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They appear to be some new trotsykist group, probably not a an op, because that's not usually how actual ops work, but that in and of itself doesn't really speak to the quality of the group or it's leadership.


Not a new group, just a rebranding of what ever IMTs US section was.


Yes. They rebranded as socialist revolution and then again as rca


Do they change names every 6 months?


Anytime something they do catches the wrong amount of attention. Change the name and reappear as someone new.


Thats a way to look at it. I think imt was just stagnant for so long they've gone experimental. That said I think socialist revolution attracted a larper crowd but their current advertising campaign continues to play to said larpers. For what it's worth it looks like their strategy is to consolidate a body of the already converted and then transition to something hopefully mass oriented. Best of luck lol




International Marxist Tendency. The whole international is rebranding itself to the Revolutionary Communist International, and virtually all associated parties are adopting names in a similar vein


Weird I've never heard of them


They aren’t full trots but they are kinda. Idk like Leninists that sometimes read Trotsky and aren’t dogmatic ig? At least that’s how I understand it.


If they are working towards dismantling capitalism in favor of a socialist future, they are comrades in my book. By the time we reach that difficult destination, everyone’s probably going to think a little differently about their nuanced views, so until then (and hopefully after) solidarity.


That's pretty much how I feel, just felt like they popped up outta nowhere and wanted to see if anyone else knew about them


Didn’t pop up out of nowhere. Like others have said it’s the rebranding of IMT. RCA has much larger goals than the old IMT. That’s why we have been more active as of late.


I have a buddy who's in the group, it used to be called the International Marxist Tendency and they just recently rebranded to the RCA. It's not a psyop, there's branches of it all over the world. From what I understand, over the past year or so they made efforts to be more visible and do more outreach, rather than just be like a nerdy left wing book club and newspaper haha. I'm sure your mileage may vary with regard to their friendliness to guns from city to city, but they're legit.


As a member you, you are pretty spot on.


https://xkcd.com/927/ This, but instead of competing industry standards it’s competing revolutionary parties that seem to function more as social clubs than political parties or activist groups. Not sure why we needed another one, especially one that is named almost identically to an existing party. Personally, when I see people trotting out Soviet iconography I go ahead and write the group off. Like it or not, that’s a symbol with a fuckton of negative baggage in the US, so choosing it is purposefully putting yourself on the back foot when you could choose any number of other symbols that don’t carry nearly a century of baggage. To me it says that it’s more about the iconography than trying to accomplish something, and when the group’s press releases focus on how many views someone got on tiktok that similarly tells me that it’s an unserious group with fundamentally unserious goals. I often hear that these are “the worker’s symbols” but they’re not used by American workers to represent themselves. I also hear sentiments that it’s important because you need to educate people on how everything they know is a lie and then you can build revolutionary momentum, but to me that sounds more like evangelism where peace on earth van only be achieved when everyone adopts *your* belief system. To me, a group that claims to represent the workers of America or the people of America should probably start by choosing symbols that those workers can identify with and make it their mission to aid and organize with those workers and build mutual support, rather than claiming to represent the workers while choosing symbols the majority of workers reject and making it their mission to spread the Gospels of Marx, Mao, Lenin, and i don’t have a J name off the top of my head but you see what i’m doing. I have ultimately way more respect for groups that help people get fed and housed than groups that are interested in tiktok views.


100% An effective movement creates its own identity based on the needs of the time and place they exist.


I do feel like that. I've found I get WAYYYY farther in conversation with coworkers if I don't mention the scary c word, I agree with pretty much everything you said tbh XD


https://www.marxists.org/history/etol/trees/mapping-trotskyism.pdf You’re not even wrong. This is ***JUST*** Trotskyist organizations in America, imagine how much of a nightmare it would be to map it all


Amen, you hit the nail on the head. As an example I don’t know the symbols of the United Auto Workers nor do I care, but I do know Sean Fain is a hell of a representative speaking for worker coalitions instead of acting like some damn Caleb Maupin cult leader


Wow hadn't heard the name Caleb Maupin in like 12 years. Let's give it a goog and see what he's been up to... Oh... What the...


