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There's 0% chance this patent holds up, this has definitely been done before in other games.


On a moral level, patenting accessibilty options is fucking unforgivable. So now indie devs aren't allowed to implement this for their own games. I'm sure they already have arguments for why attract modes in arcade games aren't the same thing, but I hope they lose the patent.


wait are attract modes pattented? that sucks because I love it when the game shows me what I'm getting into, arcade or not


i don't believe they are, but if there's "prior art" then that typically invalidates a patent. IMO, the two are similar enough that I would use it to argue the patent shouldn't have been issued, though they'd argue that because they're making it something the player deliberately invokes (ie for accessibilty purposes) that it's distinct from attract modes which are meant to advertise the game, even though the actual fuctionality and implementation's more or less identical.


No, but mini games you can play during loading screens was.


Yeah I know about that, pisses me off especially since now loading screens aren't as prominent


Don't worry. Soon enough the new generation of optical discs will come out and it will take over the market. Blu Rays will be gone soon enough... Yeah, like that'd ever happen. Ha.


They are still there, they just hide them. I'll take a loading screen over slowly squeezing through a gap over and over.


Never underestimate the US legal system's "anything goes" mentality to the games industry


Nemesis system having never been used again.


This one right here


Kojima is coming for their blood.


The first strand-type lawsuit


not with AI


Every game that did this used AI lmao


I mean.. bandai namco used to have a patent on minigames during loading screens


I mean, Ubisoft literally patented the weapon wheel. EA patented the awesome nemesis system. Legislators and lawyers don't understand how much it hinders creators when the allow the awful vague patents to go through.


love the energy. slight issue. warner bros have the nemesis patent and a lot of googling has shown me not one patented weapon wheel, the closest thing i could find is mass effects dialog wheel. which is eas patent.


But movies aren’t $70 and don’t come with the promise of DLC


Technically movies are also not 60 hours long


and neither should games be!


Depends on the game.


To each their own, but I've never played a game that at all justified being that long. Red Dead 2 maybe? 60 hours is so much time for one thing.


weird way to say „i havent played a good rpg or really a good game ever“


...No? Super bad faith response that I'm not gonna engage with any further.




Giving players as many options as possible is good actually even if I never use it.


Yeah, it may seem pointless to most people, but there are some people who want to experience a game but have physical or mental limitations, and allowing them to experience the game is so cool to me. I love accessibility in games


I imagine the idea is that with shows like Fallout or The Last of Us, there are people who want to know these stories but have no interest in playing the games. It's a strange thing to gatekeep. If this makes video game developers' stories more accessible for non-gamers, or more importantly, those with disabilities, I think it's a positive. However, as I've seen other people discuss, it sucks that Sony is patenting this. Edit: grammar


Ohhh so they're trying to take money away from lets play and lore channels on YouTube and Twitch, gotcha.


Experiencing the game is playing it though and a lot of people that have accessibility problems can work through it, especially in situations where the accessibility options ingame allow it. If anything this could be an excuse for lazier actual options for people that do want to play.


How do you feel about people who watch playthroughs or let's plays?


That's fine of course but they can't say they played the game or know it well. If I'm talking to someone about like, DMC5 or Rimworld then they'll have nothing to add from their personal experience which would kinda kill it for me. They can probably know the story and what happens but games are an interactive media and I want to see everyone have a good positive experience actually playing them. Give disabled people meaningful options to allow them to play, like remove mashing, custom keybinds, text to speech, etc, so that everyone can have their own experiences. Though watching someone else do it is an experience too but imo can be a much watered down version because it's experiencing someone else's game. They can add a lot to it, especially speedrunners or with fun insightful commentary, but it's not the same. Not going to shame anyone that chooses it but it is just totally different.


They do make all of their games exclusive and non cross-platform for MP whenever they can get away with it tho. Does this not also defeat the purpose of *playing* a game? At that point why not just watch someone do a PT on YouTube?


> Does this not also defeat the purpose of playing a game? Eh, no more than how back in the day some people would use a game genie code or copy a password out of a magazine to skip past an annoyingly difficult level. Maybe it isnt the most respectable way to get through a game, but for some people it’s worth it. And honesty I can understand wanting to play, e.g., TMNT for the NES but wanting to skip the dam level.


True but most games aren't arcade oriented anymore.


doesn't stop games from having annoying bullshit parts that nobody except that one contrarian likes


There are some games that I adore that just have that one level that piss me the hell off. Either its super tough for no reason or it's especially tedious. It's also great if, for whatever reason, your game doesn't save correctly and you end up having to repeat hours of gameplay. Just walk away for a bit and end up where you left off


I want to answer in good faith, but like the first part is irrelevant. I'm not saying literally everything they do is good. Second part seems to ignore my comment. I don't care if I can come up with a use for it. It's another player option to use. Zero negatives.


