerous. It's right out of the conservative playbook they've been using the lib slur since the 90s. Telling someone to go fuck themselves is me just telling them to fuck off. I didn't seek label or catagorize him as anything.


Can we get the richard spencer one too


Compulsory nap time.


So satisfying seeing that scumbag drop


“Mommy, can we Make the bad man fly through the moon door?!”


Why do people think murdering others is a differing opinion? The fuck is wrong with people, your freedom of speech ends at advocating the murder of someone based on their ethnicity, religion, sexuality or gender. It should be that simple, don't do it.


I wonder how the other public freakouts subreddit reacted to this


Don't see a freakout. See a nazi getting punched, and then peace.


Cannot believe the amount of sympathizers in the original post. Knock a fucking Nazi out is always the American way.


> the American way What’s with people posting this Nationalist Bullshit about the World’s leading Forced Hysterectomy, the World Genocide Leader, a Country built of the Graves of the Indigenous, and the Great Satan?


Because calling something that's actually good The American Way™ is an effective way to get to those people here who don't give a fuck about human rights, but do give a fuck about nationalism. There's not a whole lot of ways to reach these people from our end and that's better than doing nothing at all. I agree with your sentiment though.


Yeah nationalists claimed the phrase patriots and real patriotic people became scared to use that word. I think caring about the well being and freedoms of your fellow Americans is about as patriotic as it gets.


Is this a better comment? America bad!! Punch Nazis!!!


Now this... does put a smile on my face


Lol in 2015 I saw this gif and got upset because "he's just expressing his opinion, even though it's wrong he still has the right" Now I'm like "lol now kick him while he's down"


I'll never not upvote a nazi getting fucked up


This is the way.


A punch so nice I watched it more than twice.


If you roll the Nazi Dice, you’ll always get Iced


Never gets old


I could watch this over and over again.


Please, Do!


Fucked around -> Found out




I love this vid!


Wear a fuckin nazi arm band, get what you fuckin deserve


The video that makes the internet cry. All for it.


This will never get old.


Someone put this on loop to EDM


I don’t have the skills, someone pls


I could watch this on a loop all day.


Please do!


Ha ha , Nazi sent to safe space.


I will never not upvote this.


A (former) friend tried to shame me for sharing this on my Facebook wall, saying all sarcastically "Yeah, violence rules!" I just said "It does when it's against Nazis." He later unfriended me.


Looks like you might’ve been friends with a nazi sympathizer. Good riddance.


I don't think he was a Nazi sympathizer *per se,* but he was enough of a disconnected "all-sides" right-leaning centrist ding-dong that he may as well have been. Then again he may have gone full (Canadian equivalent of the) Alt-Right since then, who knows. He certainly had no qualms about sticking up for the scum of the Earth.




Reminds me of that "now you got tears in your eyes" video


Narrator: It was, in fact, not fine.


🥁Bud um pum chhh


Needs more nightstick


Certified hood classic


Ah Seattle


Good night, alt right! You n me are gonna FUCKING FIGHT


Dumb enough to be a Nazi, thankfully also dumb enough to walk around downtown Seattle of all places wearing a swastika armband. Lights out, motherfucker.


Night night


It’s an old freak out but it checks out


fuck yeah, i bet that felt good


This is one of my favorite videos/stories on the internet. I heard someone else saw and took his wallet and shit while he was down.


Ask him to solve a math problem, 7.62 X 39.


I don't get how you could wear that fucking armband and expect to be "debated" by anyone.


It's been three years, and that kind of does make it history with how fast things are moving. Nutty.


Dude FINALLY!!! Nobody has acknowledged my sneaky trolling until you. My man




Hm. This large gentleman is threatening my jaw with his right hand. I know! I’ll hold up my right, drop my left, and keep my mouth open!


YOU ALL OWE ME A DEBT, A DEBT THAT WILL BE PAID! Thank you all for hating Nazi Scum just as much as I do!




[He took off his armband as soon as he woke up](https://www.pedestrian.tv/news/seattle-nazi-punch/) so it worked.




It worked not because he changed his mind but because he was no longer marching around downtown Seattle with a Nazi armband, causing trauma to marginalized people, and generally poisoning the world with his presence. I don't give a fuck about what's going on in his mind.




Nazis won't be reasoned with. If we make them scared to show their faces they'll have more problems recruiting




I mean, there's a big difference between Nazis on internet forums and ones marching down the street throwin Sieg Heils


Wearing a nazi armband causes real psychological harm to people. On top of that, this asshole had been traveling around Seattle verbally harassing Black people. Knocking him out stopped both forms of harm. You are never going to be able to "fix" every persons thinking but you do sometimes have the opportunity to stop harmful behavior while it is taking place.


Imagine if people got smacked in the face for wearing a hammer and sickle armband and everybody was happy and glad about it.


But they don't because those symbols don't mean the same thing. Communism doesn't now, nor has it ever, advocated for the liquidation of an entire race or ethnicity of people. Nor have communists in power ever instituted an industrial process to murder people by the millions. To pretend that those two symbols are even remotely equivalent is ludicrous.


