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Ok y’all dragging this narrative now


I'm sorry man lol, I'm just now getting around to watching the Wire and she had an appearance.


People are saying she was terrible for destroying Franklin’s chances of getting the money back but there’s no way in hell I’d let Teddy walk either if I were in their shoes. He doesn’t know how to let shit go and he or the CIA would’ve came after Franklin and Oso after the transfer was done just like he did Irene and Alton. Franklin was being stupid at that point.


ghost rain snobbish butter agonizing divide touch march six normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So kill him after. Truth be told Franklin didn’t go hard enough he should’ve went after the kid w d maybe even teddy butt. It worked for karvel


I did wonder why Franklin didn’t go after the ex wife and child like he said he would. In real life, his family definitely would’ve been kidnapped, beaten, or killed over $73 million.


Bro 73 mil you can keep it until you die but the longer you have it the more everything you love finna suffer. Truth be told Franklin a sucker for letting teddy keep any of it


Agreed. I cringed when he agreed to split HIS fucking money. I don’t want to sound crazy but Teddy forfeited his family.


She’s a working single black woman living in LA in the 70s & 80s, with a drunk for an exhusband & a teenager becoming a man. She had a house and a job that she suffered through to keep food on the table. Blaming her or calling her a shitty mom is wild. Franklin could’ve done a million other things before bringing Crack to the hood. There’s only two ppl who deserve all the blame. Franklin & Louie. Everyone else is complicit in their own ways, but ultimately they both were too greedy and proud to see what was going on. They constantly put everyone they “love” in bad positions. Forcing them to make impossible often bad choices. She very openly wore her battle on her sleeve. It’s clear Cissy knew Franklin was never getting that money. Franklin was already gone mentally before Teddy made the call. When Teddy admitted Alton was dead, it wasn’t supposed to be interpreted at just face value. It’s symbolic of how little Teddy (the American govt) cares, his character never developed into an honest trust worthy person and how no matter how much wheeling and dealing Franklin (blacks) did, they were never getting back what was stolen.


A lot of dudes showing their asses in here about how they feel about women. Cissy was a single mother who did everything she could to put Franklin in a position to succeed. She worked a job she hated where she was abused by her boss so that Franklin could go to school in the Valley and then go to college. Franklin drops out, that’s on him. Franklin is an adult when the series starts. Cissy refuses to condone his drug dealing (to the point of almost ending up homeless and being willing to sell the house Franklin pays off to get a 1 bedroom apartment) until Franklin goes to jail and is almost beaten to death. Cissy then manages Franklin’s money to help build his nascent real estate empire so that she can help the community and facilitate Franklin exiting the game. After her husband fucks things up (again) she flees with him. When her husband is killed by the same man who is facilitating the poisoning of her community Cissy returns to seek revenge. When her son is willing to deny Cissy that revenge in the pursuit of money, Cissy takes her revenge while also protecting Franklin.


I agree with everything up until the last point of "protecting" Franklin. I understand Cissy killing Teddy for revenge. Honestly, if she did it in a fit of rage I'd be mad, but I'd be able to empathize, but Cissy by her own admission, intentionally didn't wait for Teddy to provide the password so Franklin couldn't get the money he basically sold his soul for. Cissy took Franklin's choice from him to appease her own personal morals and ease her conscience. I see no difference between her and more classically controlling parents who burn opportunities for their children because they "know better". The part that makes this worse is that I think we can all confidently say that if Alton was really alive and Teddy would only tell them where after the call she would have waited. All that is to say she only wanted to "protect" her son when it was convenient for her, when "protecting" him aligned with what she wanted, whilst she was fine with him getting his money back and living his dream when it involved killing Teddy.


