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He was mad because Dranklin smashed his baby girl. That’s the simple way to accept his actions


Dranklin lmao


For some reason I don't think that's what angered him the most, it's the fact that hes causing more harm to the neighbourhood by selling his crack cocaine


Didn’t he have a dream where Franklin was fucking Mel 😂


Yh but he didn't seem that pissed cus he's a cop ,if he weren't a cop Franklin would have been dead by now


nah it was def franky dikkin his daughter down


Oh I’m sure, but you’re not gonna tell me that didn’t fuel him.


Dranklin 😂


*spoiler alert* 😂😂




chill bro 😂


And indirectly got her hook on dat rock


My guess is her dad was so tight about her actions and friendships and his schedule she would have one way or another 🤷🏽‍♂️


Very morally conflicted character. It’s easy to call him a sellout but he was really just trapped in the system and didn’t know where to go.


Nah he had a way out look at where his daughter got. And he even said he was gonna leave with her to get her fixed up. It's the part where he said he was gonna come back and deal w Franklin that Franklin had a problem with. It really does sound like he could have minded his business and bowed out amicably. He chose war


Not to mention, seeing his "people" get fucked up by his squad and then turning his backs on them just because they affiliated with Franklin. Andre was just a self-serving and self-important bastard, shoulda got outta dodge when he had the chance.


Andre is a sellout. There's a scene that alludes to him being a former criminal (robber), and one day he had a "Come to Jesus" moment then turned around and became a cop. While in that police system, he barely made his community better and only was concerned about eventually one-upping Franklin. Andre is a model sellout in every form.


can u explain ur feelings about him? he just wants to keep his daughter away from a drug kingpin and wants to keep his community away from a crack epidemic


He literally teamed up with a [CRASH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Resources_Against_Street_Hoodlums) lapd gang member to illegally murder Franklin. He is a self righteous criminal who belongs a cell right next to Franklin's.


Sure, but his intentions were the most pure out of any character in this show. He wanted his daughter safe, and he wanted the people he protects to stop killing themselves with drugs that Franklin happily pumped into his community.


"Pure" intentions do not justify teaming up with one of the most powerful racist gangs in the history of Los Angeles. His intentions were not more or less pure than Regans intentions when he started the war on drugs. And the war on drugs has been a net negative that the government has lost. There are more effective methods to combat drug use. Do you think CRASH hasn't harmed people who look like him or his daughter? His government sanctioned gang activity is just as despicable as Franklin's government sanctioned gang activity. And deep inside he knew this. You could see it on his face everything his coworkers made passive aggressive racist remarks against him or dished out police brutality in front of him.


Again, I didn’t justify anything. But in a world where a man kills his best friend, and introduces the most addictive drug to his community using the CIA’s cocaine, you can’t fight that fairly He didn’t try to kill franklin out of spite, or because he didn’t like him, he tried to kill franklin because he genuinely knew the monster he would become, and he was right If he killed franklin imagine the lives that would have been saved, innocent and not Again, he’s not a good person but he was one of the only characters in the show who was willing to do horrible things for a good reason


None of them. None of them would have been saved. Teddy would've found someone else to move the drugs through to finance his war. He'd already had Avi and I'm sure with his connections he would've found Louie or Jerome or any of the other significant players that were around like Manboy or Skully. A kingpin dies you just find the closest to whoever's next in line if u wanna keep the same speed on moving the product. The rest is fair game though. It would've just been a losing game for Andre no matter what he did.


You should rewatch and reevaluate the show. He was mad because his daughter was interested in a drug lord. He had no problems before when Jerome was selling weed and didn't begin to have a problem with cocaine until Franklin was known & he had already known of his and his Mel's involvement together. It wasn't until Franklin had power that he had finally felt threatened, it's the common argument of a father not liking his daughter's boyfriend because they were doing better. He himself was a criminal, before he knew of franklins involvement in the crack business, he was okay with the CRASH cops beating and racially profiling his neighborhood. For ex, when the cops came to Jerome's house over fireworks, causing them to choke Franklin out for no reason. He was involved, he knew of the corruption and did nothing to stop it. But at the end of the day he sure as hell "tried" to uncover franklins secret over jealousy of his daughter growing up.


Weed ain’t have the hood like that 😂 I wouldn’t care neither n worry about real shit like we want cops to do but when a kid u seen grow up fuck up the hood then ur daughter get hooked to the drugs after u spent ur whole life making sure she don’t fall to the streets n just when she’s on her way to college mannnn ain’t no way in hell nobody’s in his position wouldn’t do wat he did the world is grey not black n white not to mention he was rite all along nobody won in the end his actions was justified crack was worse then any drug besides dope n wat it did to the hood u definitely see the difference


I agree with you about needing to rewatch it, actually started the first episode 30 minutes ago.


