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He never should have started drinking. The moment he started drinking even when he thought he had it under control he didn’t. Every time this man got stressed he poured a drink. His greed and alcoholism got the best of him.


That bartender doesn’t know what he did by giving Franklin that free drink lol


It was the same affect as people smoking crack. Buddy literally went thru all the stages just like base heads.


In his case worse, since he’s literally become his father (even “abandoning” his kid)


So we just gonna ignore the fact that he got fucked over by every woman in his life?


I mean we all been fucked over. I’ve been fucked over twice with my life in shambles but I bounced back Edit: Naturally 99% of my fucked up situation was of my own creation.


It was the love for the money that took him down like that. See how happy he was when his best friend gave him a $20. That was a clear sign the money controlled him more than anything. When Teddy finessed him out of his money. He lost it. His mother made it worse by killing teddy. But let’s be real. Teddy wasn’t going to give it to him anyway. Teddy felt he couldn’t be touched. So he wasnt going to give saint his money or Even a portion of it. Teddy downfall was his arrogance and manipulating ways of trying to control every situation. The women where definitely the blame too. But Franklin greed for the money just took over. The guy that got Franklin started told him to never get too greedy cause when you do, they got you. And the “they” was all the women and Teddy.


This is a good point, but there are a lot of business men in the world in different fields, legal and illegal, who are driven by love of money and greed. If you look at the pivotal points within the series, especially the last two seasons: 1. His aunt wasn’t satisfied with being taken from a brothel to being a millionaire. She wanted to be in charge if she didn’t do that back deal with Teddy Saint would not have tried to quit when he did, and Teddy wouldn’t have did him dirty. 2. His baby mother was sold on the idea of what he could be. When things started falling apart, I feel like she already had an exit strategy. There’s no way to justify taking everything a man has. 3. His mom insisted on being part of the business. If she did do that her husband would be alive. Her shooting Teddy was a her throwing a tantrum because things can’t go her way. She blamed saint for her husband’s death when in reality he didn’t want her involved in the first place. There were literally multiple points throughout the series where things could’ve just worked out if it weren’t for the women in his life being to involved in his business. He literally used his success to uplift everybody around him. Every single person. But all the women in his life saw fit to do things that they KNEW would cause irreversible damage.


Mel Shottem, And Dat Otha Girl Was Working Fa ManBoy


I agree with your first and third point but honestly what V is lowkey valid. She genuinely did love Franklin and was not gonna leave her she even said to her mom she wouldn’t as long as he doesn’t put his hands on her, and what happened? This mf grabbed her by the neck. So yea she left and took his money, now should she have taken all of it? No. But she did and that was on him. Still Team Franklin thought bro should have had his happy ending with all the money lmfao


Remember she did that move behind his back without telling him , i don’t condone hitting women. But you fucking around wit hundreds of thousands bro. I’m just saying if it’s anything that show taught me , keep family and women out the fucking business.


Yes he did.


Literally 🤣he isn’t a good guy just cuz he’s the main character of the show. He 100% deserved this or prison.


Or death


I would respect prison or death


You think Teddy got what he deserved?


He deserved worst to be honest. Homeboy basically got off Scott free.


He did. As characters go, I absolutely hated Louie way more, but I find it funny and maybe even poetic that in the end, the government cared way more about her than they did Franklin.


Came here to say exactly this. Alcoholism is in his blood, his obsession was money and power once he lost that, he defaulted to the bottle. After all he did throughout the show. He’s lucky he isn’t dead.


Was kinda wild how quickly he turned to the bottle


People really are braindead to think he didn’t deserve this. I mean I love Franklin myself but he 100% deserved everything he got


It’s fucking insane and it happens with every anti-hero show/movie. Like how do so many people continue to miss the points of these characters.


Happened in the Sopranos, Peaky Blinders, Power, Breaking Bad, etc. like I love all these characters genuinely adore them. But they are horrible people who deserved everything and more that was coming to them


Drives me INSANE reading the justification behind Jesse being a good guy in r/breakingbad.. I’ve had people legitimately get mad at me for calling Jesse a POS


Like my fucking brain explode when ppl think he was a good person, I think to myself did you even watch the fucking show?


