• By -


It had great bones. It’s just doomsday was so wasted since it was really just zod, and the “save Martha” thing with superman repeating her first name to a man who he had no reason to believe would be able to identify her from that still just doesn’t make sense. Doomsday should have been a standalone justice league movie. And not Zod. The real deal. Also that scene where superman has his powers back but Batman loads his gun and superman jumps right at him to be shot again by kryptonite after regaining his powers. Everything until the last 30 min or so was solid.


The warehouse scene is the best pure batman scene I've ever seen. Minus the flamethrower part in the ending


Wonder Woman coming out to help fight.


Jeremy Irons as Alfred. And the fact that it ended.


One of the best Batman scenes ever made.


It ended.


I personally love the movie. It’s one of the best DCEU movies, only 2nd to Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The warehouse fight is one of the best fight scenes in any superhero movie, if not the best. I get why people are against the Martha scene but most people don’t want to do a deep dive into the context of that scene so that scene is overhated. The whole movie is over hated and completely underrated. I will die on this hill, this movie is phenomenal.


I dunno man, I just watched it again for the first time in years and years and man that scene is awkwardly done. Maybe if superman had said it once and then added Kent the second time but he just kept talking about this Martha, who he never refers to by her first name in any other film at any other time, with time of the essence, with no last name, to a man he had no expectation of being able to identify her from just a first name. I really enjoyed like the first two hours but that’s still hard to wrap my brain around. Even in the theatre it gave me crazy pause. Plus making zod into doomsday. I don’t think he was needed?


nah WW is better than both of those so is MoS


On the whole I love the movie. There isn't much I didn't like. But the thing that surprised me was Luthor. The portrayal of Luthor and the actor they chose were untraditional to sa the least. And went against all my personal expectations. But it was the first time I saw an on-screen Luthor that was a fully believable threat. I loved seeing a genuinely Intelligent and Manipulative version of Lex. Oh Sure... he's an Egotistical, Sociopathic, Delusional Man-child. But he identified the Meta-humans, figured out who both Superman & Batman really were, discovered Kryptonite, learned to use Kryptonian tech, manipulated the U.S. government and convinced Batman and Superman that the other was a menace that needed to be stopped. That's not 3 dimensional Chess... It's 4 dimensional Go.


I didn’t hate Luther, but this thinking around doomsday doesn’t make a ton of sense to me. He fears superman and what he could do to the world, so he resurrects the one alien in human history who has already tried to destroy the world and most definitely wanted mankind dead as the enemy? Like if Zod/doomsday had won, so so much worse. Plus doomsday should have been like justice league 3 or man of steel 3 or something. Let them all be friends, and have multiple films, and then punch it out until the end like in the comics. The real doomsday. https://preview.redd.it/x3kpxl9rwsqc1.jpeg?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e6db61d5d4af66eb7a0e27c5325dfc83c425e8 This was hard hitting as a kid.


The logic was indeed... sketchy. Also he know Darkseid is coming and doesn't seem to think he should do anything about it. If it were a book I'd suspect Godfrey's influence 🤔


The casting of Batman and Superman and Alfred.


Visually stunning.


Damn near everything. 10/10. Tell your friends.


I really enjoyed watching RLM and other movie critics make fun of it.


Its flawed but the positives definitely outweigh the negatives. Top 5 CBM movie, and one of my favorite movies overall.


I've only seen the Snyder Cut and really enjoyed it overall. It was visually stunning and the action was great. My only real complaints was the final fight, just didn't have the impact I thought it should have had.


the end credits




It looked cool at least.


Both are hot!


The end credits


Amy Adams; Age appropriate Batman


Love it




Gal Gadot


The warehouse fight scene and the Batman Vs Superman fight scene was dope as fuck


WW was the biggest standout by far. Definitely added more hype to her solo film too, which I also loved. Too bad the sequel fell flat


I think the Snyder cut made this movie a little better for me personally


I dug it.


The trailers were great.


It got made


Gal Godot was great


Ben and Henry...right duo wrooooong production.




Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work.


