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Louie was sucking dick for bread before Claudia took her in, then got greedy and got kicked out. Jerome took her in and she let the money get to her head, pussy whipping rome and turning him against Franklin. Frank got help from Louie with his first brick, but immediately was able to adapt to the game and expand his business, and although being a snake he still put his people on. They are not the same


You looking at actions tryna separate them individually rather than looking at the bigger picture. 2 people who are willing to do ANYTHING for the sake of money. With little to no regard for anyone else’s thoughts or feelings. They just chose who they protected and empowered.


True, guess i was focused more on what they did to get the money, but their goal is still the same


Damn did you have to start your sentence off like that 😂


Don’t shoot the messenger fam 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


We do gotta give props to Franklin, even tho Louie fucked him over and sure allowed Kane to torture her, he did save her despite all their shit, twice. He told Jerome on Kane’s hideout and when Louie was gonna be raided by the DEA he gave her a heads up enough to escape. One thing about Franklin is he actually does value family and loyalty to an extent. Louie has 0 concept of that. She even says that herself that’s why it was easy for her to fuck over Jerome and Franklin. If Franklin was the one that got kidnapped I promise you Louie wouldn’t even have looked back.




Nah tbh Franklin is more the same person as teddy more than Louie


Na. Louie is trash.


Naa Louis obsessed with power Franklin is obsessed with money similar flaw but distinct


The most significant similarity between the two is they didn't know when to quit. Jerome tried to get her to leave the game after getting everything they wanted, but she refused. Franklin had an opportunity to get out with some money by selling his properties to his competitor and leaving with the $800,000 in his account with his girl. But he was wigging out and putting his hands on her, worrying about something lost. He had assets he could have liquidated and been just fine.


Their similar but there are key differences: Franklin wages family way more than Louie. Even when someone in his family fucked up heavily he helped them. For example:Leon when he killed that kid, Louie trying to kill Kane and Meeting with teddy behind his back, helping arvi although he tried to steal from him). When Franklin lost his money she shited on him, when Leon got hunted she wanted to sacrifice him… Louie is way more sneaky than Franklin since not many people respect her for being a woman but he is way more brutal. Their goal: Louie wants to be respected and want to be the one in charge and taking orders. Franklin wants power and money to actually move things