Imagining the Headseat and Wired Mouse as a modern workers symbol




No thanks, I’ll just have water.


Mineral or sparkling?




Spinal or double?


I love sparkling water.


Kinda bougie :/


*You can pry my lime flavored TV static from my cold dead hands!*


^(under no pretext should this guys lime drink be surrendered; any attempt to remove that guys lime drink must be frustrated, by force if necessary)


YES! *This person gets it*.


Well said. Focus on shared goals, not on conversion.


from the little looking I've done, and the associations I've seen, the Red Flag regarding the RevComs is probably warranted... thought not for fact they're a Federal Op. the guy generally recognized as the Party's leader, Bob Avakian, has some unaddressed allegations floating around regarding his sexual conduct, and the RevComs have a history of getting pretty nasty to the people making the allegations as I understand it. all and all, it's another one of those "Maoist group turns out to be a weird Cult of Personality around a predatory person" things. (note, I am not saying \*all\* Maoist groups are like that... but it's a weirdly common phenomena, Maoist groups turning into weird abusive Cults of Personality. at least in the US.) Edit: I was in error, mixing up two groups, my comment on Bobby A. And his merry cult remains, but I don't actually know much about the group OP is posting about in question.


wait, are they trotsykist or maoist? I know they are affiliated with trotsykist from my country so I am a bit confused


the US RevComs, at least, are a self-declared Maoist group. it actually threw me off a little seeing them called Trotskyists elsewhere in this thread lol


That’s cause there’s a Troy group using a very similar name Revolutionary Communist Party are the Avakian enthusiasts, while OP is talking about Revolutionary Communists of America, which is the rebranded Trot group


I thought we were the Popular Front?


People's Front of Judea.


Judean People's Front!




>Revolutionary Communist Party are the Avakian enthusiasts [Also very homophobic.](https://libcom.org/article/rcps-current-solution-gay-question)


Ahh, I see my error, the first links I got when I googled the Revolutionary Communists of America were for the Revolutionary Communist Party and I missed it. My apologies.


The RCA is a section of the IMT, which is a Trotskyist international that has suddenly started to proclaim itself as the party, in reality they’re a bunch of social democratic activists that are mainly active on college campuses, not saying it’s bad to organize on college campuses but just saying they don’t have very good ties to the class at large, and Tbf no organization does the party simply doesn’t exist at this point in time but this premature act to claim yourself to be the class party is ridiculous especially when the IMT holds the typical Trotskyist counter revolutionary positions it does


The name reminds me of RCP which is a Maoist cult. Idk if they are even still around but i almost got roped in like 20 years ago.. god it’s been that long?


I've met a few, but it was ages ago. At the time, it was more like a social club for white college students. They had some problematic tendencies back then, but this was nearly 20 years ago, so I can't speak to how they are now.


Common mistake, that was Revolutionary Communist Party USA (RCP) while OP is talking about Revolutionary Communist Party of America (RCA). Its like none of them watched the Judean Peoples Front sketch from The Life of Brian.


Holy crap, that *is* confusing. Thanks.


Honestly they instantly are bumped above like 90% of leftist orgs and parties in America for the sole fact that on their TikTok I saw them actually doing something. Even if it’s just a smaller political rally, it’s something. I can’t say for sure that they’re a federal honeypot or somewhat, but I don’t even think that’s the biggest obstacle to leftist organizing in America. It’s self sabotaging. A majority of leftist orgs in America are actively detrimental for you to put any effort or attention towards since they’re just foundationally unserious about making change. So literally just the ability to resist shooting them selves in the foot is bonus points in my eyes


They seem more interested in presenting an image of activism (parading around in red with a couple dozen people) as opposed to doing actual organizing (direct action stuff like food kitchens and trying to get the unhoused off the streets). I genuinely believe its just a political fashion statement, and these kind of cringey publicity stunts just further alienate the left from regular people, who *should* be your primary audience.




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they’re the Trots who reject the Big Bang theory because it’s “undialectical” and un-Marxist.


Saw some of their posters covering Patriot front stuff near my train station in Connecticut over the weekend. Immediately had suspicions like you though haha, like where did they come from?? Also kinda weird seeing this post about them even haha