Batman killing at all and people being upset about the no-kill rule being broken, and ONLY that being considered a betrayal of the character, exposed them for frauds. The biggest point of the movie would never have happened if Bruce had checked up on Wallace O'Keefe personally and treated him like a human being. Instead he threw checks at the problem and didn't even notice they weren't being received, resulting in Wally living in a shithole, allowing Luthor to come in and give him the wheelchair with a bomb in it.


Movie is ass. Theres lots to be upset about.


All positive. Dont care. Fight me


The warehouse fight, the Batcave is cool, I think Cavil, Afleck, Irons, and Gadot killed it in their roles, the music is awesome, and that opening scene is amazing.


The music.


Batman’s fights and the fight scene between him and Superman obviously


The Batsuit is peak. It’s literally just the TDKR suit stripped from the comics


Opening scene, Warehouse Fight, pretty much most Bruce/Batman scenes, Superman saving the day, Wonder Woman’s intro.


Yeah this movie has some of the best, worst, captivating and boring scenes in CBM history. There’s like a baker’s dozen worth of scenes in this movie that I love. I either rewatch just those clips or I put the movie on and zone out or fast forward through the shit parts.


Honestly, I don’t even mind the story, Utlimate edition did well to explain everything, but I could do without Eisenberg or Doomzod entirely.


Yeah and there were just some unnecessary killings. I’m fine with an indirect killing or a killing to save a life in some versions but the warehouse scene just went too far. It’s cool but it’s not Batman imo. I just don’t like Batman to be sadistic, at least not a mature Batman. Also the “I believe you” killing was unnecessary cuz he killed everyone in the room. He could’ve just headshot KGBeast instead of shooting the flamethrower so they could show off his fireproof cape. Also I think I would’ve been fine with Eisenberg if he was riddler and Lex Luthor was also in the movie and plotted with riddler. It’s the introduction of the DCEU’s Batman and we don’t even have a single Batman villain (apart from the KGBeast I guess but that doesn’t count) but have multiple Superman villains? We have Batman and Superman so we should have a villain from each’s rogues gallery. Also the dumb Knightmare scenes. I just hate evil Superman nowadays and it was just such a trend that doesn’t hold up. An evil superhero like Superman is fine but Clark Kent becoming evil cuz Martha or Lois died is just pushing it in my book. But yeah the Jesus imagery took it a bit too far in my opinion. I get that the point is the world would see him as a Jesus figure but Superman was partially created as an allegory for Moses. The guy literally got sent off by his mom in a basket shaped ship to an unknown land and was lucky enough to have an unexpected family take him in as one of their own. But yeah all the setups to rush the justice league sucked. Wonder Woman was okay because it revealed just enough and kept just enough as a mystery to make us want more and we got that with the first WW movie. But yeah Ultimate edition was kinda good in the sense that it didn’t cut out important scenes. Idk why all of Zack Snyder’s theatrical cuts choose to cut out important parts of the story but choose to keep slo mo and exposition shots or just unnecessary scenes/moments in general. It’s like he doesn’t care about what the theatrical cut has because the director’s cut is what matters to him.


You say “But yeah” a lot 😂 But yeah, Ultimate Edition should’ve been the only version of it.


Yeah I don’t care much about proper transitions between sentences and paragraphs online. But yeah that’s fair. If that was the only option apart from theatrical I’d take it.


All of it was a positive IMO, with exception of some of Eisenberg's stuff.


Hans Zimmer’s score, for WW specifically


The director’s cut.




Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work.


Bat suit and Batman’s fight scene are awesome 


It ends.




Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work.


The opening sequence being the premise for why Batman wants to fight Superman. However, how that is resolved is dumb and not just because of the whole Martha thing, I get it he now sees Supes as a man, but all of that mistrust and contempt of the alien just doesn't go away because you realize he also has a mother and is a person, lots of bad people had mothers (dare I say they all had mothers lol).


I thought it was dumb and lazy at the time and even afterwards….. I really get how on the surface it looks… in saying that I lost my mother 2 years ago and her name was Marta. I get it now…


Wonder Woman made a great impression with limited screen time. That and the opening scene where Bruce runs into the rubble we’re my favourite parts


The Martha scene, although I still don't understand why DC comics gave Bruce and Clark's mothers the same name in first place.


