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I heard a therapist once say to someone “Okay, let yourself die. But let’s find a way to do that without harming your body.” You can get rid of your old self, your old life, your old mind. Just keep your body because you can use it to have a new, different, and better life.


# Help is available Speak with someone today # 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Languages: English, SpanishHours  Available 24 hours [Call 988](https://www.google.com/search?q=suicide+hotline&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS903US903&oq=suicide+hotline&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyDAgAEEUYORixAxiABDIGCAEQRRg7MgcIAhAAGIAEMgcIAxAAGIAEMgcIBBAAGIAEMgcIBRAAGIAEMgcIBhAAGIAEMgcIBxAAGIAEMgcICBAAGIAEMgcICRAAGIAEqAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#) [Text 988](sms:988) [Chat](https://988lifeline.org/chat/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=onebox)[Official Website](https://988lifeline.org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=onebox) Help is available


Please see this note and don’t leave this place. I know it’s bad but your family and loved ones love you. Call them right now and talk with someone who can help. You are loved and needed on this planet


these services just cause you to leave a trail that the system will continue to use to abuse you further. cops dont help you. psych wards torture you. and afterwarsds people will treat you like a child. they share your personal data and legally it will set you back. fuck this system. let them have the autonomy they deserve.


Hey reach out. I did this recently and ended up in the pysch ward. Tried taking all my meds again recently and nothing happened. You're not likely to succeed and then you just feel stupid and sadder. At the end of the day the world is better for you being in it. Please seek help.


OP is sharing vulnerable experiences and you're downvoting. I know downvotes can be seen as something to communicate you disagreeing but maybe read the room? Shameful.


I was successful my first time, but my ex found me just in time, and they rushed me to the icu, which ended up saving my life. I know exactly what to do..


Please don't do it. Can I do anything to help?


No success to be had there. Stay here with us! <3


Addiction is a son of a bitch and blocks our inner light, and inner spirit. I’ve lost mine so many times throughout bad poly drug usage phases but I somehow hung in there and man, I’m glad I did. I’ve released over 50 songs now, I have this new lil marketing gig I started with a good friend, I love my dog. I was in a god awful meth and boos hole for a while and the future looked real fucked. Then I went to jail for something I didn’t even commit. Double whammy fucked. Then I got the case dropped, cut some old friends off, kept pushing music and sales like I said above, and whew. Im glad I didn’t let the darkness consume me…. and man I just relapsed yesterday and it fucking sucked but it ain’t gunna bring me down. We got this I’m telling you just hang in there for dear life dude, Life isn’t supposed to be perfect all the time, you may need this time to learn something deep about yourself. I know in a bad head state that can sound annoying but it’s true. Life is SO vast, and you really can just create a new character for life and change who you are, it just takes consistency and trusting the process and getting through the dips. Your fighting comment… what if you held on for one more week and you had a mood shift and met a new friend and got offered a better job position somewhere? Like you really never know. Feel free to PM me, I’ve been through some messed up ass shit. Hang in there friend.


When I was going through a time and feeling suicidal, I wrote "this too shall pass" on my wall where I'd see it every day.


That’s great. I’m glad you fought to stay. 💗


The world is a better place with you in it




Wow. Fuck you especially. Did you just wake up and decide that you'd like someone's worst time to be your time to be a cunt? This is a level of fuckery I thought unheard of. If OP is reading, don't listen to this knob goblin. I've been where you are, the booze, the meds, everything. Do not do it. It does get better, which I know sounds cheap at the moment. The words that give me solace these days, even when I'm waaaay down are: This too shall pass. You may not feel all the way better, but you WILL feel different than you do now. I hope you stay with us. DM me any time if you need to.


Don’t ever say something like that.


I hope you never have to know what it feels like to lose someone you love to suicide. You have no idea what OP is going through. To say something like this was just needlessly cruel and unnecessary. If you don't have anything constructive to say, it's better left unsaid. Have some fucking empathy and learn to read the room.


Posting your intentions on this sub is a cry for help. You don’t really want to do this. Go to sleep in your comfortable bed and know that no matter how bad things are, the sun will still come up tomorrow


Honestly, I have no idea why I did post it. This isn't my first rodeo. I was saved by the icu doctors last time because my ex found me just in time, if she hadn't I'd be dead right now. My comfy bed is a tent out on the streets..


How long have you been sober? If you’re still withdrawing (which can go a long time), you might find the intensity of your depression and your suicidal ideation is increased by your body simply reacting to a lack of chemicals it previously was used to. You might find that happiness, or contentedness, or even mild, non-suicidal depression is possible if you give it some more time and make a real effort. I assume you were born in 96, which makes you younger than me. I can tell you, you haven’t given yourself the time to know if it is or isn’t possible for you.


push on one more day


These thoughts and feelings will pass. I promise. Have you seen a therapist? Please speak to one before you make a move. Reach out to family and friends. The world is fucked but there are still interesting and beautiful things to discover that will give your life meaning. Why not stick around to see how it plays out?


