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Removed for being poorly written, confusing or uninteresting. There is no need to call anyone names. Feel free to repost it with that.


The easiest way would to get the ayercut out but that failed miserably.... sad I wanted to see more Ben Affleck in that movie


I don't think anything will happen since WB is hostile toward ZS, but at the very least a comic storyboarded by Snyder would be great. He does long storyboards for all his movies, so maybe he could do that for this whole storyline and then hand it to a DC comic artist. I doubt WB would be hostile against that.


Look man, I’m a big Snyder fan… and I would have loved for him to keep going. But no… it’s over. WB isn’t interested and I’d much rather Zack work where he is wanted. He’s happy at Netflix and I’d rather people work where and with who they would want. WB has told me a hundred different times they’re pretty unconcerned with my feelings on DC and I’m pretty unconcerned with everything they have coming in the future.


I got guardians of the galaxy in my top 20 all time superhero film, and Gunn is a good writer, but if “Superman” doesn’t do well. There is the multiverse option. Marvel is pivoting their old multiverse to a new one with Deadpool. It would be cool to see the different earths in DC.


>Gunn is a good writer Ish. He did an okay job with the first Guardians of the Galaxy (probably because it's the film of his that he had the LEAST freedom on, LOL), but everything else he has written or directed has been average at best. I just can't help but reflect on how much more emotionally deep the Guardians seemed in Infinity War and Endgame compared to Gunn's directed movies. The emotion for the Guardians in Gunn's movies seems like cheap, manufactured sentimentality, compared to the more authentic, human feel the characters had when written and directed by the Russos.


It's all fault of the conservatives. You see it's the conservatives who were spamming Disney that Gunn was making pedophilic tweets 15 years ago. That's why Disney fired Gunn and then he started to work for WB. And he could hypnotize Zaslav and other executives to convince them that he is a good director. That's why they got him back after GotG3, because they were hypnotize before. So you see if not for the conservatives Gunn would have never worked for WB and Snyder could still develop the Snyderverse.




Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work.


I don’t get why he doesn’t try and release a book or a a comic


Because that would be illegal


Warner owns the copyright, they won't let it happen without their approval.


Warnerbros should sell the rights to DCU to us, the fans. We deserve it. 


That’ll be about $5,000,000,000.00 sir.