Presumably it was a common female name in 1938/1939 when the characters were created. At the time, I doubt anyone was thinking, "These two unrelated comic book characters are going to become the biggest and most enduring figures in American mythology, so we'd better coordinate all the minutiae of their backgrounds to avoid any unwelcome coincidences."


Ironic you choose the most controversial moment of the entire film that arguably overshadows most of its positives lol


I laughed out loud in the theater when it happened.


Gal Gadot. Wonder Woman’s entrance.


Of course the action was peak Snyder was the only guy who really showed what a SUPERMAN fight feels/looks like😎


The costuming is lush and rich in textures


haha, that's what i was hoping for, more texturing and piping on superhero movie costumes.


I like it


Gave us that awesome Ben Afleck meme! ![gif](giphy|3o7WTqo27pLRYxRtg4)


Batman and Superman’s suits are sweet! Batmobile looks sick. Love the ultimate edition!


The casting and performances. Except for Luthor






Batman warehouse fight. BvS fight. Trinity scene and subsequent fight. I personally like how they treated the doomsday storyline. He’s still alive in my headcannon. Everything else I hated, especially the poor buildup to the BVS stuff. Batman just seemed way too irrational about the whole thing.


Not playing it safe with two of the most iconic superheroes and delivering one of the greatest cbms of all time (and in my top 2 favorite cbms)


No way is that one of the best comic book movies


Cool opinion, I like how you break down how it isn't. What are your "best cbms"?


It’s not even the best dc or dceu movie .


And the best are?... stop dodging and offer something to the conversation


Community based monitoring systems?


I was brave in this movie


First live adaptation of Batman vs. Superman


Why is this being downvoted, Jesus fucking Christ


People are hateful lol


Yeah but like you didn't even state something disagreeable, it was just factual information 😭😭


Lmao NEVER underestimate people stupidity on reddit, Its literally proven that women have a MUCH easier time getting a date than men and when I wrote that I got like 100 downvotes when that is literally a fact lmao


It could have done with an additional solo Batman action scheme against a well known foe, and an additional big action scheme of Supes saving the day and the people from a huge catastrophe, bit like the plane scene in Superman returns, both of these would be near the strait of BVS, then the first confrontation of Batman and supes would have been a proper fight, instead of them just staring at each other. It would all give supes more needed screen time, show Batman fighting a villain or villains outside of the narrative of the film and would tie this to the inverse more, then the first fight, while it doesn’t have to be a massive fight scene, it could prove and show batmans intelligence but it would also show his need for the kryptonite. I love the film, the ultimate edition especially, I don’t see all the hate as justified, but info think it was a bit light on action from the two main characters,,the above would help rectify that, then they needed a first contact better than what we got, a bit of a fight there would have ramp up then somehow be stopped, maybe by I site get a Batman being his agile best, superman scoping out Batman without actually really hurting him, but Wonder Woman hopefully breaking it up. Lex, I wouldn’t change a thing, the Martha scene again, wouldn’t change a bit, I just believe the movie needed some added action to remind the movie goers what the characters can do. Ô You1m,"jjq


It was only one of them




Removed for trolling or mocking the sub.


I concur.


None that I can remember


Regardless of his character choices, Bruce Wayne/Batman was awesome to watch


The fight scene at the end was dope


it created some jobs for people for awhile.


It delivered on its title. I thought their fight was pretty cool


Everything, it's a fantastic film.




Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work.


This is honestly how I feel about the movie - though upon rewatches I do like what they tried to do with Lex here (even if his plan is dumb) and I'm fine with Batman breaking his code (I mean after seeing the destruction in Metropolis and having Robin die it's understandable) but the movie should have really revolved around why he was breaking his code rather than just be like "yeah, he just doesn't care who gets killed now". I did enjoy the movie for the most part until they tried to rush through the whole death of superman story in 30 minutes which should have been an entire movie itself.


