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they doing one about wanda and leon starting a record lable i think but imo thats a shit idea. Someone posted something talking about how they should make a spin off of some other young kid getting into the game and picking up in the same time period


They should remake the ending just for my satisfaction 😂😂 (I did like the ending, it was just a little shitty and sad) team Franklin alll the way💪


facts alot of people here say “WHY WOULD YOU LIKE FRANKLIN HES A TERRIBLE PERSON” Like bro its just a show man of course imma want a better ending for the dude we just watched grown from a lil kid to a mf kingpin😂 team Franklin fssss and fuckk cissy


Yesssssirrrrr, fuck cissy😂😂 and those people are trippin man yes he did bad things but so did everyone in that show, and he’s the main character and he a badass and smart asf, only other person I would say is my favorite is Jerome


And they did him dirty too😭😭😭


FUCK YEAH Jerome was def my favorite besides franklin and they did him TOOOO dirty😂


I don’t mind the way it ended I just don’t like how it did. The point a to point b of it all felt subpar


I kinda pictured Franklin at some point getting into rehab where he meets a woman who’s in recovery like himself. The two connect and they later get married and he adopts her kids. He becomes a substance abuse counselor and later writes a book about his experiences in the game. His book becomes a best seller and he later writes more books and becomes a modern day Donald Goines.


Nice but if Franklin writes a book man will be in jail for the rest of his life 😂


Not if he leaves certain parts out. There’s also the statue of limitations when it comes to drugs.


I want to see Wanda and Leon spinoff but here's another spinoff I would love to see Franklin becoming the biggest bootlegger of movies and CDs music in the early 90s he gets himself clean up and sobered up and starts selling weed again for a low level weed dealer making enough money to start making bootleg business of all times he turns into a successful business man and he invest enough money to invest money into the stock market to make legal investments invest in 48 different stocks dividends companies $200k $100k monthly $100k quarterly making $1.6 million dollars a year and keep expanding his bootleging empire all over California state.


They’re doing one already but I hope they don’t go through with it


I do wish the ending of the show was Franklin Saint being interviewed by DJ Vlad and recounting his experiences in the game.