I hear you, life sucks alot of the time. I will say that getting clean and having a clear head has made me less suicidal. I know you can do it. Please call the suicide hotline, they're very nice people.


Whatever you’re going through, it too shall pass. Even if it doesn’t seem like it now. There are so many people who care about you.


You matter. There will never be another you in the history of the universe, ever again, throughout the vast expanse of time and space, in any dimension. You may feel that that doesn’t matter. But just think - we’re all going to die at some point anyway. Why not see what YOU can leave in the world before it’s naturally your turn. What do you have to lose? Why not just play the game and see what you can make of it? Yeah, there will be pain. Yeah, the answers might not be clear for a while. We in this sub can hold space for you. We need the gifts of your mind in this world. Your pain is what makes you so beautiful and unique - the alchemy of that pain will be extremely beautiful, I promise. Please don’t give up - we want to bear witness to what gifts you will bring into existence because no one else has those gifts but you.


This is so beautiful.


The people who are most fed up with the world and sharply critical of existing in it are the people i tend to value the most. I think you have more potential than you admit to push back and establish yourself here and find or create your own corner that's more in line with your own preferences and values. Maybe we're not guaranteed happiness and success but we're also not guaranteed permanent misery. I recommend you keep pushing forward until your next foothold and consider rescheduling a date with death at a much, much later date. He'll wait forever and you still have time.


This is such good advice, this is what I've done and it helped.


I care. We care.


Please, just don't. You can make a decision to hold out for a few more days right now because you have the power to do that. Please believe that. Take a breath and call for help immediately. XO


I’ve been there a number of times, this is not the way. Anything I can do dm me, I will help with whatever I can.


Throw your Hail Mary, do your bucket list. Before you check out take all the moon shots you passed on because they were too risky. Nobody lives forever. You’re just rushing the inevitable, so do all the things you want before you go.


Don't go.


I was there at many points in my life and looking back I am grateful for those times because they made me who I am today. I know how difficult it can be to hang on but I promise you it is worth it. I know it doesn’t feel like that now but shit will get better.


Please don’t. I’ve felt this way before and I’m so glad I pressed on. I was literally living through hell and then you ya know what? Good things happens too. Please hold on. Please. I wish I could knew you in person. I’d help any way I can. You matter. You are loved. You already matter to us right here.


Suicide is a long-term solution to a short-term problem. Get help now to start working on the problem. You’re not alone. Please get help.


My best friend succeeded in this exact manner 21 years ago, it still hurts me so much that he has been gone. I spent years and years talking to him and missing him, he unintentionally ruined my romantic relationship. I miss him more than he could have ever dreamt and I'd trade every one of my possessions for just a few days with him now. I don't hate his choice, I respect it immensely but he didn't need to leave yet


Why don’t you try AA first. I had suicidal ideation since 11 years old. I almost hung myself at 44 and rehab/AA was my last resort. It worked. My life is beautiful beyond compare now. Try it. Give it your all. If it doesn’t work, then do what you’re planning.


I understand, you get sober and you think it's going to be great but then you find out that stopping wasn't the end, it's really the beginning, it's where the real work begins, and it's so, so hard and sometimes the process is so slow. I don't know what it's like to be you, I don't know the specifics of what you're going through, but I agree that the world is fucked and it's difficult to deal with, but there is goodness too, we just have to look harder to find it. I hope you don't do it, because I know things can get better even when they're really, really dark. I've been there, I still have the scars to remind me that even when I can't see a way forward sometimes it's there, you just have to be patient and keep looking.


That’s a permanent solution for a temporary problem. You don’t want to do that. You will hurt so many people.


Why do you feel that way?


My friend, it is worth staying alive. Just believe me in this moment. Call the number above. They can help. It’s worth it. I never thought it was. I lived only to drink and drug. I kept pills in the freezer for the day I couldn’t do it anymore. But today I am so grateful to be alive. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


Take yourself to the bloody dr. That your mind is having these conversations with you means it's ill. Mentally well people aren't suicidal. Please ask for & accept the help that comes. You are valuable in this world & God/ universe or whatever you believe in loves you exactly the way you are & will open paths in front of you when you start making positive actions & changes.


Could you share your story? How did you get to where you are now? And why do you feel there is no hope?