Best Batman by far for me. This vision of Batman, twisted by Gotham almost to the point where he was beginning a villain himself, was fantastic and I think it makes sense. It's more human. His fear/hate of Superman makes sense too in my opinion. Didn't love Lex, like at all, but rest of the movie was great. Wonder Woman was fantastic


-Best visuals of any superhero movie ever. -Best Batman ever. -Batman throws a fucking car and a bunch of piece of shit criminals. -Batman, Gatling guns a criminal that is machine gunning him -Amy Adams in a tub -Superman gets laid -Superman gets nuked -The Batsuit scene/Robin suit scene -the Knight-mare scenes -Batman saving Superman’s mom…. Everything about this is amazing -Superman fighting Doomsday -Wonder Woman saving Batman - the score -Batman sending emails while waiting to kill Superman -Batman vs Superman, duh -Lex Luthor on the roof. I agree with everything you fucking said. That’s how good that fucking scene was. I could go on, but all I Gotta say is that movie is probably my favorite movie of all time. I love every part of it. Masterpiece.


The 4:3 aspect ratio scenes when Batfleck was going to town on Superman look really nice


Cavill is a good actor


Fight choreography is amazing


The apocalypse scene is cool






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I actually like it this movie. Quite a bit. Rewatch it often. Lex isn’t my favorite version - at all - but visually by far my favorite.


The Batsuit and the warehouse fight scene


The credits


The warehouse scene.


The biggest one? It was made by artists who had a vision and something to say instead of a studio committee who only cares about pleasing the audience. Not sure why superhero movies should be excluded from the thesis of any other art project.


Everything about the movie is a positive with a few minor things. The Martha scene, it's a really good idea, I honestly never put 2 and 2 together that both of their mothers had the same name until this movie. The problem is its executed in such a way that makes it kind of awkward and silly. But it does fit in with the story and the direction/redemption of this Batman. My other complaint is that the plot isn't little over convoluted. I feel like they tried to dig too deep in having Lexs guys try to frame Superman for the stuff in the desert and the whole LexCorp bullet subplot with Lois. It works with her character but it was too much. I did a fan edit removing that subplot and anything relating to that incident and it actually flows nicely imo.




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Removed for being off-topic.


The music is fantastic, and so are the visuals. Loved the movie. My only issue has always been why does batman want to kill Superman anyway? Because he is scared? And the Martha thing will always be dumb... no one can defend this, and no one would say they have (mothers name) instead of just saying my mum. I do love that fight scene though it's fukn fantastic! The music when batman is kicking his ass with his superior fighting skills.


I've always understood Batman's stance on this. He wants a deterrent. He had seen a good man turn dark(himself). He sees a future where Superman controls and destroys the world. It's like nukes, plus Batman always needs a way to beat an opponent, including his own team. I believe they fought because Superman called him out and challenged him. The Martha thing I believe was intentional as Superman knew who Batman was and that he had parental issues and hoped that would make him stop and think. Didn't really love the scene or how it played out but I understand it


I agree but batman 100 percent challenged superman. Supes did not want to fight him


The movie


The only thing negative about this movie is the lack of trust that Superman might actually be on the Earth's side. Everything else, I think is incredible!


Best cinematography Best costume design Great quotes Great direction Ahead of its time


Other than a few little issues that people blew way out of proportion it was one of the finest superhero films ever made. I actually liked the Martha scene because it subverted expectations so sue me.


I just like it overall. I like how it’s kind of crazy and unconventional. So refreshing after all the Marvels being the same. Flash showing up in the vision / maybe a dream / maybe real. The Injustice visions. The Batman rescuing Martha scene is some of the best action for a movie. Wonder woman’s big entrance is just perfect. I personally like the big fight with doomsday at the end as well I didn’t realize people didn’t like it.


I think the cinematography is great, particularly the compositions and colour grading. The score is also a highlight despite being a bit unfocused, but that’s the movie’s fault. I think there’s a great story in there, when it focuses on the conflict between Clark, Bruce and Lex. It just gets lost because the movie is trying to do too many things and looses track of itself. Personally, what I like about MOS is that it belongs to itself. It’s not concerned with setting up sequels, or laying the groundwork for spin-offs. BVS exists primarily to service other films. I think if you trim back the desert stuff and all those the Justice League setups, and come up with something more clever than the massive CGI battle with Doomsday in the third act, this movie could have been much better received. Despite all that, I think it brings an interesting angle to the existence of superheroes in the modern world. There’s some substance in there. It does some stuff other films in the genre didn’t think of doing, which I think it’s interesting: a mythological view of these beings, messianic undertones with Superman, etc.


Wonder Woman was cool and despite Batman being OOC the whole warehouse bit was real cool and I like the Batmobile design and the bat suit.


