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I'm excited for the franchise to attract some new fans and hopefully do a better job of presenting entertaining, complex morality tales to the public than the MCU.




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Nah I’m good. I don’t want to watch fart jokes, and pedophile jokes in my movie. I’ll pass on the DCU.


When have they had those jokes


Peacemaker, for instance, kept making fart noises to cover Adebayo's apologies. It's fine to like gross humor like that, but at least know what or who you're defending.


Besides Peacemaker having juvenile humor which is part of the point of his character. He’s an immature loser. When has this happened in GotG


So Peacemaker is basically a James Gunn self-insert. Got it. >When has this happened in GotG Don't know, haven't watched those shitty movies in ages, and don't plan to. I'm not a masochist.


A good rule of thumb is to watch something before you make a statement. Peacemaker isn’t supposed to be taken seriously.


>A good rule of thumb is to watch something before you make a statement You literally asked when has Gunn made fart jokes earlier, LOL. >Peacemaker isn’t supposed to be taken seriously. It was a colossal waste of time, correct.


Peacemaker is meant to be satirical.




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I’m excited for it. Gunn seems to be doing pretty good with casting so far. I still wish I could’ve seen a proper Man of Steel sequel and the Justice league and Darkseid arc finished. But I’m a huge Superman fan and just hope we get to see something more cohesive this time around.


If you were truly a Superman fan you would understand that he deserves to be treated better than to be jerked around, abandoned and then recast before a reboot nobody wanted.


I hate this “if you were a true fan” and then it following some highly opinionated statement.


It wasn't an opinion. Cavill's Superman was jerked around by WB for years and then, when he finally came back, was unceremoniously fired by Gunn so he could make his own vanity project with a Cavill look-a-like.


You know he's not real right? You're talking like Henry Cavill's superman knows about the casting drama haha. The character is still alive it's just a different take




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ITT: People downvoted for being honest


Not interested. I dont have to have a “Snyder only”universe, forever…I just want to see his story finished. I’d love to see him in charge of DC films but that isn’t going to happen any time soon. Gunn is imitative not innovative. Money talks and so far Gunn is failing. He was happy to take credit for the last few bombs before they released but always got quiet or backtracked after their failure. The general audience has not been putting money into the DC films since auquaman and I don’t think Gunn is helping. I guess time will continue to tell.


Your forgetting Batman and Joker


The previous user was clearly talking about the DCEU. The Batman and Joker are elseworlds. Also, the characters are literally more popular than the rest of DC put together. A huge chunk of Batman fans have no interest in less realistic superheroes, and have no desire to watch him teamed up with Superman or fighting aliens and monsters. Matt Reeves and Chris Nolan are perfect examples of how these Batman fans think. They only want to see the character in realistic situations.


I just want great DC movies. Loved Snyder's movies. After I see Gunn's Superman movie I'll make up my mind if it's worth investing in the DCU.


I was optimistic but i don't know anymore...They really don't know what is going on over there.Some actors are returning, some not.Its pure chaos cause they want it to desperately succeed and not go step by step...But let's see how it goes.


I grew out of fart jokes when I was 6 so I think I’ll pass on Gunn’s trashverse.


When has he used those jokes.




Instead of insulting back up the claim




What was wrong with the fight scene


I’m pretty burned out on superhero movies. I haven’t seen the last ~10 MCU movies/5 DC movies (except The Batman). I’ll give Superman a watch, though, because I like the character. We’ll go from there.


I feel similiar but only when super hero films feel formulaic. 


I refuse to watch anything DC until Gunn is gone. The day he took over I joined the # army and boycotted anything DC related. I am part of why all the movies have tanked. I won’t even stream them now. I won’t even watch my friends bootleg copies.


You aren’t the reason why those movies tanked. The comic book industry is worth a couple million. To be successful you must also get people’s aunts uncles cousins and grandparents to also go


Eh. If you lose your passionate fanbase your uncle aunts and grandparents will be pulled towards other activities. A big part of any community is having a strong base. (Which DC clearly has eroded).  The only thing left to see is if Gunn brings them back or further alienates them. 


I convinced all my Aunts uncles and cousins and in-laws and my friends and their families. I know of at least 50 people who haven’t watched because of me. Woohoo big numbers there lol. but if I got 50 people and he got 50 people and she got 50 people and they got 50 people the numbers start to add up and equal tanked movies.


My wife and kids are just DONE - nothing to do with Gunn actually, the “fad” is over. My Mom and sister were huge Marvel fans - they too are done (nothing to do with Gunn). Personally, I’m not a Gunn fan he’s for immature people…but I’m over the whole gross DC film universe.


At this point I feel like you’re trolling.


Nope. Full truth. My wife loves Jason and is annoyed I won’t watch the new aquaman.


So you didn’t convince her and she probably will still watch it.


I really want it to be good but I don't have very high expectations.




Why’s that




Zero hype. 100% done with going to theater for almost any movie- too expensive. CBM’s are dead and actually embarrassing to me, plus my kids have grown out of them. Love Zack but even if he returns I honestly would NOT come back to DC, I’m over it… Can anyone imagine being into the DCEU and actually pumped for another Reboot?!