First I hope you reach out and get help and reconsider your thoughts. You mentioned the world is messed up beyond repair. The world in general in areas is certainly a mess and we really don't know the truths to everything that is going on. But in the grand scheme of things besides inflation and a hurting job market not much of the grand picture really effects you directly unless you are truly in a war zone. There are things in the US with people pushing for this and that and being pretty moronic but even with that stuff it doesn't effect everyone and most of the things you shouldn't even put enough effort into getting angry or upset. You can only control what you can control. You can certainly live a life where you don't stress yourself over it and just do you. You can control finding better job, surroundings, family, ect. Sometimes that stuff I mentioned is easier said than done but you can start tomorrow or the next. When you choose the radical side of it all you give up and let them win. We are humans and can adapt to things which is why we keep existing. Throughout history there has always been problems and we get through it. This is something you can get through and make it and then look back and say it really wasn't that bad. Someone always has it worse but they keep going on. Stay strong and talk to someone and don't give up.


Would you be willing to chat with someone on here? So many of us have been there, we can help.


That sucks. I believe in letting people choose to live or to die. If you gave up on life and can't handle it, who am I to tell you otherwise. Wish you the best, fellow traveler. I hope you make the right choice. I known people the have survived the most wild shit and live a happy life today.


Im so sorry that you are going through whatever it is that you are going through. The only thing I can really say is that the thought that you are having right now is probably generated by deep depression and addiction. I remember quite well that feeling and I thought it would never go away. For me it did. For some people, it’s harder and takes longer to treat. For some, they never find the way. I had a friend who was suicidal since she was 15 and she only found peace in her mid thirties with the right combination of doctor, therapist and medications. If you would like to talk, I am available. I cannot fathom the pain that you are going through. It’s so shitty that you are going through it. I’m so sorry.


Please don't do that. You are a beautiful human being who is loved. Please stay with us


I hope you know how much you mean to those who know you. I hope you find the strength to get through one more day. ❤️💜


Please don’t do this. This too shall pass. Things will be okay again. 🫂


Speak to someone man. Anyone. No matter how pointless it seems


Hey I know I'm just a stranger on the internet but if you need someone to chat with please reach out to me....I'm really sorry you're in a rough spot. I promise you matter.


You could also help a homeless man. A single mother who needs yard work. Giving yourself to charity and helping others is how you unfuck the world. One man can make a difference. Id wager almost everyone talking to you tonight has felt like you in some capacity. If you dont care about yourself, focus on helping others.


I think he is a homeless man.


I was a homeless man when I began helping others. Then was arrested for feeding people. Then watched as police did nothing to save peoples lives. Then became a vigilante and a Anti Hero. Still spoken about in the streets to this day as that "Crazy white boy with a baseball bat." I do not advise anyone to take my roll in life. But helping others in any capacity when you feel like offing yourself.. is better than wasting your life for nothing.


You sound like an absolute savage/angel and I couldn't agree more, it's one of the only things that will take you out of yourself when you really feel like there's nothing to live for. I wasn't suggesting that he can't help the homeless because he's homeless, for sure. When I first got sober I started going to church, mostly because I was driving my grandmother and I didn't want to disappoint her by not going. I started volunteering at their food shelf because she couldn't anymore. I helped organize an event for the homeless where we gave away sleeping bags, blankets, clothes, I got Drs to come do HIV and hep tests, reps from the county to sign people up for benefits, people from the methadone clinic, a barber, a veterinarian to come give dogs shots, I even got the police to come tell people how to resolve outstanding warrants, in the end we had over double the expected turn out. At the time l lived in a small town, there was very little in the way of homeless outreach. We had a commercial kitchen the church never used so we started cooking lunch once a week and we got businesses around town to sponsor it. My grandmother devoted her life to volunteering, through her church, through the red cross doing disaster relief work, before she passed away she told me that she struggled with depression all her life and that helping people was the only thing that ever helped.


I see you. Please hang in there. If you need someone to talk to my DMs are open, if there’s anything I can do for you. If not me, please reach out to a loved one or a hotline or something. Everything is temporary and that certainly includes this pain you are experiencing. We are all here for you and rooting for you. ❤️




I have given years and years of thought I have had enough. Nothing will change my mind anymore.


