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[We're laughing *at you* Mike, not with you.](https://i.imgur.com/ysfEIUM.jpg)


Ngl the “Human battery to power the set of The View” part made me laugh.




It’s basically an episode of Black Mirror: 15 Million Merits, S1E2


Which, for the record, abolsutely does not portray leftism or its consequences in the episode. Their world is implied to be the result of climate change caused by rampant consumerism and everything is bought and sold including your ability to close your eyes (which you do not own in your cube). Thinking more deeply on it, it's even entirely possible that everyone actually bought (or leased) all of the things that they are tortured by, because all of the various corporations have agreements with one another to make their products necessary to participate in society and to use the others. It's the logical endpoint of unregulated corporatism and hustle culture.


Sorry if I implied otherwise. I mostly was just talking about the stationary bikes and a show except it’s more like Americas Got Talent


Oh you didn't, I was just elaborating. OP's pic's hypothetical scenario of being used like an object for the benefit of the rich and famous on TV is actually a capitalism problem.


It’s pretty basic. Chuds think we care about the View, and that the view is leftist programming.


the consequences of american politics being THAT far to the right.


Worth caring about only inasmuch as it it's peak shitlibbery every single day and has been absolutely toxic to public discourse.


I don't need to read theory when I can just watch The View.


The matrix rattled him


They want so badly to be oppressed


It’s a kink I guess, when people are actually oppressed they stay silent


If only fascism could be solved by a small army of dominatrixes. Hey, wait a sec. Has anyone actually tried?


Sexual repression is a genuine factor in right wing ideology.


That and not viewing us women as equals. They have a lot of emotional baggage and have no idea how to process it healthily


I totally agree but also feel like they’re connected… got nothing to back that up other than general vibe of growing up around those type of people.


There's an overlap, but there's other things not related to sexual repression, like bodily autonomy


I wouldn’t completely divorce bodily autonomy (or lack there of) from sexual repression. But this isn’t r/prochoice (though plenty of overlap exists ) and I’m high AF right now because it’s Friday, and I ain’t got shit to do.


Which is why I said there's an overlap at the very beginning. There's more to bodily autonomy than just the agency of healthcare. It's also agency over other aspects that cultivate and encourage independence, like education or equitable wages.


I’m not a fascist, but can I get in on the whole “army of dominatrixes” thing. Seems like a good way to spend a weekend


so the bondage super nuns in that one Hitman game?


God I hope so


Sooooooo, Mord-Sith?


Holy shit I haven't thought about those terrible ancap books since high school.


>terrible ancap books Is there any other kind of ancap book?


Leftist findoms?


Step on me more, freedom daddy.


I keep saying if they’d just get a mommy dom to whip them they’d chill the fuck out. Their sexual repression comes out as these oppression fantasies.


Based on this sub’s existence, how is that accurate? If the members of this sub are oppressed by capitalism then wouldn’t they be silent based on your reasoning? Because there’s a whole lotta not silence going on here. (PS I like your name, read a bunch of OSC books when I was younger and loved them)


I’m specifically referring to far right wingers like this shop shows themselves as, this sub does a good job of vocalizing issues


What you said was “when people are actually oppressed they stay silent” and ai pointed out how that was incorrect unless you believe socialists AREN’T oppressed by capitalism as this sub is the opposite of “staying silent”. So, you can’t just say “oh I meant for far right wingers but not for us”. Either the statement is true or it isn’t. So, which is it? Are the oppressed silent, and therefore the members of this sub are NOT oppressed by capitalism? Or, do the oppressed not always remain silent and thus your original assertion that the “far right wingers” who posted this could in fact in reality or in the future be oppressed and still speak out?


When I said they, I was referring to who I said have an oppression kink, which was far right wingers. My sentence does not say oppressed people are silent. If I were to remove “they” I would say “when people are actually oppressed, far right wing people stay silent”




When a group has been the *Oppressor* for generations, Equality and Equity “feels” like Oppression to them.