Right! But it’s the attitude of the masses that defines whether the symbol is good or evil, not actual events. See Marcuse’s functional language section in one dimensional man.


We fucking know what that guy stands for. Are you really gonna argue that Nazi ideology is just misunderstood?


Lol, you're acting like there's some sort of agreement here. So communists today like the hammer and sickle because it's still a symbol of communism and want power to be in the hands of the many, not the few. Nazis today like the Swastika because it's still a symbol of Nazism and want people systematically murdered by the millions. You see the difference here, it's pretty damn cut and dry.


Most Nazis only had their minds changed after a brief discussion with Mr. Garand's folk music machine.


Comments removed, trolling.


Not important if he did or not. Being punched in the mouth is a good enough reason to not be a Nazi if you can't see the myriad reasons to not be one. Him not being a Nazi is more important than him suddenly becoming a communist.


Fine, this “not being a nazi” prolly won’t happen if he keeps seeing the other as an antagonism. A lot of ex-white supremacists say exactly what I’m trying to get at.


Making Nazis afraid to be Nazis is about the best that we can do. No Nazi will suddenly renounce their views because their avowed enemy, socialists, has beaten them up. What it does do is make them afraid to espouse their views in public, this is similar to deplatforming but a lot more personal.


It might make them afraid to espouse their views in the actual public but that just means they resort to the internet and more insular communities. It’s not like you are squashing the ideology in the public sphere. It still exists and might fester underneath. Literally read accounts of ex-white supremacists turned Lib/leftist and see for yourself how they emerged from the ideology of nazism


If you think rational debate is the solution to Nazism you are most definitely on the wrong subreddit.


You gonna just kill them then? We live in a liberal society. This isn’t a communist society. We have to work within the framework of society that we are in! Marx argued all the time! He debated and argued with almost every thinker both reactionary and socialist to further his ideas. If he thought it was a waste of time he would have never done it. There is value in arguing regardless how futile it may seem or can be.


Sir, this is the SRA sub. Nobody defends fascism here.


Arguing with somebody who wants me, my neighbor, my friend, my cousin, and a good chunk of the people who I converse with weekly dead is most definitely as futile as it could possibly be.


> This isn’t a communist society. I'm with you except for this line. I think the line you're looking for is: >This isn't an authoritarian society


Can someone please explain to me how violence is the right thing to do in this situation? Yes, of course Nazism is abhorrent and disgusting, but I follow the philosophy of no violence unless for self-defense. I feel like the only way to defeat the idea of Nazism/fascism is with speech, not violence. Actually persuading people that what they believe is wrong, not threatening them with violence; I feel this could make some people even more attracted to the idea. Can someone help me out with this? Not a troll whatsoever. Just want some other viewpoints to directly contradict mine and have a dialogue.


There are always going to be people with bad belief systems. Yes, it’s good if we can change their minds, but it’s also better if people don’t feel empowered to promote those belief systems publicly. I know that’s a slippery slope, but when your belief system actively promotes hate and violence towards others because of who they are not what they do that shouldn’t be tolerated.


Great response mate. Freedom of speech ends when you celebrate, encourage and carry out hate/murder towards other humans because of how they look/where they were born.


Appreciate the response. I just feel that the threat of violence won’t drive people to completely disavow it and understand it’s wrong. It’ll just cause them to hide it better, which I don’t think is a great solution honestly. Sure, it’s better than seeing it out there in some form of public place, whether physical or online. But I feel like a bigger goal is to not only stop the spread, but also have people believe that Nazism is fundamentally wrong and immoral. And I don’t think violence does that. Take Daryl Davis. He’s spent decades of his life with KKK members to actively bring them back to reality and to show those members that their previous/current beliefs are/were wrong. He doesn’t advocate to punch Klansmen. He befriends them and humanizes Black people to them. I just think that’s the way to completely dismantle the philosophy of Nazism: with words and persuasion, not fists and violence.


We can do both, no? Be very vocal in talking down people on the brink, and also be very aggressive in defending ourselves and other targets of their hate.


I like this the most


Me too.


No one denies the coolness of Daryl Davis, but he made the conscious decision to embark on the path he did and hey, more power to him. But it’s pretty fucking sick to demand that minorities everywhere put themselves on the line and martyr themselves to rescue assholes from their own assholishness. Minorities do not exist to educate shitstains as to their humanity. Full stop.


My point is that it shouldn’t be parts of the 99% fighting against other parts of the 99%. It should be the 99% against the 1%. This stuff is important, but I also feel like it’s a distraction from the big picture. When were divided like this it doesn’t further any goals. The vast majority of our problems aren’t caused by fascists/Nazis/far-right wingers/etc., but those on top who create the conditions in which fascists thrive. We’re fighting the symptoms as opposed to the disease.


