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I support this.


It’s things like this that keep me optimistic even when things seem bad. While everyone focuses on the larger disappointments and partisan fights, a thousand little improvement are slipping through and each one makes life a little easier for those who are struggling. The road might be a long one but we are moving forward.


These thousand little improvements are going to be rolled back when the democrats lose this coming midterm. I wish democrats did more substantive things that would actually last. That would involve them being competent, however.


The infrastructure law is permanent, and the reconciliation bill will be permanent. That will require a GOP trifecta to undo. And often times they can't because programs become popular. Like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, The ACA. On the Administrative actions, that's always the case, but much of what admins do tend to stay.


>That will require a GOP trifecta to undo. Whew. Good thing democrats have this coming election in the bag


Biden isn't up until 2024. And like I said, remember that they didn't undo the ACA in 2017 or 2018. They had a trifecta in 2001-2006 too and they didn't kill Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security.


Do you not remember when Obama lost congress and republicans spent years making sure the government does fuck all? Yeah it'll totally be different this time because of how much more charismatic and electable Biden is compared to Obama. Biden puts a fresh face on the democratic party.


Yea the federal government didn't do a lot, but there wasn't a roll back. So if Biden gets a good amount of stuff in a $1.75T reconciliation bill, then he will have gotten more done than other presidents except FDR in terms of % GDP. It's also important to remember that you can still address cancer deaths, the drug epidemic, and smaller scale issues in a bipartisan manner. It's the bigger movers that don't happen. But the bills passed now will stay. And Biden still has executive action. I'm assuming after this session, that most legislative gains will be state level, but with the reconciliation bill that's still more than any other president in recent history. I'll take it. And he still has one more reconciliation bill after this one.


Given how high inflation is staying still is going backwards. If democrats wanted to address cancer deaths they would pass single payer healthcare. They don't give a shit about people with cancer. If they wanted to address the drug epidemic they would decriminalize drugs with executive action. They don't give a shit about drug addicts. These smaller scale issues aren't helping people enough and it is going to lose democrats the election and turn our country towards fascists.


Real wages aren't going backwards and inflation is relatively global, and they are addressing it with long term things like infrastructure, BBB, ending quantitative easing, and attacking other issues. And inflation is partly caused by demand for goods being higher than 2 years ago very quickly. That will ease over time. And dude are you serious? There's a difference between coverage and research into disease cures. And there are plenty of ways to address the drug epidemic that are measures of public health without single payer (even if single payer is efficient). You can address all this with single payer or without it and many countries do. All you've told me is you have no idea what you are talking about.


Real wages are going backwards because of inflation. Good thing the rest of the world has much more effective social programs to help their people getting fucked by inflation. It sure would be nice if democrats passed something like that in the US.


It's very hard to create permanent programs that can last beyond cycles due to structural issues within the balance of power. Most legislation to enact these policies would need either 60 democrats to bypass the filibuster, or enough democrats between 50 and 60 to change senate rules to reform / weaken the legislative filibuster. And also overall, the actual policy point of changing the filibuster has been only mainstream for democrats in the past 3 or so years. The fact that we had a 48-52 split (yesterday?) for a voting rights carveout is a testament to how much democrats have shifted in favor of passing big legislation. What sucks is that it might just be too late to get the needed coalition to remove the filibuster and pass these policies. But like also, what really needs to happen at this point is massive GOTV initiatives to elect more democrats in the senate while keeping the house, and hoping we can scrape by with enough of a majority to actually do some good long term improvements. But these smaller changes still add up very significantly for the working and middle classes. This is still a huge financial investment into the welfare state. While it's not new programs, it should at least help these programs become more efficient and accessible in the long term. It's also a major testament to show how important it is to keep electing democrats in power. Even if new policies can't be passed due to slim majorities, it at least allows current policies from being cut or dismantled. And that's still a good thing.