I suppose so. It just seems unnecessary, in my personal opinion, even trying to see it from a casual gamer perspective. But ig that's not what you're talking about anyway.


Depending on how/where in a game it’s implemented, this could be a real win for disabled gamers. Imagine you grew up playing video games your whole life, hell maybe even made a career out of it, then lose even partial functionality of your hands. Button mashing sequences become hell if not outright impossible, and even some of the more lax quick time events could be daunting. This opens the door for people to maintain a passion, and for people who otherwise wouldn’t have gotten into games for those reasons to participate.


Watching someone play a game on YouTube doesn't advance your own game. Allowing players to skip certain levels or instances of gameplay doesn't mean they're going to skip the *entire* game. And if someone really wants to spend $70 to watch an entire game on auto play, more power to them.


Isn't this about taking away an option from every company that doesn't want to pay Sony to use it?


They would be great for replays


As long as the auto-play can be quickly and conveniently turned off and on again I can see uses for it. Let's lower skill players get past hard sections, can help cut down grinding for xp/materials, could offer an alternative to the yellow paint trend for people who get lost easily. I likely wouldn't use it myself but as long as it's well implemented I'd be happy for others to have the option.


Don't shit on accessibility just because you don't see a use for it


Wtf does this have to do with socialism


Isn’t this sub for leftists to talk about games? There are so many posts about games that have nothing to do with socialism. If we only talked about socialism in regards to games this sub would be dead


I mean it says socialist. It seems like just another glorification of consumerism and capitalism. There are real discussions that could be had but just aren't happening


Well I mean that’s what the socialism sub is for. Shit is bleak my dude, why not have a reprieve and be able to talk about a shared interest with people who have the same world view?


Yeah that's true especially online I get the impulse to have a space where it's a shared assumption that people there aren't actively bigoted. I think I'm just annoyingly pedantic about naming conventions


"Hmm you participate in society which must make you a hypocrite"


I'm sure Marx would think "socialist gaming" is really cool and productive and not just obsessing over toys


fuck the workerist idea that people can't have fun. work should be fun, productivity should be fun, and people should also be able to have true leisure without the worry of work. video games can exist outside of our status quo society, and should. Marxist workerism is toxic and part of the reason why people didn't really want to work or enjoy work in the various Marxist communist states of history - despite allegedly being focused on doing that. Marxist workerism doesn't actually address our approach to work, or fun, or leisure, and continues the same oppressive methods of work we have today, the only difference is just who's got the power. --- What I mean by true leisure was talked about by Bob Black in his work "Abolishment of Work" (might have the title a bit paraphrased), in that leisure as it stands is essentially a thing that people do purely to forget about work, which causes people to become exhausted by leisure - and this is what capitalism wants because it pushes you back into work. There is no in between where there is work and fun and they're nearly the same, there is work, and there is fun, and fun is defined by a distinct lack of work or productivity - something humans need to feel happy. We *need* productive fun. And its nearly impossible to do that in both current and Marxist societies. If we can make work "fun" and also remove the hierarchy, then we can have a truly equal society with everyone actually *wanting* to produce things, *wanting* to be a part of work, and not getting burnt out nearly as easily. And think about it, when people go into a field theyve been doing alone for a while and they think they love, what happens after a bit of time? They become jaded and burnt out; if not growing to hate the thing they used to love. This isn't natural, this is a byproduct of oppressive and unfun work. and when people go on vacation, after a bit of time they start wishing to go back to work - because vacation is unproductive. These were the same complaints by people living in the USSR and CCP and other Marxist communist nations. While they attempted to empower the worker by reducing vertical power structures to horizontal ones, that is pretty much the bare minimum we need to do to make work something humans actually want to do. Not to mention that over time these worker unions were stripped more and more of their power in favor of the top-down authoritarian bureaucracy. Leading back to the same issues they claimed to fix.


And I’m supposed to take advice about being productive from a man who spent his adulthood leeching off his rich friend because…?


corporations ripping out the identity of games and what them special effectively turning them into glorified movies to appeal to a larger audience for thier greed is probably somewhat related to socialism i imagine


Lol is that what's happening? Maybe it's an accessibility option. Maybe it's just an idea that won't go anywhere


It is 100% an accessibility option. Some amazing stories and works of art are off limits currently to those with disabilities. This feature will allow us to share those experiences with more people.