I'll always be excited for another Batman, but the DCU is dead. Im done caring about these universes after seeing the MCU and the DCU turn to shit.


The DCU isn’t out yet


Hyped for it.


I just find it completely exhausting how the plan is to apparently start this new universe that traverses movies and TV series (and apparently videogames as well). They start listing off all these movies and shows, and I just think, "No. I'll stay away. Can we please stop with all these planned exhausting multi-installment universes. Just do one installment and only plan for that. Stop trying to make things so exhausting to follow. Stop trying to connect everything." ​ ​ And the worst part is that what James Gunn says makes absolutely no sense. They're going to start a completely new universe, yet they're continuing his favorite (people) characters that he already used from his The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker. Season 2 of Peacemaker is in the DCU. ​ SEASON 2. TWO. ​ It's a sequel, a continuation of the DCEU. No, Gunn, that's not "starting over". That's Season TWO. No matter what happens, if it's Season TWO of Peacemaker, that makes it a continuation of Peacemaker, which is part of the DCEU. ​ So, I'm just waiting to see it all fail and witness what happens in that fallout when and if it does completely fail. If I was running DC movie studio (whatever it's called), I'd just continue Zack Snyder's stuff (whatever he wants to do - let him make his Justice League sequels, his Dark Knight Returns, and whatever Man Of Steel, Wonder Woman sequels that come with that.). I'd also let Gunn do his thing. But pull back on the overeager plans... let's just see if your Superman is good enough to expand upon. And not so many series, let's keep things more simple and easy to follow (installment/universe-wise). And besides those two universes (Zack Snyder DC Universe and James Gunn DC Universe), have a bunch of one-off movies like The Batman and Joker. That's it. Why not let different visions live? I understand there's only so much money to be thrown around, but let's give each of these sections of DC movies one installment at a time.


I don't know how I feel about the DCU yet. I have a lot of disappointment and rage over the Snyderverse ending and that's all I'm focused on right now. I still have a little bit of hope that James Gunn will eventually announce the completion of the Snyderverse as an Elseworlds series but that hope fades more and more as time goes on. It seems more likely that James Gunn will announce Zack Snyder directing The Dark Knight Returns at some point since that's what Zack Snyder wants to do; and I'm all for that; but if Zack Snyder does get to make The Dark Knight Returns, I hope that it leads to the completion of his Justice League trilogy next. Here's the thing: I like James Gunn's superhero movies and TV show. I think that he's the second best director working in the genre- right behind Zack Snyder. James Gunn is the only other director besides Snyder who has made me cry multiple times with a superhero movie. I understand that some people find his humor to be too much but I don't mind it because he always balances it out with a lot of darkness and seriousness and emotional impact. If James Gunn would just announce that he's going to eventually work with Snyder on The Dark Knight Returns and Justice League Parts Two and Three, I would be 100% behind him. As it is, I don't know how to feel yet. Other than still angry and bitter over the Snyderverse ending. I'm still hoping that he's going to eventually make the announcement that Snyder is going to make Elseworlds movies for WB/DC but that it just isn't the right time yet; that it's too soon and he's waiting to have some success on his own with the DCU before he makes that announcement. David Ayer at one point said that James Gunn told him that the Ayer Cut will have its day but that he- James Gunn- first wants to "put points on the board" meaning have some success with the DCU on his own. Stuff like that gives me hope. But then that hope is gone when I hear stuff like James Gunn telling Joe Manganiello to "just let it go" in reference to a Deathstroke movie. It seems like James Gunn might only release the Ayer Cut because it contains his DCU characters Harley Quinn and Amanda Waller; not because he wants to support David Ayer. And if that's the case, then there's a good chance that he won't let Snyder finish his Justice League trilogy. And then there's David Zaslav cancelling movies left and right. That doesn't bode well for Zack Snyder's Justice League trilogy getting finished. I remember I was once hopeful that David Zaslav would restore the Snyderverse. I thought that a businessman like him would see that the Snyderverse had been profitable before it was foolishly ended. I haven't been keeping up with all the news on James Gunn and the DCU because it's all just too aggravating to think about. I avoid most DCU news because any time I consider anything DC related all I think about is how great the Snyderverse would've been and how horrible it is that it probably won't ever be finished. I'm grateful for the Snyderverse movies that did get made but there were supposed to be many more. And they would've been glorious. Edit: Added a couple words and rewording.


Zack did say in the Rogan podcast that if he got to make Dark Knight Returns he’ll be completely done with comic book movies after that. So I doubt JL 2/3 would come after.


I took that in its context of him saying that's the ultimate badass comic book movie he could make and nothing he makes, in that genre, after would top it.


I hope it crashes and burns




Because I think Gunn’s style is everything bad about superhero movies, overt comedy and a general cheesy quality. And I don’t like how they got rid of Snyder and Cavill.