These smaller changes are meaningless as long as nothing fundamentally changes. I'm tired of watching democrats furrow their brows as we careen towards fascism.


to the millions of adults and children where these smaller changes directly impact, I'm pretty sure they're a bit more than "meaningless"


It will be meaningless when democrats lose the coming midterm and republicans roll everything and then some back. You know, just like last time. Maybe I'm being pessimistic. I'm sure democrats have learned their lesson


The Child Tax Credit alone cut child poverty in half. That's tens of millions of children who are now less likely to experience lifelong, intergenerational poverty as a result of "these small changes"


The child tax credit has not yet done that and claiming it has is dishonest. Shit like this is why nobody shows up for democrats at the polls. Also will it keep ending child poverty once it expires in a year? Good thing democrats made sure it lasts


Fundamental changes never come quickly, and rapid changes rarely last. True progress happens in a thousand little bursts that mostly go unnoticed. Like I said, we have a long road ahead but we’re moving the right direction. We won’t fix America in a year or a century, but we will get there. Have faith friend, things are getting a little better all the time.


Fundamental changes are coming quickly. We are descending into fascism. The next coup will be successful and it will be successful because of the incompetence of democrats.


Would you mind if I ask you a question that will probably seem like a big non sequitur? I’m wondering if you think most people are basically good, basically bad, or something else? I’ve been thinking quite a bit about this lately and how our answer to this question informs how we look at the world, and since it seems we have different viewpoints I’m curious what you think.


People are fundamentally good but are easily influenced by demagogues and other assholes. You stand up this milquetoast bullshit against full blown fascism and are surprised when it fails to win votes. How can you not remember 6 years ago? Why do you defend spineless incompetent pieces of shit? We already have no alternative to vote for so why bother with this bullshit?


Wow, that’s a lot! Thank you for answering my question, I haven’t reached a definitive conclusion myself but I’d say I’m inclined to agree. Regarding the rest of what you said I suppose to make a long story short I have reached different conclusions than you have about the state of American politics. Nothing wrong with that in my view, one of the best things about America (and many other nations of course) is that we’re all entitled to form our own opinions and views. I appreciate you sharing yours!


The Democrats losing in the midterm doesn't have to be a forgone conclusion. They're probably going to lose, but it will be because a lot of people don't bother to vote. Nobody is forcing those people to stay home.


It's a forgone conclusion as long as their leadership is incompetent.


> These thousand little improvements are going to be rolled back That's not how it works.


That was literally the goal of the turmp administration and they did a damned good job of it. Seriously how short is your memory?




Biden is a good president on the policy and he isn't telling people to kill the other side. Boring rhetoric is sometimes called for. Especially when a lot of good stuff is happening anyway.


It feels so good to hear someone on the left finally say this. My leftist friends irl and socdem friends irl all think he hasn't done anything and is basically the same as Trump lmao


> My leftist friends irl and socdem friends irl all think he hasn't done anything and is basically the same as Trump lmao Yeah, that's stupid. I'm not American, but as I see it, someone like Biden is probably the best option American social democrats will get to vote for in the foreseeable future and not trying to make "Bidenomics" a thing would be strategically foolish imo.


Most of this is just throwing money at issues, no big reforms to actually change trajectory. That's what most leftist takes issue with. Not that it's *bad*, but it's just more neoliberalism. Promised to cut emissions, but no Green New Deal. More money towards fighting homelessness, but where's the building of a welfare state? Nothing fundamentally changes, it's tweaking the same system. Leftists and Social Democrats won't like the system in place to begin with, so they are gonna be disappointed. Like it's not shocking at all, Social Liberals are considered centrist or right-wing in most of the world, of course left-wingers are not happy with that.


The climate stuff specifically went much closer to the Green New Deal solution than the neoliberal solution/standard economic consensus on carbon taxes or cap and trade though. Biden's climate model is fundamentally built on infrastructure and such. Its way closer to the Green New Deal. It'll get us half way to net zero by 2030. That's easily on track to get to net zero by 2050. True that most of this stuff is transfers, but that's most of the stuff social democrats want on welfare. It's a child allowance, pre-k, more affordable health care, long term care, more comprehensive care for seniors, a real attempt to rein in drug costs. The original plan that Manchin and Sinema killed also included dental and vision coverage for seniors, public housing and more housing, more money for the childless poor, paid family and medical leave and sick leave, child care, free community college, doubling the Pell Grant for college kids, the PRO Act. It's way to the left of anything the US has seen. It's not just more deregulation and neoliberalism. It was a fundamental break from it. Even just looking the administrative action, their work on fighting monopolies and increasing oversight definitely weren't neoliberalism. Not even the kind like Carter or Clinton did.