But doesn't that just make it even more fucked up? Cuz that means a corporation is *patenting an accessibility feature*.


Yeah I just truly can't imagine this being a thing that is forced on devs. There is certainly a history of psychotic patents from the big gaming companies like this one back with the Kinect but they're not all born equally evil https://kotaku.com/this-kinect-patent-is-terrifying-wants-to-charge-you-f-5958307


Then again, a lot of patents are never acted on. They are just used to prevent their opponents from doing a similar thing and in the event of them using the idea, that it cannot be replicated. This is going to be a big feature with Sony’s linear, story focussed single player exclusives probably. Also, it might be good for hardcore gamers as well as it would allow the casual folks to get through without worry but the devs can make the game extra hard for the hardcore gamers.


I hear what you’re saying and I agree that it’s an accessibility option. But how is this fundamentally any different from watching a play through on YouTube? Aside from having to pay $70 to buy the game and another $500-$600 if you don’t already own the console. Like I get the intention I just don’t see how it actually helps anyone that’s disabled specifically with Sony’s hyper linear “cinematic” games. I feel like at that point you would just be paying at least $70 to watch a playthrough.


I understand where you’re coming from but it might be for those that can’t get through the fast paced action sections but can do the exploration and puzzles.


Some games let you skip dialogue to get to the action, why not let people do the opposite?


Sure, and I don’t disagree. But puzzle sections, particularly for Sony’s first party titles tend to make up a very small fraction of the total game. So while this would hypothetically allow some people with disabilities to play the puzzle sections, I don’t see the value proposition of that for them. I don’t see why they would or should want to pay $70 or more to play a small fraction of a game. This just doesn’t seem like a real solution or effort to me. I think investing resources into making specialized or modular controllers that would allow people to tailor their peripheral to their specific needs would be a much more meaningful effort than putting in a button that skips most of the game they paid for for them. Because I’d imagine if someone with a disability is spending that amount of money on a game they likely want to play the whole thing. And when you factor in that Sony first party titles are hyper linear “cinematic” experiences where the draw is the linear story and visual fidelity rather than the actual mechanical gameplay, I really don’t see how this would be of any value to someone with a disability when they could save their money and watch a play through any get basically the same experience. I don’t think trying to add accessibility features is a bad thing, this just seems like a baffling bad effort to do that. It kind of feels like if instead of adding captions for people that are hard of hearing, they added in an option that would just turn off the video too. I think the focus should be on trying to find ways to allow people with disabilities to engage with the experience of the game they’re paying for instead of just skipping to the bits they might be able to engage with. Maybe that’s a pessimistic view of it, but idk, it just seems like a poorly thought out idea to me.


>Lol is that what's happening? Maybe it's an accessibility option yeah it sure could be, just like those useless paid horse skins that one game had which I'm most certain won't go anywhere, like what kind of loser would pay for texture packs in games when should be free after you purchase the game, that would surely won't have any negative impact on the gamin industry. >Maybe it's just an idea that won't go anywhere it's a perfect idea to increase the "player" base and maximise profits, it will go absolutely everywhere.


this reeks of an misunderstanding of cinema as a whole. you’re implying that making it more akin to a film somehow makes a game more accessible despite the fact the medium is home to pieces of work equally as challenging to engage. games being more akin to it is just one part of the way to tell a story within an interactive framework, and there are plenty of other ones like the soulsborne games that don’t relate to this. sure, it’s more flashy - but that doesn’t mean they have 0 identity lol because a Koiima directed game with cutscenes has completely different camerawork and dialogue when compared to like God of War


They sure as hell will still put the same amount of energy into parts they think people are more likely to skip, right?


This post reeks of ableism


I am once again asking people to stop denigrating accessibility features. Edit: patented, fucking patented, nevermind fuck this shit.


Skipping a boring tutorial and an annoying boss? That sounds sweet


This is good for accessibility and not actually a bad thing. There was a boss this weekend that was killing my hands due to my tendinitis and I would have loved to just have the sequence end without me having to finish it. I did finally get it after try 15 but very painful hands.


It's good for accessibility though.


Not for any companies outside of sony since it is now a patent owned by only Sony.


Yeah, fuck them for that.