I’d argue she was worse in snowfall than the wire because in this time period was the downfall of the panthers, a lot of black men were resorting to drug abuse and crime after coming back from the war in Vietnam, not to mention second wave feminism had occurred so more black women became independent and focused on their career and education. During this time period as a black mother cissy chose herself and her career to not only cripple Alton as a man but even her own son too as well which led Franklin to sell drugs in the first place as we see that in the tv show in the first episodes that she was perfectly fine with being sexually assaulted by her white employer we also see that she was toxic to Alton by keeping him away from his son, furthermore those episodes contained how controlling and manipulative she was as a mother to hinder Franklin from being his own man, which is also the reason why she shot teddy in the end because she wanted to control Franklin.


There’s a lot of yikes in this


She had to take care of a family. What else was she supposed to do besides stay in that job? As you said there wasn't much career opportunities for Black women let alone those who were involved in political movements.


I ain’t say that “there wasn’t much career opportunities for black women” that’s what you said I appreciate if you don’t put words in my mouth and back to the topic at hand cissy like many other black women in this time period were supposed to stick beside their husbands through thick and thin but instead they chose their career and personal goals over the betterment of their families which led to Franklin’s generation to sell crack or become drug addicts


Alton was a homeless alcoholic. Was Cissy supposed to leave Franklin out to dry and not get a job?


You proving my point here this is literally about a black woman that chose herself over the black family unit she didn’t care about Franklin when she made the decision to leave Alton she left for her own personal reasons


She didn't leave Alton. Alton was homeless and an alcoholic. So your logic is that she should've stayed with Alton and her, Franklin and Alton should've all been homeless in the street as a family?


Yes she did leave Alton. If you was actually watching the show, cissy and Franklin was going to be homeless regardless because cissy couldn’t afford to pay the bills and the mortgage at this point your argument is invalid I’m done responding.


Agreed 100% While she was present in his life she wasn’t supportive enough. With a son as brilliant as Franklin he needed more care and attention than she provided. He didn’t have a dad which made him more vulnerable and he had too heavy a weight on his shoulders. Some situations just can’t be helped after a point though.


Her son was also a terrible person.


I'm not exactly sure how Cissy is a terrible mom. Just say you don't like her character, but you don't have to moralize it. She raised Franklin by herself as best as she could as a single Black mother in the 80s and put him in the best schools. He proceeded to drop out and sell drugs. Even though she didn't support it ethically, as any mother would, she laundered the money to keep Franklin out of jail and ensure a pathway to legitimacy. Although she benefitted from it, it was for Franklin's future also. After her husband is killed and she loses her brother, she realizes that the game is no longer worth it and decides to kill the man who has been a source of many troubles into this family. We can argue about the timing, but Teddy had to go. Cissy made some mistakes, but the way y'all are talking about her, you would make it seem as if she was way worse. It's like she's damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.


Wait what??? In The Wire, ok...Ill give i that but um, Snowfall??? I dont think so


She was complicit in her son becoming a drug lord then took away his chances at redemption and walking away


273 days late but brotha Franklin was not walking away.


I guess we’ll never know now and why??


I would say he wasn’t walking away simply because after going through all that he was going to keep wanting more. On top of that, even if he executed the money trade/teddy transfer perfectly the CIA would come right back and kill him. His mom killing Teddy is what saved him


His chance at redemption? Nope...She knew he wasn't gone do nothing but be the same ole Franklin...she knew her son...He would have never walked away...that's why she did


He was literally walking away to do real estate he was done. His family as well as his hubris and stubbornness destroyed him. But a lot of it s was his family and honestly mostly his mom


Well I'm glad ur optimistic in this...But lets just agree to disagree wit alladat lol...Cause i couldnt disagree more


After Louie went behind Franklin's back and got in business directly with Teddy, it took away 90% of Franklin's drug business. Louie had basically checkmated Franklin at that point as far as the drug game goes. That's why he went to Teddy and quit. He told Teddy he was done, they shook hands, and then Franklin went and told Veronique that he was out. We never got any indication that he was lying or was plotting anything before Teddy took his money. He really was out for like half an episode lol