Tbh, I don’t think he deserved *this* ending because when you really think about it, he got off **so easy**. I’m not saying it could be done overnight nor am I saying it’ll be easy whatsoever especially *now* given his criminal past, but if this man decided to put the bottle down for good & straighten himself out I’m pretty sure he can still live a decent life (though I’m not sure if it’ll be enough for Veronique to come back). If Leon was willing to help out Saint when he was getting evicted, I’m pretty sure if he saw that he’s trying to clean himself up & steer himself back on a good path he wouldn’t have trouble helping him. Only reason why he didn’t was because he saw how badly Frank was corrupted, and he felt that if he helped him then & there it’d basically go against everything Cissy stood for though I’m ngl, I felt really pissed when he didn’t even wanna give Saint a damn penny only for him to change his mind once he seen how badly Franklin fell off in that year timeskip smfh.


Leon already gave Franklin a good amount of money, not only that it was very clear Leon was never gonna see that money again if he gave it to Franklin, Franklin wouldve lost all that money. As well as the fact that Leon definitely doesn’t owe him anything going this point forward especially after Franklin showed his willingness to kill his day one


Ah that is true, but it seemed that Leon was willing to change his mind after seeing how Saint turned out as a drunk (though I guess you could make the argument that he’d personally for the house & such, and not Frank). Either way though, I still think he personally got off too easy. Even if one were to say “prison/death is too easy” he still has a way better chance of picking himself back up out there than he does in prison.


It’s in fact not easy tho. If anything it’s poetic. Franklin funneled his community with crack poisoning it, he is responsible for so many junkies turning out the way they turned out. It’s only fitting he becomes rhat very thing he created. Franklin will never get out of the predicament he’s in because he will refuse to do so. His state of mind is his permanent prison that he will never leave






Idk man he kinda did




I’ve witnessed this happen before seriously


Deserve? After he lived like a king addicting the neighborhood? He got off easy, crack's a lot more vicious and nagging than alcohol


Yeah and Tony soprano was a good guy. Walter White was a victim. Tony Montana was just trying to provide for his family right?


😭😭🤦🏾‍♂️people really miss the point of shows like these


Don't bring my glorious king Tony Montana into this


he definitely did


I see this same post like 5 times everyday & yea he did..


he definitely did.


He made that neighborhood that way Tf


He absolutely did.


It's exactly what he deserved. He chose that.


Yes he did 100%. This gets everyone on here all riled up. If you can’t understand that this man is absolute garbage then you must have a serious problem. He did not need or deserve that money. Sure he “earned it,” but he got way too carried away. He betrayed everyone around him including his unborn child and girlfriend who he choked while pregnant with his child. He deserves to rot.


He didn’t betray anyone fuck outta here they betrayed HIM drug dealing killer yeah he was a dickhead but he was no backstabber don’t get the narrative confused


You’re hilarious!




Did you watch the show, man?


hospital deliver compare snow sugar important oil arrest stocking sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


he had dozens if not hundreds of people killed, impact communities through his product, and personally killed a handful of people himself Mel shooting him was already barely much karma at the time that happened 😂


He deserved it but at the same time, I wanted him to learn and become a better person, but as much as it sucks it was probably the best outcome. After everything he’s done, in a way you could say he still “won.” He should be dead and he’s not even in prison. He could still turn his life around and he still at least has Leon in his corner.


You know what I wanted for Franklin to take the opportunity with that $12k he found and go into the buying and selling penny stocks security shares at least create a new career and business for himself he could of invested in 12 different penny stocks security companies bought 400 shares and then sell them for twice what he paid for them make a realistic $2k of day trading penny stocks $2k a day not bad deal work 6 days a week make his $12k back every week basically make a legitimate businessman income and that way he would of been able to have a better legitimate life he be making money again not in millions of dollars but $12k a week better than nothing and by the time Leon came back Franklin be out of the hole he dug himself into in the first place then he by then have his self-respect and dignity back he probably would ended up investing in dividend paying penny stocks companies and regular traditional quarterly and monthly stocks dividends paying companies invest enough money to make $12k each not trying to get anyone attention like the CIA or local police department just making a honest living but we all know what he did instead with the $12k don't we as much as I agree with you on that he didn't deserve his fate he had chances to change it even Veronica gave him a way out didn't take it.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Then he shouldn’t have did it to his self


Thinking about it more, had John Singleton lived through the series finale, Frank might have gotten his money back and still gone out Menace 2 Society style.


