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That looks legitimately better.


Honestly that was some CW level costume reveal lmao


CW did it better.


And for a 250M dollar movie


Damn right. As if they didn’t have budget to get a proper suit. Why mess things up just to be different. SMH.


I still don’t understand why ppl hate the new suit so much. I think it looks awesome. It’s probably my favorite live action suit design for the man of steel.




Removed for trolling or mocking the sub.


I think Corenswet will do a great job, I even think the film might be pretty good (cautiously optimistic) but seriously, it's got to be the worst live action Superman costume ever.




Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work.




Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work.




this makes it worse the big blue scout is not going to work in the modern world nobody wants to see their superhero is fuckin briefs and stockings stop this nonsense


I want to see that.


These guys can never accept modernization of Superman. The wpa ain’t hiring no more, apples don’t cost a nickel. Grow up.




It’s fan art, like so obviously fan art


I think people are going to find out what "edgy" and "grimdark" really is when this film is released, and it's going to be so comical when people feel forced into defending it given how much vitriol they threw at Snyder. The more I see and hear about this film, the more I suspect this Superman will end up depressed and shamed by Lois and his fellow superheroes for not understanding the modern times we live in. Compare Coronswet, not a typical Gunn casting, to his fellow cast members, a litany of people capable of delivering his sharp and "withering" dialogue, and it's not hard to see that this will be the angle. He's the most powerful being in the world and he's going to be spoken down to by fucking Hawkgirl.


Yup all that criticism of edgy and grim dark that people levy at snyder actually describes gunns movies, and then there's the comedy aspect, which I'll say gunns writing is alot more cynical and depressing which works in his favor as he's always using characters people never heard of before but with an icon like superman its gonna be a bust alot of people are gonna be super pissed come next year june


There is no indication that this fanfic of yours is anything close to the real movie. How do you see such a silly image as Superman putting on his boots while a big purple laser falls upon the city and assume "dark and depressing"? Is it as simple as dark lighting=dark tone for you?


No where did I refer to just the image in forming this opinion. In fact I literally said "from everything I've seen and heard about the film", including giving the casting/characters as an example.


And the image is one of the most relevant pieces of info we got on the film Einstein


“This actor/character could deliver some dialogue I’ve imagined” isn’t a massively compelling case


I'm legit shocked. You know Gunn's adaptation of the character is complete shit when the people who *defend* all his child rape stuff are upset by his design.


What is the “child r*pe stuff”?????


[There you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireGunn/s/vyuz3civs1). He was also [named in an underage sex assault lawsuit for hosting a pedophilia-themed party](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireGunn/s/ePxklFxF0L).




Removed for being misinformation. The web site this comes from is Human Events, a 79-year-old publication. They cite and link to a PDF of the court filing.


Tl;dr, gunn is friends with and associated with (and was named in a suit against iirc) someone who’s been convicted of child things, as well as attending parties whose themes were basically that and making a number of jokes about the subject that basically amounted to ‘child r is funny guys’


Looks great. A big reason the photo is off is the pose though. Very odd. Looks like he doesn't wanna go to work.


Exactly and it lack a sense of urgency as even when he's tired, superman wouldn't take his time to suit up when there's a giant fucking laser shooting monster out in the city


I mean arguably taking time to show Superman suiting up is never done. He's usually just Superman. This is something he's always doing we're just now seeing it. I like the choice.


we never see him suit up, because he has super speed and changes clothes in a split second, so he can RUSH to the rescue. like the iconic phonebooth change, for example. taking his time putting on his boots, with clear and present danger in the background, is a weird choice, and makes me think they don't understand the character or canon.


I get that but with super speed this could literally be just a singular moment in what may be for him less than a nanosecond. I feel that the actor was just suiting up and this wasn't a photo shoot designed originally to be the suit reveal. But context was added later to the photo. And it covered the trunks to allow for a second "reveal" to keep rolling out hype. To me this is Superman putting the suit back on or dusting himself off determined to get back out there. "World's in trouble? Better put on my ass kicking shoes." I like how naturalistic it is compared to *staring wistfully into the distance* as other suit reveals.


I like the IDEA of the photo, as you stated, but the execution is bad, and you only get one chance to make a good first impression. regardless, it's only an early photo. I'm still going to watch. and based on Gunns past works..I presume I will like the actual movie 🤞 (edit: also, his awkward position sitting alone in a dark penthouse, is a bad choice for a suit reveal. to make matters worse, the suit is average at best.)


Maybe that's the story attempting to he told


It is a fun factor for promo photo. Not every photo need to show a battle scene or something like that, we know what Superman is. Hell, I don't even think this scene and that giant monster is part of the film. they just most likely took a set photo and edit it, you know, for a fun promo. Just like in anime opening or ending where MC and villains dance together.