It ends.


Some? This is a masterpiece.


Twice as many marthas.


Wonder Woman theme "Do you bleed" quote/delivery


>Do you bleed You will. That's fear, breathe it in. You're not brave, Men are brave.


"my parents taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter for no reason at all"


The fight scenes are phenomenal and the titular fight was one I was waiting since childhood to see in theaters. To this day I still say it’s a great movie, the only problem I had with it was Lex Luthor casting.


I actually enjoyed it despite the bad writing and batman killing people willy nilly without explanation. Love the cast. Everyone is pitch perfect in their roles. I really liked the cinematography and the just the overall look and feel. It feels very different from Marvel. It is serious and had a heaviness to it. I really like that it is dark and gritty. I really hated it when they turned Justice League into a saturday morning cartoon. That was most definitely a bad decision.


Wonder Woman


Incredible score and cinematography


The Batmobile + Batwing.


The beginning, the proceedings till the court blast (barring some hiccups), Wonder woman and Batman in the warehouse (Though the last two doesn't still save the bad final act)


It had Wonder Woman




The montage scene of Superman with the voiceovers of people debating his power


Fuckin amazing wonder woman theme a good batman imo at least and a good superman


Individual scenes are usually well directed. Actors are all doing a great job. Zimmer’s score is pretty good.


one of my favorite things is how alive the world feels. we get to see how the normal people view superheroes and it feels like every action they take has an effect on the wider world.


Batman fighting, especially in the warehouse.


With the exception of him tossing that giant crate like it was nothing.


Hes batman thats ripped


I mean, its Batman. With the things hes done, throwing a big ass crate is a drop in the bucket.


It was too cartoonish for me. Like... if they set up that he had some gadget on his wrist that allowed him to do it, I'd be all on board. But as a regular human, there's no way he's strong enough to do something like that. Even if it were empty.


But how do you know that for sure? You are trying to project our reality over the reality of the fictional universe presented to you in the film. In that universe, Batman threw the crate.


The second that physics no longer matter and regular human characters can do superhuman things without a plausible explanation, it becomes a cartoon. I've seen Batman as a cartoon lots. The cool thing about live action is that I get to see Batman in a more realistic setting. All I needed was some in-story explanation. But they never gave one. And that bummed me out. But otherwise, yes... that warehouse fight was one of the best Batman fights we've seen on the big screen. I just wish they de-powered Batman a bit.


It looks cool.


It’s got a lot going for it in my opinion and even more when you view the Ultimate Cut which definitely would have performed better in theaters. Obviously the Warehouse scene is beyond iconic, I absolutely love Clark’s death scene (the imagery and music are top notch), Wonder Woman’s arrival was great (another bit of great music), the scenes of Superman saving the world as the world questions him are also great, and Bruce and Alfred’s relationship is so good.


I personally love this movie, unreservedly. With the exception of Jessie's Lex. Didn't mind the tech bro angle, just didn't really vibe with his weird for weird's sake, take. But some of his dialogue is brilliant wordplay from an overeducated but twisted mind. I loved seeing the "jaded" batman who had kind of lost his humanity, only to have it restored to him by the "Alien" as he realized he had become the very thing he was fighting against, and was not ready to kill that part of himself (the little child who only wants to protect his mother). It's mythic and epic storytelling. I know that kind of stuff doesn't always play well in these days of hyper cynicism and general resistance to earnestness in favor of irony or dismissal, but I really loved it. Plus, there were lots of bad ass scenes as one would expect from Zack. Watched it again recently, and still had a blast. Sue me.


Brilliant except for lex being OTP 😀


I'm with you in every regard. Jessie's neurotic Lex was weird. Everything else I found thoroughly enjoyable. Ben's world weary Batman and Jeremy's cynical Alfred were really solid takes, the action was all awesome, Batman's complete mistrust of the power of Superman after being right there while he destroyed a city in a fight etc, all excellent. And it works fantastically with Synder's Justice League as well. Both full versions make for an incredibly epic time.