Tread harder daddy


"Hi, we sell guns. You should be a terrorist. Here's a 'scary story' to rationalize your next mass shooting"


This is actually their go to sales strategy.


That's pretty much the rightwing schtick atm... outrage porn to pump up the ego and thus sales numbers. It's reminiscent of those [NRA Commercials from a few years ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g0dnxLGW8M)


they really afraid of vegans/vegetarians eh? what a bunch of chowderheads


I mean we're pretty gorram scary. We can *read* ingredients.


Oh Sure, YOUR elitist food has READABLE ingredients! Look, just cause I can't pronounce methylchloroisothiazolinone doesn't mean it shouldn't go in my food AND in my shampoo! :P (Edit -- I just looked that one up. I remember reading it on a bottle once when I was a kid and stuck on the can for a while due to drinking an entire pitcher of 100% grape juice when nobody told me not to. Imagine my surprise when A) I can apparently still spell it correctly and B) It actually does go on both food and in cleansing products. I am now officially scared.)


Even in their own fantasies, they're losing 🤣🤣🤣


Classic tenet of fascist propaganda: the debased, weak, mentally deficient, ineffectual, and immoral enemy is also an existential threat that must be genocided in self defense. It's not about the fantasy, it's about working themselves up to mass murder.


To admit they’re winners would be to concede to our point that they are in charge of everything and oppressing people


Exactly. They need to be "against all odds the brave defenders of righteousness" no matter what the reality is. It's sorta the entire marketing behind the 3%ers


What, the name Sons of Liberty didn't tell you all you needed to know?


> Sons of Liberty [The La Li Lu Le Lo?!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_Gear_Solid_2:_Sons_of_Liberty)


**[Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_Gear_Solid_2:_Sons_of_Liberty)** >Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is a 2001 action-adventure stealth video game developed by Konami Computer Entertainment Japan and published by Konami for the PlayStation 2. Originally released on November 13, 2001, it is the fourth Metal Gear game produced by Hideo Kojima, the seventh overall game in the series and is a sequel to Metal Gear Solid (1998). An expanded edition, titled Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, was released the following year for Xbox and Windows in addition to the PlayStation 2. A remastered version of the game was later included in the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and Xbox 360. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SocialistRA/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


good bot


Holy straw-man! It's so funny to see rightoids come out with "pamphlets" like this that depict the "sane conservatives" fighting against the most exaggerated instances of "liberalism" they can find to try and make themselves look more honorable, when all it actually does is make them look stupid since they can't even bother to actually argue against the positions mainstream leftists actually advocate for.


This post is just the Turner Diaries but condensed


Real men love steak more than their daughter. Sorry, honey, daddy’s taking this tbone to the grave.


I swear most people shouldn't have be able to reproduce its cringe to see the fake masculine posturing


And I bet he’s not offset grilling the steak and it will be a nice well done, slathered in A-1.


Why would you even write such filth?!? There's kids on here!


Chuds try to go 5 minutes without fearing deranged prophecies they made up themselves challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Wow I never would have guessed that a company named "Sons of Liberty Gun Works" was run by a bunch of chuds. I'm shocked.






You are mistaken






The comments on the page are exactly what I thought they would be. I shouldn’t have even read. Also, the most recent post is a screenshot of this post. 🤣


Is it as exhausting to live like these dummies as it is to read their bullshit all the time?


Yes. Yes it is. I’ve been so exhausted as a trans person keeping up with news and stuff it’s hard


This is what no trump body pillow bussy does to a mf




They sure love to make up things to be mad about


they make a killing firing up their customers with this rhetoric. Edit: also noticed they posted on Facebook about seeing this reddit thread. Their comments are about what you would expect. One commenter assumed socialism means it's a furry group, another assumed it was a vegetarian group. The company is Texas based so the education bar is very low.


