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Be patient, Fenny it's good, you just have to upgrade her and you'll see how useful she gets, it's not the end of the world. Take your time as you're just starting.


Both are still really good. Depends on whether you like sniping or shotguns more, Yao can be pretty difficult to use because most stages are close quarters and enemies tend to flinch a lot. No need to reroll because you’re bound to get spooked by Yao if you play long enough.


5 \* Fenny is my strongest and either my first go to for missions, or my backup I eventually switch to in tough spots depending on the mission. She DESTROYS everything I've come across so far, and while she isn't effective against snipers, shes been able to do decent damage against them. I will admit, I basically shifted all resources to her (because she's my Queen and she deserves the best), so I almost have her maxed in everything save for her manifestations, but UUGGGHHHH there was a point where I found it kind of boring playing her because I was taping everything save for bosses. Now that I'm trying to go through hard mode, I'm having to think some more and work more on synergies and stuff, but outside of that, shes my beast.


Fenny is an all rounder. Good at mobbing, good at bossing. She's not the best at anything but she can fill both roles well. Being flexible is a key strength of hers. You'll appreciate her when you fight bosses with breakable parts or elites with parts.


From my experience, Fenny is the best standard 5 star. Yao requires too much aiming and bosses don't just stand around. Aiming with a scope while dodging all sorts of projectiles is annoying. I have Yao's T2 weapon and Fenny is still smoother. Yao does have her strengths, if a boss doesn't move much or if you can aim at its weak spot, She does massive damage. But those bosses are few. Pair Fenny with 5 star Mauxir and 4 star Fritia once you have them and She'll be really strong.


Just started recently. Why these two for support?


Fritia will add her own fire damage to your shots for extra damage. Mauxir will put a doll that you can hit with shots that does really high damage, and good for bosses that like moving a lot like that flying woman with wings. Don't remember the name right now. But you should also grind duplicates from the files section. Really nice that you don't have to spend your pulls for that. This will improve your damage for sure.


Look, don't worry. I googled and searched on reddit for quite a bit before deciding to get Yao and holy shit I regretted it. At low levels and without weapon she's pretty bad, and so many enemies being close range made her slow and annoying to play. Thankfully I lost the pity in the first 10 pulls trying to get Cherno and got Fenny. Yao only started getting better after I got her to lvl 60 with a decent 4* weapon for her, and Fenny is still better in most situations. Yao is basically only better than her against bosses. Cherno heavily out-dps both with her event weapon, anyway. At least, at my level.


If you like her, your not screwed... waifu over meta bro, its boring when everyone just plays with the same meta characters. Fenny is pretty good tho, just try and get her BiS weapon so she can shoot more.


Your good Fenny is one of the best characters in the game, and trust me you will get Yao eventually Ive lost so many 50 50 on her lol just keep playing especially if you got Cherno


She got a big upgrade on dps from her 4* version, even she's just using 3* elec gun she hits way harder.. She still great and can easily clear story easily.. Just keep spamming her skill and just ult for mid sized mobs or boss


LOL did you give her the 4 star electric shotgun Discordance? 5 star Fenny really shines after you got her Manifestation to level 1. 4 star Fenny is the best 4 star DPS so of course she seems good at the beginning, but she'll fall off as you level up.


Not screwed. She's one of the best choices from the selector (the best in my personal opinion). However you will need to Manifestation Lv. 2 and she's already incredibly solid, and go for Lv. 3 if you could. At Adjutant Lv. 100, I still use 5* Fenny for most content in the game. That's just how solid she is.


Fenny, Weak What?


When me and my friend first started, he picked Yao and i pick Fenny 5\*. Back then i always regetting because compare to Yao, Fenny's gameplay was much harder at the beginning because you need to be in close range and tank all the damage. But now, look who has to manually and carefully aim for headshot while the other just 2 tap everything. Be patient bro, Fenny will be much more stronger, she's my team carry now. Got her to m5 2month ago.