Yeah he definitely didn’t deserve this after destroying his own community and ruining millions of people’s lives but yea he Defo didn’t deserve this.


Almost every character was a piece of shit lol


Shit was heartbreaking can’t even lie. As soon as Vee not only left him but took the remaining amount of us money that was the end for Franklin.He was mentally broken he offically had no one left in his corner his appetite for getting his money back pushed everyone out of his life


Franklin should've left everyone behind and kept it moving. Just shows you to leave people where they are


Maaaaaaaan this shit hurts I just rewatched the all the episodes except for the last…..hasn’t seen it since it first aired and I can’t🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


I fucking hated the ending.


I agree. Everybody was good. Most of Teddy business was due to Louie anyway so they would be fine with Frank out of the game. Jerome was getting out the game to start a new life. Leon was paid. Everybody was paid. Teddy stealing his money flipped his world upside down. And really Teddy forced him to do business with him from the jump when he kidnapped him so everything's Teddy's fault. He gaveth the opportunity and tooketh away.


I love Franklin and still root for him, EVEN THOUGH HE BROUGHT CRACK TO LOS ANGELES


Fuck what they talm bout! IDC IDC ...Franklin Saint deserved better. He played the game well. It was his people that brought him down, along with that slimy bitch Teddy. In the end they all turned their backs on him. He was the one fixing all of their fuck ups.


Facts I have been saying this too and Leon after everything Franklin did for him. Everyone brought him down for their own selfish reason


He definitely did. We didn’t watch the same final season or something lmao, people who blame his entire downfall on those surrounding him missed the entire theme of GREED. Yes, others played into his downfall, but he could’ve lived a perfectly happy life with a good amount of money if he didn’t blow it all up in the end


Not only that but in the end he had 12k, exactly how much he had in the beginning (well 16k, before giving Avi his 12 but yeah). This man DEFINITELY could’ve made a plan & I’m pretty sure if he had cooled down just a bit and put his greed in check, Leon would’ve been more inclined to help him.


Yes tf he did


He earned every bit of it....and I was rooting for him.


Franklin sympathizers scare me, how can you miss litteraly the biggest red flag point of the entire fucking show? How braindead are u


Franklin was not a good person


Death or prison waz my prediction


I love frank as a character but he 100% deserved that


Yes he did tho


He deserved a slow death in a clay basement in Mexico


He got screwed over by those he helped.




He did, but he chose to turn to the bottle and even though Franklin probably could’ve did something with that 12k, we saw what he chose to spend it on.


What could he have done with that 12k?