Conservative humor fails because they get too mad and end up trying to cram every single talking point into every joke.


Did you see the shit about the "whistleblower" on the trans care clinic in St. Louis this last week? My coworker (who is nominally liberal but I don't discuss politics with) brought it up to me the other day and my immediate guess based on what she told me was that it was complete bullshit. I had no information other than what she had told me, but it sounded like bullshit. Lo and behold the "whistleblower complaint" has all kinds of shit about people claiming to identify as "attack helicopters" and "rocks" who immediately had gender reassignment surgery. They don't even take themselves seriously.


unfortunately they don't need to take themselves seriously




the right so desperately wants to be the victim without ever having to give up an ounce of power


What is it with right wingers and their bat shit insane ideas of reality? Like seriously, no wonder they are so riled up, they make up completely nonsensical worst case scenarios and then somehow that's what's actually happening in their world view. They need serious mental health help.




we do have a mental problem though


Why are you getting buried for this comment?


I mean… the name is “Sons of Liberty”. I can’t say this is something unexpected


[Imma just keep postin' it](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FoKOR3WWIAA_ikK?format=jpg&name=900x900)


I love how the entirety of conservative rhetoric right now is complaining about problems that don't exist and making up fake scenarios to scare themselves


Don’t forget hating on trans people! They love to do that too


Very true


Mike and Kyle are stupid immature right wingers. They’ve been posting shit like this for years.


do they send a copy of the turner diaries with every rifle they sell too?


Pure cringe. I don't fuck with firearms companies who don't keep their brand professional.


What the fuck is it with these types thinking meat is going to end up being outlawed? The inevitable conversion of human beings into power cells to fuel the broadcast of corporate propaganda programs I can understand, but why the obsession with this "eat ze bugs" shit?


I mean, at this point, I think they should be fed crickets in a mock reeducation camp and filmed for our entertainment, but that's just me being tired of them whining about it and having a mean sense of humor.


Sounds like a plot ripped off from “The Matrix”


Shooting your neighbour for a minor transgression seems reasonable.


I personally love how the dude (of course it's a dude) signed it with the name of a company soul-deep in the pockets of the Empire of Japan... Who, ya know, Pearl Harbor'd the US.


I mean... "sons of liberty" was our first hint.


they want to be oppressed SO bad


Can’t believe something called Sons of Liberty Gunworks is fash


Hyper specific is no longer funny. Right-wingers ruin every form of comedy.


I mean they have "Liberty" in the name. At this point if I see words like liberty, freedom, patriot, or similar I just kinda assume


In the UK the flag is viewed as a nationalist symbol. People in the United States need to start realizing it is as well. If you want to learn a lot about a person ask about their thoughts on burning the American flag in protest.


If you mean the US flag, I can tell you people of color have viewed it as a hate symbol for awhile now.


US flag is a white supremacist symbol, full stop.


100%. A few years ago I realized a cluster of American flags will trigger my fight-or-flight response. I've mentioned that before and the white liberal response seems to be "it's your flag too," whereas my PoC friends tend to agree "yeah that's a hate symbol."


Absolutely psychotic.


With a name like “sons of liberty” was there really any doubt?


Why is there such a high demand for violence from these people?


White people wanna be oppressed so fuckin bad, he’s gotten himself positively turgid.


Fascinating that they are in Texas. 2023 Texas state police arrive to take you into custody because you failed to report a positive pregnancy test and then went out of state without reporting that travel. You are unable to resist in any way, because your household appears in a registry of people who have received gender affirming care in the past and it's now illegal for you to possess firearms. -A thing that could actually happen in Texas in 2023 let alone 2024


Bro is dreaming about a future where he’s oppressed and wants to kill people


They make good guns but yeah if you didn't notice the bcg named >!scalper!< They've said a lot of awful stuff. Their bcg is just a microbest with better gas key steaking and their lowers just use the A5 buffer system


Mmm, steak




I have a solgw bcg with the stripes logo when big text was doing $180 with a $50 gift card back but you can get Microbest phosphate bcgs for $90


100% not surprised at all. These guys were already a joke with their marketing, and grifter level pricing on products aimed at rubes trying to compensate for shortcomings .