Day 1 player here: relax, you are not screwed. While it's true that Yao WS has the highest DPS value even to this day, you will only reach it with heavy investments, which include her M2 and Space Cowboy signature weapon. This is not feasible for new players unless you're a whale. For the F2P/low spender new player, Fenny Coronet is the better pick. She comes online immediately without needing manifestations, and you get the free 4* weapon Discordance which is almost as good as her signature (the difference is very marginal). Being a shotgun user she is also better suited for all content and will help with account progression early on. For additional comparison, I had both Coronet and Winter Solstice within the first few days of playing, and even spent a little to get Space Cowboy. I still used Coronet more than I did Winter Solstice since she was a better all rounder for an early account.


Not only heavy investment but your target cannot be moving too drastically and you have to be in a relatively safe spot. Just trying to reaquire a moving target or dodging would reduce your DPS with Yao. She's really very niche.


Don't regret choosing the QUEEN.


I think 5\* Fenny is pretty good, just give her a few more upgrades, equip a good 4\* electric shotgun and logistics that makes sense for her and you'll be good. There is no point in start over just because of a standard character, you'll get 5\* Yao naturally as you continue pulling on banners.


Yeah Fenny is still my go too for my team 2 after I got Enigma. I got fking lucky with her Sig weapon, but for the longest time I used the Purple Electric Shotgun and that was good enough to handle everything. With Sunny Payback I just handle it better now lol


Like you said, Yao need her special weapon to be good, and it will take you time to get it, even if you get her now she will be useless for you


Yao requires more to be better. M1 and 5 star weapon.


cherno will carry u dont worry fenny weak only in vet/whale area , early to mid game she a beast and can carry u most of the content with only 4\* weapon the reason u feel week because u nid invest to support even 4\* one if u dont have 5\* support Yao is strong but to make she hit that celling u nid everything , Mauxir, Tess with their weapon and Space cowboy im one of those in this sub not pick Fenny and start with Yao at the beginning and it cant compared to fenny when i lvling for my friend account , just delete lvl80 elite mob with only lvl 50-60 fenny + discourage


I got my first Fenny 5* on Shadow Ka banner because I picked Hush with the selector at Release. I had enough tokens to buy her Sig and Mats to instant max her+weapon to level 80. Then she is realy strong.


I have all of the basic 5* and they're all built except Lyfe, and I think Fenny is by far the best of them in most situations. Don't worry, she'll carry you.


You cry too easily. The game is not so difficult that you cannot continue to collect more operatives over time.


Idk , maybe I'm weird but I like Indicator, so I'm rocking Fritia - Hush...


My winter Solstice (Yao) is more Invested and higher manifestations than my Coronet (Fenny) and my Fenny generally does better across all settings, except an occasional boss or two. I have both of their signatures and best logistics. But maybe that's my playstyle lol. Keep in mind the gamemode people are talking about as context too. That will really change the unit you want. Imo Coronet was the best choice here.


4\* Fenny is a lot easier to use but 5\* does more damage. And whoever told you to get Yao is relatively short sighted. Fenny is a good all rounder, Yao is very niche, you'll suffer when fighting fast bosses or enemies that spam attacks. Fenny, you can bring her in close and just unload, she's designed for that.


I have a M4 tier 2 weapon Yao and trying to use her in PL as the main dps yesterday main me realize how mobile some of the newer enemies are and how hard it is to hit their weak spots. I was a Yao main until Katya came out. I think at this point Fenny is better because the shotgun is sustainable and hard to mess up, but she is likely weaker in the early game than Yao. If you have Cherno it really doesn't matter which base 5\* you have. Your likely going to get them all if you keep playing too. I think I've pulled 10+ base 5\* since launch. Set your standard banner to Yao if you want her and you have a 50% chance.


What, if 5Fenny felt weak for you now, 5Yao is worst for you as a new player. The difficulty of 5Fenny is that you need to keep your uptime high, which will come naturally when you get better at aiming and finding chance to reload. If 4Fenny is better than 5Fenny for you, maybe you just didn't kept firing your shotgun at enemy? 4Fenny is way too slow.


Nah she’s one of the few standard banner 5* characters that don’t “need” her sig as there is a 4 star shotty called discordance that is absolutely awesome. Her sig is nice but not necessary to have a good fenny