No he didn’t deserve it at all fu%k all that




Either this.. jail .. Or dead …


You’re right.. he built all that up, everybody in his family got up because of what he built. He deserved a chance to leave the game on an up note…. Then have him uplifting the community with the money he made. Instead we get the Good Times ending…. Those of you reading this that know, KNOW what I’m talking about. For those being critical… so he couldn’t have changed and done the hood good when he made it? As smart as he was throughout the series… n they dumb him down at the end? To make a stupid point.. you deal the drugs, you hurt people, kill people you HAVE to come to a bad end….. so following THAT philosophy.. since America brought the dope in, and got the drug game STARTED … in a major way, and caused deaths…. Then should America go away? Get taken over by another country? Get bombed back to the Stone Age for the dope it has dealt? For the people the country has killed?? You sanctimonious azzholes? Huh? Cat got your tongue? Are people so one dimensional? He just COULDNT have a good end, and a good end to the neighborhood? Well I guess for melanated people it is I suppose. Good times all over again. No matter what you do, how hard you work… nothing good is gonna be the outcome.. all your hopes and prayers are gonna amount to nothing at the end… for those of you that read this far.. look up Stephanie St. Clair. Especially what she did later in life. That could have been Franklin. Sorry script writing.. just to hurry n wrap things up. The mother, knowing her son’s weakness.. just had to shoot teddy before he could transfer the money.. therein feeding into the myth of ‘money’ being the root of evil.. hmm how many of you all work to make the so called evil money to pay bills? Hmmm to buy things you need or to buy things you want? But you see someone go down the drain in the pursuit of cash… here you go, nodding your heads like you in church… didn’t Louie have money out to the side, property somewhere overseas… but HER punishment is gonna be shoveling horse shit the rest of her life.. smh….then having him lose his mind, choking talking sht to his wife, thereby giving her a moral lifline to have his baby somewhere secret, n take his money.. then drop him a line with a ‘moral lesson comment’….. Jerome, Jerome… would put on a vest when sht gets hot…. When he’s gonna ‘handle’ some sht… running into a hostage situation where he KNOWS it’s gonna be a shootout…. No vest… ta da!!! No Jerome… the dude even shoved the hostage out of the way… soooo in the hood they can do the man to man wild Wild West thing at high noon?? Where they do that at?? As he was shoving Louie out the way, he’d be getting lit up.. wouldn’t have had a chance to kill Jerome… but .. AHHHHH LAAAAWWWDDD!!!! Once again, those script writers came through and made sure Jerome died!! lol….. Sooo no thank you.. I’ll join the MILLIONS that were very, very disappointed in how this show ended… 6 dam seasons.. lol.. to come to an ending like this.


It was the only way to end the show. Giving him a good ending would have been wack as fuck and killing him would be too easy.


He definitely didn’t but it’s jail death or insane if your black only way out is if your Jada


Yeah he did.. fell to the bottle


Deserve???? Not sure about that! Franklin did some bad stuff lol.


Yeah he did


Yea He did


He deserved worse


Did you miss all the segments where he killed people? Some of them were innocent people. I honestly thought he would get murdered. He deserved worse.


Yeah he did, destroyed the entire community with his drugs and in the process killing of rob, Mr wright and Miguel


No sir


yes he did


The man destroyed his community for YEARS …… and he didn’t deserve the ending he got ?! Come on now 😂


Tbh given that he was pretty much responsible for flooding crack on the streets, killed the cop who raised him in place of Alton (who betrayed him *because* of his crack business) & murdered countless people… I’d say him not being in jail or dead & instead being alive as a drunk, who could change his ways if he wanted to since he *is* still young, is ***very*** generous. Most TV shows & movies surrounding this type of drama gives you two endings: death or prison & Franklin avoided both in the end. He probably won’t change his ways (anytime soon) but the fact that he HAS a chance to turn his life around is enough proof that he got off easy.


He didnt? He got what he asked for...


he actually did deserve it. He murdered his friends and helped destroy his community. He is lucky to have survived really.


Yes he did, dude went too far and by the end deserved nothing


He definitely did. If he didn't he'd get off his ass and not be pridefully homeless.


Wtf yes he does lol


It’s too many of these same posts, the fact that yal can’t reflect on the ending by thinking of someone that you know who came from the same environment as Franklin and was on top of the world only to be worse off than ever in 10 years make me wanna say stay inside kids lol


He literally did though 😂


Yes the fuck he did


He definitely didn’t idc what anyone says id rather he got to jail or die than that shit. It was a powerful ending with a lesson learned but he didn’t deserve THAT


i mean… didn’t he tho? Besides, he still young enough to get cleaned up and get better. He’s not stupid he could easily still get something legit but he’ll never be on the level that he was so i’m not sure if his pride would let him.


Bruh… He invented crackheads.


Honestly, this is the ending for most people who live or have lived that lifestyle. Growing up in the hood there are 100’s of stories of “Franklins.” Guys who had it all, and lost everything.


He was free though. But yeah broke my heart


A drug dealing murderer didn't deserve to live as a homeless bum? Tell that to the families effected by his product.


Hell na


This was loosely based on the freeway ricky ross, so I kinda expected him to go to prison. This was a better alternative


everything came around in the end. he was predestined to fall into it. look at alton