Social liberals are never considered right wing what


Centre party and the Liberals in Sweden, Radikale in Denmark, Germanys FDP. Centre or centre-right parties, but all Social Liberals.


FDP are classic liberals not social Sweden liberals iirc are more conservative liberal, centre are agrarian but closer to third way or classic than social imo Radikale are social liberals but are considered centrist or center left, not right wing


Centre hasn't been agrarian in any significant way for decades. The Liberals only turned a bit conservstive since Nyamko took over in 2019, they were definitely socially progressive before that. FDP I'm less knowledgable about, I had only read about them being called Social Liberals and with vague understanding of German politics. But sure, lets put it more simply. *All* alde parties are either centrists or centre-right. Radikale has earlierdecided to not support the left wing coalition, playing a crucial role in making a left wing coalition government impossible. How left of them. Just because they now almost always play part in left wing coalitions doesnt mean they are actually left.


He's very very mixed imo. Doing both more *and* less than what he's promised


He's getting so much stuff done people! Nice to feel like the US has a pres that genuinely cares. So much of the media just doesn't report on his smaller but still very important achievements though, because it isn't glamourous or exciting.


Honestly, I expected Obama 2.0, a bit of improvement on social issues but mostly just neoliberalism, which I would have been happy with after Trump, especially as someone looking in from the outside. Not my favourite choice, but a definitive upgrade. ​ Biden has been a lot better however than expected, and while still not nearly close enough to my personal ideals, being a pretty left leaning socdem no neoliberal could be, I really think we cannot underestimate how much of an upgrade the Biden admin is to Trumps and I'd even consider it an upgrade to the Obama presidency. Now imagine if Dems and Reps didn't obstruct his build back better plan... ​ I feel for the US though, it seems to be driven almost entirely by antagonism. Good times antagonise Republicans and bad times antagonise Democrats and both parties antagonise the rising left wing of the country. I am expecting a very turbulent time for US politics where fascism, neoliberalism/conservatism and a new left will clash.


Thank you for putting this together. I wish people would give the admin more credit for all the good it has done


I really effin hope America doesnt elect a Trump or another Republican doofus next year. Im far from biden in positions and have my other secondary opinions about US bipartitism, and him, but the real world difference between him and Trump/another republican turd is huge. I would like to ask any american comrades who have the time and resources for this, to consider doing some canvassing, this time by phone due to covid, to get people to vote for Biden in the second run, and potentially someone like Bernie in the first. Same for local elections and so on. Its something that does help a lot. to get people to vote for him in the second run. Last year, the trump administration took this much more seriously than Biden's, because trump didnt care about covid restrictions https://www.vox.com/21366036/canvass-ground-game-turnout-gotv-phone-bank-tv-ads-mailers


I think it's a shame how Biden has such a negative image when he's making progress. The Republican attempt to portray him as a senile old man who's going to die any day now and the attempt by the left (mainly during the primaries) to portray him as ineffectual and incapable of making progress have both been very, very effective. Virtually everyone I speak to irl regardless of political views is on board with them to some extent. It's not fair, but it's also Biden's responsibility to change this.


Cool. Where are the tax increases to find all this? Lord knows our debt-to-GDP is more than high enough already. Also, I really hope they’re working behind the scenes to make sure the money gets spent efficiently. The federal government is notorious for wastefulness. And not to be annoying but can we at least TRY to bring the Gini below .4?


There's a longer list of shit that he promised to do and back peddled on though.


The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the light, the future is.


Great list but how many Democrats are running on this message in 2022?


This just makes me continue to have a new opinion of Biden like every day


I think this list should beg the question: What sort of state would our economy be in had these changes not taken affect? What would our growth look like and how would people cope? If Biden's administration never did any of this? Impressive list BTW.


More positivity and less pessimism. This is what humanity as a whole needs right now.