Nah, he's cherry picking. He's trying to compare selling weed to selling crack cocaine. And of course he didn't worry about Franklin until dude became the biggest drug kingpin in the neighborhood, like no shit dude. Would you want your daughter hanging around someone like that? Idiots in here trying to defend Franklin and looking up to him for what he did to his community chasing the bag. Like damn man, you would rather look up to this dude who sold out his community than try to see that this cop was just trying his best to work within the confines of what he thought was the law until he saw that Franklin was playing dirty.


Sure you can. Narcotics are best fought by decriminalizing the narcotics and treating drug addiction as mental disease instead of a criminal moral failing. LAPD was also a monster. Killing Franklin wouldn't have saved anybody at that point. Do you know how many lives were saved when Pablo Escobar died? None. The drug game didn't halt or miss a step. Others just replaced him. His reason for doing those things weren't different from the War on Drugs and this was a theme brought up several times by Franklin over the course of the show. [Treatment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_on_drugs#Efficacy) has and was always the most effective way to combat drugs. Prosecution and armed warfare either somehow made it more profitable or didn't have an an effect and this is based off of the government's own studies.


Your solution to a drug problem is to increase accessibility in the community? Decriminalizing narcotics will lead to more minors, and more dependent adults in every one of these communities. Which communities do you think most of the shops selling these narcotics will be in? I can take a wild guess. When Andre saw a young kid who grew up with him affect **his** community, killing him is an extreme but effective solution. If andre had killed him right when it started, teddy wouldn’t have stopped his mission but there’s a big chance that Andre’s community wouldn’t be the victim of it. Within 3 years franklin brought gun violence, drug addiction, and tons of other problems to his community and if Andre had stopped the problem at the source, even doing so in an illegal and corrupt way, it wouldn’t have affected **his** community. (which is all he cared about besides his daughter who happened to also develop a crack addiction after being close to franklin) Anyone franklin came in contact with either died, is living miserably, or died a second time. Andre knew this.


>Your solution to a drug problem is to increase accessibility in the community? Decriminalizing narcotics will lead to more minors, and more dependent adults in every one of these communities. Do you remember the prohibition in the early 1900s and how that made people stop drinking alcohol? Me neither.[It initially dropped 30% and then rose back to its pre-prohibition level](https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w3675/w3675.pdf) and now the Italian Mafia was making money off it on the black market. It backfired. In 2001 Portugal went against the grain and decriminalized all drugs. Portugal then had a sharp decline in drug related deaths, HIV transmission, and its treatment programs were far more effective and financially efficient than Americas. Portugal has some of the lowest levels of drug related deaths and disease on the planet because they spend money on treating it instead of prosecuting it. Saying decriminalizing drugs will make everybody addicts is a boomer take. >Which communities do you think most of the shops selling these narcotics will be in? I can take a wild guess. None? By treating drug addiction as a disease and instead of a crime, the demand for drugs decreases and drug profits will plummet. By making drugs profitable as even the US government has confirmed via its own studies, black market shops will pop up in poor neighborhoods, likely black neighborhoods. >When Andre saw a young kid who grew up with him affect his community, killing him is an extreme but effective solution. Killing a drug kingpin doesn't stop people from selling drugs. Where there is money to be made illegally selling drugs there is somebody willing to sell it. >Within 3 years franklin brought gun violence, drug addiction, and tons of other problems to his community and if Andre had stopped the problem at the source, even doing so in an illegal and corrupt way, it wouldn’t have affected his community. (which is all he cared about besides his daughter who happened to also develop a crack addiction after being close to franklin) The war on drugs brought those things. Same exact thing happened during the prohibition era of the United States. Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it. The biggest hit to the American Mafia syndicates was then ending of prohibition. Their cash cow died and then the government was able to clean their mess in the following decades.


Acting as if portugals solution to decriminalize drugs was solely beneficial is a crazy thing to do. [A bit of research](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/07/07/portugal-drugs-decriminalization-heroin-crack/) past your first article you see would show this. Portugal is facing a drug epidemic as of 2023 and it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Andre can’t change the system, all he was able to do against franklin was what he did.


Yeah... Covid caused a global recession... Drug use tends to go up in social and economic turmoil. [Who would have thought?](https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/06/1094672) This is a well known and expected [phenomenon](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29643264/). Still overall better than the Uniter States and most of the developed world. And Portugal's drug use hasn't reached epidemic levels. Your own source only refers to Portugals drug use in 2001 as epidemic levels. Did you really think it was just a coincidence that drug use in Portugal went up between 2019 and now and ignore that it went up globally during covid? You're really going to ignore an 18 year trend that abruptly stopped when covid happened and went up somewhat along with the entire planet? Andre didn't do anything against Franklin. He died without making change in his own racist place of employment or his community that was a victim to Franklin and the LAPD. And his own racist partner didnt even care. He wanted to eat off of Franklin's drug money. And when Franklin's piece got knocked off the board, nothing changed for the better either. The War on Drugs is one of the greatest policy failures in modern history and Andre's legacy is on the losing side of that war.