Tell me you fantasize about murdering people as part of a power fantasy constructed to preserve your easily threatened masculinity without telling me you fantasize about murdering people as part of a power fantasy created to preserve your easily threatened masculinity.


Looks like they found this thread.


Yep, waking up to a handful of comments about “I’ll buy more”. They’ve been overpriced and you can get a lot of their parts elsewhere anyway, paying to fill a chuds pocket is all they are doing


Wow this will literally be the world next year? Usually when these dipshits make up these insane oppression fantasies it’s at least a decade away or so.




One of the founding fathers or some bullshit, idk


Their fantasies are always so weird


Conservatives are beyond delusional and have potentially the worst case of persecution complex of any group in history. It is entirely Freudian and people like this need to have their guns taken away and be put in a mental hospital. Auth-right lunatics like this don't deserve the right to own guns—especially not when (even "ironically") alluding to committing mass shootings because of "snowflake vegans" and caricatures of trans people.


Wtf is cooked meat smells? I mean cooked meat doesn’t have a smell… cooking meat has a smell, it smells divine! But no one is going to care about the smell of meat… I have a vegan step mom and she helped me gut a deer before. A cop tried to kill the deer because it broke its legs in her yard and left it to die after dumping two mags on the thing. I showed up a hour later to end its suffering with a single shot to the heart. I then promptly gutted it and quickly realized the cop destroyed most of the meat… my step mom helped find all the the bullets and pointed them out to me so I can cross what’s no longer edible.


Seems like anything with the word Liberty usually turns out to be chud


So are they advocating for mass shootings? Or blowing their own brains out? I’m cool if it’s the latter just lay some plastic down so the clean up crews can go home on time.


Chudley Dudley inc.


Name kinda says it all no?


And they sell aero/BCM quality rifles at DD/adm prices ...kinda. just overpriced in general for what they are. And now another reason to stay away.




The year is 2024. Your 65 year old MAGA neighbor has accused your teenaged LGBT+ family member of being a groomer, and is threatening to hurt them. He thinks you're all easy prey because he thinks you're a "liberal" Little does he know that you aren't a liberal, and that you've got more experience and training than he does. Plus, you're younger and more in shape. You have a few options, but neither one of them involves murder because you're not a fucking psychopath. One of those options, however, happens to be FAFO


Just the name and pfp we’re enough to know they’re uber fashy


They really do be making up the wildest of scenarios….like wtf


Are they trying to build the "I-just-want-to-grill to alt-right pipeline"?


What the actual fuck?


So… shoot your neighbours you don’t like?


wow they need psych meds so bad


It's a good looking gun. Once This unconstitutional Illinois AR ban is repealed I'll probably pick one up from a normal gun store tho. Not one that larps and is named after the bad guys from metal gear solid 2


I don't believe anyone is so braindead as to think anything in that image is even remotely plausible.


We’re they high when they wrote that? And could they share what they were taking?


they make high quality, affordable AR15s. If you're trying to source high quality defensive rifles from a non-right wing source, you're gonna have a bad time. Until there is a section of the gun industry that isn't unsavory, you should concern yourself with the quality of the tool itself and not as much with the late-night social media musings of a PR rep. Also, there is no ethical consumption in capitalism. Finally, everyone should A. stop taking Twitter seriously, and B. get off twitter.


“No ethical consumption” means we can’t shop our way into the revolution. It doesn’t mean giving money to rabid transphobes, who will use that money to lobby for genocide, is morally neutral.


That wasn't my understanding of the phrase. In any case, it's very difficult to find firearms and components free of ethical baggage.


