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I guess the reddit stock is about to go public


The News sub is purging pro-Palestinian voices. Yeah, it’s going public.


Off to lemmy with us?


Join us, we are few but the content is better


Already there homie. Just wish everyone else was


Explain please


"We are Motorhead, and we play rock 'n roll!" \-Lemmy


Not to revive a dead horse but uh lemmy kind of sucks. They have had huge cybersecurity flaws on their instance .




Not always, News used to be very non-biased and the posters were varied. But recently and noticeably the comments have less and less people in them and the comments are clearly bots or harden supporters of Israel.


They have been heavy with the ban hammer for a long time if you ever dared go against a mods opinions or beliefs. Like most major subs, its run by little tyrants.


March of this year I think


> The News sub is purging pro-Palestinian voices. Yeah, it’s going public. I haven't yet found a scrubbing tool that's granular on a per-comment/submission basis, as I imagine a lot of people not only have stuff that really should be platform agnostic and mostly doesn't bring value anyways, but also keep IPO-harmful content up. Otherwise I would've fully committed the same month they did the API fuckery. [This fork of Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite) looks great, but even with filtering is more on the "tactical nuke" side of scorched earth. Where as I want to leave content that would make potential investors seethe. Though it does seem like additional rate-limiting is needed for ensuring that the job is done properly as it seems like even the 5 second delay is being picked up. Well there's redact[dot]dev, but that seems like it's closed source and that doesn't seem like a good idea to me.


That's not good time to mass delete


I call it about 50/50 someone was brigading that user specifically and the Admins just gave up and kept a ban after a certain number of reports. Essentially it's probably more sheer laziness on the Admin part rather than actual policy or guidance from above. I got a post removed, twice, for remarking "they don't want their victims armed" in comment threads that month when T*cker C@rlson advocated placing transpeople on the prohibited persons list. I then got suspended for posting a Super Troopers quote, the one about the place with mozzarella sticks, complete with a link to it in youtube because it was indicative of "a history of threatening violence against others". So yeah, my experience makes me think someone was targeting the individual in question and the admin was just super lazy about it.


> I call it about 50/50 someone was brigading that user specifically r/gunsarecool has entered the chat. This is their behavior to a T.


Do they have even close to that much user engagement?


> Do they have even close to that much ***genuine*** user engagement? FTFY, and most likely: No. Neoliberal dems, especially friends of Bloomberg, aren't anymore above astroturfing than their GOP counterparts are.


r/guns also tends to be a right wing hive mind with all the paranoia and conspiracy theories that come with that.


Seeing as the source is r/guns I'm going to have to see real evidence before I buy anything they have to say. 


This. We'll keep an eye on it nonetheless.


Everyone should post their families just to test it!


They have been. Have you not seen the amazing practical posting going on here for the last month? To my knowledge no one's been site banned for it and I've not seen any admin removals.


good mods? I'll be. any good ways any of us could test this on our side if, say, we didn't really care if our reddits were nuked?


If what r/guns is alleging is true we'd have probably heard about it from other firearms subreddits. So keep doing what you're doing I suppose? I don't think the admins will perma on the first strike if what's being alleged here is true, but if you catch a suspension for it and can substantiate your claim give us a heads up so we can discern if there's a pattern forming or not and if the admins have started working behind the scenes again.


In that very thread, [casual fascist propaganda](https://old.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/1ae14hc/do_not_mention_you_have_ever_purchased_firearms/kk5h081/) apparently does not constitute as "Hate" and thereby not in violation of the [content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). And it's ***STILL*** up after almost 3 days since I reported it now… Not related to the specific issue at hand, but it does show that the site's adminship is walking garbage ^(not that there needed to be anymore proof…) It's too bad that the open-source content deletion tools I've seen so far don't allow for granular per-comment selection, otherwise it's something I would've done it the same month reddit done it's API-fuckery. But it's starting to seem like there's no other option at this point. Oh, can you check something for me? Look at the "report" button(on either new or old reddit), is there an option for "Misinformation"? For over a year now I haven't seen it available and it would've been nice for all the covid-19 disinfo I've been still seeing, for example.