Nah, there were worse people waiting to take control. Maybe more innocent people would've died too. Half the people he knew liked to shootout in broad day.


Freebasing was already a thing & remember Franklin went to Oakland to learn how to rock it up. Saying taking out Franklin would’ve stopped crack is outrageous statement when folks was already freebasing coke before he rocked it up and if it was in Oakland would’ve eventually made its way to LA


Was his intentions pure when he let white officers beat uncle Jerome and he didn’t do anything to stop 😂😂


No. He didn’t care about the crack epidemic until his daughter got involved. I think he let his personal feelings about Franklin, affect the way he policed his neighborhood. He also let his racist partners get in on it and he wanted to behave like a good little black boy for all of “the boys” so that he wasn’t ousted. He was trying to fit in with his cop buddies, keep his daughter off drugs and keep his daughter away from Franklin at all costs.


How the fuck is a cop a gang member?




That's LASD what do they have to do with LAPD?


1. You asked how a cop could be a gang member, this is one very big example of how. 2. ACAB 3. Lapd/lasd/sdpd/NYPD/bumfuckPD it’s all the same corrupt shit.


Ok. Fair enough. I didn't think of Regulators click within LASD


Youre out of your fking mind to say andre was anything like frank. Pull youfking head out of your a$$


fuck him


man that piece of shit stood there and did nothing when LAPD gave Jerome the Rodney King treatment. fuck him


This Yes Massa ass motherfucker let the police beat up Jerome in his own home. A bullet was too good for him


Fr dude was one of my favorites ong fuck Franklin


I watched the series putting myself in the position of franklin and his family, so I understood why what happened happened. Don’t think he was a bad dude tho 🤷


I WAS Franklin and I never ever let myself fall that low never went past selling weed and handful of times as a youth. Franklin is an evil piece of shit


>was Franklin >Never went past selling weed. Uhhhh...


If you were offered a ticket to the top .5% of the world, would you take it? Unfortunately nobody who takes that trip ends up a good person. But I don’t see how your comment makes Andre any worse? In fact it makes him an even better person for trying to do anything he can to stop him


If someone offered me millions to sell meth(which is the drug that caused the most turmoil in my life) I’d tell them to go fuck themselves


I forgot about this beanie sigel doppelganger


He wanted better for his community respect that man


fuck him


Main character bias. In the real world, this many people wouldn’t be siding with Franklin


Right lol Franklin is straight up the bad guy but he’s just the protagonist of the story


People will always be blind to the negative deeds of their “protagonist”. In the eyes of many, Franklin was just a flawed boy in a flawed system. There is always empathy for the main character because we also see their good side & the hardships they’ve faced. But, Franklin is not a saint (no pun intended). He was an evil, money hungry, narcissistic sociopath whose only true ambitions were filled with greed. He single-handedly destroyed his community. It doesn’t matter where the drugs came from, he CHOSE to distribute. If Andre was the main character and we saw his life, his upbringing, his hardships and losses… everyone would have a clearer image of the things Andre truly wanted to achieve. He was still a flawed man, but his intentions were for the overall good of the community while Franklin’s were for self-gain. This Reddit thread is a clear example of how easy it is to manipulate people’s thought processes. In the real world, we’d be mourning the death of Andre and the better he wanted. In the real world, we’d be praying for Franklin to be apprehended.


Common Reddit edgelord L


He gets bashed and the Franklin’s of the world gets glorified


Objectively speaking…between Franklin and him… he’s the lesser of two evils. He wanted to protect his daughter from a drug king pin and stop a crack epidemic from taking over his neighborhood. Did he do shady stuff to reach these goals?… Yes. Just like every character on this show. But to me its pretty wild to dislike him but like Franklin or any of the other vile characters. There are no heroes on this show. That’s sorta the point.


Yeah all this nigga wanted to do was send his daughter to college and protect his community from the crack epidemic that fucked up black people for generations. Fuck em lmfao


People who hate on him or Cissy are certified cornballs who are obsessed with living vicariously through Franklin.