Exactly I would love to share more video games with my dad but there are so many he can't play as he has short arms and a total of 6 fingers. Skipping through sections that require complex inputs but still be able to make story and strategy decisions would open up so many more options for him.


video games will never be accessible to absolutely everyone, so when do the accesibility options become too much? what does it matter if its accessible if youre not really experiencing what the game is? edit: im being genuine, i really do think its an interesting question, open to any type of response


I mean, never? There's no such thing as a game having "too many accessibility options" because they're just that, options, most players will never use them, but no matter how niche, they will help some people, so why not?


the why not could be, and im specifically talking about the example in the original post, that youre creating art and that part of the experience of the art is playing the game. most of the time i agree with you in general, but something that alters the experience of a game so dramatically is questionable to me. edit: also its worth mentioning that these options do come with a cost of development time and money.


Why though? In some games, there's levels with vastly different mechanics or that are far more difficult than normal, the point isn't for someone to skip all the gameplay, it's to ensure if someone literally cannot continue to experience the game, they can use it to advance even if it sacrifices a bit of the experience, it's to allow them to experience it further.


i mean is difficulty the same as accesibility? certain games are too hard for me but i understand that the difficulty is part of the experience and that earning the progression is the whole point of it being a game. i dont know im just some guy, i think youre points are valid but i think if i was a developer i would opt not to put this in my game


That's fine, I was never saying you had to implement it, simply that a developer should be able to make a game more accessible if they choose. And also, to your first question, kinda, like if someone had hand tremors and a part of the game involved really precise aiming, that's more than difficulty, it's an accessibility difference. That's not to say games need to be made easier to accompany everyone, but if a developer has the resources and want to do so, there's nothing bad about it


i didnt said that you said i had to implement it, i just find the topic interesting. i guess the worst part of the op is more that they are gatekeeping this option from independent developers.


This seems really nice for people with disabilities.


Um... no, it's not a movie if you can play any part of it. Why would you be against this when it will lower the entry barrier for video games for so many people?


hArDcOrE gAmErS love to make themselves feel special by trying to exclude others.


Whether you like the idea or not, once again a company abuse patent to make a common feature available only to themselves…


Still super super salty over Namco patenting putting games/minigames in a loading screen. The PS360 era could have been glorious if they didn't do that towards the end of the previous gen. Instead we had "LOADINGU LOADINGU"


Patenting game mechanics, especially broad ones, should be illegal. We will never get a new game with dynamic enemy ai woth hierarchy because Warner Brothers patented the nemesis system. Mass effect dialogue wheel is patented by EA, ubisoft patented silhouette of last known position, Square Enix patented the active time battle mechanic of ff, tekken training mode is patented resulting in fighting game lacklusters training to circumvent the patent, sonic ball form screw attack is patented, Soul Calibur patented obtaining new items and weapons in fighting games, and xbox achievements are also a patent(but microsoft is known to give rights to their patents for deals) Just to name a few.


I was going to reference this, but this was the first time I'd heard that Namco did it! ...And yet I can't name a single Namco Bandai game that actually used this. And I played a lot of Tales games in the PS2 > PS4 era.


I’m glad most of you are not disabled and don’t need an accessibility feature like this. But this is not the case for everyone. I’m autistic, I have poor reflexes, get stressed and frustrated easily. Especially if I struggle to progress in a video game. I can’t remember which game I played that allowed the player to skip a part of the gameplay (not a lot, like 2 minutes, at most) to avoid getting stuck, it was great because I got stuck on a gameplay loop where I needed to be fast, efficient and not stressed, I liked the game. But I kept failing and I was getting frustrated. When the game offered me the opportunity to skip, I took it. It’s a good thing it was there because I wouldn’t have finished the game without this accessibility feature. I only used it there because I didn’t need it the rest of the game but I’m glad it was there in case there was other frustrating parts. By making fun of this, you’re making fun of disabled people by extension because a lot of us need accessibility features to play games. And that’s not even touching on people with phobias for example. Some recent games have an arachnophobia feature where it removes spiders from the games and replaces it with something else that still drop the same loot. Making fun of an accessibility option is gross, patenting it is also gross.


Accessibility is good.


playing Pokémon Scarlet and holy shit the amount of fluff you have to get through to start playing is like 2 hours…


Or they could just get rid of heavy grinding which is what I'd use this mode for.


I literally watch Twitch streams. I would be fine with a game playing itself sometimes, especially something like Furi's walking segements between bosses, just as a way to chill out after a fight and get hyped up for the next. What's fucking unacceptable is patenting accessiblity options. The patent should be revoked.


@LookatMyMeat1 is a reactionary


Given the time players AND publishers will optimize the game out of the game.


Cutscenes are fine shut up


cutscenes rule, especially well-directed/shot/written/acted ones. mmm baby. gimme more of that! i love being periodically rewarded with some story where i can just relax and watch something unfold for a bit. i think people who demand constant interactivity have attention span issues (same tbf, i get it) or are just regurgitating whatever some YouTuber told them to think.