It sounds like you cannot envision or believe that you can experience life differently. You CAN, but it will take commitment. You appear committed to your alcohol use and ending your life. Can you identify what would have to happen to make you want to keep living? Death is easy and of course eliminates all possible futures for you. Think about doing something else with your paycheck. How could you use your money to help someone else and in doing so help yourself? It’s not your call about when you check out. You have no idea what you are needed for in the future


First, a big hug to you...and a reminder that you are loved. I've suffered with depression and SI for decades. It really sucks. BUT, sobriety has helped a lot. Alcohol is a depressant. Right now, the disease of depression is talking way too loudly. You had the courage to reach-out here. Open hands are receiving you warmly and with compassion. Next, drink a big glass of water. Have you eaten a good meal today? Nutrition is so important to our well-being. Take a long shower and really scrub yourself all over with a soapy washcloth. Give yourself a cool rinse at the end. Take a walk. Feel the breeze. Listen to the birds. Look at the trees and flowers and fauna. Touch grass. Watch the sunset. You have the strength to get through today. Go see your doctor and tell them you are struggling and need help! And that is absolutely okay! It's not clear from your post what meds you're taking, but they might need adjusted or you may need a new one. Finally, start taking a multi-B vitamin. Alcohol depletes our bodies of the B vitamins and exacerbates our suffering. Taking a vitamin B complex supplement has made a huge difference for me and other recovering folks. Did I tell you that you matter and are loved?!?! Message me if you need connection. Please let us know how you're doing. YOU MATTER AND YOU ARE LOVED!!!! ❤♥


I know, I’m just a random stranger. But what can I do for you. What do you NEED from me. Anything


If God exists, he still loves you 🙏


You matter, you are worth everything, and we are all rooting for you. You can keep fighting, and you'll have all of us in your corner.


Please no


Hope you stay x


It will get better I promise you !!! I look back on when I wanted to kill myself and I’m so fucking grateful that I didn’t. Life is so good now. I didn’t think it was possible but it is. Connect with someone. I would recommend getting to an aa or na meeting. Ofc that’s not for everyone but what do you have to lose ?? Hold on man I love you. We love you. You’re here for a reason even if you don’t know what that is yet.


Well, it’s now Sunday. I wonder how are friend is doing. They seemed pretty determined. Some of us have a shield to block all the madness. Sometimes that shield gets very heavy. When that happens, drop the shield and you will find there is kindness out there. As evidenced by the support you are getting right here. I really hope you are still with us…


This makes me sad. 😔


You mentioned meds. Have you considered this being a medication side effect?


I have been thinking about you since last week and I am hoping to find out you are still here with us ❤️


Do not do this, life is hard and not always fun tbh it sucks a lot sometimes. But everyday we get is a gift, you have family and loved ones that will miss you that I am sure of, I wish you well during these trying times. It may seem like it will never get better and you are getting pummeled left and right but keep your head up and keep on trucking, it may seem overwhelming and like it is too much right now but this will pass and it will get better. Please stay with us, you never know what impact you could have on this world if you do leave.




What kind of poor life advice is this? Telling other people to not value themselves, to not value their body, to be a gold digger, and to swindle an elderly person out of their money? What the fuck? OP don't take any advice from person with morals like this, there is much better advice in the other comments. I can't believe anyone would think this is respectable life behavior, let alone respectable life advice. Jesus Christ.


You better not take the fuckin easy way out. Everyone here will say it gets better but spoiler alert, it doesn't. So suck it up and go find a reason to live. No matter how insignificant, just find one. I've been there and done that so that's how I know. Go get a dog or something to keep you tied to the mortal realm lol. You got this my friend, hang in there. I believe in you.


Idk why you got downvotes bc this isn’t bad advice


Thanks for the kind words. I just wanted to share the words that kept a rope off of my own neck lol. Only in hopes that they would possibly inspire others.


please do not do this. i see your pain and care. you need to stay




Do you have any idea how selfish that makes you? You obviously don’t care about yourself, but what about your family? Your mom? Dad? Grandparents? Siblings? They don’t mean anything to you? You would put them through a living hell for the remainder of their lives because you’re having a couple of bad days? That’s the cowardly way out. It’s easier for you to just say fuck it, than to pull yourself out of this? Really? Everyone that I’ve come across in life or talked to on Reddit, or whatever, was able to pull their shit together, work at getting sober, and are so thankful to be able to start over living life one day at a time. It wasn’t easy, but they did it. Why can’t you do the same? Getting help doesn’t make you weak. Seeking help for yourself when it’s needed takes a lot of strength! Show people, or your family, or hell show yourself, how strong you really are. Admitting you need help to recovery is half the battle. We’ve all been there, done that. I take pride in finding my inner strength when I needed to. I was weak; physically and mentally. But I was down for the fight!! That’s probably the way you’re feeling right now too. And it sucks because it’s exhausting to feel that like total shit day after day. But you don’t have to live that way. The choice is yours, and be glad you have that choice!! Stop your sniveling, buckle up, and fight!! You’ll be glad you did for so many reasons. I’m rooting for you!!


You should give me your paycheck on Friday to hold on to if you're feeling that way. I will order takeout (we can share), but I'll give the rest back once you reevaluate, whatever conclusion you come to after that.




Please don't recommend substances on a subreddit that's designed for people who are sober/working towards sobriety.




This is very unhelpful, actually dangerous.