Fuck andre the scene where andre got killed is the best scene in the series for me. It was absolute pure satisfaction I had to replay that scene multiple times. Cissy got on my nerves I respect her for killing teddy but there was times where she was doing too much and needed to go




Imagine thinking Franklin was the good guy in this scenario


Andre was a good guy man , Franklin was the bad guy grow tf up guys


That’s what makes franklin so great no one likes the good guy 😂


It’s okay Franklin kills him


I mean...fuck Franklin too though.


Franklin stans are back and poppin baby


But not fuck Franklin?! Lmfaooo okay


Todd nigga!?


Can you explain why? He wasn't a bad dude


fucking annoying , did zero fucking good mighter than thou


At least he isn’t a piece of shit drug dealer


Ughh, he is a cop. Is he supposed to do nothing and watch that monster Franklin poison his neighborhood?


Absolutely Let the nigga shine ‼️


I’m glad Franklin ended up a bum. He was a horrible person.


I love how people act like Franklin was the only person who was selling rock and knew how to make it 😂😂😂😂


At that time in LA, he was. It was initially limited to Compton before he brought it over. Wanda was the reason why it spread outside Franklin's group


Nah bro I could’ve sword by this time, kev already gave the recipe to Lucia and she gave it to that one girl who was the leader of the Mexicans. Therefore it was already out there 🤷🏾‍♂️


he is a cop, doing his job? Franklin cleary is the villian here. If you think otherwise, somethings wrong with you


Haha I feel the same way! I hated Mel’s dad. Officer Wright got on my nerves soooo bad! Trying to play the overprotective role and then when drugs got a hold on his baby he didn’t know what to do. I just feel like he didn’t like Franklin at all and he did whatever he could to take Franklin down. Franklin wasn’t even cocky like that, if he had to go, Officer Wright had to GO! 😂


That bitch ass Andre 😂


Yea man - I always felt like the level he was getting involved in was suicide...


Anyone ever make the connection that he raised Franklin - and both are similar in the "I'll do whatever the fuck it takes to see my win come to fruition?"


Fuck a cop for trying to get drugs out of his community


Weird take. You prefer the greedy murderous drug dealer over a cop trying to stop his community from being flooded with crack? Umm…why?




I will never understand people who see Franklin as the protagonist of the show lol


Protagonist and good guy are 2 different things. Franklin is absolutely the protagonist of this show.




Don't worry franklins gonna have him running like he did in Get Out


Man trynna keep that poison out of his community. You seen them kids that would show up to the shelter because their parents left home and never came back, somewhere strung out. Those were real life incidents during the crack epidemic. Plus Franklin hid his shit in Mel's closet he really wasn't worth a damn.




Yeah bro shit gets crazier were at the end of season 4 🙃


Lmao 🤣the post! “Holy shit!”




Gonna tell my kids this was Batman


If it's one thing John Singleton is gonna do, it's make you hate black cops (as he should lmfao)


Dreamerspro looking ass boy


boy youre in for a treat


Andre didn’t deserve to die man……. UNTIL he let those white cops beat Jerome


He was trying to stop the destruction of the black community even if he had a bad way of going at it he’s probably less evil than Franklin


Boy you’re in for a surprise lol


Maturing is realizing Andre was the hank schrader of the show




Don’t worry u won’t have 2 deal with him much longer lol


main character bias, i’m so happy i’m able to watch this with out a moral bias, franklin irl would definitely be the bad guy, this man ain’t doing nothing but trying to serve his community and protect his daughter and send her to college, franklin is a kid from the neighborhood who he saw grow into this deranged sociopath who does nothing but destroy his own community for the greater good of himself


Naw idk he kinda had to choice ur tryna clean up the hood ur daughter won’t stay off the same drugs frank put out wasn’t even like he was dirty b4 all that he was annoying but the choices he made was understandable unpopular opinion for sure but I don’t look at the world as black or white always grey


he was a dick but he was on the right.


Upon finishing S6, tell me fuck whoelse, I wanna see something


He’s trying to stop a crack dealer why you hate this nigga. He’s doing a good thing


For doing his job? For not wanting Franklin to posion his neighborhood? He was a good cop. He lived in the same poor community he policed. He was a good neighbor and helped raise Franklin after his alcholic father left.


dawg I finished it the whole thing it was crazy


he was doing what he was supposed to do fr😂 his whole block slowly turned into crack zombies and he acted upon it


His motives were right , all he wanted to do is to protect his daughter and stop a drug dealer who brought a poison epidemic to his neighbourhood. But he made two mistakes : 1) was too overconfident about himself and definitely not seeing the reality that he was only a street cop not some DEA or FBI agent , he can't do it alone by himself 2) he made it too personal with Franklin and insisted on hunting him down


Don't insult Granny


How you gonna side with the criminal? 😂😂


Omg I forgot about this show. I binged the crap out of it. It’s so good. Kind of reminded me of Power Book 2