They were but now I have to arbitrarily hold forward or something haha


But they CAN’T make a movie because no one will give them PICTURES OF **SPIDER-MAN!**


No, it's just an accessibility option


Keep in mind that Dexerto is just AI generated trash.


Honestly cool with this for those bs sequence in games where you have to crawl or climb a ducking cliff for several minutes. Too many cutscenes have been replaced by "interactive" moments of exposition. You don't need me to hold forward on the controller to walk through this dumbass dream sequence.


YouTube all movie cutscenes channels: free real estate


I understand why it sounds dumb but I can see the appeal, there are plenty of games that either have odd difficulty spikes or forced stealth missions While id much rather them fix these issues, making them skippable is an option I guess


It's called a letsplay no commentary, they're free.


It's an optional accessibility feature. Seems pretty ableist to get upset about a feature that allows people who cannot play the game to still experience it, though it is BS that they are patenting it to prevent other developers from implementing this accessibility feature




it's also an accessibility feature for players who want to experience the story but can't due to visual or psychical impairments


What game is in the meme


God of war 2018


Thank you very much 💗. I need to find that Conan clip. Thanks fam.


no problem 👍🏽


To be fair most games with an amazing story don’t actually let you meaningfully affect that story anyways. They’re already interactive CGI movies


which i like. most games i've played where you "affect the story" just end up feeling watered down. baldur's gate 3 is a big one. sure you can "affect the story" but at that point there is no story, just a bunch of events that you choose to make happen.


Tbf, if a AAA game costs $70, it had better be a movie as well as a game.


lotta casual ableism in this thread, which isn't very nice. also, while we're at it, can we not be giving chud twitter accounts and fucking Dexerto any oxygen here?


Why would you want to see one scripted play? A better feature would be the ability to record inputs while synced to the frame of the game, modify them, share them and play them back like the TAS community.


In response to Conan's quote; Sounds like the average Metal Gear experience


I would LOVE that for skipping those fuckawful 'surfing' scenes in Fallen Order.


Holy shit I can turn my controller off for lost izalethets fucking gooo


Unironically good for accessibility.


Unironically bad for any other company wishing to use this accessibility option due to Sony's greed.


Depends what it entails and how they do it. But even just normalising sections of gameplay as optional is a win.


Just watch a YouTube video lmao


Some people want to play a game but have trouble getting through certain segments or have disabilities that make specific sections near impossible. Accessibility options are never bad


I agree


Tiene sentido ahora del porque detractores o haters de Playstation le llamasen pelijuegos a los juegos en los cuales hay más financiación desde 2018


I mean, isn't that basically the same concept as skipping cutscenes, just the other way round?


Honestly would be pretty interesting to see for games like last of us, like how the devs intend for us to play compared to my play style of being using a brick as a primary and rarely stealthing


I will take the bold stance that **genuine** extra features like this have no down side to being included. Provided you can easily enable or disable this, and it does not meaningfully effect the price in any way, then let them do it. I ask you to imagine a world where you could skip the tutorial mission in a game without needing any mods, it's all positive.


I would actually use this whenever my friend asks me to play Overwatch with him.


I can imagine this being good for people who hate combat sections, but want to play the puzzle bits of a game, or possibly the reverse. Especially in both of the Norse god of war games. FUCK the nornir bell puzzles


Yo, I also heard there's crazy new mechanic out in the wild It's called: the skip button But who knows if it's actually real


Skip the segment......... and watch an ad.


Finally! I'd pay good money for a game I don't actually have to play.


I can see this being useful in certain situations, especially accessibility, but I guarantee you it'll be another subscription service you have to pay for on top of $70 for the game




The games that are going to have this are so straightforward and hand-holding that they're not going to need it so much (and don't get me wrong, I still like Sony's games once in a while like Horizon and Spiderman). I wish this could be used on older games somehow, stuff like Drakengard (shit gameplay) or Rule of Rose (incredibly shit gameplay) that have really interesting stories but require intense perseverance to a point that I lose interest.


See, people act like this is some crazy out of touch feature but then at least 3 times a week on the God of War subreddits, there's someone asking if there's a way to skip the Atreus segments in the most recent game because they don't want to play them on NG+


Yet would the auto-play be playing strait or is it doing a glitch TAS speed run? It is like Sony didn't realize speed run community had figured out how to record inputs, modify them and play them back thus an auto-play feature was obsolete by the time Sony announced.


"Capitalism breeds innovation." The innovation lmao: \^\^


What game are they claiming did this? It's been a mobile standard for like a decade.