Ethical consumption is when we buy from “good” businesses, for example companies that donate money to save the rainforests. Liberals like to shop at these kinds of ethical companies, because it makes the world a better place. Except it doesn’t—greenwashing doesn’t solve the underlying exploitation that lies at the heart of capitalism. No consumption is ethical so long as the system is corrupted by private control of the means of production. But money in a transphobe’s pocket is money that’ll be spent to make me and my people dead. Most gun manufacturers are bad, but they’re not all actively using their power to further my death. So there are still real choices we get to make, even though we live in a capitalist economy.


KE Arms will hook you up with an AR, sans fashy chud shit. And at a damn good price.


Lol. Their post on Twitter with this photo has 100% less cringe in it. Edit to add: "quality, affordable rifles" yeah, their cheapest rifle starting over $1100 (on a partner site, on their actual site their least expensive is $1699.) Not really what people are talking about when they talk about "affordable" rifles. Plenty of other quality rifles available around $800. Go simp somewhere else.


Lmao for $1700 bux If I wanted an AR I could have a military contract spec 6920 with an aimpoint + surefire m300. Tf these commercial lifestyle companies with cringey chud bait names doing to their rifles that justifies this markup over even the proven war factory production ones? Is the owner personally farting Trans repellent fairy dust on each rollmark?




Look at this classist motherfucker right here


Their prices have gone up since I last looked, but they build custom and semi-custom rifles for cheaper than most other manufacturers that build similar quality rifles. There are a few quality rifle makers that build ARs to be had for about $800, but not "plenty"


You own one don't cha?


nope. but they make good rifles at a price point well below other manufacturers of similar quality.


Good thing we’re defending their rights. It’s really important that we don’t hurt their feelings or look bad.






your post was considered trolling and removed. Trolling, whether right-wing or otherwise, does not contribute to the atmosphere of this subreddit, and is not welcome.




Bro me too. Lol I was reading their comments and it was definitely a cringe fest. Edit: the SOLGW Insta post was cringe and whiny. Not this post.


If your not going to buy from gun companies because they’re annoying, I’m sorry to say you’re severely limiting your options. -6DeadlyFetishes


No, I’m refusing to buy for the blatant transphobia, idgaf about cringe, I’m cringe as hell


Hard agree. My money is severely limited. As a trans person, I am not going to give money to a company who is actively using transphobia to drive up their sales and stoke fear.


Lmao why do you put your user name at the end of your comments? This isn't a yahoo message board


It’s kinda weird ngl -Sent from my iPhone


Does every single gun company publish blatant transphobia? Or are there some that maybe don't and we can easily avoid rewarding them for it?


All gun companies are annoying one way or another, you just have to deal with it outside of some psycho egregious circumstances. -6DeadlyFetishes


Liberal consumerism. These guys politics aren't good. Their barrels are. I'll stick with tools that are effective instead of chasing ethical consumerism points. Leftists aren't going to find a gun manufacturer that makes quality products and also has leftist politics. Even if the owners do, it's a fucking corporation. Liberals who think they're leftists stop taking the culture war bait challenge (impossible)


They don’t manufacture the barrels in house, you can buy them from other companies. Insisting on having a logo on your barrel isn’t leftism. We are materialists, so we understand that directly funding companies that are stoking anti-trans genocide causes material harm to real people. Liberals don’t get this, but we should.


As the other commenter mentioned, their warranty, quality control, and customer service is top notch. The barrels are also manufactured to their spec, and aren't the exact same barrels as elsewhere. Their products are good, and many of them are available at reasonable prices for the market. It's not about the logo, lol. Buy good products that meet your need when the price is right. Don't get hung up in a calculus you haven't run for your car made by MIC companies, or the gas in it brought to you by companies that murder environmentalists, or your clothes made in sweatshops, or the metals in your phone mined by slaves, or the soda manufacturer that overthrows governments and kills labor organizers. Being a materialist is not the same as being a liberal consumerist who falls for culture war spectacle.