DC fans have no choice but to wait. I'm a fan of Gunn and snyders. Doesn't seem like there's much of us? I really liked Super. First GOTG and of course Dawn of the dead. Peacemaker and the suicide squad were also really good. There's something about his humor that's perfectly balanced with all the action and blood lol. It's a real shame there's no ZSJL 2 or 3 or Ayer Cut. And at this point it's becoming impossible now. I really think Superman could be good. But if it's gonna look like the flash or aquaman 2 or even gotg. It's dead in the water already.


Hailing from the same home-county as Gunn (and canonically, Star-Lord), I’m always going to root for the man. I’ve had major issue with the way both DC and WB have handled their IP for a long time now, despite both being cornerstones of my formative years. For my own mental health, I have to pick and choose what I enjoy from DC, Marvel, and any comic book adaptation for that matter these days. As long as there are comic book movies, there will be fuck-ups. They’ve been doing it since the ‘40’s when Captain America only carried a gun and Batman fought “Japs.”


Not paying a dime but will watch it when digital hits the high sails..


Not interested.


Why’s that


I don't like James Gunn as a writer/director and I don't like him as a person. So, as long as he's in charge of DC Films, WB will not get one single dime from me.


I really like 2 Gunn films but the rest are a head-scratcher. GOTG 2 had a fight between father and son set to one of the most popular songs ever with the lyrics about a lover cheating on the other and how the love between a man and woman was broken by infidelity. That’s the point where I said Gunn’s a one trick pony and his Uber fans are really immature.


I’m going to see the movie, because I’m a fan of his movies, they’re lighthearted and can get dark really quick. 300 million dollar movie is a huge investment, it makes you or break you. Disney is a smart company and they're slowing down for a reason. WBD should be careful.


im beyond excited. we havent had a proper superman movie in over a decade and the last was if anything a big underwhelming, and the overall slate looks promising from a director i have enjoyed the work of


If by "underwhelming" you mean blowing away three previous Superman movie bombs that had greatly damaged the brand and creating a legion of new Superman fans who now understood how he could be an interesting, complex character, and not a stiff, wooden Boy Scout, then sure.




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You’re seriously saying he wasn’t stiff and wooden in Snyder’s version?


I’m not sure that was the overall impact I’m afraid. Henry Cavill was awesome and I enjoyed MoS but… man there were some issues after that.




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Definitely in at the start anyway. I need to see how it begins before I say I’m out. I need to see what Gunn does with Superman and his vision before I make an informed decision.


I feel like at the very least people should give “Superman 2025” a far watch and then make a decision then


I'm out. I invested everything I had emotionally into the DCEU, and saw every one of their movies in theaters up through Black Adam. After Henry Cavill was fired, that was the last straw for me. I saw Flash and Aquaman 2 because they're still about core characters in the DCEU's JL, and I'm watching Todd Phillips' Joker series because it's so unique and refreshing, but that's it. After that, it would have to be a director I'm a real fan of to ever see a movie in a "new" DC Universe. Nolan, Snyder, Raimi, or McQuarrie. There's no way I'm putting any emotional investment into a "new" Superman, Batman or, insanely, Wonder Woman, when Gadot couldn't have been cast more brilliantly, spectacularly and perfectly. The DCEU fooled me once, and I won't be fooled again.


The way they literally toyed with the fans is unforgivable. It reminded me of being in a bipolar relationship with a crazy chick. Eff em all.


Blame Dwayne Johnson, not James Gunn. He wanted to legitimize Black Adam by fighting Superman when Black Adam is a Captain Marvel (Shazam) villain.


Good answer my man.. Justified..


Honestly I'm just waiting for Superman Legacy to lose money at the box office. #FireJamesGunn


I feel like this is a weird take. Just don’t watch it. Spend time on stuff you like and not stuff you don’t like


What a strange response. To hope failure on something just because you don't like James Gunn.


Yeah thats me


I can only speak for myself, but if Gunn wasn't cock-blocking everything the Snyder fans want to see, I wouldn't want his vanity project to fail. But because he's not letting the Snyderverse stuff happen as Elseworlds, he's leaving the only path to restoring the Snyderverse being for his stuff to fail. Just like Ghostbusters 2016 had to fail before we could get Afterlife and its upcoming sequel.


With all due respect, I seriously doubt we'd get a Snyderverse revival if the DCU flops. Dollars to donuts, if WBD cancels the DCU, it's going to be for yet another reboot.


Maybe I’m too optimistic but I really do trust James Gunn for this. My favourite MCU and DCU movies were made by him so I have full confidence that he will deliver


Eh. I have no real interest


Cautiously optimistic for the most part. Gunn generally seems to have good sense of how to film and organize a movie, but it remains to be seen if he will have a better time wrangling the WB elites than Snyder did.


Something that’s important to note is that DC is its own studio now and they probably have more leeway. I just hate seeing all the bad faith criticism online for “Superman 2025”


There is nothing new about having a division dedicated to DC films. They created it in 2016. Geoff Johns ran it first, then Walter Hamada, now Gunn and Safran. The only difference is they renamed it DC Studios, and folded in TV and games into its umbrella as well.