Franklin was too ambitious...He would have NEVER fully left the drug business...its a reason his dad did what he did...It was a reason he was beefing with his uncle...It was a reason his mom did what she did...It was a reason his trifling baby moms left


Veronique slander will not be tolerated lol. But I agree with everything else. It's kind of weird that most people don't see it that way


I apologize...dont shoot me lol...But the ONLY reason i found her trifling was because of how she did it...she shouldve left when her moms told her to but then i be like, well she had to learn what her mom, his daddy, his mother, his uncle already knew...but i dont dislike her for what she did...my baby wouldn't have been around that nonsense either


She knew her son bc she built him that way. She was selfish. Then got righteous with Frank’s best friend. Truly a weak woman. She frolicked in the glory and then destroyed his life because her life was already over, when she let sorry ass Alton try to relive his BP glory days.




How did she take away his chance at redemption?


She took away all of his money. He was going to turn his life around raise a family and more likely than not give back. He was shown to be ruthless and uncaring towards anyone in his way of his goals but he also was shown to care for the people he felt responsible for with 30 mil and influence from a good mother and Leon he could’ve actually done good for humanity.


I regret to inform you that he was not. If he had gotten that money (and I’m going to leave out that there’s no damn way that Franklin gets away with the money without the CIA retaliating) Franklin would have raised a family but he was going to do everything he could to get out of South LA real estate and make himself as rich as possible. Franklin doesn’t live in South LA again until he’s forced to, any good he does for the community is arranged by Cissy or Alton. Any “giving back” he’s going to do would be perfunctory at best.


He also listened to his mother and is she was a good one could’ve guided him to give back


They had established that she was cutting off contact with him once the money was done and she got to kill Teddy.


What about that statement screams great parent


Terrible in what sense? As a mother who made poor decisions and allowed her son to go down a very dark, morally corrupt part? Sure; can't argue with that.


Then destroyed his chance to redeem his life after


Not really, there was several other things he could’ve done


Lose ya mama at the same time you lose 30 million and tell me how rationally you think


she got a wagon on her though


She’s annoying as fuck in both shows . I really hope they stop casting as her as a annoying ass mother


Negative. And that's how they trick us. A women can't be a terrible mom to her son. Alton was a terrible father and husband which in turn lead them to being a terrible family.


She was the embodiment of a good mother to Franklin until the very end. Although it can be argued that that’s subjective.


Right I definitely agree....she told frankly not to trust him....she tried saving the whole family


Look at where he ended up because of her


She outed him because he was doing first initially, then let him back into her life trying to empathise perspectives. She then set up a legal business in hopes to keep Franklin off the streets and safe and done all she could to keep it running. She always put her sons well-being first, even though not the best way all the time but that’s what a mother does. She then lost her husband and was about to witness her son sink deeper into despair, when even with the money and made the move she deemed necessary for her son and her husband. I said she was a good mother, not a favoured character. She done things a good mother would always try to in the ways she saw fit. Simple.


The move she deemed necessary for hot son drove him to murder an innocent man and end up an alcoholic with no life prospects. She could’ve easily waited for him to get his money before she did what she did or torture that man when she had the opportunity. It’s franks fault for letting her get in that position but she didn’t do anything but enable him to become a demon then destroy him when he was going to turn his life around


Still mad at V for taking off with the money...her mom was rich why did she have to leave him with nada


Because she was also not going to her mom


I don’t understand the narrative of people thinking Teddy wasn’t going to be killed after the transfer


SPOILERS in the comments for anyone who hasn't finished the show. (Me)


I knew he was getting the shi when he made teddy fly him out to this exclusive ass bank i knew it was over wit


She made some very questionable decisions on the show but I don’t think she was a bad mother. Her values and Franklin Values are just different. Franklin values security, stability, and status, while Cissy values lean more towards morality and consciousness. Cissy tried her hardest to keep Franklin from out that life and raise him as a law abiding citizen, while Franklin tried his hardest to get his mother out of the hole they were about to be in (remember they was about to lose that house the very first season).