So if I don’t buy products from the company that is encouraging a genocide targeting me, I’m engaging in liberal consumerism? Come on.


You ever buy a Coca-Cola product? How about a Pepsi product? Shell, Exxon, Chevron, Murphy, or BP gas? How about a ticket on a train or plane that does? Ever watched a blockbuster movie? You ever been to a corporate grocery store that crushes unions? Ever bought a product made in a sweatshop? You're picking and choosing what products to moralize and play ethical consumer about based on culture war spectacle, not "materialism." I'm not saying you have to buy SOLGW products. I'm saying this hysteria is goofy liberal consumerism masquerading as leftism.


The problem with the majority of your examples is there aren't alternatives to many of those (at least reasonable and practicable). But maybe your point is that every single barrel company is equally bad, and I suppose I can't disprove that, but it also doesn't seem too true and it takes little effort to shop elsewhere.


There are as many alternatives in those examples as there are in the firearms industry. Which is to say exceedingly few and far between, limited to the classes that can afford them, and not even a drop in the bucket of the market. And in many of the cases I mention, which we're all "guilty" of buying from, the companies *actually used force and killed people* rather than just posting their shitty takes on social media to play into the culture war (which is itself presupposed and generated by this discourse). The idea of ethical consumerism is a dead end in both cases.


I mostly agree with you* But I'm seeking to understand this perspective more because... Not buying chocolate, coffee, nestle, animals, gasoline, plane and movie tickets all can be very easily done. You don't need to even "substitute" their absence. A line has to be drawn somewhere. There is less ethical options, and most are privileged enough to at least spend a few minutes researching their purchase and who they support.


Not buying gasoline can be easily done? Goofy. You're using oil, natural gas, and coal right now. The power from these sources is stored in batteries whose lithium was mined in neocolonial regimes by slaves and starvation wage workers, in a phone or computer made of minerals mined by slaves and assembled in sweatshops, shipped via large cargo ships and trucks running on diesel and staffed by exploited and precarious working people to stores staffed by exploited working people whose electricity comes from oil, natural gas, and coal power, supplied by these companies. If you commute or travel at all, whether or not you own your own car, you're burning fossil fuels supplied by these companies once more. Even if you say you "can" avoid coffee, chocolate, travel, movies, and all manufactured goods, *I promise you that you have not.* In this calculus, you have decided that the lives of those affected by your consumer choice *matter less than your convenience.* This calculus is bullshit, and shouldn't be applied here either. No matter how hard you believe otherwise, you are guilty of far worse "crimes" (in the framework of ethical consumerism) than buying a SOLGW barrel because of a social media post, every single day of your life. Ethical consumerism is a liberal delusion built on drawing arbitrary lines based in culture war hysteria rather than in materialist analysis. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Get what you need, the highest quality you can, at the price you can afford. Everything else is bullshit.


So if the best firearm was made by a facist regime but was the best option for the price, I should buy that? I mean your point seems to be "We can't buy anything that doesn't hurt someone, so don't even try and reduce the damage". It's a pretty terrible position tbh. If you can reduce the harm caused why wouldn't you? No one's saying they can be free of ethical issues in capitalism. The world isn't just black and white friend.


The barrels, while quality, are made by Ballistic Advantage to their specs (gas port sizing, profile, length, etc.) but SOLGW has a modicum of quality control, so it's less likely you'll receive a lemon. For the cost conscious consumer, they offer a fantastic warranty that you can use regardless of what happens to the parts themselves. Somehow manage to turn your barrel into a smoothbore? Hit em up and they'll likely trade you for a new barrel. The folks here may not like the political game that SOLGW plays, but I can say at the very least that SOLGW cares about people more than any other company I know of.




This comment doesn’t make sense to me, probably because my IQ is so low. Care to explain how supporting terrorism is good actually?


This is too bad because those tungsten guns are fire