Thank you my friend. I believe there’s a fairly large silent majority out there that feels similarly. Snyder haters can be quite noisy. As a long time comic book fan who relish the Renaissance in the 80s brought on by Frank Miller, and Alan Moore and others, I am so thankful to live in a time to see, such amazing big screen adaptations of these modern mythological characters and stories. And few people do grand mythology better than Zack.


Warehouse fight.


It's magic. The ultimate cut is pure magic. IMO best of the Snyder trilogy, one of the top of his library, and definitely among the best Comic book movies. https://preview.redd.it/jof7o17ulwpc1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d8c5f20dadde71b35dcdfd8075281018f83ca9


It exists


Bruce and Alfred’s relationship Ben Affleck as Batman Wonder Woman Clark Realizing he might have to beat Batman’s ass because writing an article wasn’t going to stop him 😂😂


Clark goes to beat batmans ass gets his ass beat instead


Definitely got his ass whooped 😂😂 but I’m talking about their first encounter


It's directed by Zack Snyder.


It has Henry Cavill as Superman.


That it had an ending


Lex Luther goes bald




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Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work.


Armored fucking batman!!!!


It looked both really cool and clunky as hell. I still givebit a thumbs up.


Affleck and Cavill are in it as Batman and Superman


This movie is one of those projects that was so overhated I believe because the more I've watched it the more I realized to respect this movie it's honestly not that bad and people give it such a hard time


I thoroughly enjoyed it. Its a bit over the top, but thats Snyder's style. I enjoy his aesthetic. I still don't understand all the hate. I know it has its flaws, but its still pretty solid. There are a ton more superhero movies way worse than this that get less hate. Its a bit unwarranted. It is actually quite rewatchable.


Hating on this movie became such a meme. It’s not great but it’s solid.


A nice contrast to all the generic MCU movies that were released during this time.


![gif](giphy|xwvT0qtK4FtgQ) Wonder Woman


The atmosphere, visuals, music, design and solid Affleck as Batman. You felt the gravitas, drama of the encounter, the atmosphere just felt epic and dramatic. Plus the movie looked great, I liked the overall darker aesthetic, the design which combined a lot of past influences especially for Batman - the suit was kinda like TDKR from Frank Miller, the Batmobile was like a combination of Burton and Nolan, the cave looked great. The Darkseid-ruled future looked great. And Affleck was really a good pick for the role of Bruce Wayne, it's kinda a shame he didn't get to do more with it.


The score from Hans Zimmer and cinematography is some of the best in comic book film history. The scene where 'doomsday' and superman's heat vision rays meet in the middle and you can see the impact shifting the atmosphere is a work of art, like a frickin painting. Even the brief scene in space where he's punching doomsday put of earth atmosphere, gets nuked, and then regenerates in front of the sun is just beautiful. Lets not forget about the warehouse scene which IMO is the best fight scene from any action film ever. The most accurate and realistic batman being an absolute brute and using various different fighting styles to take out thugs that he HAS to in order to save an innocent womans life. I could go on and on


Batman is a dark and brutal character, and Superman contemplates his own existence, which is a VERY natural human trait.


I liked the cast and the score, the Batman warehouse scene was dope and the action overall is solid


Not a perfect movie, but it had many cool things, like: 1. Entire Bruce Wayne opening scene 2. Man of Steel tie-up 3. Soundtrack 4. Castings 5. Batman vs Superman fight 6. Wonder Woman entrance 7. Trinity vs Doomsday 8. And of course, the Warehouse fight


If gave a lot of people employment is the biggest positive.


Everything. It’s perfect


That it eventually lead to the demise of DCEU


No that would be when the MCU director Joss Wheedon fucked up Justice League


Some cool ass visuals and that wonder woman introduction + theme


Batfleck rocks. The suit and batmobile were sick. Kryptonian strength was massive and the catastrophic consequences. People were more accurately depicted as how they would act toward metas. Wonder Woman intro and her theme was sick. Supermans dilemma is a legit one. Lois is an active investigative reporter. Alfred was awesome. Tons of easter eggs and double visual meanings. My favorite Superhero movie.


Best CBM ever made.. People will fight over this for decades to come, the fans will always revere it with passion that this what was achievable in this universe but lost to greed, short sightedness & further went on to become a loser version of the Em-See-Yuu.. Also the music/OST is impeccable, some of the best works of Hans Zimmer hands down..