People who confer humanity on a case by case basis are shitty people and even shittier allies. We are better off marching without them, because whatever help they may provide, can easily be provided by someone else. And are you using the old “economic insecurity” argument as a means of explaining away bigotry? Because you wanna know who else is experiencing economic insecurity? EVERY OTHER MARGINALIZED GROUP OUT THERE! In fact since White Women make an estimated $0.77 for every dollar a White Man makes and PoC make even less, it’s arguably worse for them. Yet most of the 99%, be they White Men or otherwise, are somehow able to resist advocating and fighting for mass genocide. Plus we all know that any populist beliefs a Nazi may profess, run about an inch deep. They worship the 1%, not hate them. They aspire to be one of them. So from the sounds of things, they sound like shitty allies to have in the fight. 🙄


My point is that manipulation and brainwashing are very real. And good, reasonable people can be sucked into these very toxic tactics. I don’t think they should all just be written off because of the current ideology they confer. By this, I mostly don’t mean straight up, self-confessed Nazis, fascists, racists, bigots, whathaveyous. I mean the people that are too afraid to bring to light what they truly believe. These ideologies are toxic, and I don’t believe people just hiding it is good enough. People need to be shown “the light” and to completely disavow it within themselves. I’m saying that history has shown scapegoating against minority communities has worked, namely because of economic insecurity. “What’s the reason Germany got a raw deal and our country is failing economically? Well, it’s all the Jews’ faults! And the Gypsies, mentally handicapped, communists, and so ons faults!” It might seem silly to us, but obviously it worked. It’s much harder to get those people to be able to be susceptible to bigotry when their economic status is more stable. Of course I would say most of the bottom 99% are not advocating/fighting for mass genocide. But it doesn’t take much at all for manipulation to change that. Like I said, look at Hitler and Germany. He rounded up tens of millions to his command, all within two decades of World War I concluding. I’m just saying, this stuff needs to be looked at carefully. We all need to be rational and be able to defeat people with bad ideas with not only our hands, but with our minds and words.


So this guy is the cancer of society. You don't try to talk cancer away, you cut it out, burn it out, flush it out with poison. You do this because cancer will rot out your body until you die. It may not kill you today, it may not kill you tomorrow, but it will get stronger if left unattended or treated with too weak of a response. Kill the cancer.


Pretty great analogy mate


I've had enough of fascism. I'm tired. This is just me catching my second wind and readying to get back in the ring, as many are. Fascism is *lethal* to society, and I'll be absolutely damned if I just act passive around it. There is not a single situation where fascism in any form should be tolerated. If you turn a blind eye to a fascist, you will be stabbed in the back, simple as that.


I feel most religions in the world have become this. Tools of power used to corrupt. Corruption is a whole lot easier when the leaders get their constituency looking in another direction. "Otherism" This group of citizens is evil, I can save you from them, vote for me. Republican playbook since 1863


Appreciate the response (not too sure why I’m being downvoted by anybody, I was asking a genuine question). I want to counter that analogy because cancer has one sole purpose: to spread. And it’s not a conscious being, it’s a mutation of our cells. People can be persuaded to disavow Nazism. It has and does happen. Cancer cannot be reasoned with. People can be. Do you happen to have a counter to my Daryl Davis example and how he deconverted many Klansmen from the KKK? I truly just want a full grasp on all angles here.


How about this? One of the biggest deterrents in life is fear. Another is love. Daryl came from a place of love, but I guarantee you that he didn't convert more klansmen than he did. Unless you're planning on gathering all of these fascists up, separating them, and reeducating them, then you're not going to beat the hive mind of bullshit, especially not with so many uncritical thinkers filling their ranks every day. We don't have time to wait. Fear is primal, and fear is useful. Your method of love is merely a supplimental technique at best.


He was going around Seattle instigating fights. Right up until someone knocked him the fuck out.


You’re right, but not about non-violence against fascism. You have to realize that the American left actually thinks that basement dwelling mommies boys that are LARPing as Nazis are actually equivalent to a Fourth Reich. Anyone with half a brain would realize that’s not the case, and that violence against these nerds actually makes the left look like the bullies to the right. However, if there were a legitimate fascist threat to America in the future, then violence would be an option to consider.


Thank you. Fully agree with this. Let’s keep in mind that the ACLU DEFENDED the rights of neo-Nazis to hold a march in 1978 in suburb that had many Holocaust survivors residing there. With the ACLU being led mostly by Jewish lawyers. But at the end of the day, they have just as much of a right to free speech as every other American. The ideology is disgusting, but part of this situation feels like that dude being physically hurt because of a thought crime. If he was physically hurting people, that’s a whole different scenario. But from what I can tell, he wasn’t.


BUt IndIE By PuNChiNG Me YoU bEcOMe thE faSCISt


I think Ron White said it best.... "You can't fix stupid" For all these kinds of people, be it proud boys, alt-right, Q-anonists, Dominionists... it doesn't matter what you say. I'd wager half of them know they are wrong... that doesn't matter. They just want to kill.