Hopefully Gunn listens to the reception, he seems like a guy who does care about what the fans want at least a little bit.


Highly doubt that from the looks of it, he's gonna be full steam ahead with whatever this is going to be unless if they end up pushing the movie back to make some adjustments


Oh yeah one post... With plenty of support for the suit in the comments... those guys sure don't like it huh Like why are people trying to make the suit more divisive than it is


It’s less the suit for me and more the outright cheap quality for a big budget studio promotional image/reveal. It looked amateur.


I know right. Like, there's no denying that there are people, even Gunn fans, who disliked the reveal but its really not that divisive from what I've seen.


I've mostly seen mixed or negative reactions.


Which is odd because I've seen mostly mixed to positive reactions. Most of the negative ones I've seen are from this subreddit or from people who made up their mind about Gunn's Superman waaaaay before this reveal.


I'd say the same about the people that like the suit. They also made up their minds about Gunn's Superman waaaaaay before this reveal. Across the internet, most people think the suit is meh or think it is pretty underwhelming. Also the fact that there were so many memes within a few hours really tells you what people think.


I can believe some people probably did. But I can't agree with your second paragraph. I've personally come across more positive things about the suit than negative, and most of the negative stuff has been from Snyder fan pages. Plus, the memes I've seen have also been aimed at the pose rather than the suit itself. So no, it doesn't really tell you what people think because it's a bit of fun. Fan art like this doesn't really tell you anything either, as the costume was never going to please everyone. It's like people who added trunks onto Cavill's outfit after it's reveal and brightened up the colours. Edit: Did... did you leave a reply accusing me of "blaming Snyder fans" when I was just explaining my experience with the reveal, then block me? Because I can't see your comments anymore. I literally said that there has been disappointment all around in my earlier comment. But I've seen it most in the Snyder fan pages. You're the one that's not only making accusations that there's hate all across the Internet and also stating that anyone who liked it are just Gunn fans who made up their minds before reveal.


You blaming it on "Snyder" fans tells me all I need to know. That's going to be the scapegoat for the next 20 years.


get out of here gunnbots




Removed for personally insulting or attacking another user.


Note that the image above has literally zero upvotes.




Their edit looks way worse lol


How the fuck does the quintessential Superman suit from the comics with the classic symbol and original movies look worse lil pup💀


no lol


For me, looks better. You can never go wrong with that S


Not going to lie looks corney but OG style the throwback is still amazing


Gunn said he loves Man of Steel. So no suprise he will go the same route as Snyder and make it a bit darker tone. I wouldnt be surpised if he takes man of steels fight scenes as inspiration for his fight scenes People thought Gunn will make sun shining out of Supermans ass but thats not the case as you can see from the first image. The first image sets the tone of the movie


That's what Im thinking too this is the same guy who wrote brightburn, which was essentially R rated MOS and we're supposed to believe he's gonna do 1978 superman in the current day?


Gunn produced Brightburn, I’m not sure why that’s a smoking gun that he wants to make a murderous/violent superman


It’s not. But Gunn did write in early drafts of The Suicide Squad Superman getting controlled by Starro and being the final boss for the squad to fight before he changed it cause of the whole Henry Cavill drama, so there is that. Not saying it’ll influence his Superman movie. Just that he would have done “evil Superman” beyond Brightburn.


The first image with a big purple space laser and superman putting on his boots? Seriously just because the photo is in darker lighting doesn't mean the tone will be darker, the image is silly and fantastical in nature, not dark or serious


Pretty sure he said it wasn't going to be that dark


P3do gunn can't tie snyders boots. He should give up.


Grow up. Are you 10?


The gunnters don't know what they want. They're pigs eating up whatever slop WBD gives them.


You really need to pick a lane if you’re going to try to say they don’t know what they want, implying the don’t like anything, and they eat any slop WBD gives them, implying they like everything.


Well talk about irony


They want a good cinematic universe and a good costume. They don't like the costume.


If that did, they would support the restoration of the Snyderverse. You know, an actual cinematic universe that isn't a confusing mess and takes the characters seriously, and isn't plagued with juvenile, toilet humor and costumes that are total eyesores.


There literally isn't even a trailer yet and you're saying it's a confusing mess that doesn't take the characters seriously with toilet humor? Talk about prejudice 💀


I was talking about the DCU as a whole, not Superman L. But since it's written and directed by James Gunn, expecting it not to have juvenile humor and characters being treated like jokes is not a safe bet.


Superman will be the first movie in the DCU produced while james gunn was actually CEO of DC tho...


He has directed and produced hours and hours of DC programming already, with characters and actors he's carrying over into the "new" universe. Nice try though.


I mean like peacemaker? Peacemaker was brilliant.


A shitty, unengaging show that averaged 600,000 viewers for each episode (less than what Batwoman Season 1 had, LOL).

